

US Auto Talks Slow Over Plan To Create 'Czar'

围绕美国政府救助底特律三大汽车生产商的谈判周末期间放慢了进度,因为国会和白宫在设立一位“汽车沙皇”以负责汽车工业重组的问题上产生了争论。争论的一大焦点是,究竟是由现任总统布什(George W. Bush)还是当选总统奥巴马(Barack Obama)来任命这位沙皇。

Negotiations over a U.S. government rescue of Detroit's Big Three auto makers slowed over the weekend as Congress and the White House debated creating an 'auto czar' who would oversee a restructuring of the industry. One stumbling block was whether President George W. Bush or President-elect Barack Obama would appoint the czar.


Meanwhile, a key senator said the car companies should have to replace top executives in exchange for a long-term bailout.


Democratic leaders on Capitol Hill want action on the legislation as soon as Tuesday, hoping to avoid a collapse of one or more companies that are big parts of the U.S. manufacturing base.


The White House and top Democratic lawmakers are zeroing in on a package that would provide about $15 billion in short-term financing, enough to carry the companies into March.

据美联社(Associated Press)报导,奥巴马暗示说,只要救助计划能设定一些条件,以迫使美国汽车生产商作出其长期生存所必须的变革,他就会予以支持。奥巴马周日在美国全国广播公司(NBC)“与媒体会面”节目发表讲话时还表示,他认为对三大汽车公司中的任何一家来说,破产都不是一个可接受的办法。

Mr. Obama suggested he would support such a plan, so long as it was accompanied by conditions to 'keep the auto makers' feet to the fire in making the changes that are necessary' for longer-term survival, according to the Associated Press. Speaking on NBC's 'Meet the Press' Sunday, he also indicated he didn't believe bankruptcy is an acceptable course of action for any of the companies.


The White House is proposing to create a 'financial viability adviser' who would be authorized immediately to negotiate plans for returning each auto maker to economic stability. The adviser would be authorized to approve short-term financing, drawn from an existing loan program meant to help the industry retool to meet higher fuel-economy standards, according to a draft of the administration plan.


Democratic leaders have hopes the deal will be endorsed by congressional Republicans and will speed through the House and Senate next week. The idea behind short-term financing would be to keep the three companies in operation while deferring the thorny political negotiations about longer-term aid and restructuring until Democrats control both Congress and the White House. A delay on the more fundamental issues also would ensure that Mr. Obama would have a direct voice in the industry's future.

由于销售严重下滑,通用汽车公司(General Motors Corp.)、福特汽车公司(Ford Motor Co.)和克莱斯勒公司(Chrysler LLC)一直在寻求获得340亿美元的政府贷款以渡过当前的经济衰退期。通用和克莱斯勒表示,要避免破产命运它们年底前还需获得更多资金。

With sales slumping badly, General Motors Corp., Ford Motor Co., and Chrysler LLC had been seeking $34 billion in government loans to weather the recession. GM and Chrysler said they need more cash by year end to avoid collapse.


The $15 billion short-term proposal would give President Bush a big say over the bailout -- and an ability to wring concessions from the industry -- in his final days in office. Top congressional Democrats also want to create a czar. Both camps indicate the official essentially would act as a trustee, charged with restructuring the industry.


But Democrats want taxpayer dollars to flow under a proposal that would have Mr. Obama appoint the czar. Under the Democratic proposal, the czar still would have leverage to force concessions, but the pressure would come amid debate about the industry's long-term financing needs, congressional aides said.

为了弥合国会民主党人和白宫的意见分歧,民主党参议员舒默(Charles Schumer)建议国会和白宫就这位“沙皇”的提名人选进行协商。

In an attempt to bridge the divide, Sen. Charles Schumer (D., N.Y.) proposed that Congress and the White House consult on the naming of the official.

布什总统的发言人弗莱托(Tony Fratto)表示,白宫和国会领导人周末期间预计将继续展开谈判。

Bush spokesman Tony Fratto said the White House and congressional leaders expected to talk through the weekend.

据美联社报导,参议员多德(Chris Dodd)周日表示,三大汽车公司如果明年想从国会获得更大力度的救助,则必须进行重组。多德来自康涅狄格州,现任参议院银行委员会主席。他在哥伦比亚广播公司(CBS)“面对美国”节目上说,克莱斯勒或许应该与美国另一家汽车公司合并,而通用汽车则应更换其首席执行长瓦格纳(Rick Wagoner)。通用和克莱斯勒的合并谈判目前已经搁置。

Sen. Chris Dodd on Sunday said the companies should have to restructure if they want a more significant bailout from Congress next year, according to the AP. The Connecticut Democrat, who heads the Senate Banking Committee, said on CBS's 'Face the Nation' that Chrysler probably ought to merge with another company and GM should be required to replace Chief Executive Rick Wagoner. GM and Chrysler have discussed a merger but those talks are on hold.


Also at issue: A demand by senior Democrats that auto makers be barred from using bailout funds to finance lawsuits challenging state car-emission limits.

许多民主党人之所以反对动用旨在提高燃油效用的政府贷款来给汽车公司应急,是担心美国汽车工业会因此而在环保承诺方面开倒车。来自加利福尼亚州的众议院议长佩洛西(Nancy Pelosi) 和其他民主党人曾敦促布什总统允许汽车生产商也从救助金融服务业的7,000亿美元中获得资金。而布什和许多共和党人则反对这一想法。人们还提出了其他一些构想,比如迫使从联邦政府救助资金中获益的银行向汽车生产商贷款等。

Many Democrats had opposed tapping the fuel-efficiency loans out of concern the industry would backtrack on its environmental commitments. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D., Calif.) and other Democrats had pushed Mr. Bush to give the auto makers access to the $700 billion pool created to aid the financial-services industry. Mr. Bush and many Republicans oppose the idea. Several other ideas, such as forcing banks benefiting from the federal rescue funds to lend to the auto makers, also have been floated.


Tapping the fuel-efficiency program has been the White House's favored approach and was endorsed by the president again Friday. Mr. Bush said strong protections should be imposed to ensure the loans are repaid. 'I am concerned about the viability of the automobile companies,' he said. 'Likewise, I am concerned about taxpayer money being provided to those companies that may not survive.'

通用汽车的瓦格纳和克莱斯勒公司首席执行长纳德利(Robert Nardelli)支持对汽车工业提供临时救助的想法。他们说,通用汽车和克莱斯勒要想支撑到明年3月份,它们分别需要100亿和40亿美元的救助资金。他们同意,作为获得这些救助资金的先决条件,他们将保证从全美汽车工人联合会(UAW)等方面(包括债权人)获得让步。瓦格纳对国会议员们说,不采取行动无异于一场难以消除的灾难。

GM's Mr. Wagoner and Chrysler's Robert Nardelli endorsed the idea of interim aid. They said $10 billion is needed for GM and $4 billion is needed for Chrysler to survive through March. As a condition of such loans, they agreed to secure concessions from the United Auto Workers union and others, including creditors. 'It would be an unmitigated disaster' not to act, Mr. Wagoner told lawmakers.

全美汽车工人联合会主席葛蒂尔芬格(Ron Gettelfinger)周日表示,他希望国会本周能通过救助汽车工业的计划。据美联社报导,葛蒂尔芬格认为政府需要立即对汽车工业施以援手。

UAW President Ron Gettelfinger said Sunday he is hopeful Congress will pass a rescue plan this week. He said immediate government help is necessary, the AP reported.

由于越来越多的国会议员质疑克莱斯勒的控股股东Cerberus Capital Management LP为何不对该公司提供援助,克莱斯勒寻求政府救助的努力面临复杂局面。纳德利上周五表示,他已向Cerberus寻求帮助,但却遭到了拒绝。 Cerberus的一位发言人对这一说法提出了异议。他说, Cerberus及其下属机构一直在以各种能想到的方式对克莱斯勒提供不懈帮助。

Chrysler's efforts have been complicated by increasing congressional scrutiny about why its majority owner, Cerberus Capital Management LP, doesn't help the auto maker. Mr. Nardelli said Friday he has appealed to Cerberus for help and was turned down. A Cerberus spokesman disputed that characterization. 'Cerberus and its affiliates have worked tirelessly to assist Chrysler in every imaginable way,' the spokesman said.


The chief executives of Chrysler and GM last week briefly discussed whether to restart merger talks but agreed they need first to focus on securing federal loans.

据知情人士说,克莱斯勒已聘请Jones Day就可能提出破产保护申请向其提供法律咨询。克莱斯勒称,几周前它聘请了Jones Day和其他顾问机构“就各种可行选择提供广泛的独立分析”。Jones Day拒绝对此发表评论。

Chrysler has hired Jones Day to provide legal counsel for a possible bankruptcy-court filing, according to people familiar with the matter. Chrysler said that several weeks ago it retained Jones Day and other advisers 'to provide a comprehensive independent analysis of the various options available.' Jones Day declined to comment.


U.S. lawmakers and the White House also were working on a series of provisions designed to protect taxpayers. They include limits on executive compensation and dividend payments and a measure giving the government an ownership share in the companies.


Democrats and the White House have hopes of bringing congressional Republicans on board with the rescue effort. The emerging bill still will likely be unpopular with Republicans but might have become more palatable because it is funded from already-approved loans -- in the $25 billion fuel-efficiency program -- and not the $700 billion financial-services rescue package.

Greg Hitt / Jeffrey McCracken / Matthew Dolan

