

Rebound in Oil Prices? China Is the Wild Card


One development that could add to consumer woes would be a rebound in oil prices, which have bounced in the past couple of days.


But there is a good reason to think the trend won't last: Oil demand in China may be softer than many expect.


A recent government report showed confidence among Chinese businessmen is waning rapidly. The sentiment index of the Xinhua Finance/MNI business survey, a poll of executives at 152 companies in China released late last week, hit a third consecutive record low in December, dropping to 35.2 from 39.9 in November. A reading of 50 indicates neutral sentiment.

另据美国独立石油分析师及中国市场观察人士Paul Ting估计,中国11月份的石油需求较上年同期减少了3.9%。他在周一发布的一份报告中写道,预计中国12月份的石油需求将比去年同期下降4.5%,他部分是基于中国炼油企业对石油的疲弱需求作出这一判断的。

Meanwhile, in November, oil demand in China was down 3.9% from a year ago, based on estimates by Paul Ting, an independent U.S.-based oil analyst and observer of Chinese markets. Mr. Ting wrote in a Monday report that he expects oil demand in December to decline 4.5% from last year to 7.4 million barrels a day, based in part on soft demand from Chinese oil refineries.


Still, earlier this month China slashed fuel prices, which could boost demand. In early January, the Chinese government's report on crude imports and exports for December will shed more light on oil demand in the country. If it continues to show weakness, that will be a good reason to think oil prices won't be zooming higher anytime soon.

Scott Patterson



















All (Chinese) Roads Lead to Bureaucracy

在我侨居中国的三年半时间里,日常生活中几乎每一方面都明显变得更加便捷了。我经历的“中国时刻”(China Moments)也越来越少了──这是一个许多外派来华的“前辈”警告过我的专有名词,即你被眼前的官僚折磨得一点办法都没有,只有自己抓狂的份儿。但这里也有让我急得恨不得大声叫嚷起来的例外状况,而这种情况大多和开车有关:办驾照、买车、出交通事故,而最近这一次是在我即将离开北京时卖车。

During my three and a half years in China, most aspects of day-to-day life became markedly easier. I had fewer and fewer of the 'China moments' many veteran expats warned me about early on -- those times when you bang your head against a frustrating bureaucracy until you just want to scream. Most of the exceptions -- the times I did want to scream -- involved driving: getting my driver's license, buying a car, having a traffic accident and, finally, on one of my very last days in Beijing, selling my car.

买家是我的朋友乔治?史密斯(George Smith)。当时陪同我们办理手续的是在《华尔街日报》任职多年的司机窦师傅,他在如何与政府官僚打交道方面很有一手,堪称我们的政府事务联络官;还有一位名叫高森的中国同事也与我们同行。

The buyer was my friend George Smith. We were accompanied by Mr. Dou, the Journal's long-time driver and government affairs liaison, who is a master at maneuvering through bureaucracy and getting things done, and WSJ researcher Gao Sen.


In theory, we just had to drive to the used car market in South Beijing, about an hour from my house, where we would fill out some paperwork, have the car examined and everything marked with the 'chop' of an official government stamp. Then we would double back to finalize the process at the Department of Motor Vehicles, the hulking office building where I took my driver's test three years ago. I figured the whole outing would take three or four hours.


The first sign of trouble came when Mr. Dou couldn't find the market -- he never gets lost! When we finally pulled up, the driveway to the entrance was lined with guys trying to buy or sell cars, and even a few selling license plates. We entered the massive parking lot and circled the huge complex, passing tractor trailers being inspected, their cabs tipped upwards, and dozens of cars being similarly checked out.


In the rear, a small army of young women pointed us into different lanes, clearly jostling for our business, though I didn't understand what they were selling. 'They want 50 yuan (about $7) to help us with the process,' Gao Sen explained. I OK'd the expense and Mr. Dou seemed to have found a woman he trusted.


We followed her inside as she strode with purpose across the back of a large car showroom and crossed into a large space teeming with people. The center was filled with benches and the two rear walls were lined with bulletproof-glass-enclosed cubbyholes. In the middle of the room, bisecting it and dividing the office from the showroom, was a long row of small tables, each staffed with three or four people, representing different companies who employed the women outside. She took us to one of the tables, took our passports and the car registration information and began filling out a stack of papers she pulled from the desk. I realized that the women searching for customers outside were representatives of legit, registered companies, not freelance hustlers.


She blazed across the room, with us struggling to keep up, and approached a window. She handed over all the paperwork, a man looked it over, stamped a lot of things and handed it back. Gao Sen told George and I we could stay downstairs while the two of them went upstairs to finish some things. Ten minutes later they were back and we returned to the window. 'This was interesting,' I thought, 'And not too bad.' This was a relief because George had an appointment later and I needed to front my band at a corporate party -- for the Wall Street Journal Chinese-language Web site, one show I did not want to screw up.


Then I started hearing a lot of 'bu kuye' ('can't do'). I leaned in close to try to figure out what was going on and heard the clerk saying 'wrong number… can't do…problem…' I asked what was going on.


'The passport number on your registration is different than that on your passport,' Gao Sen explained.


'I got a new passport,' I replied.


'Do you have the old one with you?'


'No. Can we still do this?'


'Yes, but we have to go to the DMV first to get approval.'


We piled back into the van and drove back the half hour to the DMV. It was 12:30 -- lunchtime -- and the room was virtually empty. One female officer was working alone. She looked everything over and I heard the magic word -- 'kuye' ('can do.') Then she took all the documents, threw them into a sealed plastic envelope and tossed them aside.


'We can do it but he guy who can chop this is at lunch,' Gao Sen said. 'He will be back in 45 minutes.'

我们又回到车上,驾车沿着条狭窄、弯曲的路去找吃午饭的地方,路旁的人行道上满是放学的中小学生。窦师傅说他担心可能找不到合适的餐馆。“南城是北京最穷的地方,”他解释说。我们向他保证自己不是挑三拣四的人,于是大家去了一家卖美味手 面的小餐馆。

We got back in a van and set off in search of our own lunch driving down a narrow, twisty road, the sidewalks lined with elementary- and middle-school students. Mr. Dou said he was worried about finding a suitable restaurant. 'South Beijing is the poorest part of the city,' he explained. We assured him we weren't picky and we found a little restaurant with delicious handmade noodles.


We returned at 1:45, received our chop surprisingly quickly and were soon on our way back to the market. The extra detour had taken up at least two hours, but we were making progress. We found our lady and she ran around with great speed and efficiency and had everything ready to go in under an hour.


Back at the DMV a second time, we had to pay a guy 10 yuan to take our plates off, turn them in, have a few documents chopped and be sent back outside for what we thought was a cursory inspection. We were almost there! Maybe we wouldn't be too late after all.


Someone took a picture of the car while someone else did an etching of the vehicle identification number on the door to verify I was selling the right car. We went inside the greasy little office as all this was processed. I thought we were wrapping up but then I looked out and saw seven guys with black overalls and clipboards standing around the car's open hood. This could not be good.


It was time to stick my nose in. I walked over just in time to hear the lead inspector saying 'bu kuye' and Gao Sen asking how we could 'fix the problem.'


I asked what the problem was.


'They can't find the engine serial number,' he replied.


At this point, the outing had already taken close to six hours, the sun was setting and both George and I were losing our good cheer. He was missing his appointment, and a driver was already on his way to my home to pick up me and my sound system and return us to my band's show.


My clock was ticking, my nerves were frayed and my toes and fingers numb from the cold. Despite always striving to keep my cool -- especially with officials who could lose face in a confrontation -- I lost my temper: 'I need to have this!' I screamed in Chinese. 'Kuye! Kuye! I did not work for one whole day. I lost a lot of money. Soon I will go to America and I must sell this car today! I do not have another day. You can do this!'


They all looked at one another then back at me and said only the boss could approve. We trooped inside. The boss was an officious looking, uniformed policeman who did not look likely to bend the rules or appreciate my rants. I kept quiet as Gao Sen explained that I was an important foreigner with important foreign affairs to attend to.

这位警官把我打量了一番。我试图作出重要人物的样子, 但可惜我那天没刮胡子,身上只随便穿了件旧T恤衫。他拿出了图章和红印泥盒,在一份文件上签字后又把图章在上面盖了两三次,然后一脸冰霜地将文件交给了我们。我高兴坏了。

The officer looked me over. I tried to look important but was unshaven and slovenly in an old T-shirt. He took out his chop and his red ink pad, signed a paper and chopped it two or three times before handing it over without a hint of a smile. I was elated.


We trotted back into he main building. Gao Sen and Mr. Dou handed over all the paperwork, and moments later George was handed new plates. We went back outside, paid the same guy 10 yuan to install the plates, climbed back in and headed for home. The whole thing had taken almost eight hours.


At least I got to spend some time with George before departing Beijing for good. 'The moral of the story,' I told him, 'is never sell a car here to someone you don't like.'


I will never again complain about the New Jersey DMV.

Alan Paul

(编者按:本文作者Alan Paul是《吉他世界》(Guitar World)的高级编辑,同时也为美国篮球杂志《灌篮》(Slam)撰写文章。因妻子工作需要,他举家从美国新泽西州迁往中国,现居北京。他的电子邮件是expatlife@dowjones.com。)




A Sane Sedan for Seesaw Times


A new vehicle is often the second most expensive thing you'll ever purchase -- and depreciation can make it even more costly. Which makes it pretty easy to understand why auto sales are so bad right now. From the financial collapse to seesaw gas prices, the only thing that seems certain today is the record level of national uncertainty. But what if you absolutely need a new car? I'd consider that old standby, the midsize sedan.

与其他类型的汽车相比,中型轿车的市场竞争更加激烈,也有更多的好车。从销量排行三甲的型号--丰田凯美瑞(Toyota Camry)、本田雅阁(Honda Accord)、日产Altima(Nissan Altima)--到复活的雪佛兰Malibu(Chevrolet Malibu)和被低估的现代索纳塔(Hyundai Sonata)。现在你可以把马自达(Mazda)重新设计的2009款马自达6(Mazda 6)也加入这个名单了。前轮驱动的马自达6配备了2.5升的四缸引擎,或3.7升的V6引擎。基本型号的价格为19,220美元,但配备所有功能的顶级型号要达到3万美元。

There are more good cars in this category than any other, from the three top sellers -- the Toyota Camry, Honda Accord and Nissan Altima -- to the resurgent Chevrolet Malibu and underrated Hyundai Sonata. And now you can add Mazda's redesigned 2009 Mazda6 to the list. Powered by either a 2.5-liter four-cylinder or a 3.7-liter V6 engine, the front-wheel-drive Mazda6 has a base price of just $19,220, though a loaded example can top $30,000.


Midsize sedans are clearly the sanest choice in this increasingly insane world. Forget about overpriced 'crossovers' and their weak fuel economy, don't bother trying to calculate the future payback on a hybrid and by all means ignore the deals on trucks and SUVs. With legitimate five-passenger seating, the potential for reasonable fuel economy and a better value proposition than any other kind of vehicle, it's no wonder midsize sedans form the backbone of the car market.


The old Mazda6 was a fringe player from its debut as a 2003 model, its singular appeal being exceptional handling, while a small back seat served as its Achilles' heel. Mazda has addressed both issues in the new model. The emphasis on sporty driving and firm-riding suspension has made the transition to the new car intact. The steering feels quick and offers above-average feedback, and the standard six-speed manual transmission engages with short and necessarily precise throws of the shifter.


On the whole, the car feels even more targeted at driving enthusiasts than before, which seems a bit odd considering the new model is half a foot longer and about 150 pounds heavier. Indeed, the Mazda6 has grown from one of the smallest midsize cars to one of the biggest, gaining six cubic feet of passenger volume in the process. But if you're looking for bang-for-the-buck measured strictly in roominess, the Mazda6 can now be considered.


I tested the 170-horsepower four-cylinder model, which offers ample power and a combined EPA rating of 24 miles per gallon when equipped with the optional five-speed automatic. This sort of fuel economy is nothing special, but it is something of an insurance policy against the next gas spike, especially compared with the V6 model's 20-mpg rating. Since you can get fully 20% better fuel economy by choosing the four-cylinder version, while saving nearly $3,000, it's an easy choice. Don't succumb to the red mist of horsepower: There's just no compelling reason to choose a six-cylinder engine in a midsize car.


From a styling standpoint, the Mazda6 makes a distinctive exterior statement. The car resembles its cousins, Mazda's RX-8 and MX-5 sports cars, in deploying huge arched fenders over the front wheels. While this design has not quite worked before, on the larger sedan it looks brilliant, tough and stylish and perfectly balanced by a character line down the side of the car that sweeps up to form the lip of the trunk.


If only the inside were as well conceived. Instead it's a perfect example of 'imitation luxury car,' with a usual result: The shiny metal-look trim seems nothing more than cheap, the patterned plastic that could be imitating wood isn't, and the different textures and shades of plastic make nothing more than a pusillanimous pastiche.


While I have a similar complaint with most new cars in this price range, poor ergonomics sink the Mazda6 even lower in esteem. The engineering team that decided to put the push-button starter behind the shifter on the face of the center console, while locating the controls for the trip computer on the opposite side of the steering wheel from the display, honestly deserves to be reassigned to developing floor mats. (Or perhaps that's just as dangerous. Dealers still throw in floor mats to seal the deal, right?)


But honestly, the most important thing here is the deal, that crucial variable in evaluating transportation appliances. So go ahead and chose the Mazda because it's sporty (or the Toyota because it's popular, the Honda because of its reputation, the Nissan for its value, the Hyundai for the warranty or the Chevy out of patriotism) but make sure you drive the others first. There are too many good midsize cars out there not to be picky, especially in today's climate.





Toyota Sees First Loss in 70 Years

丰田汽车(Toyota Motor Corp.)预计将自1938年以来首次出现年度营运亏损,凸显出困扰汽车业的问题正蔓延至美国以外的地区,让实力最强的一些汽车厂商也付出了代价。

Toyota Motor Corp. forecast its first annual operating loss since 1938, a dramatic indicator that the troubles roiling the auto industry extend beyond the U.S. and are taking a toll on even the strongest car makers.


Japan's biggest company by market cap said it expects consolidated operating loss of 150 billion yen, or about $1.68 billion, in the fiscal year through March 31, hurt by sliding demand in the U.S., Europe and Japan and the rising yen against the dollar. The revision came just six weeks after Toyota revised down its operating profit forecast to 600 billion yen for the current year, compared with 2.27 trillion yen posted in the year ended March 31, 2008.


Toyota, established in 1937, said it expects to book a net profit for the current fiscal year of 50 billion yen, helped by interest income and dividend from affiliates. That's less than a tenth of its previous forecast of 550 billion yen; it posted 1.72 trillion yen net profit in the year-earlier period.

丰田汽车接连两次下调收益预期,反映出汽车业整个的经营状况都在迅速恶化,通用汽车(General Motors Corp.)等美国汽车厂商的业务状况最先亮起了红灯。通用一直以来都是丰田在争夺世界汽车销量头把交椅的有力竞争对手。在上周末从美国政府获得临时救助之前,通用汽车曾警告称,可能会在本财年结束前面临现金短缺问题。

The two revisions in quick succession reflect the rapidly deteriorating business conditions across the industry that brought warnings from U.S. auto makers like General Motors Corp., Toyota's traditional rival in the chase to be the world's biggest car maker by sales. GM had warned it might run out of cash by the end of the fiscal year before securing a temporary bailout from the U.S. government late last week.


The grave forecasts by Toyota, Japan's flagship exporter and a bellwether of Japan's corporate strength, will likely have ripple effects throughout Japan's export-dependent economy. Since Toyota is also viewed within the auto industry as a model of efficiency, its inability to generate substantial profit from making cars this fiscal year may send a chill through the whole sector.

丰田总裁渡边捷昭(Katsuaki Watanabe)在新闻发布会上表示,这是一场我们从未经历过的紧急状况,周围的环境非常严峻。

'It's a kind of emergency that we've never experienced before,' said Toyota President Katsuaki Watanabe, speaking at a news conference. 'The environment surrounding us is extremely harsh.'


On Monday, Japan said exports dropped by their sharpest rate on record in November, due mainly to falling shipments of cars and automobile parts to the U.S. and Europe. Also on Monday, Japan cut its view on the economy and described it as 'worsening' for the first time in almost seven years due to deterioration of many economic sectors at an exceptionally high pace.


Mr. Watanabe said the rapidly changing market conditions make it difficult to predict its business next year, warning: 'It's not yet possible to tell where the market's bottom will be.' Still, he said he hopes Toyota can turn an operating profit. The company has already sought to cut costs by scaling back production and laying off temporary workers at factories in Japan, as well as postponing new factory investments in places like Mississippi, where it was scheduled to start producing its successful Prius hybrid sedan in May 2010.

预计能从这场席卷了整个汽车业的低迷中逃离的公司寥寥无几。周一,小型车厂商铃木汽车(Suzuki Motor Corp.)和丰田子公司大发汽车公司(Daihatsu Motor Co.)均宣布进行新一轮减产,而轮胎制造商普利司通轮胎公司(Bridgestone Corp.)也因销量下滑而下调了收益预期。上周,在日本销量仅次于丰田的第二大汽车厂商本田汽车(Honda Motor Co.)也在两个月中第二次下调收益预期。与此同时,韩国现代汽车(Hyundai Motor Co.)和起亚汽车(Kia Motors Corp.)周一将2008年联合销售预期下调12.5%,并表示由于汽车需求下滑,它们将冻结管理人士薪酬。

Few are expected to escape the downturn slicing through the auto sector: On Monday, small car specialist Suzuki Motor Corp. and Toyota subsidiary Daihatsu Motor Co. both announced fresh production cuts, while tire maker Bridgestone Corp. also lowered its financial forecasts on sliding sales. Last week, Honda Motor Co., Japan's second-biggest auto maker by sales after Toyota, also cut forecasts for the second time in two months. In South Korea, meanwhile, Hyundai Motor Co. and Kia Motors Corp. cut their joint 2008 sales forecast by 12.5% Monday and said they would freeze pay for managers amid slumping vehicle demand.


As well as a slowdown in vehicle sales, Toyota, like other Japanese major exporters, has been hurt by the yen's sharp gains against other major currencies. A strong yen means sales in dollars and euros are worth less in Toyota's books.


Toyota also reduced its revenue projection to 21.5 trillion yen from 23 trillion yen. This reduction is in line with a cut in its estimates for global vehicle sales to 7.54 million in the fiscal year, down 8.5% from the 8.24 million it previously expected to sell.


Toyota announced its forecasts after the close of markets. On Monday, Toyota's shares closed at 2,895 yen, down 5 yen.


The economic downturn has also hit South Korean car makers. Hyundai and Kia said in a statement that they now expect total sales to reach 4.2 million vehicles this year, compared with an earlier forecast of 4.8 million. Overseas inventories, meanwhile, are expected to reach 1.06 million vehicles, they said.


The two companies, which dominate the South Korean car industry, form the world's fifth-biggest automotive group. Kia is a Hyundai affiliate.


In addition to freezing management pay, Hyundai said it will curtail working hours at two production sites, including one that manufactures buses, beginning this week. Hyundai earlier this month slashed overtime for the first time since 1998.


The two automakers were in an 'emergency management structure to overcome the crisis,' the statement said.

与此同时,韩国最小的汽车厂商双龙汽车公司(Ssangyong Motor Co.)称,可能无法按时支付12月份的工资,原因是受到了眼下这场银行和金融压力的波及。中国上海汽车工业(集团)总公司持有双龙汽车的多数股权。

Meanwhile, Ssangyong Motor Co., the country's smallest automaker, said it may not be able to meet its December payroll on time. Ssangyong, majority owned by China's Shanghai Automotive Industry Corp., cited fallout from ongoing banking and financial pressures.

Yoshio Takahashi / Juro Osawa



以往如果丰田汽车公司(Toyota Motor Corp.)的日子不好过了,那美国的汽车制造商们不禁就要窃喜。


丰田的股东们现在担心的是派息还有没有戏,而通用汽车公司(General Motors Corp.)的股东要是只用担心这个就谢天谢地了。虽然白宫上周五宣布将向汽车制造商提供紧急贷款,同时就算工会和债权人作出重大让步,通用汽车还是要与疲软的市场苦苦抗争。

德意志银行(Deutsche Bank)分析师罗德?拉奇(Rod Lache)估算,如果2010年之前通用汽车北美业务的固定成本能够下降23%,那么当年整个美国汽车市场的销售仍然需要达到1,300万辆通用汽车才能实现盈亏平衡,这还是得在该公司的能保住其市场占有率的情况下。



Liam Denning


汽车业救助方案 竹篮打水一场空?


但是,美国政府不希望通用汽车公司(General Motors Corp.)和克莱斯勒(Chrysler LLC)走上这条道路。美国政府为这两家公司提供了174亿美元的临时救助贷款,或称过渡性贷款,希望推动它们实现重组。



有些债券持有人会观望等待更优惠的条件。另外一些债券持有人则可能完全拒绝,因为他们认为破产将无法避免,新股票将毫无价值。全美汽车工人联合会(United Auto Workers, 简称UAW)拒绝让步可能会使债券持有人也对重组方案持反对态度。




David Reilly





































从现在起到明年三月底,三家汽车生产商 -- 通用、福特和克莱斯勒将得到174亿美元的资金。但是他们司必须忍痛进行重组,否则必须退回援助款。




















OPEC's Mountain To Climb

由于原油期货价格正大幅上涨,一些原油多头仍然将原油期货市场视作步入天堂的天梯。但对周三刚刚宣布将日产量削减220万桶的石油输出国组织(OPEC, 简称:欧佩克)而言,这是一座必须要攀登的大山。

Some bulls still regard the oil futures market, showing sharply higher forward prices, as a stairway to heaven. To OPEC, though, which slashed its output quota by 2.2 million barrels per day Wednesday, it's a mountain to climb.


The forward curve for Nymex crude prices currently slopes upward - known as a 'contango' - and is extraordinarily steep. At $52.50 per barrel, the May 2009 contract commands more than a $9 premium to the 'front month' or January contract. That spread has widened by over $5 in the past month. Further out, futures rise above $70 from late 2012.


To regard that upward slope as signaling a bounceback, however, is to misread the forward curve. Up to a point, it is an aggregation of market views on the direction of prices. But, for starters, it's very focused on the near term. There is more open interest in the first six months of Nymex contracts than the next eight-and-a-half years combined.


Moreover, futures also reflect costs. Right now, oil producers are hiring tankers to store excess oil, a more expensive approach than fixed storage. Those higher charges ought to be reflected in higher priced forward oil contracts, steepening the contango.

与此同时,融资成本也在飙升。根据数据供应商Markit的资料,全球最大的大宗商品交易商之一嘉能可国际公司(Glencore International AG)所发行债券的信用违约保险成本目前高达2,800个基点左右。

Financing costs, meanwhile, have soared. For example, credit default insurance on the debt of Glencore International AG, one of the world's largest commodities traders, now costs about 2,800 basis points, according to data provider Markit.


Higher forward prices, relative to the spot market, reflect these increased costs. That is silver lining for well capitalized oil majors, which retain access to lower cost funding. But it also obscures the message the forward curve is ending.


Priced in nominal terms, the curve is also sensitive to inflation forecasts. So while the contract furthest out, December 2017, commands about $77, it is worth $71 in real terms, assuming average inflation of 1%. Assume 3%, and it's worth $59 in today's money. That's a big range. Intuitively, low prices today should curb investment, meaning dearer oil tomorrow.


But against that, no one knows where falling demand will bottom out. OPEC's savage quota cut, as it chases consumption downward, is undermined by a history of shaky compliance. Iran, which has, in a sign of desperation, just authorized its banks to issue foreign debt instruments, and Venezuela, having suffered a second downgrade to its sovereign credit rating, have strong temptation to keep pumping and free-ride off fellow cartel members. Meanwhile, non-member Russia's commitment to cut output in solidarity, always a smokescreen, appears to be dissipating entirely.


It's telling that oil prices continue falling despite OPEC's announcement and a weakening dollar. For oil bulls riding that forward curve, it's like trying to walk up a down escalator.

Liam Denning









本田已经减少了在北美和欧洲工厂的产量, 现在本田说还将要把在日本的汽车产量再减少五万四千辆。













BYD To Unveil China's First Electric Car


A Chinese auto maker plans to unveil the country's first homegrown electric vehicle for the mass market, at least a year ahead of similar efforts around the world to popularize such plug-in cars.

比亚迪计划周一在深圳市向媒体展示新款F3DM,这款电动车的电池可以用普通插座进行充电。比亚迪高管Henry Li表示,该公司本月开始向出租车运营商和其他潜在车队客户销售F3DM,并计划月底前向公众展示。比亚迪计划最早于2010年下半年开始在美国市场销售这款电动车。

On Monday, BYD Co. plans to show reporters in this southern Chinese city the new F3DM, which runs off batteries that can be charged from a regular electrical outlet. BYD began marketing the F3DM this month to cab operators and other potential fleet customers, and plans to have it in showrooms by the end of this month, said Henry Li, a senior company executive. BYD plans to sell the car in the U.S. market as early as the second half of 2010.


BYD's effort is a big test of how quickly a country like China can bring into the mainstream a costly new automotive propulsion technology by prodding the private sector and the consumer. China's government intends to support the electric vehicle push through research-and-development subsidies for auto makers and tax breaks and other incentives for consumers, as well as with plans to build battery-charge stations and other public infrastructure.


Though essentially an electric car, the F3DM also has a small gasoline engine, but unlike the hybrid vehicles that have been popularized in recent years its engine is used to generate electricity only if the battery runs dry.

有些人质疑说,向电动车的跨越在中国是否说得通,理由之一是中国大部分电力产自污染严重的火电厂。不过,比亚迪及其电动车竞争对手认为,尽管如此电动车仍能很快在中国成为替代汽油车的可靠车型。据比亚迪的Henry Li说,该公司计划2009年销售多达1万辆电动车。美国投资家巴菲特(Warren Buffett)今年早些时候通过一家他持多数股权的公司向比亚迪投资2.3亿美元,获得该公司10%的股份。

Some people question whether the leap to electric cars makes sense in China, in part because most of China's electricity comes from 'dirty' coal-burning power plants. BYD and its electric-car rivals believe the car can nonetheless quickly become a credible alternative to gasoline cars here. BYD plans to sell as many as 10,000 F3DMs in 2009, according to Mr. Li. American investor Warren Buffett earlier this year invested $230 million through a company he majority-owns to take a 10% stake in BYD.

比亚迪F3DM彰显了中国和印度的新兴汽车厂商给发达国家那些正在疲于应对销量下滑的老牌汽车厂家带来的潜在挑战。通用汽车(General Motors)和丰田汽车(Toyota Motor)均在开发类似的电池驱动车。但是,丰田要到2009年底才会推出自己的电动车,而且计划在美国和日本而不在中国销售。通用汽车预计将于2010年底在美国推出大力宣传的雪佛兰Chevy Volt,不过该公司的财务困难给该计划的前景蒙上了阴影。

The F3DM underscores the potential challenge from new auto makers from China and India to established car companies in the developed world, just as they are struggling with sales declines. General Motors Corp. and Toyota Motor Corp. are both developing similar battery-powered cars. But Toyota won't launch its version until late 2009 and plans to sell it in the U.S. and Japan, not in China. GM is expected to launch its heavily promoted Chevy Volt in late 2010 in the U.S., but the American company's financial struggles have left the future of that effort unclear.


While neither Toyota nor GM has disclosed the selling price of their electric cars, officials at GM have said privately its car could sell for $40,000, or possibly more. The F3DM is to be priced at less than 150,000 yuan, or about $22,000. A BYD manager said it could be priced as low as 120,000 yuan, toward the low end of the price range for a typical midsize sedan in China.


The F3DM 'probably doesn't have the ride and the quality of an electric car designed by any of the more-established auto makers in the West and Japan, but it just stuns me that a Chinese company can make a car like that for 150,000 yuan,' said a senior Toyota sales executive in Beijing. 'No matter how much we try, we couldn't make a car like that.'

日产汽车(Nissan Motor)北京研发总经理Tsunehiko Nakagawa在一次接受采访时说,该公司认为,到2020年电驱车最多可达中国汽车总销量的三成,这主要归功于政府对电动车的支持。日产汽车正在考虑最早于2012年在中国推出电动车。

Nissan Motor Co., which is weighing the launch of an electric car in China as early as 2012, believes that battery-powered cars could account for as much as 30% of all automobile sales in China by 2020, thanks mainly to government support for such vehicles, said Nissan's Beijing R&D general manager Tsunehiko Nakagawa in an interview.


BYD started out as a battery maker in 1995, and began making conventional cars in 2005. Chief Executive Wang Chuanfu said electric cars are already his company's 'main strategic focus.'


Other Chinese auto makers, including Shanghai Automotive Industry Corp., are also working on electric cars. But BYD was the earliest, and has emerged as China's poster child for new-energy vehicles. The city of Shenzhen, where BYD is headquartered, is expected to announce Monday that it is buying two dozen F3DMs initially, and possible more later.


The Chinese government's current five-year economic plan, issued in 2006, highlights the importance of investing in electric cars. It says that China needs to accelerate R&D 'of our own intellectual-property rights in electric motors, batteries, electronics, assembly know-how, and other primary components.' The government hasn't said how much it will spend.


Aside from government help and the car's relatively low price, the F3DM's fuel economy could make it attractive. The car can go roughly 49 to 61 miles, or 80 to 100 kilometers, on a single charge while using almost no gasoline. The Toyota Prius gasoline-electric hybrid, which uses an electric motor to assist its gasoline engine when accelerating, gets 40 to 45 miles per gallon of gas. It takes seven hours to fully charge the F3DM using a regular household electric outlet; it can be charged to 50% in 10 minutes at a dedicated quick-battery-charge station, according to the company.


China's market conditions make government backing essential for alternative-fuel cars to succeed here. According to a study by Nissan, zero- or low-emission cars that run on electricity are expected to make little to no contribution in China in reducing carbon-dioxide emissions, widely believed to be a cause for global warming. That's because a majority of power plants in China burn coal and emit high levels of CO2.


What's more, the country currently has minimal infrastructure for cars that need to be plugged in. 'I like the F3DM very much,' one Chinese consumer wrote in a message on an online club devoted to BYD. 'But I don't have a garage at home. I live on the 4th floor. How can I charge it?' BYD said it is talking to third parties to invest in charge stations.


Still Nissan remains keen on the outlook for electric cars in China. 'China's infrastructure may not be ready for electric vehicles today, but we believe the era of the electric vehicle will come nonetheless as the government prods auto makers and consumers to invest and buy electric vehicles with subsidies,' said Nissan's Mr. Nakagawa.

Norihiko Shirouzu



Auto Bailout's Hidden Danger


The key to any magic trick is to focus the audience's attention away from where the action is actually taking place.


That is what Congress did in the failed auto bailout bill. Language in the proposed legislation seemed to uphold the rights of existing car-company creditors while also protecting any taxpayer funds used to prop up Detroit. In reality, the bill raised a chilling prospect for debt investors: that in extreme situations the government could upend the traditional pecking order of the bankruptcy process.

这有可能使信贷市场更加不稳定,而一年多来美国政府一直在努力解冻这一市场。不良投资研究机构Aurelius Capital的负责人布罗德斯基(Mark Brodsky)说,如果一家机构想向另一家公司提供有担保贷款,它就不能忽视这一事态发展。他说,汽车业救助法案使市场的不确定性大增。

The result could be further instability in credit markets, which the government has been trying to thaw for more than a year. 'If someone is thinking of providing a secured loan to another company, they can't ignore this development,' said Mark Brodsky, head of Aurelius Capital, which focuses on distressed investments. 'It introduces a tremendous amount of uncertainty.'


Creditors' rights became an issue in the proposed automotive bailout because the government planned to put its money first in line for repayment in the event of bankruptcy. That seems like a no-brainer for taxpayers. They clearly wouldn't want to shoulder losses before banks. But such a move could contravene the way corporate debt structures work and possibly the U.S. Constitution since senior lenders have their debt secured against company assets.


In response to opposition from the banks, legislators compromised in the bailout bill originally passed by the House of Representatives, but which appears to have died in the Senate. The new language ostensibly made any government loan subordinate to senior, secured lenders.


Problem solved? Not quite. What the government gave with one hand, it took with the other. It also added in some extraordinary protections for any government loans.


These included a provision that, in the case of bankruptcy, the government would be exempt from a legal stay, which freezes creditor claims until the court divides up the assets. It also included language saying the government's loans couldn't be haircut, as often happens to debts in bankruptcy.

芝加哥大学(University of Chicago)法学院教授皮克尔(Randy Picker)说,这些保护措施意味着,政府在任何破产案中都将占据优先收回贷款的有利位置。他说,政府在破产时拥有豁免权,不受延期偿债条款约束,这一条尤其重要,因为它使得其他债权人只能眼睁睁看着政府先把自己贷出去的钱收回来。

These protections mean that in any bankruptcy, the government 'would have a strong blocking position that is going to make them the dominant player,' said Randy Picker, a professor at the University of Chicago Law School. The exemption from a stay in bankruptcy is especially significant, he adds, because it would let the government seize assets when everyone else has to stand put.


In effect, the language creates a new kind of debt and subordinates the senior, secured holders. That is a possible outcome debt investors now have to keep in mind when investing in industries the government may ultimately have to prop up.


The financial crisis already has shaken the confidence of debt investors in everything from ratings to asset values on bank balance sheets. If the government wants to get markets working again, the last thing it needs to do is give these already skittish investors yet another reason to worry.

David Reilly



Detroit Gets Access to Bailout Funds


WASHINGTON -- Throwing a lifeline to Detroit's ailing automakers, the White House reversed course Friday and said it would consider using the $700 billion financial-rescue plan to avert a bankruptcy of the Big Three that could deepen the U.S. recession.

The announcement came hours after negotiations collapsed in Congress over a compromise bailout plan fiercely opposed by Senate Republicans. That package would have set up $14 billion in loans to the companies and a government-run restructuring process.

The loans to be offered could be more limited than the $14 billion that Congress was contemplating -- perhaps closer to $8 billion, one person familiar with the situation said. General Motors Corp. would be a recipient, this person said. GM is hoping President George W. Bush will come through with about $10 billion to keep the company going. It warned Congress it needed at least $4 billion by the end of the month.

It wasn't clear whether loans would be made available to Chrysler LLC, which is controlled by private equity firm Cerberus Capital Management. Cerberus came in for heavy criticism during the recent debate for not bailing out its own company. Ford Motor Co. has said all along it doesn't need a short-term lifeline, but could need help if one of its peers keeled over.

The White House's intervention showed how heavily the question of the president's legacy is weighing over his last few weeks in office. White House officials worried that the collapse of one or more domestic auto company, perhaps the last crisis Mr. Bush will confront as president, could cause a surge in job losses, worsening the current recession.

As early as Wednesday, during a private meeting with senators, Vice President Dick Cheney told lawmakers the Republicans didn't want to be remembered as the party of Herbert Hoover for allowing a company such as GM to collapse, according to people familiar with the matter.

By signaling that Treasury bailout funds could be an option, the White House made it easier for Republicans to walk away from negotiations, creating an environment in which they could push for deep concessions from the United Auto Workers union. That license contributed to the seesawing negotiations of the past week as Congress veered from agreement to disunity, with union concessions a major point of disagreement.

For now, the biggest question for the White House is whether it will be able to extract any of the cost-saving concessions it had been seeking from the car companies, their unions and other interested parties. The Bush administration is beginning the process of examining the companies' books to figure out how much money is needed and intends to obtain protections for taxpayers.

The Big Three directly employ almost 250,000, according to an administration estimate, and also support about one million retirees and their spouses, not counting the vast network of suppliers and dealers whose businesses are intertwined. In all, administration officials estimate that the failure of the U.S. auto makers would cost the economy more than one million jobs and would reduce economic output by more than 1%, significantly prolonging the downturn.

"We think that the current weakened state of the economy is such that it could not withstand a body blow like a disorderly bankruptcy in the auto industry," White House spokeswoman Dana Perino told reporters aboard Air Force One Friday. "We'll have to take another look at what they [the companies] might need and how we might be able to provide that as a short-term mechanism to help prevent a disorderly bankruptcy that we think could devastate further an already very weak economy."

GM recently started working with bankruptcy specialists to make contingency plans in case a Chapter 11 filing becomes necessary. It is also trying to cut costs. On Friday, GM said it will temporarily close 20 North American factories in reaction to declining auto sales. It now expects to make 250,000 fewer vehicles in the first quarter compared to the first three months of last year.

On Friday, Chrysler Chief Executive Bob Nardelli implored employees to do all they can to save money to keep the company afloat while it lobbies the Bush administration for emergency loans.

In an email to workers, Mr. Nardelli hinted Chrysler is hoping for a better reception when President-elect Barack Obama is in office. "Key members of the incoming administration are aware of the importance of addressing the short-term and long-term viability of our industry and our company," he wrote.

The failure of Congress to act creates a mess for the administration. The White House must now wade into the muddy task of structuring an auto bailout, which will drain the Treasury's fast-dwindling supply of funds, while figuring out whether to ask Congress for the second half of the promised financial rescue money. Congress has doled out the rescue funds in installments and would likely return to Washington to debate the matter.

The Treasury wants to avoid a messy political battle with an increasingly hostile Congress. Even the spectacle of a failed effort to block the next $350 billion could spook already fragile financial markets.

The administration said that in the wake of the legislation's collapse, it would consider "other options" for helping Detroit, including use of the Troubled Asset Relief Program as well as other unspecified possibilities. The White House decision reverses Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson's longstanding position that the funds be used to help only financial institutions. Treasury officials -- and others in the administration -- worry about opening TARP to an array of other non-financial companies seeking cash. The line of industries seeking federal funds is growing as state governments, transit agencies, insurers and others clamor for a piece of the pie.

Mr. Paulson could potentially circumvent the need to ask for the second installment by diverting some of the $250 billion slated for capital injections, of which Treasury has committed just $161 billion to 53 banks. Treasury has completed 80% of the loan applications it's received from the banks' primary regulators. While additional applications are likely still pending at the regulators, those are unlikely to eat up a significant portion of the remaining $89 billion.

Democratic congressional leaders had suggested for weeks the White House use TARP money to aid the auto industry. Administration officials instead settled on a strategy that required Congress amend a $25 billion program originally intended to help car makers build environmentally friendly vehicles. One advantage of that strategy was that the retooling program required the companies to be financially viable in order to qualify for the loans, a provision that helped wring concessions from the UAW.

From the beginning, the auto rescue was weighed down by the $700 billion fund that might now save it. Winning additional funds for Detroit was never going to be easy, said Sen. John Thune (R., S.D.), because many lawmakers felt they "got hammered pretty hard" over the $700 billion fund, by constituents who viewed it as a giveaway to the banking industry.

The push for a rescue package gained steam a week ago, when top Democrats and the White House agreed on a compromise. The House approved the plan Wednesday, but the package faltered in the Senate the next day amid strong objections lodged by Republicans. They used the opportunity to demand deep concessions from labor unions, including a commitment to bring wages in line with those at U.S. operations for foreign-based producers such as Toyota Motor Corp. and Nissan Motor Co. The dispute broke apart the talks and spilled onto the Senate floor, where leaders of both parties declared the effort dead Thursday.

—Neal E. Boudette contributed to this article.
Write to John D. McKinnon at john.mckinnon@wsj.com, Deborah Solomon at deborah.solomon@wsj.com and Greg Hitt at greg.hitt@wsj.com














受全球经济冲击 中国汽车销量降幅大

















担忧汽车业前景 欧亚股市暴跌























中国原油需求萎缩 进口量大幅下降

Demand For Foreign Oil Driven To Low In China


China's monthly crude oil imports in November hit their lowest level this year, providing more evidence that a weakening domestic economy is translating into sharply reduced oil demand.

许多分析师预计今明两年全球原油消耗量将出现下滑,一个主要原因就是中国石油消耗量持续大幅下降。全球石油需求正在急剧萎缩,以致于沙特阿拉伯和伊朗等石油输出国组织(OPEC, 简称:欧佩克)的主要产油国可能都来不及及时迅速减产,导致市场出现供过于求的局面;一些分析师目前预计,明年全年油价可能都会因此低于每桶50美元。

The steep continued drop in Chinese oil use is one of the main reasons analysts are now predicting that world-wide crude consumption will decline both this year and next. The world's need for oil is ebbing so quickly that big producers from the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries such as Saudi Arabia and Iran may not be able to trim production fast enough, leading to an oversupply that some analysts now say could keep prices below $50 a barrel for all of next year.


Light, sweet crude was at $44.80 a barrel midday Wednesday on the New York Mercantile Exchange, up $2.73, or 6.49%. That's more than $100 a barrel below the July peak. In November, Nymex crude fell from around $65 a barrel to finish below $50 a barrel.


Preliminary customs data on Wednesday showed China imported 13.36 million metric tons of crude in November, equivalent to 3.26 million barrels per day. That's down 17.3% from the October volumes, despite a fall in crude oil prices over the month, and 1.8% lower than the 13.61 million tons of crude shipped in at the same stage of 2007. China's crude oil exports totaled 210,000 tons in November.

追踪中国石油趋势的分析师Paul Ting在近期一份报告中表示,美国石油消耗量正以上世纪八十年代以来未曾见过的速度急剧下降,而中国的石油需求萎缩步伐甚至比美国更为迅猛。

Paul Ting, an oil analyst who tracks oil trends in China, said in a recent report that demand in China is now declining more swiftly than in the U.S., where oil use is falling at a pace not seen since the 1980s.


Booming demand in China, India and the Middle East have been the prime drivers in the historic run-up in oil prices over the last seven years. Slackening demand in those regions since this summer is a key force driving oil prices down.


The signs of China's slackening demand are manifold. China's refiners are scaling back operations despite the lure of abnormal margins created by a sharp fall in crude prices since July and no corresponding adjustment in state-set caps on domestic oil product prices.


Analysts say China could be taking advantage of the slide in oil prices to fill more of its strategic petroleum reserve, which would prop up crude imports, but that volumes being used for this were unlikely to offset the decline in domestic demand. By the end of October, China National Petroleum Corp. and China Petrochemical Corp., the country's top two refiners, had built up stocks of 33.1 million barrels of gasoline and 46.8 million barrels of diesel due to slackening domestic oil demand, according to Xinhua news agency.


China's economy is dependent on exports, which fell 2.2% in November from the same month last year, according to preliminary data, the first fall since 2001. The drop has cut demand for oil, particularly in regions dependent on manufacturing goods for export to the U.S. and Europe.


October's 8.2% expansion in industrial output from a year earlier was the slowest since late 2001, according to Citigroup. Analysts said November's industrial output growth likely slowed to around 6% to 7% from a year earlier.


China has sought to boost economic growth via a 4 trillion yuan ($590 billion) stimulus package through 2010 and by loosening monetary policy. Analysts say that this could result in stronger oil-demand growth, but that it won't be felt until around the second half of next year.


In December, major refineries owned by China Petroleum & Chemical Corp., known as Sinopec, were set to cut runs by 6% from November to 12.7 million tons, or 3 million barrels a day, according to information provided by Shanghai-based CBIChina.


PetroChina Co., the listed unit of CNPC, also planned to cut runs, but not as sharply as Sinopec, said an executive with the company.


China, the world's second-biggest crude oil consumer after the U.S., has also been scaling back purchases of refined oil products from overseas. For the second consecutive month, China's oil-product imports hit their lowest level in more than two years.


Wednesday's data showed China's combined oil-product imports amounted to 1.93 million tons in November.


Nevertheless, the country remained a net importer of oil products as China exported only 1.27 million tons of oil products in November.

David Winning



鉴于无望获得美国式的行业救助,欧洲的汽车制造商们只有寻求自保。菲亚特公司(Fiat)首席执行长赛吉奥?马奇奥尼(Sergio Marchionne)周一的话说得没错,这家意大利汽车业巨头无法继续保持独立,公司需要一位合作伙伴。但想法和现实毕竟还是两码事。

菲亚特的问题在于它是欧洲六大汽车制造商中规模最小的一家,今年产量仅略超过200万辆。而马奇奥尼表示,汽车生产商要生存下去,每年的产量至少要达到400万辆。而且尽管菲亚特今年能够实现20亿欧元的利润,但下一年的前景却十分黯淡。仅11月份一个月,欧洲的汽车销量就下滑了25%。而摩根大通(JP Morgan)更预计欧洲市场2009年的汽车销量将缩水15%。

从一般的经验来看,需求每下降1%就会造成行业经营利润下降5%。如果预期汽车销量下滑的局面持续到2009年以后,整个行业将陷入亏损境地。根据高盛(Goldman Sachs)的计算,要想让欧洲汽车行业的利润回到2007年的水平,就必须裁员26%,相当于裁员超过350,000人,并将带来230亿欧元的成本。要消除700万辆的过剩产能,该行业颇有一段路要走。



Sean Walters
















Detroit Aid Gets Tepid Support in Poll


The idea of providing federal aid to Detroit's auto makers has tepid support from Americans, mirroring the situation in Congress, where the emergency loans have backers but few champions.


According to a new Wall Street Journal/NBC News poll, 46% approve of giving aid to Detroit, compared with 42% who disapprove. The poll had a margin of error of plus or minus three percentage points.


Support for U.S. car makers is far greater than that for the government's $700 billion plan to aid the financial industry, which has slumped from just two months ago. Half of respondents in the latest poll disapproved of the financial-industry rescue.


The Detroit rescue plan has drawn less ire in general than its financial-services predecessor. The dollar amount in question, $34 billion, is far smaller. And the car-industry bailout has been cast by lawmakers and the companies themselves as a move to save blue-collar jobs rather than Wall Street titans.

此次调查是12月5日至8日进行的,当时通用汽车(General Motors)、福特汽车(Ford Motor)和克莱斯勒(Chrysler LLC)的老板们正在国会接受第二轮拷问。

The poll was conducted Dec. 5-8, as the chief executives of General Motors Corp., Ford Motor Co. and Chrysler LLC endured a second round of grilling on Capitol Hill.


The initial opposition to the financial-sector bailout was actually smaller -- 38% disapproved in an early October poll -- but it was much more vocal. Groups on the left and the right blasted the proposal, deluging members of Congress with letters and orchestrating protests in major cities.

但在救助汽车业的问题上,议员们接到来自他们选区选民的反应较少,无论是赞同还是反对的都是如此。印第安纳州民主党众议员卡森(Andre Carson)的办公室表示,卡森已经收到了与此有关的约600封信件和电邮以及30个电话。相比之下,在国会审议问题资产救助计划(TARP)的时候,他收到了2,000封信件和电邮。

But representatives are seeing less of a constituent response either for or against the auto-industry bailout. Rep. Andre Carson (D., Ind.) has received about 600 letters and emails, and 30 phone calls, his office said. When Congress was considering passing the Troubled Assets Relief Program, or TARP, as the financial bailout is called, he received 2,000 e-mails and letters.

甚至来自可能受益于汽车救助计划的底特律地区的众议员麦考特(Thaddeus McCotter)的办公室也表示,他每天平均只接到200个电话,而TARP计划争论时期他每天要接到1,000多个电话。

Even Rep. Thaddeus McCotter, whose Detroit-area district would benefit from the auto bailout, has received an average of 200 calls per day, compared with more than 1,000 calls per day during the TARP debate, his office said.

负责此次调查的哈特研究所(Hart Research)民调专家坎贝尔(Jay Campbell)表示,本质上对公众而言,金融行业救助计划就像是缺乏监管的暗箱操作。虽然公众可能对汽车业感到不满,但他们绝对不希望汽车业就此崩溃。

'Essentially, to the public, the bailout of the financial industry comes off as something that happened in the dead of night with no oversight,' said Jay Campbell, a pollster at Hart Research who conducted the poll. 'While people may be angry at the auto industry, they've never had any desire for them to fail.'

此前积极抗议金融业救助计划的一些组织现在也置身事外。左翼活动组织“美国行动”(USAction)此前在华尔街组织了一次游行,抗议政府救助金融业。该组织发言人艾略特(David Elliot)表示,他们目前没有鲜明反对救助底特律,部分原因是经济形势变得越来越黯淡,也是因为他们相信奥巴马政府和民主党国会能够解决经济问题。

Some of the groups active in protesting the financial-services bailout are sitting this fight out. USAction, a left-wing activist group, sponsored a march on Wall Street to protest a financial-industry rescue. The group isn't actively opposing the Detroit bailout, partly because the news about the economy has become gloomier, and partly because it trusts an Obama administration and a Democratic Congress with the economy, spokesman David Elliot said.

不过对底特律的反感也快浮出水面了。亚利桑那州住房建筑商Golden Star Properties的创始人约瑟夫?史密斯(Joseph Smith)表示,自己公司的业务已经显著下滑;之所以能够坚持下来,是因为公司负债较低,相对而言很少涉足投机地产,业务支出较为保守。他说,我为那些可能失业的人感到难过。但我所在的行业正在经历洗牌,汽车业也需要这么做。

But antipathy toward Detroit isn't far from the surface. Joseph Smith, founder of Golden Star Properties, a custom home builder in Tucson, Ariz., has seen a dramatic slowdown in business. He has stayed afloat, he said, thanks to a low debt load, comparatively few speculative properties and old-fashioned penny-pinching. 'I feel sorry for the people who would lose their jobs,' Mr. Smith said. 'But my industry is going through a shakeout, and the auto industry needs to do it, too.'

Easha Anand



Five Questions on the Auto Bailout

福特汽车(Ford Motor Co.)和通用汽车(General Motors)的投资者这下满意了。周一,美国政府似乎将为美国汽车三巨头提供150亿美元的短期融资,足以帮助它们维持到明年3月份。到时它们可能就会想出一些办法,或是能够偿还这150亿美元了。

Investors in Ford Motor Co. and General Motors, are, for today, satiated. The federal government seems set to provide $15 billion in short-term funds for the three major U.S. auto makers, enough of a salve to carry them through March, when they will presumably have figured something out, or give back the $15 billion (yeah, right).


Shares of General Motors rose 18% on the day to $4.80 a share, while Ford gained 65 cents to $3.37 a share, though the latter still has the larger market capitalization and is generally seen as the stronger of the two because of its decision to shore up financing in late 2006 by pledging all of its assets before the roof caved in.


The news elicits a few questions about this whole thing that MarketBeat sought to put out there in the wake of this plan, which of course has still not been agreed upon by Congress. Here's a few of the pressing issues on MarketBeat's mind:

1.这其中的要点到底是什么?很简单。除非今后几个月能出现奇迹,有买家收购通用汽车或克莱斯勒(Chrysler)(两家公司相互购买不在此列),否则这两家公司就可能走向破产。应该说,短期的融资使它们能够按轻重缓急解决一些问题。它可以让这些公司与其债权人、工会和国会合作,拿出一套减少负债、削减部分残余的医疗成本,以及获得一些让步的方案,以达成某种事先协商好的预处理破产方案,而不是完全交由破产程序解决。德意志银行(Deutsche Bank)的分析师写道,我们预计所有获得融资的汽车厂家都将获得60-90天的时间谈判……得出一个具有长期财务可行性的计划。

1. What's the point of all this, exactly? Simple. Unless some sort of miracle buyer emerges in the next few months for GM or Chrysler (and buying each other does not count), those two companies are likely headed for bankruptcy. Short-term funding allows them to get their ducks in order, so to speak. It allows the companies to work with their creditors, the unions and Congress to figure out a way to reduce their debt, lop off some of the residual health-care costs and get some concessions in order to enter some kind of pre-packaged bankruptcy that's agreed-upon beforehand, instead of leaving the whole thing to the mercy of Chapter 11 bankruptcy proceedings. 'We expect any automaker that receives funding to be given 60-90 days to negotiate … a plan for long term financial viability,' write analysts at Deutsche Bank.

2. 那么这是否意味着所有人3月份之前都是在做无用功呢?从某种程度上说是这样。新一届政府将在1月20日上任,而制定长期计划的政治意愿目前看来似乎还不存在。这就是说,如果没有这样的计划,通用和克莱斯勒可能不会生存到明年3月份。McGinn Investment Management总裁伯尼?麦克金(Bernie McGinn)说,通用汽车这帮家伙曾谈论今年破产的事。他持有福特汽车的股票。

2. So does that mean everyone is sort of just punting this down the road until March? Sort of. A new presidential administration comes into office on Jan. 20, and the political will to put together a long-standing plan does not seem to exist now. That said, without this, GM and Chrysler might not survive until March. 'These guys at GM were talking about going bankrupt this year,' says Bernie McGinn, president of McGinn Investment Management, who owns shares of Ford.

3. 那么该公司债券的持有者将得到什么?很难说。KDP Investment Advisors固定收益产品分析师基普?彭尼曼(Kip Penniman)上周列出了三种选择,对这些高级无担保债券的估值为票面价值的18%至43%。周一,2033年到期的这些债券的交易价约为面值的 19%至20%,表明投资者认为通用汽车有可能破产。彭尼曼也认为,在由全美汽车工人联合会(United Auto Workers)和放贷机构承受痛苦的情况下,债券持有者预计将收回面值的43%左右,同时股份进一步增加。UAW也在寻求获得股份。

3. So what will the holders of the company's debt get? It's hard to say. Kip Penniman, fixed-income analyst at KDP Investment Advisors, last week laid out three options that would value the senior unsecured debt holders at anywhere from 18 cents to 43 cents on the dollar. Monday, those bonds, due in 2033, were trading 19 to 20 cents on the dollar, suggesting investors are still valuing this as a likely bankruptcy candidate. Mr. Penniman also believes that in a situation where the United Auto Workers union and the lenders share the pain, the bondholders would get about 43 cents on the dollar along with 'further upside in the form of equity.' The UAW is also seeking an equity stake as well.

4. 那么,这些股份价值几何呢?最终有可能一文不值。巨量的债券以及政府扮演的汽车厂家新放贷者的额外角色,这都令股东处于危险的境地。买进这些汽车厂家的股票───尤其是通用汽车,因为福特汽车可能不会接受联邦资金──要么是基于短期交易机会,要么就是耐心持有,寄希望于下一轮周期的到来。Lear Corp.、Visteon, Corp.和American Axle & Manufacturing Holdings等汽车零部件类股周一都强劲上扬,表明投资者认为该行业将会复苏。福特汽车目前的市值约为65亿美元,是通用汽车的两倍以上,麦克金说,他看不到福特汽车无法生存的理由。他说,在三巨头中,福特汽车显然是情况最好的,有能力在这场风暴中生存最长的时间。

4. Ok, so what's the equity stake worth? It could be nothing, ultimately. The sheer volume of debt, and the government's additional role as a new lender to the auto makers, puts the stockholders in a precarious position. A bet on these shares ─ GM in particular, as Ford may not take the federal money ─ is either a short-term trade or one built for those with the patience (and perhaps lifespan) of Treebeard. Shares of the auto-parts makers, such as Lear Corp., Visteon, Corp. and American Axle & Manufacturing Holdings, were solidly higher Monday, suggesting that investors are betting that the industry will survive. Ford's current market cap is about $6.5 billion, more than double that of GM, and Mr. McGinn says he does not see how Ford doesn't survive. 'They, clearly, of the three, are the strongest and have the ability to weather the storm the longest,' he says.

5.通用汽车首席执行长瓦格纳(Rick Wagoner)会下台吗?非常可能。与其他两位上任时间较短的首席执行长不同,瓦格纳自2000年以来一直担任通用汽车的首席执行长。该公司股价自2000年6月他上任以来已经下跌了93%。市场份额持续下降,通用一直难以跟上许多消费者喜好的变化,比如最近对节油型轿车的追捧。通用汽车多年来面临困难局面,却一直未能有上佳表现。咨询机构Liberum Research主管理查德?杰克维茨(Richard Jacowitz)说,也许你会觉得他只是一个牺牲品,但我的确认为他们需要一个新的开端。

5. Will GM CEO Rick Wagoner walk the plank? Most likely. Unlike the other two CEOs, who have been at the job for a shorter period of time, Mr. Wagoner has been CEO since 2000. The company's stock has lost 93% of its value since the beginning of June 2000, the month he took that position. Market share has declined and the company is scrambling to catch up to the preferences of many consumers, now looking for more fuel-efficient vehicles. While there are arguments for continuity at a difficult time, GM has faced difficult times for several years and has not distinguished itself. 'Maybe you can perceive of this as a sacrificial lamb, but I do believe they need a new beginning,' says Richard Jacowitz, director of consultancy Liberum Research.

David Gaffen




A Candidate for Best Car on Road

如果在当前这场全球性经济衰退中人们还能看到一线希望的话,它一定与加油站那些“普通无铅汽油每加仑1.98美元”的广告有关。我已经有近两年时间没看到如此低廉的油价了。但另一方面,油价下跌对我上周驾驶的2009款本田飞度(Honda Fit)却影响不大,因为这款车平均一加仑汽油可以行驶32英里。

If there's a silver lining to this global economic meltdown, it must be driving by gas stations advertising regular unleaded for $1.98 a gallon. I haven't seen prices this low in almost two years. On the other hand, the effect was less dramatic in the car I was driving last week: the 2009 Honda Fit, with which I averaged 32 miles a gallon.


While conventional wisdom says that cheap gas should damp enthusiasm for a compact fuel-sipper, I'm not going to be deterred. The Fit is unquestionably my favorite car, a vehicle that's the best all-around transportation available from any auto maker at any price.


So let's put aside those 32 mpgs during my week in the Fit, forget about the 40-plus mpgs I saw in steady highway driving and make a case for this exceptional econobox above and beyond fuel economy. Because for not a lot of money, the Fit is a whole lot of fun to drive, a prudent choice rather than a penalty box.


Let's start with the price: $15,220 puts a base model five-door Fit in your garage, a car fairly well-equipped with the stuff we take for granted: airbags everywhere, power windows, air conditioning, a CD player, etc. While you can run the Fit's price over $20,000 if you start loading it up with the navigation system and the optional automatic transmission with paddle shifters, it's still a lot of car for the money -- even as it's not a lot of car.


Indeed, the Fit is quite small, almost 30 inches shorter and nearly 1,500 pounds lighter than, say, a BMW 5-Series, that perennial best-car-on-the-road contender.


Ponder this for a moment. Then consider how, as the package shrinks, the difficulty in building a truly good car increases. How do you even find the space to engineer everything you need into a car the size of the Fit? So it can pass crash tests, so it's comfortable, so it's drivable, and so you can still build and sell it for less than $20,000? A nice luxury sedan that costs three times as much is inherently less impressive because it poses fewer challenges to engineers.


One of the reasons good small cars are so rare is that auto makers have long assumed that small equals cheap; that makes for diminished expectations. Even Honda, known for building good small cars, has recently been guilty of pandering to the bigger-is-better paradigm, supersizing its lineup top to bottom.


So it's refreshing to find the new Fit aiming to be not just a good small car, but an exceptional car, period. It's screwed together as well as anything on the road, and feels more substantial than other cars in its price range. The interior materials -- the plastics and fabrics -- are obviously inexpensive, but don't seem like it because of their textures and colors, as well as the overall design. (Think Ikea.)


The Fit's dashboard is simple, and its oversize controls are ergonomically wonderful. The same goes for the front seats, which trade complex adjustability for good bolstering and firm, yet comfortable cushions that far outclass those in many cars costing twice as much. With rear seats that fold down flat to the floor and a hatchback with a low sill height, the Fit can have an enormous and easily accessible cargo hold. Flip the seats back up, load up four adults, and despite its diminutive size, the car still doesn't feel small, as if Honda somehow divined the perfect threshold of proportions. Part of this is having large doors that open wide for easy ingress, but the Fit's high roof helps too.


But the crowning achievement is that the front-wheel-drive Fit is as fun to drive as it is functional, thanks to a sprightly 1.5-liter four-cylinder engine. It may not sound like a lot, but 117 horsepower is plenty, with the Fit surrendering only the ability to merge into freeway traffic by force of will, rather than finesse. The suspension is firmer than most, but it makes for a real connectedness with the road. The standard five-speed manual transmission adds sportiness to the car rather than just cost savings.


The Fit truly offers everything you need in a car, and nothing you don't. Americans are famously skeptical toward small hatchbacks, but if ever there was a car that could lead us to embrace the genre, this is it. These sobering times demand a more pragmatic approach to personal transportation. Call the Fit the automotive change we need.



通用汽车救助有望 老板位子朝不保夕

GM Chief's Job in Danger as Bailout Gains Support

美国国会似乎正采取措施,可能动用联邦资金向陷入困境的通用汽车(General Motors)和克莱斯勒(Chrysler LLC)至少提供先期注资;不过两家汽车制造商也面临着政府压力,需要采取不得已的举措改变运营方式──包括通用汽车董事长兼首席执行长瓦格纳(Rick Wagoner)可能会随之下台。

Now that Congress appears to be moving forward with at least an initial injection of federal money for General Motors Corp. and Chrysler LLC, the two troubled auto makers are under pressure to push ahead with tough measures to change how they do business -- including the possible replacement of GM Chairman and Chief Executive Rick Wagoner.

康涅狄格州民主党参议员多德(Chris Dodd)是救助底特律汽车厂家的重要支持者。他周日暗示,作为任何广泛救助计划的一部分,瓦格纳应该离开。多德在CBS电视台的《Face The Nation》谈话节目上表示,我认为他们应该考虑新的领导层。如果你打算进行重组,就必须引进新的团队负责实施。我认为(瓦格纳)必须离职。

Sen. Chris Dodd (D., Conn.), a key supporter of aid for Detroit, suggested Sunday that Mr. Wagoner should go as part of any broader bailout package. 'I think you've got to consider new leadership,' the senator said on CBS's 'Face The Nation' talk show. 'If you're going to restructure, you've got to bring in a new team to do this,' he said. 'I think [Mr. Wagoner] has to move on.'


Although GM's board has voiced strong support for Mr. Wagoner in the last few days, Mr. Dodd's comments echoed the sentiment that a handful of influential auto executives have been expressing to Congress in the last few weeks, people familiar with the matter said.

据知情人士透露,瓦格纳心目中的一些底特律的盟友可能会在有关管理层的争论中保持沉默,其中包括美国汽车工人联合会(UAW)会长荣?葛蒂尔芬格(Ron Gettelfinger)。虽然葛蒂尔芬格多年来一直公开赞扬瓦格纳,但他私下一直批评瓦格纳拿了太多薪水,而蓝领工人却要被迫接受降薪,还批评瓦格纳没有在去年的劳资谈判中充分发挥积极作用。

Some of Mr. Wagoner's perceived allies in Detroit, including United Auto Workers President Ron Gettelfinger, are expected to keep silent on debates over management, according to people familiar with the situation. While Mr. Gettelfinger has been publicly complimentary of GM's chief in recent years, the union leader privately has criticized Mr. Wagoner for taking too much compensation while blue-collar workers were forced to accept cuts and for not playing an active enough role in labor-contract talks last year.


Mr. Wagoner and Mr. Gettelfinger didn't return messages seeking comment.

瓦格纳在通用汽车董事会的支持者一直称赞他带领公司削减固定成本、进军新兴市场并与UAW达成了大规模成本和医疗削减协议;这些人中包括了首席外部董事菲舍尔(George Fisher)。

Mr. Wagoner's supporters on GM's board, including lead outside director George Fisher, credit the CEO with slashing fixed costs, pushing into emerging markets and working out major cost and health-care concessions with the UAW.


But he also has played a part in some of the missteps that put GM in the position it faces today, including the heavy use of sales incentives to drive sales, a reliance on truck sales and a belated recognition of consumer interest in hybrids and and other fuel-saving small cars.


Mr. Wagoner has been CEO since 2000, during which time GM's stock price has plunged and its U.S. market share has fallen by nearly a third.

和瓦格纳相比,福特汽车(Ford Motor)首席执行长穆拉利(Alan Mulally)和克莱斯勒的纳尔德里(Robert Nardelli)面临的批评压力相对较小,因为他们都是较晚入主公司主持业务扭转计划的。

Ford Motor Co. CEO Alan Mulally and Chrysler's Robert Nardelli have come under less criticism than Mr. Wagoner because they were brought in more recently to turn around those companies.

John D. Stoll / Matthew Dolan / Greg Hitt



US Auto Talks Slow Over Plan To Create 'Czar'

围绕美国政府救助底特律三大汽车生产商的谈判周末期间放慢了进度,因为国会和白宫在设立一位“汽车沙皇”以负责汽车工业重组的问题上产生了争论。争论的一大焦点是,究竟是由现任总统布什(George W. Bush)还是当选总统奥巴马(Barack Obama)来任命这位沙皇。

Negotiations over a U.S. government rescue of Detroit's Big Three auto makers slowed over the weekend as Congress and the White House debated creating an 'auto czar' who would oversee a restructuring of the industry. One stumbling block was whether President George W. Bush or President-elect Barack Obama would appoint the czar.


Meanwhile, a key senator said the car companies should have to replace top executives in exchange for a long-term bailout.


Democratic leaders on Capitol Hill want action on the legislation as soon as Tuesday, hoping to avoid a collapse of one or more companies that are big parts of the U.S. manufacturing base.


The White House and top Democratic lawmakers are zeroing in on a package that would provide about $15 billion in short-term financing, enough to carry the companies into March.

据美联社(Associated Press)报导,奥巴马暗示说,只要救助计划能设定一些条件,以迫使美国汽车生产商作出其长期生存所必须的变革,他就会予以支持。奥巴马周日在美国全国广播公司(NBC)“与媒体会面”节目发表讲话时还表示,他认为对三大汽车公司中的任何一家来说,破产都不是一个可接受的办法。

Mr. Obama suggested he would support such a plan, so long as it was accompanied by conditions to 'keep the auto makers' feet to the fire in making the changes that are necessary' for longer-term survival, according to the Associated Press. Speaking on NBC's 'Meet the Press' Sunday, he also indicated he didn't believe bankruptcy is an acceptable course of action for any of the companies.


The White House is proposing to create a 'financial viability adviser' who would be authorized immediately to negotiate plans for returning each auto maker to economic stability. The adviser would be authorized to approve short-term financing, drawn from an existing loan program meant to help the industry retool to meet higher fuel-economy standards, according to a draft of the administration plan.


Democratic leaders have hopes the deal will be endorsed by congressional Republicans and will speed through the House and Senate next week. The idea behind short-term financing would be to keep the three companies in operation while deferring the thorny political negotiations about longer-term aid and restructuring until Democrats control both Congress and the White House. A delay on the more fundamental issues also would ensure that Mr. Obama would have a direct voice in the industry's future.

由于销售严重下滑,通用汽车公司(General Motors Corp.)、福特汽车公司(Ford Motor Co.)和克莱斯勒公司(Chrysler LLC)一直在寻求获得340亿美元的政府贷款以渡过当前的经济衰退期。通用和克莱斯勒表示,要避免破产命运它们年底前还需获得更多资金。

With sales slumping badly, General Motors Corp., Ford Motor Co., and Chrysler LLC had been seeking $34 billion in government loans to weather the recession. GM and Chrysler said they need more cash by year end to avoid collapse.


The $15 billion short-term proposal would give President Bush a big say over the bailout -- and an ability to wring concessions from the industry -- in his final days in office. Top congressional Democrats also want to create a czar. Both camps indicate the official essentially would act as a trustee, charged with restructuring the industry.


But Democrats want taxpayer dollars to flow under a proposal that would have Mr. Obama appoint the czar. Under the Democratic proposal, the czar still would have leverage to force concessions, but the pressure would come amid debate about the industry's long-term financing needs, congressional aides said.

为了弥合国会民主党人和白宫的意见分歧,民主党参议员舒默(Charles Schumer)建议国会和白宫就这位“沙皇”的提名人选进行协商。

In an attempt to bridge the divide, Sen. Charles Schumer (D., N.Y.) proposed that Congress and the White House consult on the naming of the official.

布什总统的发言人弗莱托(Tony Fratto)表示,白宫和国会领导人周末期间预计将继续展开谈判。

Bush spokesman Tony Fratto said the White House and congressional leaders expected to talk through the weekend.

据美联社报导,参议员多德(Chris Dodd)周日表示,三大汽车公司如果明年想从国会获得更大力度的救助,则必须进行重组。多德来自康涅狄格州,现任参议院银行委员会主席。他在哥伦比亚广播公司(CBS)“面对美国”节目上说,克莱斯勒或许应该与美国另一家汽车公司合并,而通用汽车则应更换其首席执行长瓦格纳(Rick Wagoner)。通用和克莱斯勒的合并谈判目前已经搁置。

Sen. Chris Dodd on Sunday said the companies should have to restructure if they want a more significant bailout from Congress next year, according to the AP. The Connecticut Democrat, who heads the Senate Banking Committee, said on CBS's 'Face the Nation' that Chrysler probably ought to merge with another company and GM should be required to replace Chief Executive Rick Wagoner. GM and Chrysler have discussed a merger but those talks are on hold.


Also at issue: A demand by senior Democrats that auto makers be barred from using bailout funds to finance lawsuits challenging state car-emission limits.

许多民主党人之所以反对动用旨在提高燃油效用的政府贷款来给汽车公司应急,是担心美国汽车工业会因此而在环保承诺方面开倒车。来自加利福尼亚州的众议院议长佩洛西(Nancy Pelosi) 和其他民主党人曾敦促布什总统允许汽车生产商也从救助金融服务业的7,000亿美元中获得资金。而布什和许多共和党人则反对这一想法。人们还提出了其他一些构想,比如迫使从联邦政府救助资金中获益的银行向汽车生产商贷款等。

Many Democrats had opposed tapping the fuel-efficiency loans out of concern the industry would backtrack on its environmental commitments. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D., Calif.) and other Democrats had pushed Mr. Bush to give the auto makers access to the $700 billion pool created to aid the financial-services industry. Mr. Bush and many Republicans oppose the idea. Several other ideas, such as forcing banks benefiting from the federal rescue funds to lend to the auto makers, also have been floated.


Tapping the fuel-efficiency program has been the White House's favored approach and was endorsed by the president again Friday. Mr. Bush said strong protections should be imposed to ensure the loans are repaid. 'I am concerned about the viability of the automobile companies,' he said. 'Likewise, I am concerned about taxpayer money being provided to those companies that may not survive.'

通用汽车的瓦格纳和克莱斯勒公司首席执行长纳德利(Robert Nardelli)支持对汽车工业提供临时救助的想法。他们说,通用汽车和克莱斯勒要想支撑到明年3月份,它们分别需要100亿和40亿美元的救助资金。他们同意,作为获得这些救助资金的先决条件,他们将保证从全美汽车工人联合会(UAW)等方面(包括债权人)获得让步。瓦格纳对国会议员们说,不采取行动无异于一场难以消除的灾难。

GM's Mr. Wagoner and Chrysler's Robert Nardelli endorsed the idea of interim aid. They said $10 billion is needed for GM and $4 billion is needed for Chrysler to survive through March. As a condition of such loans, they agreed to secure concessions from the United Auto Workers union and others, including creditors. 'It would be an unmitigated disaster' not to act, Mr. Wagoner told lawmakers.

全美汽车工人联合会主席葛蒂尔芬格(Ron Gettelfinger)周日表示,他希望国会本周能通过救助汽车工业的计划。据美联社报导,葛蒂尔芬格认为政府需要立即对汽车工业施以援手。

UAW President Ron Gettelfinger said Sunday he is hopeful Congress will pass a rescue plan this week. He said immediate government help is necessary, the AP reported.

由于越来越多的国会议员质疑克莱斯勒的控股股东Cerberus Capital Management LP为何不对该公司提供援助,克莱斯勒寻求政府救助的努力面临复杂局面。纳德利上周五表示,他已向Cerberus寻求帮助,但却遭到了拒绝。 Cerberus的一位发言人对这一说法提出了异议。他说, Cerberus及其下属机构一直在以各种能想到的方式对克莱斯勒提供不懈帮助。

Chrysler's efforts have been complicated by increasing congressional scrutiny about why its majority owner, Cerberus Capital Management LP, doesn't help the auto maker. Mr. Nardelli said Friday he has appealed to Cerberus for help and was turned down. A Cerberus spokesman disputed that characterization. 'Cerberus and its affiliates have worked tirelessly to assist Chrysler in every imaginable way,' the spokesman said.


The chief executives of Chrysler and GM last week briefly discussed whether to restart merger talks but agreed they need first to focus on securing federal loans.

据知情人士说,克莱斯勒已聘请Jones Day就可能提出破产保护申请向其提供法律咨询。克莱斯勒称,几周前它聘请了Jones Day和其他顾问机构“就各种可行选择提供广泛的独立分析”。Jones Day拒绝对此发表评论。

Chrysler has hired Jones Day to provide legal counsel for a possible bankruptcy-court filing, according to people familiar with the matter. Chrysler said that several weeks ago it retained Jones Day and other advisers 'to provide a comprehensive independent analysis of the various options available.' Jones Day declined to comment.


U.S. lawmakers and the White House also were working on a series of provisions designed to protect taxpayers. They include limits on executive compensation and dividend payments and a measure giving the government an ownership share in the companies.


Democrats and the White House have hopes of bringing congressional Republicans on board with the rescue effort. The emerging bill still will likely be unpopular with Republicans but might have become more palatable because it is funded from already-approved loans -- in the $25 billion fuel-efficiency program -- and not the $700 billion financial-services rescue package.

Greg Hitt / Jeffrey McCracken / Matthew Dolan
