

Hyundai Rolls Out New Sedan


现代汽车公司(Hyundai Motor Co.)及其在华合资企业将专门针对中国市场推出一款造型精致的家庭型轿车;眼下这家韩国汽车企业正努力在中国这个全球增长最快的汽车市场上夺回失地。

Hyundai Motor Co. and its Chinese joint-venture partner are rolling out a spiffed-up family sedan made exclusively for China, as the South Korean auto maker seeks to regain its footing in the world's fastest-growing major auto market.

现代汽车和北京汽车工业控股有限公司(Beijing Automotive Industry Holding Co.)的合资企业北京现代汽车有限公司(Beijing Hyundai Motors)旗下一家新厂将于周二落成,正是这家工厂将为中国市场生产新款伊兰特悦动轿车。公司高管预计今年这款新车的销量有望达到10万辆。

Beijing Hyundai Motor Co., the joint venture with Beijing Automotive Industry Holding Co., will make the Elantra Yuedong, a fancier version of the compact Elantra sedan, at a new plant set to open in Beijing Tuesday. The company expects to sell 100,000 of the new model this year, executives say.


Hyundai's sales and market share have been declining in China -- the world's second-biggest vehicle market after the U.S., and one that Hyundai executives once predicted would propel their company into the top ranks of global auto makers. After an initial burst, Hyundai has struggled as Chinese buyers have opted for U.S., European and Japanese brands with more cachet, or have gone for less-expensive models from Chinese domestic makers. Hyundai sold 18% fewer cars in China in 2007 than it did in 2006.


'Last year we had difficulties in China. . . . The problem was we had no new car introduced,' says Kim Tae-seong, a deputy general manager for Beijing Hyundai.


To turn things around, Hyundai is looking to the new version of the Elantra. The current Elantra, which will remain on the market, is Hyundai's best-selling model in China, though it, too, has seen steep declines. Hyundai sold 120,333 Elantras in 2007, down nearly 30% from the year before.


Higher-end versions of the new Elantra Yuedong will have sunroofs and leather seats as standard features to appeal to image-conscious but budget-constrained Chinese buyers. The new Elantra also will have dual front-seat air bags. The car will be priced from 99,800 yuan to 129,800 yuan, or about $14,000 to $18,500.


The Elantra Yuedong is aimed at consumers 'who don't have enough money' for a luxury car but who 'really care about the appearance of their cars,' Mr. Kim says.

现代汽车计划日后将在中国开始生产豪华汽车。目前该公司在华生产的汽车包括中型汽车索纳塔(Sonata),以及圣达菲(Santa Fe)等运动型多用途车(SUV)。

Down the road, Hyundai plans to start manufacturing a luxury car in China. The auto maker's current China lineup includes the midsize Sonata sedan as well as the Santa Fe and other sport-utility vehicles.

现代汽车驻北京的高管Ed Yoon表示,北京现代的长期计划是推出自己的豪华车,不过公司目前并没有一个敲定的时间表。今年1月份,现代汽车在韩国推出了一款名为Genesis的豪华车,并计划在6月份将其引入美国市场。

Beijing Hyundai's 'long-term plan is to produce its own luxury car, though we don't have a fixed plan for when that is right now,' says Ed Yoon, a Hyundai executive in Beijing. Hyundai introduced a luxury sedan, the Genesis, in South Korea in January and plans to start selling it in the U.S. in June.


Compact cars are one of the most competitive parts of China's auto market. The Elantra competes with the locally produced Volkswagen Jetta, Buick Excelle and Toyota Corolla, as well as domestic makes, such as the Chery A5 and the BYD F3.

不过CSM Worldwide的汽车行业分析师张豫指出,伊兰特从2003年12月起就已投放中国市场,已基本走完了汽车产品五至六年的自然生命周期,需要用新车型取而代之。

But the Elantra, which was introduced in China in December 2003, is nearing its natural five-to-six-year life cycle for cars and needs to be replaced, says Yale Zhang, an auto analyst at CSM Worldwide.


'Whoever wants to win the China market must do well in' the compact-car segment by constantly refreshing its product lines, Mr. Zhang says.


Hyundai says it is aiming at buyers between the ages of 25 and 35 who have a monthly family income of about $1,700 or below. These middle-class drivers are very focused on fuel efficiency, and concern about rising gasoline prices has damped their desire for bigger cars, Hyundai executives say. To that end, Beijing Hyundai is fitting the new Elantra with fuel-saving silica tires.


Executives say they hope to win loyalty from this group of car lovers as they grow older and more affluent and step up to more expensive cars. 'We are prepared to follow their fortunes,' says Mr. Kim.


Marketing for the Elantra Yuedong will pitch the car most aggressively as an alternative to Toyota Motor Corp.'s Corolla. Executives say the new Elantra will be more fuel-efficient and powerful than the Corolla and will cost about 18% less. Toyota couldn't be reached for comment.


Beijing Hyundai says it will spend as much as $5.7 million on Internet, television and print advertising for the car's launch.


'Our [brand] power is weaker than the Corolla,' says Mr. Kim. 'But there is no weakness in our productivity, and our price is better.'

Jason Leow / Gordon Fairclough

