

Auto Sales Fall Steeply; Toyota Faces Overcapacity


刚刚过去的三月,随着经济加速下滑,汽车业销售下降的势头进一步加剧,就连丰田汽车(Toyota Motor)这样的强手也未能幸免。

The auto industry's sales slump deepened sharply in March amid a powerful economic downdraft, and even once-invincible Toyota Motor Corp. took a big hit.


The Japanese auto giant is now dealing for the first time with the problem that plagued its U.S. rivals for years: too much North American manufacturing capacity. Toyota's sales fell 10% in March compared with the same month a year earlier, only slightly better than the 12% decline in total U.S. vehicle sales.


It was the seventh drop for Toyota in the past nine months -- its worst stretch since the early 1980s, according to company officials. 'We have almost one assembly plant's worth of idle capacity,' said a Toyota executive familiar with manufacturing.


That's a stark signal of the malaise now afflicting auto makers in the U.S. as the troubles on Wall Street and in the housing market take a rising toll on the economy. When people see the value of their homes decline -- and real-estate executives say home-price falls around the country are the worst since the 1930s -- expensive purchases such as a car are often the first to get postponed.


High gasoline prices, a weak jobs market and the credit crunch are all driving down car sales. Many lenders are requiring higher credit scores and demanding bigger down payments on car loans, especially in states hard-hit by housing foreclosures.

据通用汽车(General Motors Corp.)和克莱斯勒(Chrysler LLC)公布的数字,3月份它们的销售量均下降了19%,福特(Ford Motor Co.)稍好一些,但降幅也有14%。只有少数汽车厂商预计下半年销售会转好,其中包括通用。该公司分析师迈克尔?迪吉瓦尼(Michael DiGiovanni)在电话会议上说,公司认为存在一些积极因素,包括降息、不久的所得税退税等。

In March, General Motors Corp. and Chrysler LLC each reported sales drops of 19%, and Ford Motor Co. a decline of 14%. GM remained one of the few auto companies betting sales will pick up in the second half of the year. In a conference call, GM sales analyst Michael DiGiovanni said the company 'sees a lot of positives out there' such as interest-rate cuts and an income-tax rebate most Americans will receive later this spring.


'We expect that to have an impact in the economy in the next several months,' Mr. DiGiovanni said.

通用说,它一直宣传卖得很好的雪佛兰(Chevrolet) Malibu三月份的销售与上年持平,除GMC外其全部品牌销量均出现下滑。

Sales of the Chevrolet Malibu, which GM has touted as a hot seller, were flat compared with a year ago, according to GM, and all of its brands except GMC reported sales declines.

据Autodata Corp.提供的数据,3月份轿车和轻型卡车总销量为1,356,868辆,而一年前是1,542,230辆。

Overall, March sales of cars and light trucks fell to 1,356,868 from 1,542,230 a year ago, according to Autodata Corp.


The March sales rate translates into a seasonally adjusted annual rate of 15.1 million, below the 16 million considered healthy by the industry.


The March figures showed again how American tastes are moving toward smaller, more fuel-efficient models. That is an ominous trend especially for Detroit's Big Three, which rely on the higher profit margins of sport-utility vehicles and other big models.


Ford suffered a 17% drop in truck sales but reported higher sales of small and midsize cars and crossovers. 'This is a very challenging external environment, reflecting a seismic shift in consumer preferences,' said Ford's Mr. Farley.

通用、福特和克莱斯勒的北美业务都出现了亏损。销售的持续下滑或许会打击他们为实现好转而作的努力。这三大车商都期望能同全美汽车工人联合会(United Auto Workers)签署新的劳资合同,以便能够实施裁员并降低新工人的工资水平。

GM, Ford and Chrysler are all losing money in North America. Continued declines for the Big Three could hurt their turnaround efforts. All three are counting on new labor contracts with the United Auto Workers to pare payrolls and lower wages for new hires.

去年夏季被私人资本运营公司Cerberus Capital Management LP收购的克莱斯勒希望通过减少滞销车型及经销商的数量来增加利润。

Chrysler was acquired last summer by private-equity group Cerberus Capital Management LP and is hoping to shore up its bottom line by cutting slow-selling models and dealers from its retail network.


Until recently, Toyota was riding high amid Detroit's troubles. U.S. sales grew as much as 12% a year, and last year Toyota virtually tied GM as the world's largest auto maker.


Partly to defuse political pressures, Toyota decided to feed the growing demand by embarking on a big expansion in U.S. capacity. Toyota now has four U.S. plants, two in Canada and one in Mexico. It's building an eighth North American plant in Mississippi and also makes some cars at another company's plant in Indiana.

丰田创始人家族成员之一、公司名誉董事长丰田章一郎(Shoichiro Toyoda)去年10月访问了这家公司在印第安纳普林斯顿的工厂。据一位知情人士说,丰田章一郎来这里不是为了表扬成绩,而是因为他对公司在该州的大量闲置产能感到担心。

Shoichiro Toyoda, a member of Toyota's founding family and the company's honorary chairman, visited the company's plant in Princeton, Ind., last October, according to a company executive familiar with the visit. 'He didn't come to Indiana to commend our accomplishments; he came because he is concerned about lots of idle capacity we have in Indiana,' the executive said.

负责丰田品牌北美区销售和营销的鲍伯?卡特(Bob Carter)说,鉴于信贷危机和房地产市场下滑引发的动荡超过预期,公司计划下调北美销售目标。

Bob Carter, who heads Toyota-brand sales and marketing in the U.S., said the company plans to revise its forecast for total U.S. auto sales downward in light of greater-than-expected turmoil in the credit and real-estate markets.

上个月,针对标准尺寸Tundra皮卡和Sequoia SUV车型市场需求迅速下滑的局面,丰田开始下调其圣安东尼奥和印第安纳工厂的产量。不过一时还不清楚下调的幅度。

Last month Toyota began tapping the brakes on production of vehicles at its San Antonio and Indiana plants to deal with rapidly cooling demand for full-size Tundra pickup trucks and Sequoia SUVs. The extent of the production cuts was not immediately clear.


The San Antonio plant can produce 200,000 full-size Tundra pickup trucks a year. The company can also produce Tundras in Indiana at a pace of 100,000 vehicles a year. The Indiana plant also produces Sequoias on the same assembly line that produces the Tundra.


Toyota executives said they are weighing whether to consolidate most of the Tundra production in San Antonio. The executives said Toyota has no plans for layoffs at either factory.

通用、福特和克莱斯勒均预计2008年销售形势严峻并下调了生产计划。其中,通用更是因为主要供应商之一American Axle & Manufacturing Inc.发生罢工而导致卡车产量进一步减少。通用周二表示,二季度没有进一步的减产计划。

GM, Ford and Chrysler have already cut production in expectation of the difficult year in 2008. GM's production of trucks has fallen even further in recent weeks because of a strike at a key supplier, American Axle & Manufacturing Inc. GM said Tuesday it has no plans to cut production in the second quarter beyond the reductions its has already put in place.

此外,本田汽车(Honda Motor Co.)公布上月总销量为138,734辆,下降3.2%,不过轿车销量达到创纪录的83,214辆,其中,紧凑型轿车飞度(Fit)销售强劲和雅阁(Accord)销售平稳对此功不可没。

Meanwhile, Honda Motor Co. reported a 3.2% drop in sales to 138,734, although car sales hit a monthly record of 83,214. Strong sales of the Fit compact and stable sales of the Accord helped Honda.

一些业内人士将2008年新车总销量预测值下调到不足1,550万辆,而两周前,营销公司J.D. Power & Associates将原来预测的1,570万下调了4.8%至1,495万辆,这个数字将是自1994以来的最低水平。2007年美国的汽车总销量是1,610万辆。

Several industry forecasters have lowered their 2008 total new-vehicle sales projections to less than 15.5 million. Two weeks ago, marketing firm J.D. Power & Associates cut its annual forecast by 4.8% to 14.95 million vehicles from 15.7 million -- the lowest sales level since 1994. Auto makers sold 16.1 million vehicles in 2007.


Some consumers appear to be holding out for even more attractive incentive deals despite an abundance of aggressive incentives on vehicles in slow-selling categories such as minivans, full-size pickup trucks and SUVs.

经营汽车业咨询业务的约翰?凯萨(John Casesa)认为,这反映了人们对就业、收入增长和家庭财务前景的担心。现在美国人对自己的财务前景不是很有信心,因此不愿购买大件商品。

'I think this reflects concern about jobs, incomes and outlook for household financial stability,' said John Casesa, who runs an auto-consulting firm. 'Americans are not confident about their economic future, and so they're reluctant to make big-ticket purchases.'

Norihiko Shirouzu / Mike Spector/ Josée Valcourt

