
丰田后院失火 日本曝普锐斯刹车问题

Complaints of Brake Problems Hit Prius in Japan

丰田后院失火 日本曝普锐斯刹车问题

Toyota Motor Corp.'s burgeoning crisis hit the shores of Japan Wednesday as Japan's transport ministry asked the embattled car maker to investigate 14 complaints it had received related to the newest Prius hybrid model, the best-selling car in the country last year.

丰田汽车公司(Toyota Motor Corp.)日渐加剧的危机周三波及日本,日本交通省要求这家陷入重围的汽车厂商调查14起与其最新款普锐斯(Prius)混合动力车相关的投诉。普锐斯是日本去年最畅销的车型。

While the number of complaints is tiny compared with those rocking the auto maker in the U.S., and no fatalities appear to be associated with the issue, the new reports -- and the heavy coverage of them in a Japanese press that has given fairly light coverage to Toyota's recent woes -- suggest a new front in the auto maker's public relations battle to salvage its reputation.


Until now, Japan - where Toyota's global domination has been a matter of national pride - has been relatively cocooned from the avalanche of Toyota recalls around the world. Underlining the car maker's dominance in the country, nearly half of all new passenger vehicles sold in Japan in January were Toyotas, according to data released on Monday by the Japan Automobile Dealers Association. And Toyota's growth year-to-year in Japan outpaced the market in the same month that sales dropped in the U.S.

丰田在全球的优势地位一直令日本全国上下引以为傲,直到现在,丰田在全球实施召回行动所引发的震荡相对来说还没有影响到日本。日本汽车经销商协会(Japan Automobile Dealers Association)周一发布的数据显示,1月份日本出售的新乘用车中,近一半为丰田车,这彰显出丰田在日本的统治地位。就在丰田在美销售下滑的同一个月,其在日本的销售同比增幅超过了市场总体增长率。

All together, Toyota said it was investigating dozens of complaints, received late last year, of a possible defect in the brakes of its enormously popular Prius hybrid model in North America and Japan. Customers complained that the brakes were slow to respond on bumpy or icy roads.


In Japan, the transport ministry confirmed there was an accident last July in Chiba prefecture, just outside of Tokyo, in which a Prius with allegedly faulty brakes rear-ended a car stopped at a red light, which in turn rear-ended two other cars. Two people were injured. 'We asked Toyota to investigate the cause of this accident in August,' said a Japanese transport ministry official. A Toyota spokesman last night said: 'Based on the information we have received from dealers, there have been no accidents or injuries reported.'

日本交通省证实,去年7月东京附近的千叶县发生了一起交通事故,一辆据称刹车有问题的普锐斯从后面撞上一辆等红灯的汽车,后者又与另外两辆车追尾。事故中有两人受伤。日本交通省官员说,我们于去年8 月要求丰田调查这起事故的起因。丰田发言人周三晚间说,根据公司从经销商那里获得的信息,没有收到任何事故或伤害报告。

The transport ministry official was quick to point out that its recall division receives over 5,000 vehicle complaints a year, and that it routinely asks auto makers to investigate a possible defect if there is an accident involved. The transport ministry received 13 complaints from Prius users over about two months from the beginning of December until the end of January.


'We have been confirming the facts,' said a Toyota spokeswoman last night.


The Prius reports, and aggressive criticism of Toyota out of Washington Wednesday, helped send Toyota's shares down 5.7% in heavy trading on the Tokyo Stock Exchange. The damage spread to some of Toyota's key suppliers, as investors appeared to worry about longer-term damage to the sales of the auto maker and its tight corporate network.


Despite reporting strong earnings Wednesday for the nine months ended December and a outlook hike for the fiscal year through March, Denso Corp., the world's biggest listed auto parts supplier lost 3.2%. Aisin Seiki Co., which lifted its net profit outlook for this fiscal year to three billion yen ($33.2 million) from a loss of 18 billion yen, tumbled 5.3%.

世界最大的上市汽车零部件制造商Denso Corp.周三宣布,公司在截至12月的九个月内收益强劲,它还上调了截至3月的这一财年的前景预期,但其股票价格仍下跌3.2%。Aisin Seiki Co.将当前财年净利润前景从亏损180亿日圆上调为盈利30亿日圆(合3,320万美元),但其股价却下挫了5.3%。

Mariko Sanchanta / Juro Osawa

