Tata Tries Old Funding Play
In their search for capital, some Indian companies are calling a play they haven't used in years: taking cash directly from the public.
How they fare will shed light on whether India's investors have evolved to become savvier risk takers.
本周,在通过吸收存款来融资的公司中,Tata Motors Ltd.是最受关注的一家。它同意支付10%-11%的利率,计划筹资5.41亿美元。
This week, Tata Motors Ltd. became the highest-profile company to turn to deposits to raise funds, agreeing to pay 10% to 11% interest in the hope of raising as much as $541 million.
住房贷款公司HDFC和Fertilizers & Chemicals Travancore也接收存款,还有更多公司准备这么做。
Also offering deposits are home-loan company HDFC and Fertilizers & Chemicals Travancore. More could be in the pipeline.
The fixed-deposit system is rooted in India's socialist past, when companies had little access to global capital markets, and rampant insider trading combined with a lack of transparency kept many out of the stock markets.
Economic liberalization in 1991 changed that. Companies could access cheaper sources of funds and small investors flocked to exchange-listed stocks; the entry of foreign funds offset price manipulation by local brokers.
With market liberalization came the demise of import bans and tariffs -- protective shields that had made companies safe places for investors to stash cash.
The fixed-deposit system makes as little sense today as it did when India opened its markets. That companies are nonetheless seeking cash deposits highlights the extent to which the credit crunch has hobbled fund-raising.
印度尚未出现类似雷曼兄弟(Lehman Brothers)那样的破产案,但对印度一些大公司现金短缺的担忧十分严重。
India has yet to see a Lehman Brothers-caliber collapse, but fears of cash shortages at some of India's biggest companies are rampant.
In return for assuming this risk, investors are offered an interest rate only marginally higher than the 9.5% to 10.5% paid by bank deposits. Unlike in the stock market, there is no chance for capital appreciation.
National pride may yet ensure that Tata succeeds in offering this unsecured financial instrument. Indian investors may feel a sense of honor in supporting the homegrown multinational. But not every company will generate the same patriotic response.
Uday Khandeparkar