

How Congress Will Kill Detroit

如果底特律汽车三巨头听从众议院议长佩洛西(Nancy Pelosi)和参议院多数党领袖里德(Harry Reid)的指示,他们将在周二公布“让行业恢复活力”的“令人信服”的计划。

If the Big Three automakers follow the instructions of House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, they will unveil on Tuesday 'credible' plans that 'result in a viable industry.'


But there is actually little chance of the Big Three presenting Congress with any 'credible' plans. A reborn Detroit requires a radical, harsh restructuring for which neither Detroit nor Washington really has the appetite.


The fevered rhetoric of the past few months has been all about protecting workers and resurrecting the American car industry.


But the sad reality of creating a viable industry is all about firing workers and shutting down excess capacity.


It's a truth that neither Detroit nor Washington want to face. But they'll have to - either sooner or later.


To get this initial tranche of $25 billion in federal bailout funds, Detroit is supposed to present a convincing case for its future.


But what if that case entails chopping tens of thousands of jobs, closing factories, reneging on agreements with the UAW as well as pushing back on car-mileage standards set by Congress?


How would Congress feel about such a bailout?

以通用汽车(General Motors)为例。对该公司唯一可行的商业计划是大刀阔斧地重组。这也是德意志银行(Deutsche Bank)汽车业分析师罗德?拉奇(Rod Lache)预想的结果。

Take General Motors. The only business plan that makes any sense for GM is a fast, brutal restructuring. It's the kind of thing envisioned by Deutsche Bank auto analyst Rod Lache.


By 2010, Lache sees GM brands shrinking from eight to four. At least five major assembly plants would be closed. A further third of GM's hourly and salaried workforce of 120,000 would be let go.


GM's domestic market share would drop from 22% to 17%. And the GM balance sheet would be downsized as over $40 billion in unsecured debt would be converted into equity.


Then - and only then - could GM compete and make profits. Maybe.


That's what a viable plan for GM might look like. But what are the odds of GM delivering a plan like that to Congress tomorrow?


And if it did, what are the odds of the UAW or Washington politicians giving their blessing? Pretty close to zero.

看看通用汽车的6,600家经销商网络吧。这相当于每个国会选区平均有15家经销商。但据美林(Merrill Lynch)称,通用汽车应该只保留2,000家经销商。

Look at GM's 6,600 strong dealer network. That works out to an average of 15 dealers in each Congressional district. But, according to Merrill Lynch, GM should have only 2,000 dealers.


For the average Congressman that means his district alone would see the disappearance of some 11 dealerships - and 500 total jobs.


Little wonder that the Big Three will probably 'go slow' in drawing up their restructuring plans. They realize that the number one priority in getting handouts is making Congress happy. And making Congress happy means preserving jobs, not cutting them.


All of this is why, this week will inevitably produce a classic Washington compromise.


There will be the predictable grandstanding as the Big Three CEOs are lectured on the largely irrelevant evils of corporate jets and 'lavish' CEO pay.


And there will probably be some lively pro-forma debate on Detroit's business plans and whether they're 'credible' or not.


But after some to-ing and fro-ing, the Big Three's business plans will be deemed 'credible enough' to get the $25 billion.


And then the whole mess will be kicked to President Obama and the new Congress come late January.


By then, things may be so desperate in the economy and Detroit that even Washington will stop throwing good money after bad. Then maybe the bankruptcy of the Big Three could take its inevitable course.

Evan Newmark

