Oil's Slide Set To Leave Dark Trail
Already in free fall, the price of oil could soon push much lower as the effects of a global recession take hold.
Crude fell $3.12, or 6.7%, to settle at $43.67 a barrel on the New York Mercantile Exchange on Thursday. Many oil-industry insiders and traders now say prices could slump much lower, into the $30s, before supply cuts push prices back up, perhaps much later into next year. The changes come from a combustible mix of factors -- a rise in inventories, shifts in the quality of oil used by refiners, and severely deteriorating demand.
西方石油公司(Occidental Petroleum Corp.)总裁兼首席财务长史蒂芬?查森(Stephen Chazen)说,我不认为下跌已经结束。我不清楚油价的底在哪里,但我认为跌势还未结束。
'I don't think we're through with the drop. I don't know where it stops, but I don't think we're through,' said Steve Chazen, president and chief financial officer of Los Angeles-based Occidental Petroleum Corp.
Lower oil prices are a short-term gain for consumers and businesses, from carpooling parents to households using heating oil to airlines. But a sustained decline in the price of oil also has painful downsides. Energy-driven economies -- in areas from Texas and Alaska to Venezuela and Russia -- can face huge busts, with job losses affecting employment for engineers and roughnecks on rigs as well as the accountants, hotels and restaurants that support them.
Sinking oil prices also reduce the political will to push ahead with costly renewable-energy projects, and reduce the urgency to prioritize energy-policy debates on topics ranging from auto efficiency to offshore drilling. The danger is that when demand does bounce back, prices will boomerang far higher because the supply cushion has shrunk.
The swift decline in prices -- crude hit an intraday high this summer of $147 a barrel -- is hurting industry players, who have less cash to spend on projects as lower prices hurt their revenues.
由于利润率下降,它们的投资热情也不如以往。周三,全球市值最大的油田服务公司斯伦贝谢(Schlumberger Ltd.)称,2008年的收益将低于分析师的预期,原因是全球油气生产放缓。钻井平台数量也已开始大幅下降。
They also have less incentive to invest as their margins get crushed. Wednesday, Schlumberger Ltd., the world's largest oil-field-services firm by market capitalization, said its 2008 earnings will miss analysts' estimates as oil and gas production slows world-wide. Industry drilling-rig counts have begun falling sharply.
研究机构Sanford C. Bernstein & Co.认为,石油行业盈亏平衡的平均成本区间为每桶35-40美元,具体数字会因项目和其它因素的不同而有所变化。周四的收盘价大大低于每桶70-75美元这个开发商在新的钻探项目上能够获得9%预期回报的边际成本。
Research firm Sanford C. Bernstein & Co. puts the oil industry's average break-even cost zone at $35 to $40 a barrel, though the figure can vary by project and based on other factors. Thursday's closing price is well below the $70 to $75 marginal cost at which producers this year could earn an expected return of roughly 9% on new drilling projects.
North America is likely to see the sharpest retrenchment, but Schlumberger's announcement suggests international projects could follow. Projects that revived long-dormant wells in Oklahoma, used new technologies to salvage old West Texas oil fields or extracted oil from tar sands in Canada require prices above current levels, in some cases far above, unless costs also fall. Some deepwater projects in the Gulf of Mexico or the North Sea would be imperiled if prices fell below $40 for an extended period.
Occidental's Mr. Chazen says even announced production cuts may be months from taking place, adding to the glut. 'Slowing it down is hard. You sign contracts, you make plans,' he says. 'It may take you two or three quarters. It can't be done instantly.'
A further collapse in prices could be forestalled by unexpected supply disruptions. Producers are still struggling long-term to keep pace with global consumption trends. The price drop could stiffen the resolve of the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries to slash production when members meet in Angola Dec. 17. King Abdullah of Saudi Arabia, the world's largest oil exporter, recently was quoted as saying $75 a barrel is the 'fair price' of oil. If anything, unpredictability is the only certainty in today's volatile oil markets.
But a growing number of industry insiders say conditions are now ripe to test the market's lows. It has historically taken OPEC many attempts to stem price declines. A sea of excess inventory is building from Cushing, Okla., to Singapore. Even in China, one of the few growing markets around the globe, stockpiles are rising.
One of the most striking short-term pulls on oil prices is a futures-market condition called contango. Simply put, oil is vastly cheaper to lay hands on now than it is for delivery months or years in advance. Thursday's settlement for January delivery, $43.67, is roughly $14 cheaper than delivery a year from now, $23 cheaper than two years from now, and a whopping $39 cheaper than delivery in 2016.
Barclays Capital称,相反的情况──也就是石油现货价格高于期货价格──不仅时常发生,而且现在出现的“升水”中的价差也是多年来的最高水平。“升水”刺激那些能负担得起的人把石油握在手里。库存增加,进而导致现货价格下滑,因为人们需要卖掉石油。
Not only does the opposite condition often occur, where spot oil is more expensive, but the contango conditions present today also feature spreads at their widest in years, Barclays Capital says. Contango incentivizes those who can afford to hold oil to hold on to it. Storage fills up, and that causes the spot price to fall because people need to unload oil.
债务危机是导致失衡的原因之一,因为库存占去了本来已经稀缺的营运资金。大型国际石油交易商Vitol Group的高管洛亚(Mike Loya)说,即使是那些需要石油现货的人也努力到1月2日再交割,这样就不会显示在他们年底的资产负债表里。
The debt crisis is one reason for the imbalance, since inventories tie up scarce working capital. 'Even people who require physical barrels are trying to take it on Jan. 2, so it won't show up on their balance sheet at the end of the year,' says Mike Loya, an executive with large international oil trader Vitol Group.
据能源情报署(Energy Information Administration)的数据,截至10月底,经济合作与发展组织(Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development)中的工业化国家中,石油库存量升至可以满足未来56天消费的水平,远远超出了历史水平。
Industrialized countries in the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development saw stocks rise to 56 days of forward consumption as of the end of October, well above historic levels, according to the Energy Information Administration.
In the U.S., crude-oil stocks are above five-year averages. Traders have also found it profitable to lease tankers for floating storage, which helps inventories to build.
It isn't just financial maneuvers threatening the price of oil. The premium that the market gave light, sweet crude oil, which is well-suited for making diesel, has dwindled as diesel demand has shrunk.
德意志银行(Deutsche Bank AG)分析师西敏斯基(Adam Sieminski)预计被普遍采用的、在定价中举足轻重的纽约商交所和伦敦轻质低硫石油基准价格会进一步走软,因为印度和中国都开始明显增大用质量较差的原油炼油的生产能力。
Deutsche Bank AG analyst Adam Sieminski expects further weakness in the widely quoted Nymex and London light, sweet oil benchmarks 'that generate pricing headlines' because substantial new refining capacity is starting up in India and China designed to make products from lower-quality crude.
举例来讲,Reliance Industries Ltd.在印度的Jamnagar炼油厂预计将成为世界上进行大幅增产的最大的单址炼油厂,预计将于2009年第一季度开始全面运营。
For example, Reliance Industries Ltd.'s Jamnagar refinery complex in India, set to become the world's largest single-location refinery with a major new expansion, is expected to start full operations in the first quarter of 2009.
此外,还有严酷的需求数据。尽管汽油价格降幅过半,但到上周为止消费依然低迷不振,只出现了小幅上升。在中国,在6月份政府将汽油、柴油和航空燃料价格上调了近20%后,库存近几个月有所增加。Sanford C. Bernstein称,在印度,最近汽车销售出现了3年来的首次回落。
On top of this are stark demand statistics. Despite a drop by more than half in the price of gasoline, consumption until last week remained listless, and only jumped slightly. In China, inventories have risen in recent months after the government increased retail prices for gasoline, diesel and jet fuel by nearly 20% in June. In India, car sales recently saw their first decline in three years, says Sanford C. Bernstein.
在 11月感恩节当周的周末,休斯顿研究机构Tudor, Pickering, Holt & Co. Securities Inc.邀请客户帮助编写早间报告,这份颇受欢迎的研究报告充斥了能源高管的悲观论调。一位没有具名的石油勘探和开发高管写道:能源和石油业是否正处在6 个月前银行业所处的状况?也就是虽然意识到基本面恶化了,但尚未看到我们正朝着悬崖走去?
A popular research note brimmed with pessimism from energy executives at the end of Thanksgiving week, when Houston research firm Tudor, Pickering, Holt & Co. Securities Inc. invited clients to help write its morning missive. One unnamed exploration and production executive wrote in: 'Is E&P where the banking sector was six months ago -- recognizing the fundamentals have deteriorated but not yet seeing the cliff we're headed for?'
Ann Davis / Ben Casselman / Carolyn Cui