Oil Prices Meet Headwind
As the world's big oil exporters struggle to trim production enough to boost prices as demand plummets, Saudi Arabia has contended that $75 now represents a 'fair price' for a barrel of oil. But OPEC may struggle to keep prices at any set level amid the current economic headwinds.
Meeting in Cairo over the weekend, ministers from the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries debated whether to make another deep output cut -- the group's third in four months -- when they meet in formal session in Algeria in mid-December.
The cartel's 13 members, which supply more than 40% of daily world oil demand of about 86 million barrels a day, are already falling behind earlier pledges to trim exports as countries such as Iran and Venezuela try to keep revenue flowing amid a crash in commodity prices and demand in key markets like the U.S. The price of crude oil has fallen more than 60% since its summer high, closing Friday at $54.43 a barrel on the New York Mercantile Exchange.
欧佩克成员国10月份同意将石油日产量降低150万桶,但在具体实施上却一直行动迟缓。该组织秘书长巴德里(Abdalla Salem El-Badri)向记者表示,欧佩克成员国目前为止仅将石油日产量降低了85万-120万桶。
OPEC members have been slow to comply with the production cut of 1.5 million barrels a day agreed to in October. The group's secretary general, Abdalla Salem El-Badri, told reporters that members had so far managed to remove only 850,000 to 1.2 million barrels a day from world oil markets.
欧佩克的缺乏纪律性是导致该组织最大产油国沙特没有在开罗会议上敦促再度减产的原因之一,尽管沙特石油大臣纳依米(Ali Naimi)称油价应该处于比当前价格约高20美元的水平。纳依米的话代表沙特少见地一改以往做法──长久以来沙特一直避免让自己看起来有试图设定油价的嫌疑。沙特国王阿卜杜拉(Abdullah)在上周六接受一家科威特报纸采访时也称油价应该在每桶75美元的水平。
The group's lack of discipline was one reason Saudi Arabia, OPEC's biggest producer, didn't push for another output cut in Cairo, even though the Saudi oil minister, Ali Naimi, argued that oil prices should be around $20 a barrel higher than they are now. Mr. Naimi's remarks represented an unusual departure for Saudi Arabia, which has long avoided the appearance of trying to set the price of oil. Saudi King Abdullah also used the $75-a-barrel price tag in an interview on Saturday with a Kuwaiti newspaper.
Other OPEC ministers quickly seized on the $75 target, saying that current prices were too low to sustain needed investments in higher-cost areas.
OPEC has a spotty record when it comes to managing oil supplies to maintain a set price band. Lack of compliance with production cuts, driven by a jealous protection of oil revenue that are pivotal to all OPEC governments, has been a core theme throughout OPEC's 48-year history. This time around, keeping up with falling demand may prove particularly tough. Global oil demand looks set to contract this year for the first time in 25 years, with more declines expected in 2009.
An OPEC delegate and a person familiar with Saudi production policy both said the kingdom's reluctance to back a new output cut in Cairo was driven in part by the Saudis' belief that Iran, OPEC's second-biggest producer, and Venezuela are cutting output by less than they claim in order to preserve their own oil revenue. Both nations stand to suffer the most from sustained $50 oil prices relative to other OPEC members, as their budgets and spending are based on higher oil prices.
As it has several times in the past, OPEC is now calling on other big exporters outside the cartel to help curtail supply to stem the crash in prices. Russia has suggested it wants to help OPEC buttress prices, but its output is already under strain as Russian production continues to fall. The other big non-OPEC exporters, Mexico and Norway, also seem unlikely to rein in exports at a time of dropping oil revenue. Mexico's production is falling on a decline in its biggest field, Cantarell.
All this sets the stage for OPEC's next formal session on Dec. 17 in the Algerian port city of Oran, in what could be the group's most momentous meeting in years. Saudi Arabia will be looking most intently for signs that other OPEC members are complying with earlier agreements to trim supply.
But just as important will be the latest raft of data on how sick the world's economy looks going into 2009. Having agreed to trim two million barrels a day at its last two sessions in September and October, OPEC may need to cut back far more deeply in the months ahead if demand in the U.S., Europe and Asia continues to weaken.
Spencer Swartz / Neil King Jr.