

Rebound in Oil Prices? China Is the Wild Card


One development that could add to consumer woes would be a rebound in oil prices, which have bounced in the past couple of days.


But there is a good reason to think the trend won't last: Oil demand in China may be softer than many expect.


A recent government report showed confidence among Chinese businessmen is waning rapidly. The sentiment index of the Xinhua Finance/MNI business survey, a poll of executives at 152 companies in China released late last week, hit a third consecutive record low in December, dropping to 35.2 from 39.9 in November. A reading of 50 indicates neutral sentiment.

另据美国独立石油分析师及中国市场观察人士Paul Ting估计,中国11月份的石油需求较上年同期减少了3.9%。他在周一发布的一份报告中写道,预计中国12月份的石油需求将比去年同期下降4.5%,他部分是基于中国炼油企业对石油的疲弱需求作出这一判断的。

Meanwhile, in November, oil demand in China was down 3.9% from a year ago, based on estimates by Paul Ting, an independent U.S.-based oil analyst and observer of Chinese markets. Mr. Ting wrote in a Monday report that he expects oil demand in December to decline 4.5% from last year to 7.4 million barrels a day, based in part on soft demand from Chinese oil refineries.


Still, earlier this month China slashed fuel prices, which could boost demand. In early January, the Chinese government's report on crude imports and exports for December will shed more light on oil demand in the country. If it continues to show weakness, that will be a good reason to think oil prices won't be zooming higher anytime soon.

Scott Patterson

