

Oil Firms Make Tough Calls And Conserve Cash


Tough choices are looming for the global oil industry as sinking energy prices force companies to reconsider how they spend their money. The new priority: Conserve cash.


Just a few months ago, major oil and natural-gas companies were minting record profits as global energy demand boomed and crude-oil prices climbed to $145 a barrel in July. Oil companies didn't have to choose between paying down debt, raising stock dividends, increasing their cash balances or expanding capital budgets. They could afford to do it all simultaneously.


Now the world-wide economic downturn is drying up demand for oil and natural gas, dropping the benchmark price for a barrel of oil to below $50 last week for the first time since 2005. On Tuesday, oil prices fell $3.73, or 6.8%, to settle at $50.77 a barrel on the New York Mercantile Exchange.


If oil prices don't rebound significantly in the next few weeks, industry experts expect oil companies, as a first step, will take a scalpel to generous share-repurchase programs that have helped cushion falling stock prices in recent months.

它们或许还需要进一步缩减股票回购规模。在当前这种大幅振荡的市场环境下预测油价是件危险的游戏,但业内分析师们近来一直在下调油价的预测值,一些人相信油价不会很快反弹。总部位于加拿大卡尔加里的能源投资银行Tristone Capital周二预测说,明年的平均油价将降至每桶50美元。

Further cuts may be necessary. Predicting oil prices in such a volatile market is a perilous pastime, but industry analysts have been slashing price forecasts recently and some believe oil won't rebound anytime soon. Calgary-based energy investment bank Tristone Capital on Tuesday forecast oil prices would average $50 next year.

而据巴克莱集团(Barclays PLC)旗下投资银行部门Barclays Capital的信贷分析师们所做现金流分析显示,以每桶50美元的油价计,埃克森美孚(Exxon Mobil Corp.)、雪佛龙(Chevron Corp.)和康菲(ConocoPhillips)等石油巨头要想完全落实预算资金、维持目前的派息水平,就需要增加债务、动用自己丰厚的现金储备或在其他方面削减成本。

At that level, oil giants such as Exxon Mobil Corp., Chevron Corp. and ConocoPhillips will need to add debt, spend their substantial cash balances or cut other costs in order to fully fund capital budgets and maintain their dividends, according to a cash-flow analysis by credit analysts at Barclays Capital, the investment-banking arm of British bank Barclays PLC.

总部位于休斯顿的小型投资银行TPH Energy在给投资者的研究报告中说,由于油价下跌和世界性的信贷危机,全球能源业的增长速度无疑将显著放缓。

With plunging oil prices and a global credit crisis, there is 'no question in our minds that [a] noticeable slowdown will happen in [the] worldwide energy biz,' wrote Houston-based investment boutique TPH Energy in a note to investors. 'Fear + less cash flow = retrenchment.'

即使是油价维持在每桶70美元的水平,雪佛龙及Marathon Oil Corp.和Suncor Energy Inc.等中型能源公司也需要在哪些开支要压、哪些要保的问题上做出战略抉择。Sanford C. Bernstein在最近发表的一份研究报告中说,如果2009年的油价维持在每桶70美元,英国石油(BP PLC)、ENI SpA、荷兰皇家壳牌(Royal Dutch Shell PLC)和康菲等石油公司要想维持目前的派息和股票回购水平显然不会轻松。而埃克森美孚和挪威国家石油公司(StatoilHydro ASA)在2010年也将面临同样问题。

Even at $70 oil, Chevron and some midsize companies such as Marathon Oil Corp. and Suncor Energy Inc. will need to make strategic decisions about what to cut and what to fund. In a recent research note, Sanford C. Bernstein said that, at $70 oil in 2009, 'it is obvious' that companies such as BP PLC, ENI SpA, Royal Dutch Shell PLC and ConocoPhillips 'could struggle to maintain the dividend and buy-back levels,' while Exxon and StatoilHydro ASA would face similar problems in 2010.


To manage their cash, some midsize energy companies have begun trimming their capital-spending plans. So far, the large global companies are maintaining planned spending, though they are delaying certain projects in the hope that construction and engineering costs -- which have soared in recent years -- will come down as the industry expansion slows.

股市大盘的重挫和投资者对油价不断下跌的担忧已对能源类股造成打击。埃克森美孚和雪佛龙这两家美国最大石油公司的股价今年已分别下跌了17%和18%。摩根大通(J.P. Morgan)本月将它对埃克森美孚和雪佛龙明年利润的预期值分别下调了17%和26%。

Energy companies already have been pummeled by the broader stock-market selloff and concerns about falling oil prices. Shares of Exxon and Chevron, the two largest U.S.-based oil companies, are down 17% and 18%, respectively, this year. This month, J.P. Morgan slashed its projected earnings next year for Exxon by 17% and for Chevron by 26%.

麦格理证券(Macquarie Securities)能源分析师詹森·甘缪尔(Jason Gammel)说,既要应对当前的经济低迷,对于那些有望支撑公司未来发展的项目又不能削减投资力度,面对这种局面,能源企业最有可能采取的措施就是动用其庞大的现金储备并增加负债。他指出,埃克森美孚的收益报告显示,截至今年9月底它手中握有370亿美元现金,这笔钱可以满足它一年半的资本支出之需。

To cope in the downturn without cutting funding for projects expected to deliver future growth, companies are most likely to spend down their large cash reserves and increase debt, said Jason Gammel, an energy analyst with Macquarie Securities. He noted that Exxon could fund its capital spending for 1 1/2 years with the $37 billion in cash it reported at the end of September.


And while the credit crisis has locked up debt markets for most industries, the strong balance sheets forged in recent years by high oil prices means 'there would be plenty of market appetite for integrated oil debt if things got bad,' he said.

当然,如果油价像一些分析师仍然预计的那样再度上行,石油公司将可安然度过眼前的这段经济低迷期。巴克莱预计,市场需求恢复增长将把油价重新推高到每桶100美元。而Tristone Capital和德意志银行(Deutsche Bank)等其他机构则对油价上涨前景较为悲观。

Of course, if oil prices were to spike upward again, as some analysts continue to predict, oil companies will be able to ride out the current downturn with little fuss. Price forecasts at Barclays see demand growth returning to push prices back up to $100 a barrel. Others, such as Tristone Capital and Deutsche Bank, are more bearish.


If the bearish forecasts are correct, oil companies will be forced to act. There are a number of potential barriers to higher oil prices: a deep global recession; an inability of the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries to cooperate in production cuts; and political developments in the U.S. to promote investment in renewable energy, which would put a damper on long-term fossil-fuel prices.


Still, oil supply remains constrained and, if demand returns, prices could head back up quickly. If there is a broad move to defer projects in coming months, concern about the impact on future energy supplies would grow. 'At the end of the day, this creates a potential for serious price spikes when we come out of the trough of the economic cycle,' said Macquarie's Mr. Gammel.


The steep drop in oil and natural-gas prices already has had a dramatic effect on companies that are smaller and have a weaker financial position than the global oil titans. These smaller companies, mainly producers focused on natural gas or high-cost production projects such as Canada's oil sands, already have slashed capital spending to make sure they aren't spending more than operations bring in. That is a departure from recent years, when many of the companies spent heavily and relied on debt and equity markets to provide additional cash.

Russell Gold

