Big Three Plead For Aid
The chief executives of Detroit's Big Three auto makers appealed in dire language for U.S. taxpayers to help their industry, but couldn't dispel doubts in Congress that have clouded prospects for a government-led rescue.
周二,通用汽车(General Motors Corp.)、福特汽车(Ford Motor Co.)和克莱斯勒(Chrysler LLC)的领导人同全美汽车工人联合会(UAW)的负责人一起向参议院银行委员会表示,动荡的美国经济不能承受其中任何一家公司的倒闭了。
In appearances Tuesday before the Senate Banking Committee, the leaders of General Motors Corp., Ford Motor Co. and Chrysler LLC, together with the head of the United Auto Workers union, argued the shaky U.S. economy couldn't withstand a collapse of any of the companies.
通用汽车和克莱斯勒的首席执行长称,如果没有政府的支持,它们将会耗尽资金。通用汽车首席执行长瓦格纳(Rick Wagoner)说,需要有这样一个方案,以把美国经济从灾难性的崩溃边缘拯救出来。
The chief executives of GM and Chrysler said they could run out of funds without the government's support. GM CEO Rick Wagoner said the package is needed to 'save the U.S. economy from a catastrophic collapse.'
按民主党参议员克里斯托弗?多德(Christopher Dodd)的说法,这些公司“毕恭毕敬地”出现在国会一个委员会面前彰显出它们所面临困难的严重程度和其政治实力的下降。是否向在美国制造业中长期处于核心位置的底特律汽车厂家施以援手看来还是个未知数。
That the companies were convening -- 'hat in hand,' as Sen. Christopher Dodd (D., Conn.) said -- before a congressional panel reinforced the depth of their difficulties and the possible diminishment of their political clout. Extending a helping hand to Detroit auto makers, long a central part of the nation's manufacturing base, doesn't appear to be a given.
One question is whether the auto makers can muddle through to January when a new Congress convenes with strengthened Democratic majorities and a Democrat in the White House. The complexity of a possible intervention -- and the political divisiveness it has wrought -- could be too great to overcome this week.
On Monday, Senate Democrats introduced legislation that would set aside $25 billion to help the industry, drawing from the $700 billion fund created to stabilize financial markets. The legislation would allow the auto companies and parts suppliers to receive 'bridge loans' of at least ten years with favorable interest rates. But there is resistance among many senior Republicans and the White House. If no decision is made this week, the issue will be kicked over to the new 111th Congress.
As the hearing stretched past its third hour, the top executives disclosed how much they might each apply for if Congress approved the $25 billion loan package: $10 billion to $12 billion for GM; $7 billion to $8 billion for Ford; and $7 billion for Chrysler.
The companies said they would use the money to pay employees, cover current operating costs and develop new products.
Both GM and Ford are on a pace to use up $2 billion each a month, based on their third-quarter earnings. Not getting funding immediately threatens GM most directly because the firm is operating close to its minimal funding requirements. The supply chain is shared among the Big Three, so a bankruptcy filing of one could spell problems for the other two.
Some analysts suggest GM, Ford and Chrysler can cut costs enough to survive until January. But if the U.S. auto market continues to sink, the companies' cash drain could outpace their ability to cut costs.
GM has said that without government aid, the company would run out of operating funds as early as early 2009.
克莱斯勒也首次加入通用汽车的行列,把自身生存和联邦救助联系起来。克莱斯勒董事长兼首席执行长纳尔德里(Robert Nardelli)表示,如果不能迅速得到过渡融资支持,克莱斯勒的流动性可能会低于维持正常运营所需的水平。他还说,公司目前每个月都会比预期多花10 亿美元左右,导致目前手头现金仅略高于60亿美元。
Chrysler joined GM for the first time in linking its survival to a federal bailout. 'Without immediate bridge financing support, Chrysler's liquidity could fall below the level necessary to sustain operations in the ordinary course,' Robert Nardelli, the company's chairman and CEO, said. He added that the company was currently spending about a $1 billion a month more than they were taking in, leaving the auto maker with slightly more than $6 billion cash on hand.
Only Ford says that while the loan package is necessary for the betterment of the U.S.-based auto companies, it could withstand the downturn without government assistance.
The auto makers and the union sketched their companies' far-reaching impact. They also argued that Chrysler, Ford and GM are on the right track to compete with foreign-based auto makers, but that turmoil in the broader economy foiled their good planning. The companies together employ 239,000 people in the U.S.
在参议院要求限制高管薪酬的压力下,克莱斯勒的纳尔德里表示,如果得到联邦救助,他愿意接受1美元的年薪。1979年,执掌克莱斯勒的艾科卡(Lee Iacocca)在接受联邦政府贷款担保时也曾作出同样的表示。通用汽车和福特汽车首席执行长拒绝这么做。
Under pressure from senators over the issue of executive compensation, Chrysler's Mr. Nardelli said he would be willing to accept a salary of $1 a year as part of a federal bailout. Lee Iacocca made the same commitment when he ran Chrysler and secured federal loan guarantees in 1979. The chief executives of GM and Ford declined to make the same commitment.
The Banking Committee testimony is part of a broader lobbying campaign that includes parts suppliers and dealers. The executives will appear before the House Financial Services Committee Wednesday. All told, the companies are seeking $25 billion to weather the weakening economy, which has dampened demand for autos and restricted consumer access to loans.
In another indication of the industry's problems, the world's three dominant credit insurers now consider the U.S. auto industry among the riskiest sectors for default.
To qualify, companies would have to accept limits on executive compensation, allow the government to take stock in the firms, and submit a detailed plan showing how they intend to return to sound financial footing and improve their capacity to produce fuel-efficient vehicles.
It wasn't clear whether Congress would demand management changes as a condition to any bailout, although the topic was on the minds of some lawmakers.
The proposed assistance would be on top of $25 billion in already-approved loans intended to help the industry retool to meet higher fuel-efficiency standards. The White House is pushing a rival plan to speed release of the previously approved loans, by removing certain restrictions.
Greg Hitt / Matthew Dolan