Pelosi, Reid Press for TARP Aid for Auto Industry
美国众议院议长佩洛西(Nancy Pelosi)和参议院多数派领袖雷德(Harry Reid)向财政部长鲍尔森(Henry Paulson)致函,敦促后者考虑扩大7,000亿美元问题资产救助计划的救助范围,涵盖底特律的汽车业三巨头,以推动陷入困境的美国汽车业的发展。
House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid sent a letter to Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson urging him to assist the Big Three auto makers by considering broadening the $700 billion Troubled Asset Relief Program to help the troubled industry.
据知情人士透露,这两位民主党高级国会领袖很可能会在致白宫的信中提出同样的要求,这封信最早可能在周六下午送达白宫。这些人士还表示,总体上来说,美国新当选总统奥巴马(Barack Obama)对这个要求持支持态度,他本人也在想办法来帮助美国汽车行业的发展。
The two top Democratic leaders in Congress are likely to make the request in a letter to the White House, which could be forwarded as soon as Saturday afternoon, said individuals familiar with the matter. President-elect Barack Obama is generally supportive of the appeal, but at the moment is moving on his own track to assist the industry, these individuals said.
奥巴马定于周一在白宫与布什总统(George W. Bush)会面。
Mr. Obama is scheduled to meet with President George W. Bush at the White House Monday.
The White House has been reluctant to broaden use of the $700 billion program, which was created by Congress just ahead of the election to deal improve credit flows and calm turmoil in financial markets incited by the downturn in the housing economy.
布什总统的发言人弗拉托(Tony Fratto)表示,问题资产救助计划是为解决其他问题而设立的,他还指出,250亿美元的一揽子贷款是经国会批准的支持汽车业的唯一措施。后者旨在帮助汽车业重组,以提高汽车的节能降耗标准。
'It was not set up for anything else,' said Bush spokesman Tony Fratto, noting the only assistance authorized by Congress for the auto industry is a $25 billion loan package meant to help the industry retool to meet higher fuel economy standards.
The appeal from Mrs. Pelosi (D., Calif.) and Mr. Reid (D., Nev.) comes a few days after the lawmakers met with senior executives for the Big Three auto makers. The industry, facing huge losses, is seeking a range of government assistance, including access to the $700 billion program.
尽管布什政府不愿意将这个救助计划扩大至汽车业,但是一些政府官员已经在讨论使用部分救助资金入股金融行业公司,将救助对象扩大至银行和保险公司以外。知情人士透露,救助对象将集中在为整个经济发展提供融资服务的企业,如通用电气(General Electric Co.)的旗下子公司GE Capital以及CIT Group Inc.等专业金融公司和债券保险商。
Though the administration is reluctant to widen the program to cover autos, there has been discussion among Bush officials of expanding use of the $700 billion to buy equity stakes in a range of financial-sector companies, moving beyond just banks and insurers. The focus would be on assisting companies that provide financing to the broad economy, such as bond insurers and specialty finance firms such as General Electric Co.'s GE Capital unit, CIT Group Inc. and others, individuals familiar with the matter said.
Democratic congressional leaders are considering convening a lame-duck session of Congress later this month to deal with economic concerns. The session could be used to enact a short-term stimulus package or to approve assistance for auto makers. But the Democratic leadership is not inclined to act, absent a signal from the White House that Mr. Bush would be willing to sign a bill.
Greg Hitt