
Oil falls ahead of Opec meeting

Opec ministers will gather in Cairo on Saturday, as oil prices remained below $55 a barrel amid fears that global demand is set to fall further.

US light, sweet crude ended down a cent at $54.43 a barrel on Friday. In London Brent was up 20 cents at $53.49.

Ministers from Iran and Qatar dampened expectations that a cut in production would be announced this weekend.

Opec member Venezuela favours a cut in output of a million barrels a day to try to boost prices.

The Iranian Oil minister, Gholam Hossein Nozari said a cut may be announced at the Opec meeting in Algeria on 17 December.

"Here we will prepare some data and maybe the final decision will be in Algeria," he said.

His view was backed up by the Qatari energy minister, Abdullah al-Attiyah.

Added Kuwaiti Oil Minister Mohammed al-Olaim said:"I don't think a decision will be taken at the meeting in Cairo. A decision could be taken at the meeting in Algeria."

Balancing demand

Falls in demand in the US, the world's top energy consumer, and other industrialised countries, have helped drive prices down from a record peak of more than $147 a barrel.

Opec, which accounts for 40% of global oil production, cut output by 1.5 million barrels a day last month, but the move failed to stop prices from declining.

While cartel members have not ruled out making another output cut, some say the impact of the existing cuts still have to be felt.

"Combined with weakening non-Opec supplies, the projected...output curtailment suggests that the oil market could actually tighten moving into 2009," Barclays Capital said in a research note.



















Oil Firms Make Tough Calls And Conserve Cash


Tough choices are looming for the global oil industry as sinking energy prices force companies to reconsider how they spend their money. The new priority: Conserve cash.


Just a few months ago, major oil and natural-gas companies were minting record profits as global energy demand boomed and crude-oil prices climbed to $145 a barrel in July. Oil companies didn't have to choose between paying down debt, raising stock dividends, increasing their cash balances or expanding capital budgets. They could afford to do it all simultaneously.


Now the world-wide economic downturn is drying up demand for oil and natural gas, dropping the benchmark price for a barrel of oil to below $50 last week for the first time since 2005. On Tuesday, oil prices fell $3.73, or 6.8%, to settle at $50.77 a barrel on the New York Mercantile Exchange.


If oil prices don't rebound significantly in the next few weeks, industry experts expect oil companies, as a first step, will take a scalpel to generous share-repurchase programs that have helped cushion falling stock prices in recent months.

它们或许还需要进一步缩减股票回购规模。在当前这种大幅振荡的市场环境下预测油价是件危险的游戏,但业内分析师们近来一直在下调油价的预测值,一些人相信油价不会很快反弹。总部位于加拿大卡尔加里的能源投资银行Tristone Capital周二预测说,明年的平均油价将降至每桶50美元。

Further cuts may be necessary. Predicting oil prices in such a volatile market is a perilous pastime, but industry analysts have been slashing price forecasts recently and some believe oil won't rebound anytime soon. Calgary-based energy investment bank Tristone Capital on Tuesday forecast oil prices would average $50 next year.

而据巴克莱集团(Barclays PLC)旗下投资银行部门Barclays Capital的信贷分析师们所做现金流分析显示,以每桶50美元的油价计,埃克森美孚(Exxon Mobil Corp.)、雪佛龙(Chevron Corp.)和康菲(ConocoPhillips)等石油巨头要想完全落实预算资金、维持目前的派息水平,就需要增加债务、动用自己丰厚的现金储备或在其他方面削减成本。

At that level, oil giants such as Exxon Mobil Corp., Chevron Corp. and ConocoPhillips will need to add debt, spend their substantial cash balances or cut other costs in order to fully fund capital budgets and maintain their dividends, according to a cash-flow analysis by credit analysts at Barclays Capital, the investment-banking arm of British bank Barclays PLC.

总部位于休斯顿的小型投资银行TPH Energy在给投资者的研究报告中说,由于油价下跌和世界性的信贷危机,全球能源业的增长速度无疑将显著放缓。

With plunging oil prices and a global credit crisis, there is 'no question in our minds that [a] noticeable slowdown will happen in [the] worldwide energy biz,' wrote Houston-based investment boutique TPH Energy in a note to investors. 'Fear + less cash flow = retrenchment.'

即使是油价维持在每桶70美元的水平,雪佛龙及Marathon Oil Corp.和Suncor Energy Inc.等中型能源公司也需要在哪些开支要压、哪些要保的问题上做出战略抉择。Sanford C. Bernstein在最近发表的一份研究报告中说,如果2009年的油价维持在每桶70美元,英国石油(BP PLC)、ENI SpA、荷兰皇家壳牌(Royal Dutch Shell PLC)和康菲等石油公司要想维持目前的派息和股票回购水平显然不会轻松。而埃克森美孚和挪威国家石油公司(StatoilHydro ASA)在2010年也将面临同样问题。

Even at $70 oil, Chevron and some midsize companies such as Marathon Oil Corp. and Suncor Energy Inc. will need to make strategic decisions about what to cut and what to fund. In a recent research note, Sanford C. Bernstein said that, at $70 oil in 2009, 'it is obvious' that companies such as BP PLC, ENI SpA, Royal Dutch Shell PLC and ConocoPhillips 'could struggle to maintain the dividend and buy-back levels,' while Exxon and StatoilHydro ASA would face similar problems in 2010.


To manage their cash, some midsize energy companies have begun trimming their capital-spending plans. So far, the large global companies are maintaining planned spending, though they are delaying certain projects in the hope that construction and engineering costs -- which have soared in recent years -- will come down as the industry expansion slows.

股市大盘的重挫和投资者对油价不断下跌的担忧已对能源类股造成打击。埃克森美孚和雪佛龙这两家美国最大石油公司的股价今年已分别下跌了17%和18%。摩根大通(J.P. Morgan)本月将它对埃克森美孚和雪佛龙明年利润的预期值分别下调了17%和26%。

Energy companies already have been pummeled by the broader stock-market selloff and concerns about falling oil prices. Shares of Exxon and Chevron, the two largest U.S.-based oil companies, are down 17% and 18%, respectively, this year. This month, J.P. Morgan slashed its projected earnings next year for Exxon by 17% and for Chevron by 26%.

麦格理证券(Macquarie Securities)能源分析师詹森·甘缪尔(Jason Gammel)说,既要应对当前的经济低迷,对于那些有望支撑公司未来发展的项目又不能削减投资力度,面对这种局面,能源企业最有可能采取的措施就是动用其庞大的现金储备并增加负债。他指出,埃克森美孚的收益报告显示,截至今年9月底它手中握有370亿美元现金,这笔钱可以满足它一年半的资本支出之需。

To cope in the downturn without cutting funding for projects expected to deliver future growth, companies are most likely to spend down their large cash reserves and increase debt, said Jason Gammel, an energy analyst with Macquarie Securities. He noted that Exxon could fund its capital spending for 1 1/2 years with the $37 billion in cash it reported at the end of September.


And while the credit crisis has locked up debt markets for most industries, the strong balance sheets forged in recent years by high oil prices means 'there would be plenty of market appetite for integrated oil debt if things got bad,' he said.

当然,如果油价像一些分析师仍然预计的那样再度上行,石油公司将可安然度过眼前的这段经济低迷期。巴克莱预计,市场需求恢复增长将把油价重新推高到每桶100美元。而Tristone Capital和德意志银行(Deutsche Bank)等其他机构则对油价上涨前景较为悲观。

Of course, if oil prices were to spike upward again, as some analysts continue to predict, oil companies will be able to ride out the current downturn with little fuss. Price forecasts at Barclays see demand growth returning to push prices back up to $100 a barrel. Others, such as Tristone Capital and Deutsche Bank, are more bearish.


If the bearish forecasts are correct, oil companies will be forced to act. There are a number of potential barriers to higher oil prices: a deep global recession; an inability of the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries to cooperate in production cuts; and political developments in the U.S. to promote investment in renewable energy, which would put a damper on long-term fossil-fuel prices.


Still, oil supply remains constrained and, if demand returns, prices could head back up quickly. If there is a broad move to defer projects in coming months, concern about the impact on future energy supplies would grow. 'At the end of the day, this creates a potential for serious price spikes when we come out of the trough of the economic cycle,' said Macquarie's Mr. Gammel.


The steep drop in oil and natural-gas prices already has had a dramatic effect on companies that are smaller and have a weaker financial position than the global oil titans. These smaller companies, mainly producers focused on natural gas or high-cost production projects such as Canada's oil sands, already have slashed capital spending to make sure they aren't spending more than operations bring in. That is a departure from recent years, when many of the companies spent heavily and relied on debt and equity markets to provide additional cash.

Russell Gold




Tata Group's Troubles Mount

印度头号跨国公司塔塔集团(Tata Group)在国内面临的问题日益增多之际,其全球扩张计划也正遭遇挫折。

India's first major multinational, Tata Group, is seeing its global ambitions backfire just as its problems at home grow.


With interests ranging from tea to hotels to steel, the pioneering conglomerate may seem adequately diversified. But issues with one of the largest acquisitions made by the group's companies show how even Tata's resources are being stretched by the global downturn.

塔塔汽车(Tata Motors Ltd.)今年3月份斥资23亿美元收购陆虎(Land Rover)和捷豹(Jaguar)两大汽车品牌,被作为印度企业向海外扩张的证据而被大肆炒作,再加上印度这次竟然到前宗主国的后院动土,给这宗交易添上了更多色彩。但在汽车销售形势每况愈下的环境下,塔塔汽车收购这两个英国汽车品牌明显是吃亏了。

Tata Motors Ltd.'s $2.3 billion purchase of Land Rover and Jaguar in March was touted as evidence of India Inc.'s growing clout -- with added spice, since the acquisitions were on its former colonial ruler's home turf. But car sales are slumping, and it is clear that Tata Motors overpaid for its British trophies.


Last month it had to launch an $828 million rights issue to help fund the bridging loan it needed for the deal. Now, there is a good chance that Jaguar Land Rover will seek a further line of credit from the U.K. government, either by itself or as part of an industry bailout.


Lower demand for cars in India, meanwhile, is causing inventory pileups; the company is having to cut production at its Jamshedphur base this week. The company's reputation also took a hit as protests forced it to abandon the site of the new manufacturing plant for its low-cost Nano car.

最令人担心的是,塔塔集团为受困的各子公司解围正显出疲态。由于塔塔汽车配股的认购不足,塔塔集团只得将旗下塔塔咨询服务有限公司(Tata Consultancy Services Ltd.)的一部分股份套现以购入配售股份。又因为塔塔咨询服务的股票价格今年以来已下跌过半,使得这次配股得不偿失。

Most worrying are the signs Tata Group is struggling to put out the fires at its beleaguered group members. The group plugged a shortfall in Tata Motors' rights issue last month by selling a stake in outsourcing arm Tata Consultancy Services Ltd. The value of Tata Consultancy's shares have more than halved this year, making that tactic less effective.

塔塔集团董事长拉坦?塔塔(Ratan Tata)也知道情况正变得越来越糟糕。他在上个月发给集团首席执行长的一封电邮中警告,在全球金融危机继续肆虐的环境下,集团的一些子公司会处于“不可挽回的境地”。

Group Chairman Ratan Tata knows the hole is getting deeper. Last month in an email to group chief executives, he warned of 'irretrievable positions' for some Tata companies as the global financial crisis continues.


Extricating his company from this position will take all of Mr. Tata's expertise. Investors in his group's companies face a long wait for him to succeed.

Andrew Peaple



Nissan pulls out of Chicago Auto Show

By Kathy Bergen | Tribune reporter

With the auto industry reeling, Nissan North America Inc. is pulling out of the 2009 Chicago Auto Show, the first major automaker to exit the high-profile public show that opens in February at McCormick Place.

Having trumpeted its new products at the Los Angeles Auto Show this month, the company decided to skip both the Detroit auto show in January and the Chicago show as a way to control spending during tough times, said Alan Buddendeck, a company spokesman.

"In extraordinary market conditions, every company takes a fresh look at its marketing strategy and tactics," he said.

The withdrawal is a major blow for the Chicago Auto Show, which typically draws an estimated 1 million car aficionados each year.

The Chicago Automobile Trade Association, producer of the show, plans to fight the decision, said Jerry Cizek, president of the Oakbrook Terrace-based group.

"We're not done with this," Cizek said. "We're going to keep lobbying to see if they will reconsider because Chicago is too important for Nissan North America . . . not to be in the show."

He said he will participate in a conference call with Nissan executives Tuesday.

No other car manufacturers have pulled out, he said, though some have reduced the size of their exhibits.

Overall, he expects the exhibition area to shrink by 10 percent to 15 percent this year.

Carmakers cut back on their events at the Los Angeles show, and four other car companies -- Ferrari, Rolls-Royce, Land Rover and Suzuki Motor Corp. -- are withdrawing from the Detroit show, the Los Angeles Times has reported.





Bankruptcy Is Option To GM Board

知情人士透露,陷入困境的通用汽车(General Motors Corp.)董事会成员目前愿意考虑包括申请破产保护在内的“所有选择方案”,从而使他们和公司董事长兼首席执行长瓦格纳(Rick Wagoner)出现了罕见的立场分歧。

Members of General Motors Corp.'s board of directors are willing to consider 'all options' for the ailing auto maker, including an eventual filing for bankruptcy protection, a stance that puts them in rare disagreement with Chairman and Chief Executive Rick Wagoner, people familiar with the matter said.


As part of his push to win a federal bailout for the company, Mr. Wagoner told Congress this week that GM management believes bankruptcy protection is not a viable option for the company. Instead, GM is focusing on persuading lawmakers to provide financial help, Mr. Wagoner said.


The board, which in the past has publicly offered Mr. Wagoner its strong support, agrees that seeking government funding is the company's top priority. But it isn't willing to dismiss the possibility of a bankruptcy filing, say people familiar with the thinking of the board's outside directors.

通用汽车上周五在向《华尔街日报》提供的声明中说,董事会对申请破产进行了讨论,但并不认为申请破产是解决流动性问题的可行性方案。通用汽车发言人托尼?瑟沃尼(Tony Cervone)表示,公司董事会将视情况的发展考虑各种选择方案,管理层正在考虑在职权范围内竭尽所能以避免破产。

In a statement provided to The Wall Street Journal on Friday, GM said the board had discussed bankruptcy but didn't view it as a 'viable solution to the company's liquidity problems.' The board 'is committed to considering all options in light of circumstances as they may develop.' A GM spokesman, Tony Cervone, said that management is considering doing everything in its power to avoid a filing.


GM said Mr. Wagoner declined to be interviewed. Several of GM's board members could not be reached for comment on Friday. It is unclear whether the board has hired independent advisers to help it evaluate options it may have to consider.


New signs of tension in the boardroom could complicate the next few weeks for Mr. Wagoner, 55 years old. In the past month, he has had to acknowledge GM is using cash at an alarming rate. Mr. Wagoner said that as soon as January, amid frozen credit markets and a collapse in demand for automobiles, the company could fall short of the minimum levels it needs to stay out of bankruptcy court. On Friday, GM shares closed at $3.06, up 18 cents, or 6.25%. A year ago, the stock was trading at about $42.

最近几周来,通用汽车董事会已开始表露出他们不怕与瓦格纳立场不一致,上周五表现出来的分歧至少是第二次发生这种情况了。今年秋天,瓦格纳的管理小组推出了一项计划,可能与克莱斯勒(Chrysler LLC)寻求合并。但据知情人士透露,一些董事对这个计划兴趣寡然。11月初,在通用汽车即将公布第三季度大幅亏损和现金流出69亿美元的季报时,公司董事会督促管理层放弃合并谈判,以集中精力应对流动性危机。

Friday's split represented at least the second time in recent weeks the board has shown a willingness to oppose Mr. Wagoner. This fall, Mr. Wagoner's management team presented a plan to potentially merge with Chrysler LLC. Some directors gave that plan a cold reception, according to people familiar with the meetings. By early November, when GM was set to report deep losses and $6.9 billion in cash outflows for the third quarter, the board encouraged GM management to quit the merger talks and focus solely on its liquidity crisis, these people said.

在通用汽车14席董事会中,有9位董事在2003年瓦格纳出任董事长时就已经在位。许多董事都是瓦格纳的导师兼前任史密斯(Jack Smith)执掌通用的时候当选的。在通用汽车近年来遭受数十亿美元亏损的情况下,董事会首席董事、伊士曼-柯达公司(Eastman Kodak Co.)退休董事长费什(George Fisher)仍多次表示支持瓦格纳。董事会其他成员还包括前安永(Ernst & Young)董事长拉斯卡维(Phil Laskawy)北卡罗来纳大学校长鲍尔斯(Erskine Bowles)。拉斯卡维最近被任命为房利美(Fannie Mae)董事长,鲍尔斯则曾担任克林顿总统的白宫幕僚长。

Of GM's 14 board members, nine have been in place since Mr. Wagoner became chairman in 2003. Many were elected when Mr. Wagoner's mentor and predecessor, Jack Smith, was running the auto maker. Lead director George Fisher, the retired chairman of Eastman Kodak Co., several times in recent years voiced support for Mr. Wagoner as the company racked up billions in losses. Other directors include Phil Laskawy, the retired Chairman of Ernst & Young, who was recently named Chairman of Fannie Mae, and University of North Carolina president Erskine Bowles, who was chief of staff for President Bill Clinton.


In a break from its traditional monthly board meetings, early in the summer the board started convening by phone each Friday. In recent weeks it has added several more weekly teleconferences to discuss how GM should approach the liquidity option.


On Friday, GM said it is pushing ahead with new cost-cutting measures. It said three plants in the U.S. and one in Ontario, Canada, would extend their normal two-week holiday shut-downs into January. It also said it would close down an Ontario truck plant sooner than it had planned.


GM also confirmed it is ending leases on two of the five remaining corporate jets in its fleet. The move comes after Mr. Wagoner and Detroit's two other auto CEOs were chastised in Congress for flying corporate jets to meetings this week in which they asked for billions of dollars in public assistance.

通用汽车发言人威尔金森(Tom Wilkinson)表示,坐着公司专机出现在华盛顿,公司理解这个具有象征意义的问题,对此也非常敏感。

'We understand the symbolic issue of people showing up in Washington in corporate jets,' GM spokesman Tom Wilkinson said. 'We're very sensitive to that.'

瓦格纳和福特汽车(Ford Motor Co.)以及克莱斯勒首席执行长上周前往华盛顿,希望从财政部用于救助陷入困境的金融机构的7,000亿美元资金中获取250亿美元救急,或说服国会加快发放已经批准的250亿美元贷款;这笔贷款是根据能源部一项提高能效计划,批给底特律汽车制造商的。

Mr. Wagoner and the chief executives of Ford Motor Co. and Chrysler LLC were in Washington hoping to get $25 billion from the $700 billion fund administered by the Treasury Department for troubled financial institutions, or to persuade Congress to accelerate the release of $25 billion in loans that had already been pledged to Detroit through an Energy Department fuel-efficiency program.

瓦格纳、福特汽车的穆拉利(Alan Mulally)、克莱斯勒的纳德里(Robert Nardelli)对议员们表示,他们已经开始对公司实施重组,需要过渡性贷款帮助他们度过难关。瓦格纳恳请政府立即提供100亿至120亿美元的贷款。

Mr. Wagoner, Ford's Alan Mulally and Chrysler's Robert Nardelli told lawmakers they have been restructuring their companies and need bridge loans to carry them through until the economy recovers. Mr. Wagoner asked the government for $10 billion to $12 billion in immediate funding.


All three expressed concern that a bankruptcy filing by any one of their companies could cause a collapse of the others. Because the companies share suppliers, one maker's failure could bring down the supplier network, they say, impacting one or both of the others. They also point to studies showing that consumers would be unwilling to buy cars from bankrupt auto makers, out of concern that warranties may not be honored or spare parts could become unavailable.


Lawmakers were skeptical that the companies had taken the tough steps to put their companies on the road to profitability. After enduring two days of harsh criticism, the Detroit CEOs were told to come back by Dec. 2 to describe how they'd use taxpayer funds to become 'viable.'

众议院议长佩洛西(Nancy Pelosi)和参议院多数派领袖雷德(Harry Reid)上周五在一封信函中表示,汽车制造商必须提供他们长期稳定所需现金的确切评估。他们还表示,汽车制造商获得贷款后,必须保证政府债权人地位高于其他所有债权人,完成能效目标,限制高管薪酬并提供认股权证,保证公司复苏后纳税人可以从中获利。

On Friday, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid said in a letter that auto makers must provide 'a forthright, documented assessment' of how much cash they need to become stable for the long term. They also said the companies, if granted loans, must make the government senior to all other creditors, meet fuel-efficiency targets, limit executive pay and offer warrants to allow taxpayers to profit if the companies recover.

一些议员仍然认为,破产是一个可能的归宿。田纳西州共和党参议员、参议院银行委员会成员考克(Bob Corker)表示,共和党参议员一直在讨论所谓的预先打包破产的问题,即债权人同意在公司申请破产保护之前重组债务。

Some in Congress remain convinced that bankruptcy is a possible avenue. Republican Sen. Bob Corker of Tennessee, a member of the Senate Banking Committee, said Republican senators have been discussing a so-called prepackaged bankruptcy, in which creditors agree to restructure debts before a company seeks court protection.


Companies sometimes are able to use such an option to avoid long stays in bankruptcy court. Bankruptcy experts warn, however, that a bankruptcy proceeding for a large company such as GM could get bogged down because of its complex union and dealership contracts and array of creditors.

John D. Stoll



据《上海证券报》周一援引国家税务总局(State Administration of Taxation)一位未具名官员的话报导,中国将在今年开征燃油税,并有可能与国内成品油价下调同时进行。

报导援引这位官员的话称,燃油税的实施不需要经过全国人大(National People's Congress)批准,因为当初人大批准的公路法修正案中已明确要将“燃油附加费”改为“燃油税”。

报导指出,根据一份1999年中国国务院(State Council)通过的公路法修正草案中关于燃油税的具体实施方案显示:燃油税的征收采取从量征收,而非从价征收。当时设定的燃油税税率分别为:汽油人民币1.2元/升,柴油人民币1元/升。

中国国家发展和改革委员会(National Development and Reform Commission)上周四表示,降低国内成品油价格和开征燃油税已被提上议事日程,从而结束了市场数月的猜测。





























Oil price goes below $50 a barrel

Oil prices have fallen below $50 a barrel for the first time since May 2005 amid fears of a recession and expectations that demand will drop.

US light sweet crude fell to $49.75, while London-traded Brent crude fell to $48.90 a barrel.

The price of oil is around two-thirds cheaper than in July, when it hit a record above $147 a barrel.

Members of oil cartel Opec are to meet on November 29, after opting to cut output by 1.5 million barrels per day.

"The lack of any positive news on the demand front as well as continued global economic turmoil continues to result in a dearth of bullish news," said Jonathan Kornafel, Asia director of Hudson Capital Energy.

On Wednesday, the Federal Reserve said it expected the US economy to shrink in the first half of next year, adding to fears over lower demand for fuel.

Figures from the Energy Information Administration released on Wednesday showed US stocks of crude oil increased by 1.6 million barrels last week - twice as much as expected.

Meanwhile figures from Japan showed the country experienced its second trade deficit in three months in October, with exports 7.7% lower year-on-year.

Amid signs of the wider slowdown, investors and hedge funds have been turning to cash, and away from commodities.










Big Three Plead For Aid


The chief executives of Detroit's Big Three auto makers appealed in dire language for U.S. taxpayers to help their industry, but couldn't dispel doubts in Congress that have clouded prospects for a government-led rescue.

周二,通用汽车(General Motors Corp.)、福特汽车(Ford Motor Co.)和克莱斯勒(Chrysler LLC)的领导人同全美汽车工人联合会(UAW)的负责人一起向参议院银行委员会表示,动荡的美国经济不能承受其中任何一家公司的倒闭了。

In appearances Tuesday before the Senate Banking Committee, the leaders of General Motors Corp., Ford Motor Co. and Chrysler LLC, together with the head of the United Auto Workers union, argued the shaky U.S. economy couldn't withstand a collapse of any of the companies.

通用汽车和克莱斯勒的首席执行长称,如果没有政府的支持,它们将会耗尽资金。通用汽车首席执行长瓦格纳(Rick Wagoner)说,需要有这样一个方案,以把美国经济从灾难性的崩溃边缘拯救出来。

The chief executives of GM and Chrysler said they could run out of funds without the government's support. GM CEO Rick Wagoner said the package is needed to 'save the U.S. economy from a catastrophic collapse.'

按民主党参议员克里斯托弗?多德(Christopher Dodd)的说法,这些公司“毕恭毕敬地”出现在国会一个委员会面前彰显出它们所面临困难的严重程度和其政治实力的下降。是否向在美国制造业中长期处于核心位置的底特律汽车厂家施以援手看来还是个未知数。

That the companies were convening -- 'hat in hand,' as Sen. Christopher Dodd (D., Conn.) said -- before a congressional panel reinforced the depth of their difficulties and the possible diminishment of their political clout. Extending a helping hand to Detroit auto makers, long a central part of the nation's manufacturing base, doesn't appear to be a given.


One question is whether the auto makers can muddle through to January when a new Congress convenes with strengthened Democratic majorities and a Democrat in the White House. The complexity of a possible intervention -- and the political divisiveness it has wrought -- could be too great to overcome this week.


On Monday, Senate Democrats introduced legislation that would set aside $25 billion to help the industry, drawing from the $700 billion fund created to stabilize financial markets. The legislation would allow the auto companies and parts suppliers to receive 'bridge loans' of at least ten years with favorable interest rates. But there is resistance among many senior Republicans and the White House. If no decision is made this week, the issue will be kicked over to the new 111th Congress.


As the hearing stretched past its third hour, the top executives disclosed how much they might each apply for if Congress approved the $25 billion loan package: $10 billion to $12 billion for GM; $7 billion to $8 billion for Ford; and $7 billion for Chrysler.


The companies said they would use the money to pay employees, cover current operating costs and develop new products.


Both GM and Ford are on a pace to use up $2 billion each a month, based on their third-quarter earnings. Not getting funding immediately threatens GM most directly because the firm is operating close to its minimal funding requirements. The supply chain is shared among the Big Three, so a bankruptcy filing of one could spell problems for the other two.


Some analysts suggest GM, Ford and Chrysler can cut costs enough to survive until January. But if the U.S. auto market continues to sink, the companies' cash drain could outpace their ability to cut costs.


GM has said that without government aid, the company would run out of operating funds as early as early 2009.

克莱斯勒也首次加入通用汽车的行列,把自身生存和联邦救助联系起来。克莱斯勒董事长兼首席执行长纳尔德里(Robert Nardelli)表示,如果不能迅速得到过渡融资支持,克莱斯勒的流动性可能会低于维持正常运营所需的水平。他还说,公司目前每个月都会比预期多花10 亿美元左右,导致目前手头现金仅略高于60亿美元。

Chrysler joined GM for the first time in linking its survival to a federal bailout. 'Without immediate bridge financing support, Chrysler's liquidity could fall below the level necessary to sustain operations in the ordinary course,' Robert Nardelli, the company's chairman and CEO, said. He added that the company was currently spending about a $1 billion a month more than they were taking in, leaving the auto maker with slightly more than $6 billion cash on hand.


Only Ford says that while the loan package is necessary for the betterment of the U.S.-based auto companies, it could withstand the downturn without government assistance.


The auto makers and the union sketched their companies' far-reaching impact. They also argued that Chrysler, Ford and GM are on the right track to compete with foreign-based auto makers, but that turmoil in the broader economy foiled their good planning. The companies together employ 239,000 people in the U.S.

在参议院要求限制高管薪酬的压力下,克莱斯勒的纳尔德里表示,如果得到联邦救助,他愿意接受1美元的年薪。1979年,执掌克莱斯勒的艾科卡(Lee Iacocca)在接受联邦政府贷款担保时也曾作出同样的表示。通用汽车和福特汽车首席执行长拒绝这么做。

Under pressure from senators over the issue of executive compensation, Chrysler's Mr. Nardelli said he would be willing to accept a salary of $1 a year as part of a federal bailout. Lee Iacocca made the same commitment when he ran Chrysler and secured federal loan guarantees in 1979. The chief executives of GM and Ford declined to make the same commitment.


The Banking Committee testimony is part of a broader lobbying campaign that includes parts suppliers and dealers. The executives will appear before the House Financial Services Committee Wednesday. All told, the companies are seeking $25 billion to weather the weakening economy, which has dampened demand for autos and restricted consumer access to loans.


In another indication of the industry's problems, the world's three dominant credit insurers now consider the U.S. auto industry among the riskiest sectors for default.


To qualify, companies would have to accept limits on executive compensation, allow the government to take stock in the firms, and submit a detailed plan showing how they intend to return to sound financial footing and improve their capacity to produce fuel-efficient vehicles.


It wasn't clear whether Congress would demand management changes as a condition to any bailout, although the topic was on the minds of some lawmakers.


The proposed assistance would be on top of $25 billion in already-approved loans intended to help the industry retool to meet higher fuel-efficiency standards. The White House is pushing a rival plan to speed release of the previously approved loans, by removing certain restrictions.

Greg Hitt / Matthew Dolan



经济前景黯淡 原油价格持续下跌














Chances Dwindle on Bailout Plan for Automakers


WASHINGTON — The prospects of a government rescue for the foundering American automakers dwindled Thursday as Democratic Congressional leaders conceded that they would face potentially insurmountable Republican opposition during a lame-duck session next week.

At the same time, hope among many Democrats on Capitol Hill for an aggressive economic stimulus measure all but evaporated. Democratic leaders have been calling for a package that would include help for the auto companies as well as new spending on public works projects, an extension of jobless benefits, increased food stamps and aid to states for rising Medicaid expenses.

But while Democrats said the stimulus measure would wait until President-elect Barack Obama takes office in January, some industry experts fear that one of the Big Three automakers will collapse before then, with potentially devastating consequences.

Despite hardening opposition at the White House and among Republicans on Capitol Hill, the Democrats said they would press ahead with efforts to provide $25 billion in emergency aid for the automakers. But they said the bill would need to be approved first in the Senate, which some Democrats said was highly unlikely.

Senator Christopher J. Dodd, Democrat of Connecticut and chairman of the banking committee, said he did not believe there would be enough Republican support to get the 60 votes needed to move a bill forward. “Right now, I don’t think there are the votes,” he said, adding that he personally favored aid for the automakers.

As the outlook for an auto industry bailout dimmed, President Bush traveled to Wall Street, where he gave a robust defense of capitalism and seemed to warn world leaders — and the incoming Obama administration — not to draw the wrong lessons from the global economic crisis by over-regulating markets and hindering free trade.

The White House, in resisting calls for aiding the automakers, has also warned repeatedly against throwing taxpayer money at companies that may not be salvageable.

Acknowledging the Bush administration’s opposition, Mr. Dodd said Democrats had to keep in mind that the Treasury Department already has some authority to help the finance arms of the auto companies but has been reluctant to use it.

“I want to be careful about bringing up a proposition that might fail in light of the fact the authority exists, and under an Obama administration there seems to be a greater willingness to deal with the issue,” Mr. Dodd said. “So there are some political considerations to be made.”

Passing any legislation to aid the auto companies would require 60 votes in the Senate. Democrats now control 51 of those votes, but Mr. Obama has said he will resign his Senate seat on Sunday, and Vice President-elect Joseph R. Biden Jr. is not expected to attend the lame duck session, meaning Democrats would need the support of at least 11 Republicans.

With Mr. Bush still wielding his veto authority, the fate of any legislation without White House support would be uncertain.

The auto companies, however, remained hopeful and said they would send top executives to Congressional hearings next week to make their case.

“We hope all parties recognize there’s a pressing need to preserve the domestic auto industry and the jobs and nation’s competitiveness that’s tied to the industry,” said Greg Martin, a spokesman for General Motors. “We’re ready and willing to work with all members of Congress to get this assistance.”

The majority leader, Senator Harry Reid of Nevada, and House Speaker Nancy Pelosi have urged the Bush administration to help the automakers and said they were prepared to try to push through legislation if the White House refused to act.

Mr. Reid, on Thursday, said that he would open a lame-duck session in the Senate on Monday, hoping to move forward with legislation that would extend unemployment benefits and to attach an amendment providing aid for the auto companies.

Aides to Ms. Pelosi said the House would be brought back into session as of 1 p.m. Wednesday and would remain on standby, awaiting action by the Senate.

Representative Barney Frank, Democrat of Massachusetts and chairman of the House Financial Services Committee, is working on a measure that would direct $25 billion to the carmakers from the $700 billion financial bailout fund. Aides said Mr. Frank was collaborating with his Democratic colleagues in the Senate.

President Bush, however, has not signaled any willingness to tap the bailout fund, which the Treasury has said is money better spent on financial institutions. And some powerful Republican lawmakers have voiced strong opposition to government aid for the automakers.

Senator Richard C. Shelby of Alabama, the senior Republican on the banking committee, said he would not support legislation to aid the auto companies and seemed prepared to let one or all of them collapse.

“The financial straits that the Big Three find themselves in is not the product of our current economic downturn, but instead is the legacy of the uncompetitive structure of its manufacturing and labor force,” Mr. Shelby said in a statement. “The financial situation facing the Big Three is not a national problem but their problem.”

On Thursday, Representative John A. Boehner of Ohio, the Republican leader, also came out strongly against the idea.

“Spending billions of additional federal tax dollars with no promises to reform the root causes crippling automakers’ competitiveness around the world is neither fair to taxpayers nor sound fiscal policy,” Mr. Boehner said in a statement.

Representative Jeb Hensarling of Texas, chairman of the conservative Republican Study Committee, in an appearance on Fox News, said: “You wonder where bailout-mania will end.”

Mr. Hensarling said American automakers should bear responsibility for their failed operations. “They are producing high-cost products that consumers don’t want to buy. And so now we have Washington on the verge of giving them a bailout simply because we have all heard of them and they have high-priced lobbyists.”

The Senate Republican leader, Mitch McConnell of Kentucky, has expressed support for expediting $25 billion in loans for the auto companies that Congress approved in September. But he has not indicated any willingness to provide additional money or to use money from the financial bailout fund for the car makers.

“Earlier this year, Congress acted in a bipartisan way to help the auto industry and protect jobs,” said Don Stewart, a spokesman for Mr. McConnell. “The Congress passed and the president signed legislation authorizing $25 billion in low-interest loans to help American automakers retool their facilities to make the fuel-efficient cars of the future. It may be that there are changes that need to be made in order to expedite these low-interest loans.”

Mr. Stewart added: “Other ideas have been floated, and all will receive a review as we approach the Senate’s return next week.”

Ms. Pelosi so far has rejected the idea of easing restrictions on those loans, which require carmakers to develop technologies that will improve fuel efficiency. But Mr. McConnell’s suggestion, also encouraged by the White House, may be the only potential compromise and one Republicans could support because it does not require a new appropriation of federal funds.

Some Republicans also suggested that there was less support among rank-and-file Democrats for an auto bailout than party leaders were letting on.

One Republican, Senator George V. Voinovich of Ohio, whose state relies heavily on the auto industry, voiced strong support on Thursday for using bailout money to help the failing car companies. Mr. Voinovich was working with Senators Carl Levin and Debbie Stabenow, Democrats of Michigan, to drum up support for such a plan.

Mr. Levin met Thursday afternoon with Mr. Reid in the majority leader’s office to map out their strategy.

Complicating the effort to aid the carmakers is the ownership structure of Chrysler, a limited partnership controlled by Cerberus Capital Management, a private equity firm. The firm said it would give up any profits from a future sale of the company in exchange for financial assistance from the government, hoping to limit political opposition in Washington to aid for a privately held company, according to Bloomberg News.

The shaky support for an auto industry bailout in general had left Ms. Pelosi uncertain about whether calling the House back into session would be worth the trouble.

Jim Manley, a senior adviser to Mr. Reid, said there was no chance of approving help for the auto companies without broad support from across the aisle. “We cannot do it without the support of Senate Republicans, who I hope will join us to pass a bill that saves the jobs and protects the livelihoods of millions of hard-working Americans,” Mr. Manley said.

Carl Hulse contributed reporting from Washington, and Bill Vlasic from Detroit.




Oil Already Numb To China's Stimulus


Oil markets have shrugged off China's $586 billion stimulus package. Having risen Monday on news of the plan, crude oil gave up those gains and more on Tuesday.

市场的怀疑态度源于两个因素。首先,经济刺激方案中的一些措施已经在执行,如为出口商退税。Brown Brothers Harriman的首席全球货币策略师钱德勒(Marc Chandler)估计,中国政府的实际新支出在1,500亿美元左右,约占所报导金额的25%。

Such skepticism stems from two things. First, some measures in the plan, such as tax breaks for exporters, were known about already. Marc Chandler, chief global currency strategist at Brown Brothers Harriman, estimates real new spending at about $150 billion, or 25% of the headline total.


In any case, China consumed just 7.5 million barrels of oil per day in 2007, against 49.2 million barrels a day in the developed economies now slowing dramatically. In other words, every 1% drop in the latter's consumption requires a 6.6% increase in Chinese oil demand just to offset it. With the economy cooling - the reason for the stimulus, remember - such growth looks very unrealistic.


In addition, oil was stockpiled by wholesalers and refiners in the run up to the Olympics, partly in anticipation that government controlled retail fuel prices would be raised afterwards to moderate consumption.


Times have changed. Financial services firm GaveKal expects retail prices to instead be cut 10% this month. Wholesalers will probably liquidate oil inventories and certainly be in no rush to buy more imports. Oil bulls used to looking towards a thirsty Beijing for salvation will be disappointed.

Liam Denning




America's Two Auto Industries

你能想像没有通用汽车(General Motors Corp.)的日子么?眼下这就是美国政治领导人面临的紧迫问题。

Can you imagine life without General Motors Corp. (GM)? That's now an urgent question facing America's political leaders.


GM survived for 100 years, steering through two world wars, the Great Depression, and all the booms and busts in between. But on Friday, GM said it faces a substantial risk of financial collapse by the middle of next year unless the economy makes a significant improvement, the capital market freeze thaws, or the government provides the money to sustain the company through the downturn.

民主党控制的国会和当选总统奥巴马(Barack Obama)上周暗示,他们愿意伸出援手。奥巴马上周五表示,汽车业是美国制造业的支柱,是我们降低对海外石油依赖的重要组成部分。

The Democratic Congress and President-elect Barack Obama signaled last week they are willing to lend a hand. 'The auto industry is the backbone of American manufacturing and a critical part of our attempt to reduce our dependence on foreign oil,' Obama said Friday.


So the question isn't whether Washington is willing to offer more public money to help auto companies survive. There even appears to be a consensus on how much: Up to $50 billion. The tougher question is what's Washington's goal?


First, Congress and Obama will need to decide what they mean by 'the auto industry.'

美国存在着两种汽车业。一个是以通用汽车、福特汽车(Ford Motor Co.)和克莱斯勒(Chrysler)为代表的中西部汽车制造商,这些公司拥有工会,背负着沉重的退休工人负担,受到源自上世纪初的营销和产品策略的束缚。

America has two auto industries. The one represented by GM, Ford Motor Co. (F) and Chrysler is Midwestern, unionized, burdened with massive obligations to retirees, and shackled to marketing and product strategies that have roots reaching back to the early 1900s.

另外一个美国汽车业主要位于南部,这些公司没有工会,退休人员很少,相应的责任也相对较少,享有各种优势条件,因为其欧洲、日本和韩国母公司相对近期才在美国开展业务。它们的工厂相对较新,品牌形像和营销策略也更为一致(例如,丰田汽车(Toyota Motor Corp.)在美国市场使用3个品牌,而通用汽车则有8个),它们还拥有设计定位于全球市场竞争的车型。

The other American auto industry is largely Southern and non-union, owes relatively little to the few retirees it has, and enjoys a variety of advantages because its Japanese, European and Korean owners launched operations in this country relatively recently. Their factories are newer, their brand images and marketing strategies are more coherent - Toyota Motor Corp. (TM) uses three brands in the U.S. to GM's eight - and they have cars designed for the competitive global market that exists today.

本田汽车(Honda Motor Co.)在全球范围销售一款基本款思域(Civic),而对手福特福克斯(Focus)则有两个不同的版本。福特汽车目前正在打造一款利用全球规模经济优势的福克斯车型,但这款新车要到2010年才会在美国市场上市。

Honda Motor Co. (HMC) sells one basic Civic worldwide. Ford sells two different versions of its rival Focus compact car. Ford is engineering one Focus to take advantage of global economies of scale, but the new car won't hit the U.S. market until 2010.

美国汽车研究中心(Center for Automotive Research)近期的一项研究表明,美国这一新生汽车业雇佣了大约11.3万员工。经济下滑同样也给这些制造商的销量和利润带来了冲击。但它们并没有四处求援,可能也无望获得补贴,因为目前为止管理汽车业救助提案的规定实际上将它们排除在外了。

The New American auto industry employs about 113,000 people, according to a recent study by the Center for Automotive Research. The economic slump is hammering sales and profits for these manufacturers, too. But they aren't looking for subsidies, and probably wouldn't get any since the rules governing the auto industry aid proposals to date effectively exclude them.


So this debate is strictly about the Old American auto industry, represented by the 'Big Three' of Detroit. The Detroit Three employ more than 200,000 people directly, and sustain nearly 3 million more indirectly, according to the CAR study. Diminished as they are, the Detroit Three still account for about 4% of U.S. gross domestic product. They also represent a way of doing business that has run its course. GM's plea for a federal bailout makes that official.


The government could justify subsidies as a way to prevent more job losses at the Detroit auto makers. But that would risk delaying the restructuring the unionized auto makers need to be viable. In the fragmented U.S. auto market of the 21st Century, auto makers will need to be nimble enough to make money on 10%-15% market share or less - not the 29% that GM was aiming for less than a decade ago. Does the government want to get into the business of subsidizing job cuts - paying for retraining and relocation for those who lose their jobs?

华盛顿可能会确定,动用纳税人资金为底特律汽车制造商提供补贴的目的是增加市场上省油、高科技汽车的数量。上周在华盛顿和底特律三巨头管理人士会谈时,美国众议院议长佩洛西(Nancy Pelosi)曾作过如此暗示。

Washington could decide the goal in providing taxpayer-financed subsidies to the Detroit auto makers is to increase the number of fuel efficient and high technology cars on the market. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi hinted at this last week in discussions with Detroit Three executives in Washington.

回顾以往,政府介入汽车产品战略的成效喜忧参半。东德共产主义政府曾提出买得起的个人交通工具的想法,可笑的Trabant汽车就是这一想法的产物。好的方面来看,加州空气资源委员会(California Air Resources Board)的“零排放”要求等政府命令有效推动了汽车制造商大举开发新技术;若非如此,这些技术恐怕已被束之高阁了。政府干预也是丰田普瑞斯(Prius)等油电混合动力车出现的原因之一。

The success of government-mandated automotive product strategies is mixed. The laughable Trabant was a product of the East German Communist government's ideas about affordable personal transportation. On the other end of the spectrum, government mandates such as the California Air Resources Board's demands for 'zero emission' vehicles have spurred auto makers to take risks on new technology they otherwise might have left on the shelf. Modern gas-electric hybrids such as the Toyota Prius exist in part because of bureaucrats.


One thing Washington could do to spur profitable sales of fuel-stingy cars is put a floor under gas prices, which now have dipped below $2 a gallon in some parts of the country. No one's discussing such an idea.


Perhaps the government will decide that its role should be to give the Detroit Three the chance to play the same game as its international rivals when it comes to the costs of health care.


Auto makers with home operations in Europe and Japan start with a big advantage in that they are not directly shouldering on their income or balance sheets the burden of providing health care to the bulk of their retirees. Those costs are largely borne by the government and the costs spread to taxpayers.


The Detroit Three in 2007 set up a mechanism to unload their union retiree health obligations by 2010 to trusts controlled by the United Auto Workers. But those trusts aren't up and running yet, and aren't fully funded. Government subsidies could be used to plug that funding gap, and allow the Detroit Three to put their cash into better cars. This is a proposal the UAW supports.


There's another thing the government could do with $50 billion. It could give a $4,000 to $5,000 tax rebate to everyone who buys a new car or truck made in the United States during the next year. The tax break could be scaled up for people who trade in a low mileage vehicle for a vehicle that burns 15%-20% less gas - a percentage that's roughly equivalent to the share of oil the U.S. imports from the Persian Gulf.


Leaving it up to consumers what auto companies should benefit from government subsidies might not save GM. But it would save the government from having to choose sides between America's two auto industries.

Joseph B. White




Auto-Industry Crisis, Job Losses Test Obama

通用汽车公司(General Motors Corp.)和福特汽车公司(Ford Motor Co.)公布第三季度核心业务利润出现巨亏,并在该季度合计消耗了高达146亿美元的现金,美国政府被迫为其汽车业空前的萎缩提供融资的可能性也大大提高了。

General Motors Corp. and Ford Motor Co. posted steep losses in their core operations and together burned through a staggering $14.6 billion in cash in the third quarter, raising the possibility that Washington may have to step in to finance a historic downsizing of the U.S. auto industry.


In a reflection of how dire the situation is, GM acknowledged its cash reserves could approach the minimum levels it needs to keep its operations going later this year, if it doesn't get government help or see a dramatic turnaround in vehicle sales.

当选总统奥巴马(Barack Obama)在当选后与其经济智囊团首次出席的新闻发布会上称,他已经要求他的团队制定帮助汽车业渡过金融危机的办法,但他没有详细说明此事。

President-elect Barack Obama, appearing with his economic brain trust in his first press conference since the election, said he had asked his team to work on ways to help the auto industry survive the financial crisis but offered few specifics.


'The auto industry is the backbone of American manufacturing and a critical part of our attempt to reduce our dependence on foreign oil,' Mr. Obama said. He endorsed speeding up efforts to convert U.S. factories to produce more fuel-efficient vehicles.

通用汽车称,已经停止了同克莱斯勒(Chrysler LLC)的并购谈判,此举也显示出通用汽车需要立即获得救援的紧迫程度。

In another development reflecting the extent of GM's need for immediate relief, the company said it has ended talks about a merger with Chrysler LLC.

通用汽车董事长兼首席执行长瓦格纳(Rick Wagoner)在电话会议上向记者和分析师称,可以说流动性是通用汽车和整个行业目前的重中之重。汽车制造商无法获得贷款完成它们的重组。

'It's fair to say liquidity is the top priority for the company and the industry right now,' GM's chairman and chief executive, Rick Wagoner, told reporters and analysts in a conference call. 'Car makers can't get credit to complete their restructurings.'


Detroit's deepening crisis has led analysts to predict that one or more of the auto makers may have to seek bankruptcy protection. But Mr. Wagoner said a bankruptcy filing by GM wasn't being discussed, in large part because it would scare off car buyers. 'We have no plans for anything other than running our business,' he said.

分析师称,通用汽车的形势看来越来越不容乐观。会计及咨询机构Plante & Moran的合伙人克雷格?菲茨杰拉德(Craig Fitzgerald)说,如果看看现金的消耗速度,它们绝对需要获得注资,而看来唯一的可行的选择就是政府的支持。

Analysts said GM's situation appeared to be increasingly desperate. 'If you look at the burn rates [of cash] they absolutely must have an infusion of capital and it appears the only option on the table for them is government support,' said Craig Fitzgerald, a partner with Plante & Moran, an accounting and consulting firm.

白宫发言人弗拉托(Tony Fratto)说,布什政府不愿在能源部已经授权的250亿美元低息贷款外提供更多资助,除非国会接手此事。

White House spokesman Tony Fratto indicated the Bush administration is reluctant to provide more aid beyond the $25 billion in low-cost loans the Department of Energy has been authorized to award, unless Congress takes up the matter.


President-elect Obama appeared to signal greater willingness to extend more help. 'I have made it a high priority for my transition team to work on additional policy options to help the auto industry adjust, weather the financial crisis and succeed in producing fuel-efficient cars here in the United States of America,' Mr. Obama told reporters. 'I've asked my team to explore what we can do under current law and whether additional legislation will be needed for this purpose.'

密歇根州民主党众议员莱文(Sander Levin)在上周五接受采访时敦促布什政府让汽车厂家获得财政部向金融机构拨出的7,000亿美元贷款中的部分款项。这一观点得到了国会部分议员的支持,其中包括参议院多数党领袖雷德(Harry Reid)。

Rep. Sander Levin, D-Mich., urged the Bush administration in an interview Friday to let car makers tap some of the $700 billion the Treasury Department has allocated to help troubled financial institutions. That view was echoed by some others in Congress, including Sen. Harry Reid, D-Nev., the Senate majority leader.

上周四,通用汽车、福特汽车和克莱斯勒的首席执行长到华盛顿向众议院议长佩洛西(Nancy Pelosi)申请救助。讨论的问题之一是在能源部为提高燃油效率拨付的250亿美元之外再提供250亿美元贷款。尽管佩洛西表示赞同为底特律厂家提供支持,但并未承诺提供更多帮助。

On Thursday, the chief executives of GM, Ford and Chrysler went to Washington to appeal to Rep. Nancy Pelosi, the Democratic speaker of the House of Representatives, for aid. Among things discussed was an additional $25 billion in loans on top of the $25 billion to be provided through the Energy Department for fuel-efficiency improvements. While saying she favors support for Detroit, Ms. Pelosi stopped short of promising more help.


The Energy Department said this week it is unlikely that any of the $25 billion in loans would be disbursed before the end of the year.


Ford and GM said they expect market conditions to remain anemic throughout 2009 -- a stark contrast to the expected turnaround in auto sales they predicted at the beginning of this year.


GM reported a net loss of $2.5 billion, or $4.45 per share, for the third quarter, including special items. That compares with a net loss of $42.5 billion, or $75.12 per share, in the third quarter last year; the vast majority of that loss stemmed from a charge related to the write-down of tax credits.


GM said used up $6.9 billion in cash in the quarter, leaving its cash reserves at $16.2 billion. GM says it needs $11 billion to $14 billion to fund its operations, and Mr. Wagoner said GM plans to keep its cash on hand above that level.


Revenue at GM for the third quarter was $37.9 billion, down from $43.7 billion in the year-earlier quarter, reflecting sales declines across the industry.


In order to stay alive, GM is deepening its cost-cutting drive. On Friday, it laid out $5 billion in additional expense reductions. These include a dramatic cut in 2009 capital expenditures and additional cuts to its white-collar work force. These cuts come on top of $10 billion in reductions announced in July.


GM's liquidity is under more pressure than Ford's. Had the company not drawn $3.5 billion from a secured revolving credit facility, the auto maker could have sunk alarmingly close to its minimum funding requirement during the quarter.


GM said it expects its cash-burn rate to improve in the fourth quarter.


Ford said it lost $129 million, or six cents a share, in the third quarter. Without a one-time gain related to retiree health-care costs, Ford's pre-tax operating loss was $2.75 billion. That compares with a net loss of $380 million, or 19 cents a share, in the year-earlier quarter, when special items reduced pre-tax results by $350 million.


Ford's third-quarter revenue was $32.1 billion, down $9 billion from the year-earlier period. Revenue in its automotive business fell 23% to $27.8 billion.

福特汽车第三季度共消耗现金77亿美元,还剩余189亿美元。福特汽车称,现金流出速度大于预期,但首席财务长布斯(Lewis Booth)向记者表示,该公司并不担心流动性头寸。福特汽车称,希望在2010年年底前将现金头寸提高140亿美元至170亿美元。

Ford burned through $7.7 billion in cash in the third quarter, which left it with $18.9 billion. Ford said its cash outflow has been greater than anticipated, but Chief Financial Officer Lewis Booth told reporters the company is 'comfortable with its liquidity position.' Ford said it hopes to improve its cash position by $14 billion to $17 billion by the end of 2010.


At the current rate Ford is using cash, however, the company would have enough money to last only until April. Ford also has $10.7 billion in available credit lines, which could give it another four months of breathing room.


To conserve cash, Ford is laying off salaried employees and cutting between $500 million and $1 billion in capital expenditures in both 2009 and 2010.Company officials said the cutbacks would only slightly delay -- and not irreparably harm -- the auto maker's ability to bring new products to showrooms.

福特汽车首席执行长穆拉利(Alan Mulally)说,削减资本支出是必需的,因为全球汽车业的低迷状况将会比我们此前想象的更严重、更广泛、更持久。穆拉利还称,福特汽车的计划并未假设会得到政府资助。

Ford CEO Alan Mulally said the cutbacks were needed because the global auto-industry downturn 'will be deeper, broader and longer than was previously assumed.' Mr. Mulally added that Ford's plan doesn't assume it will get government assistance.

对克莱斯勒而言,与通用汽车并购谈判的告吹令其未来受到了严重质疑。许多分析师和业内人士认为,克莱斯勒不能自行生存下去,因为该公司几乎所有销售都依赖于北美市场,他们还怀疑克莱斯勒的现金头寸至少同通用汽车和福特汽车一样脆弱。Cerberus Capital Management LP是克莱斯勒的控股公司。

As for Chrysler, the end of merger talks with GM raises serious questions about its future. Many analysts and auto executives believe Chrysler, controlled by Cerberus Capital Management LP, cannot survive on its own because it depends on North America for almost all of its sales, and suspect its cash situation is at least as bleak as GM's and Ford's.


This year's rise in gas prices caused sales of trucks and sport-utility vehicles -- the main sources of Detroit's profits -- to plunge. Then came the financial meltdown, which sent auto sales sliding further.

上周五,两家信用评级机构发表了不利于通用汽车的报告。标准普尔(Standard & Poor's Ratings Services)称,将通用汽车的评级从B-下调至CCC+。惠誉国际评级(Fitch Ratings)将通用汽车列入了负面评级观察名单。

Two credit-ratings firms issued adverse reports Friday on GM. Standard & Poor's Ratings Services said it lowered its ratings on the company to CCC+ from B-. Fitch Ratings placed GM on its 'Rating Watch Negative' list.

Matthew Dolan / John D. Stoll / Joshua Mitchell




Pelosi, Reid Press for TARP Aid for Auto Industry


美国众议院议长佩洛西(Nancy Pelosi)和参议院多数派领袖雷德(Harry Reid)向财政部长鲍尔森(Henry Paulson)致函,敦促后者考虑扩大7,000亿美元问题资产救助计划的救助范围,涵盖底特律的汽车业三巨头,以推动陷入困境的美国汽车业的发展。

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid sent a letter to Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson urging him to assist the Big Three auto makers by considering broadening the $700 billion Troubled Asset Relief Program to help the troubled industry.

据知情人士透露,这两位民主党高级国会领袖很可能会在致白宫的信中提出同样的要求,这封信最早可能在周六下午送达白宫。这些人士还表示,总体上来说,美国新当选总统奥巴马(Barack Obama)对这个要求持支持态度,他本人也在想办法来帮助美国汽车行业的发展。

The two top Democratic leaders in Congress are likely to make the request in a letter to the White House, which could be forwarded as soon as Saturday afternoon, said individuals familiar with the matter. President-elect Barack Obama is generally supportive of the appeal, but at the moment is moving on his own track to assist the industry, these individuals said.

奥巴马定于周一在白宫与布什总统(George W. Bush)会面。

Mr. Obama is scheduled to meet with President George W. Bush at the White House Monday.


The White House has been reluctant to broaden use of the $700 billion program, which was created by Congress just ahead of the election to deal improve credit flows and calm turmoil in financial markets incited by the downturn in the housing economy.

布什总统的发言人弗拉托(Tony Fratto)表示,问题资产救助计划是为解决其他问题而设立的,他还指出,250亿美元的一揽子贷款是经国会批准的支持汽车业的唯一措施。后者旨在帮助汽车业重组,以提高汽车的节能降耗标准。

'It was not set up for anything else,' said Bush spokesman Tony Fratto, noting the only assistance authorized by Congress for the auto industry is a $25 billion loan package meant to help the industry retool to meet higher fuel economy standards.


The appeal from Mrs. Pelosi (D., Calif.) and Mr. Reid (D., Nev.) comes a few days after the lawmakers met with senior executives for the Big Three auto makers. The industry, facing huge losses, is seeking a range of government assistance, including access to the $700 billion program.

尽管布什政府不愿意将这个救助计划扩大至汽车业,但是一些政府官员已经在讨论使用部分救助资金入股金融行业公司,将救助对象扩大至银行和保险公司以外。知情人士透露,救助对象将集中在为整个经济发展提供融资服务的企业,如通用电气(General Electric Co.)的旗下子公司GE Capital以及CIT Group Inc.等专业金融公司和债券保险商。

Though the administration is reluctant to widen the program to cover autos, there has been discussion among Bush officials of expanding use of the $700 billion to buy equity stakes in a range of financial-sector companies, moving beyond just banks and insurers. The focus would be on assisting companies that provide financing to the broad economy, such as bond insurers and specialty finance firms such as General Electric Co.'s GE Capital unit, CIT Group Inc. and others, individuals familiar with the matter said.


Democratic congressional leaders are considering convening a lame-duck session of Congress later this month to deal with economic concerns. The session could be used to enact a short-term stimulus package or to approve assistance for auto makers. But the Democratic leadership is not inclined to act, absent a signal from the White House that Mr. Bush would be willing to sign a bill.

Greg Hitt
















U.S. Auto Sales Plunged in October

General Motors Reports 45% Decline as Tight Credit and Financial Turmoil Put Squeeze on Consumers

The dismal U.S. auto market took a turn for the worse in October, with sales plunging by about a third as the financial crisis and tightening credit kept buyers away from showrooms.

Auto makers sold 838,186 cars and light trucks last month, according to a tally by Autodata Corp. General Motors Corp. said it was the worst October in 25 years. When adjusted for increases in the U.S. population, last month was "the worst month in the post-World War II era," Michael DiGiovanni, GM's top sales analyst, said in a conference call. "This is clearly a severe, severe recession."

Auto executives warned that the market could deteriorate further, raising the question as to when the auto industry -- a key driver of the U.S. economy -- will hit bottom.

The modest decline in U.S. economic output in the third quarter "is not likely to be the worst we will see in this cycle," Ford Motor Co. economist Emily Kolinski Morris said in a company conference call.

A closely watched industry figure, the seasonally adjusted annualized selling rate, was 10.6 million vehicles, compared with 16 million a year earlier, according to Autodata.

Ford sales analyst George Pipas said the current sales trend could pull total 2008 sales below 14 million cars and trucks. At the beginning of the year many car companies had expected sales of roughly 15 million vehicles, already below the 16 million annual figure considered to be healthy.

Slumping auto sales are among the factors that have prompted GM to contemplate a merger with Chrysler LLC and spurred calls for federal help for the industry.

The National Auto Dealers Association last week urged President George W. Bush to offer tax credits to boost new-car purchases. The auto makers said Monday they need a policy response to help promote sales.

October's declines were led by GM, where sales fell 45% to 166,744 vehicles. The company was hurt when its financing arm, GMAC LLC, began offering loans only to customers with top credit scores. In many areas of the country, only a third or so of all customers would qualify for loans, Mr. DiGiovanni said.

Sales to fleet customers, like rental companies, made up a third of GM's total, meaning "retail" sales to individual consumers totaled only about 113,000 vehicles.

Other auto makers suffered major declines, too. Chrysler's sales fell 35% to 94,530 vehicles. About a third of the company's total was made up of fleet sales, a person familiar with the matter said.

Ford reported its sales fell 30% to 132,248 cars and light trucks, Toyota Motor Corp.'s fell 23% to 152,101 and Honda Motor Co.'s dropped 28% to 85,864. For Toyota, fleet sales comprise less than 10% of total sales.

The sharp contractions came as U.S. consumer confidence fell in October to its lowest level since the Conference Board, a New York research group, began keeping records in 1967. The stock market fell 14% last month.

Unemployment is expected to rise from its current level of about 6%. The auto industry alone has announced 10,000 layoffs in the last two weeks as production cuts continue.

With the economy contracting, auto makers are pushing forward year-end sales. GM's "Red Tag" sale will start Tuesday rather than in mid-November, as is customary. GM will offer as much as $7,250 off select 2008 and 2009 models. Toyota will extend its national 0% financing campaign through November.

Ford said it is likely to cut its output of cars and crossover utility vehicles even as it plans to ramp up production of pick-up trucks. "There are no hot segments or hot products," Mr. Pipas said. Even the red-hot Ford Focus, the small car that saw sales rocket this summer, has stalled out, with an 18% drop in October.

"In my 27 years, I have never seen a month like this," said GM sales chief Mark LaNeve. "It was like somebody turned off the lights in the month of October."

—Sharon Terlep and John D. Stoll contributed to this article.

Write to Kate Linebaugh at kate.linebaugh@wsj.com and Matthew Dolan at matthew.dolan@wsj.com
