

Oil Can't Soothe Troubled Waters


Expensive oil burned the U.S. economy. So why isn't cheaper oil more soothing?


The U.S. burned 138 billion gallons of gasoline last year, each costing an average $3.33. The average is less than $2 so far this year, implying an annualized saving of $195 billion, or 1.4% of gross domestic product. Cheaper utility bills and lower inflation are extra benefits.


Yet Americans are driving fewer miles from a year earlier, and consumer spending remains weak.


There are several reasons why gasoline's 'stimulus check' of $639 per American doesn't do more. One is timing: It takes only a second to burn your hand but much longer for it to heal. Fixing Detroit, for example, will take years.


Higher fuel prices also added an extra burden to homeowners at a critical time for them and their lending banks, especially those in suburban developments far from city-center workplaces.


Rising unemployment means fewer commuters, so the benefit of lower fuel costs is largely lost on them anyway. The attendant financial crisis also means many drivers' ability to pay fuel bills with their credit cards has been curtailed. Meanwhile, memories of the oil-price spike will linger.


As with other stimulus payments, therefore, the fear generated by the broader economic dislocation means fuel savings will be largely saved rather than spent. In the fourth quarter, Americans squirreled away money at an annualized rate of $337 billion -- little wonder, given household net worth fell $11.2 trillion last year. Against wealth destruction of that magnitude, cheaper gasoline offers some help but can't kick-start the economy.


Liam Denning

