Spending Slowdown Will Haunt Oil Prices
The slowdown in investment in oil and gas production could lop off nearly eight million barrels a day of future oil supply growth, setting the stage for another big crude price surge in years to come, according to a new study.
The global credit crisis and falling oil prices have squeezed oil companies' finances and forced many to cut capital spending and postpone projects. That could have big implications for supply when the global recession ends and demand for energy recovers, the report by Cambridge Energy Research Associates says.
CERA projected last summer, before the economic crisis set in, that world oil production capacity would rise to 109 million barrels a day by 2014 from the current 94.5 million barrels a day.
It now says 7.6 million barrels a day -- or slightly more than half -- of that increase is 'at risk' due to project deferrals or cancellations.
The report says that reduction in capacity is a 'potentially powerful and long-lasting aftershock' following the oil-price slide of 2008, when within a few months crude fell by more than two-thirds, from a record high of $147 a barrel. It's currently trading at around $53 a barrel.
'A price collapse of this magnitude really registers on the Richter scale, and its impact on levels of future investment will be felt for years,' said CERA Chairman Daniel Yergin in an interview. The report comes amid ample evidence companies are scaling back on investment in costly projects that require a high oil price to be profitable, such as the oil sands of Canada or the ultra-deep waters off west Africa.
CERA的会长丹尼尔?叶金(Daniel Yergin)在接受采访时说,这种程度的油价暴跌真像是一场大地震,其对未来油气投资水平的影响将持续多年。在CERA这份报告发表之际,已有大量证据显示石油公司正纷纷缩减高成本投资项目的规模,这些项目只有油价维持在高位时才能盈利,加拿大的油砂矿和西非的超深海油田就属于这类项目。
Middle East oil producers, hit by falling export revenue, have reined in spending plans. The Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries says as many as 35 new projects in OPEC countries could now be delayed past 2013. Most major Western oil companies say they're sticking to their big investment plans but even they have said they're slowing down some developments to take advantage of falling costs.
受到出口收入不断下降打击的中东石油生产商已在放慢支出。石油输出国组织(OPEC, 简称:欧佩克)说,目前欧佩克成员国有多达35个新开发项目可能会被推迟到2013年以后进行。虽然多数西方主要石油公司称,会坚持实施其大型投资计划,但即使是它们也表示,正在放慢一些投资项目的进度,以利用成本不断下降带来的好处。
The slowdown is troubling the International Energy Agency, the Paris-based adviser to oil-consuming countries, which has also trimmed its forecast for supply growth due to the fall in oil prices and the lack of available credit.
The agency's deputy executive director Richard Jones told a conference in London this week that more than two million barrels a day of new oil production capacity that was due on-stream in coming years looks likely to have been deferred for now.
IEA副署长理查德?琼斯(Richard Jones)本周在伦敦的一次会议上说,现在看来,原本预计未来几年中将增加的原油日生产能力中有超过200万桶有可能要推迟实现。
'Unless sufficient companies have the will and financial ability to invest through the downcycle, there is a real risk that supply growth may lag the eventual rebound of demand, leading to substantial price increases -- possibly as early as this year,' Mr. Jones said.
CERA said it expects a large number of new projects in Angola, Nigeria, the U.S. Gulf of Mexico and deepwater off Brazil as well as in Canada's oil sands and Venezuela's hard-to-extract heavy oil, to be postponed or canceled due to the low crude price.
However, the organization noted that with industry costs expected to fall this year, so will the oil price necessary to justify investment in such high-cost projects.
Some projects in the U.K. and Norway are also seen as vulnerable, because the credit crunch is hampering companies' access to capital.
Other high-cost ventures, such as new biofuels and projects that seek to turn natural gas and coal into clean-burning transportation fuels are also likely to be affected, the CERA report said.
CERA hedged its predictions of supply tightness with uncertainty about the rate at which world oil demand will recover after the recession. If it doesn't begin to rebound next year, as many predict, the oil market could face a 'large surplus of production capacity for the next several years.'
Government policies to counter climate change and increase energy efficiency could also drive down the West's appetite for oil, it said.
Guy Chazan