

Saudis Promise More Oil Kingdom Increases Output



Saudi Arabia moved to calm deep anxieties in the oil market by promising the world a little more oil now and potentially a lot more later.


But it is unclear whether the Saudi bid to reassert its oil muscle will be enough to slow a historic surge in crude prices that many fear could go far higher. Oil prices in New York hit a record last week of $139.89 a barrel and have since fallen back, but only marginally.


The world's largest oil producer told ministers and oil executives at an unusual summit of producers and consumers in the Red Sea city of Jeddah that it will boost its output by 200,000 barrels a day for the rest of the year if needed, adding to its current production of around 9.5 million barrels a day. The global market for oil is about 86 million barrels a day.


In addition, seeking to address rising fears that future world supplies may not match rising demand, Saudi Arabia also promised an aggressive campaign to push its overall output capability to as much as 15 million barrels a day by 2018 from around 11.4 million now.


A capacity increase of that magnitude would be extraordinary for a country that has never produced more than 11 million barrels a day. To get there, Saudi Arabia would have to squeeze greater quantities of oil primarily from huge fields that have been in production since as far back as the 1940s -- far from a simple task.

沙特应对长期供应担忧的举措出于人们意料之外。就在几个月前,沙特石油大臣纳伊米(Ali Naimi)还表示,沙特现在已经在进行巨大的投入,如果一切都按计划进行的话,将在明年之内将沙特的产能提高到日产1,250万桶,他认为没有必要进一步提高产量。沙特投资逾600亿美元增加产能,同时弥补Ghawar和Abqaiq等年代久远的大油田产出率的自然下滑。

The Saudi move to address long-term supply worries came as a surprise. The kingdom's oil minister, Ali Naimi, said just months ago that he saw no need to go beyond the huge investments now under way, which will push Saudi output ability to 12.5 million barrels a day sometime next year, if all goes according to plan. The kingdom is spending more than $60 billion to increase its production abilities while also offsetting the natural decline in output rates at huge but aging fields like Ghawar and Abqaiq.

一些石油专家对沙特将日产量增加到1,500万桶的能力表示怀疑。曾任沙特阿美(Aramco)总裁的爱德华?普莱斯(Edward Price)说,我担心现有的大油田日产量最多只能达到1,200万桶左右。他还说,就算是沙特,资源也是有限的。

Some oil experts expressed skepticism about the Saudis' ability to boost output to 15 million barrels a day. 'I am afraid that we are going to see the big fields [now in production] top off at 12 million barrels a day or so,' said Edward Price, a former president of Saudi Arabian Oil Co., or Aramco, who keeps up with developments there. 'Even in Saudi Arabia, there are resource limits.'


The promised added barrels from Saudi Arabia come as output has fallen sharply in other big producing countries. Nigeria says that because of continuing militant attacks against its oil facilities, production is now at a 25-year low, down nearly one million barrels a day from its normal output. Oil exports from Mexico, Britain and Norway -- all of which have played major roles in slaking the world's oil thirst -- also are falling.

在沙特举行的国际石油峰会气氛凝重,包括英国首相戈登?布朗(Gordon Brown)在内的36个国家的代表、近10家国际石油公司的高管,以及来自石油输出国组织(OPEC)的高层官员就如何应对高不可抑的油价展开激辩。沙特国王阿卜杜拉(Abdullah)说高油价是对全球安全的重大威胁。

The Saudi-hosted summit was a somber affair as delegates from 36 countries, including British Prime Minister Gordon Brown, the heads of nearly 10 international oil companies and top officials from the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries, debated how to address nosebleed prices, a situation that Saudi King Abdullah called a major threat to global security.


Oil prices have doubled in the past year, causing fuel prices to soar and putting huge strains on industries ranging from airlines and cargo shipping to U.S. auto manufacturers. The price rise has also stirred violent protests in Europe and economic unrest in much of the developing world.


The one-day Jeddah gathering unleashed a spate of promises as big producers like Saudi Arabia vowed to do more to calm supply fears and big consumers like the U.S. talked of heightened investments in renewable energies. Yet the conclave is likely to do little to change perceptions about the precariousness of world oil markets.


Behind the warm handshakes and the talk of cooperation rumbled a deep disagreement over what has caused the oil-price surge.


Saudi officials worked the halls, delivering the message that price volatility wasn't related to oil supplies. King Abdullah, in his speech, decried the 'selfishness' of those involved in the oil-futures market, speculators whom he derided as 'despicable.'


The king said that many in the West continue to 'point the finger of blame at OPEC alone,' despite efforts within OPEC to keep pace with demand in recent months.


Yet ministers from consuming nations like the U.S. put most of the blame on the fundamentals of supply and demand, saying more oil is needed at a time when global demand since 2003 has jumped by 1.8% a year on average -- thanks largely to surging demand from China and India. OPEC supplies nearly 40% of the world's crude oil.

美国能源部长博德曼(Samuel Bodman)说,我相信我们大多数人在有件事上都意见一致:当前的油价太高了。除非我们行动起来,否则形势就会继续令人难以忍受。

'I believe that most of us agree on one thing: Prices are too high at present,' said U.S. Energy Secretary Samuel Bodman. 'And unless we act, the situation will remain unsustainable.'


The gathering made no clear headway on whether the U.S. should take steps to tighten regulations on the oil-futures trading market, as many oil producers think it should. Nor was there any public discussion of how to get big producers like Saudi Arabia, Iran or Russia to publish more reliable data on their reserves and or the depletion rates of individual fields. Such data would offer more clarity to a market that most often operates in a deep fog.

石油消费国的监察机构国际能源署(International Energy Agency)自己在对世界最大的一些油田进行统计,试图弥补信息断层。

The International Energy Agency, a watchdog for consuming nations, is doing its own study of the world's biggest fields in a bid to bridge the information gap.


Many officials came to Jeddah under heavy political fire either at home or abroad.


British Prime Minister Brown, who has faced a rash of protests at home over high fuel costs, pitched a number of ways that producing and consuming nations could better cooperate to ease the crisis. He called for the end of restrictions to Western investment in Arab countries' energy sectors while also announcing his willingness to increase access for sovereign wealth funds to the U.K.'s market.


China's Vice President Xi Jinping defended his country's energy policies, saying China is committed to alternative energy developments and to increased energy efficiency. China's booming energy demand has helped propel world oil prices. To counter that rise, China announced last week that it plans to raise its subsidized fuel costs to consumers. Still, Mr. Xi noted that, until recently, 90% of China's domestic energy needs came from domestic supplies.


Leading up to the Jeddah meeting, the Saudis first hoped to nudge prices down by promising a big boost in output. When that left markets unfazed, the country's oil officials appeared to turn their attention to long-range plans instead.


Mr. Naimi said the country is looking to invest $129 billion in oil projects over the next five years. If needed, he said, the country could add more than two million barrels a day in extra capacity through more drilling in five huge fields.


But that is certain to be a challenge. Saudi Arabia has been hit by soaring costs and project delays, as have oil companies elsewhere. And with some projects, Mr. Naimi is making output predictions that could be hard to hit.


Aramco is spending nearly $20 billion, for example, to develop the huge Khurais field, with an aim of pushing its output to 1.2 million barrels a day -- a target that many within the company think is overambitious. But to push the country's abilities still higher, Mr. Naimi said Sunday that Khurais would over time be made to deliver 250,000 barrels a day more.

Margaret Coker / Neil King Jr.

