Leaders Fumble Efforts To Temper Oil Prices
Soaring oil prices are battering businesses and consumers around the world, but political leaders from Washington to Beijing appear unwilling or unable to respond with effective new energy strategies anytime soon.
Western leaders have little ability to increase global oil supply or temper demand. Most of the rise in world demand is coming not from the rich world, where fuel consumption is in fact falling, but from emerging economies like India and China, where governments are reluctant to raise relatively low fuel prices for fear of social and economic turmoil.
Highlighting the concern about political instability in the developing world, the state-run news service of Pakistan said over the weekend that Saudi Arabia had agreed to consider deferring Pakistani oil payments as the South Asian nation's economy struggles.
Pakistan imports about 250,000 barrels a day from Saudi Arabia, the news service said. Rising oil prices have increased Pakistan's oil bill by more than 40% in some 10 months, it reported.
Friday's record one-day surge in oil prices will intensify drives by politicians in oil-consuming nations to fix blame for rising oil prices. In the U.S., politicians of both major parties feel the heat in this election year from voters frustrated as gasoline prices have nearly doubled in the past year -- albeit to levels that are still low by the standards of Western Europe. AAA, an organization for drivers, said over the weekend that average gasoline prices in the U.S. hit $4 a gallon for the first time, though consumers in many states already have been paying more since late May.
住在新泽西州Lake Hopatcong 的汽车代理经理马修?鲍尔(Matthew Power)开着一辆大型林肯城市车(Lincoln Town Car),他说,汽油价格让他不堪重负。他说,美国政府迄今提出的应对高油价的措施只是治标不治本的临时性方案。他希望政府对公众作出解释:油价为何一直上涨。
Matthew Power, a car-dealership manager who lives in Lake Hopatcong, New Jersey, and drives a large Lincoln Town Car, says gasoline prices 'are killing me.' What Washington has proposed so far to deal with the higher oil prices are Band-Aid solutions, he says. And he wants the government to explain to the public why oil prices keep rising.
在国会,民主党参议员们计划在周二对鲍尔这样的选民作出回应,他们打算通过法案,授权美国司法部(Justice Department)起诉石油输出国组织(OPEC,简称:欧佩克)成员,提高对石油交易商的担保要求以抑制投机交易,并向不投资开发可再生替代燃料的石油公司征收暴利税。
In Congress, Senate Democrats plan to respond to voters like Mr. Power on Tuesday by advancing legislation that would allow the Justice Department to bring lawsuits against members of the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries, raise collateral requirements on oil traders to discourage speculative trading, and slap a windfall-profits tax on oil companies that don't invest in renewable alternative fuels.
Such a measure is unlikely to survive Republican opposition before reaching President Bush's desk. Mr. Bush hasn't taken a formal position on the bill, but he has threatened to veto past congressional proposals singling out oil companies for higher taxes or allowing price-fixing lawsuits against OPEC.
Economists and energy industry executives disagree about the extent to which measures such as a windfall-profits tax or moves to curb speculation will rein in rising oil prices. Most energy industry experts say the fundamental problem is one of too little supply to satisfy quickly rising global demand for oil.
在欧洲,对于如何应对高油价带来的日渐高涨的抗议浪潮,有关官员也是分歧重重。由于大多数欧盟成员国经济增长减缓,加之财政预算紧张,如果削减燃油税,这些国家的领导人可能会面临财政崩溃的境地。英国首相戈登?布朗(Gordon Brown)迄今一直拒绝他所在的工党的议员提出的推迟提高老旧耗油车型的燃油税及公路税的要求。
In Europe, officials also are deeply conflicted over how to respond to a growing wave of protests over high fuel prices. With economic growth slowing and their budgets tight, most European Union leaders could face fiscal ruin if they cut fuel taxes. U.K. Prime Minister Gordon Brown has so far refused demands from lawmakers in his own Labour Party to postpone a planned increase in fuel duties and to shelve a plan to increase road taxes on older gas-guzzling cars.
与此同时,法国总统尼古拉?萨科齐(Nicolas Sarkozy)已经提出对燃油产品的增值税设定上限。但这个主意被欧元区15国的财政部长们所忽视,后者上周在法兰克福的一次会议上表示,税制变化只会扰乱竞争。
French President Nicolas Sarkozy, meanwhile, has demanded that a value-added tax -- a kind of sales tax -- on fuel products be capped. But that idea has received short shrift from finance ministers of the 15 euro-zone countries, who in a meeting in Frankfurt last week said tax changes would only distort competition.
European finance ministers seem lost for an alternative, talking vaguely of 'discouraging speculation' in oil markets and increasing transparency by following the U.S. and Japan in publishing weekly data on oil stocks.
Meanwhile, in China -- whose growing oil thirst is often cited as a major contributor to rising prices -- prospects for a radical policy shift are also dim. The country's leaders worry about inflation galloping at around 8%, and fear that raising fuel prices to control demand could worsen it at a sensitive time. Not only is the country under pressure to finish multibillion-dollar preparations for the Olympics in August, but it must also rebuild housing for five million people left homeless after the May 12 earthquake, described by some of China's leaders as the worst natural disaster since modern China was founded in 1949.
On Sunday, Zhang Guobao, vice chairman of China's National Development and Reform Commission, China's top economic policy-making body, said 'detrimental' high oil prices were caused by hedge funds and other speculators investing in oil and could spark instability.
At a meeting in Aomori, northern Japan, over the weekend, Group of Eight energy ministers plus officials from three Asian oil consumers put the spotlight on energy efficiency as the most immediate solution to record oil prices. The G-8 representatives and their counterparts from China, India and South Korea voiced their 'serious concerns' at the sharp run-up in crude to a record settlement Friday of $138.54 a barrel and agreed to set up an umbrella body to promote more widespread energy-saving initiatives and to share experience.
The ministers' statement reflects the reality that Western leaders have few short-term levers for boosting supply and bringing down price.
The U.K. government says it will try to squeeze more output out of the North Sea's oil and gas fields, tinkering with the tax regime to encourage exploration of some fields currently considered unviable. But such moves would add only a few tens of thousands of barrels of oil production a day and would fail to arrest the long-term decline of the North Sea, one of the world's biggest oil provinces.
In Washington, meanwhile, Republicans and Democrats are at odds over what is causing the spike in oil prices. Democrats, who control the U.S. Congress, blame a combination of speculative trading and what they view as price-gouging by OPEC members and oil companies.
共和党及布什政府的官员则认为,高油价是世界石油供应跟不上中国、印度等发展中国家需求的上升造成的。在石油行业的怂恿下,国会共和党议员纷纷提议应允许开发美国禁开采区的油气资源,阿拉斯加的北 国家自然保护区等就属于这类地区。
Republicans, including Bush administration officials, tend to argue that the problem is a shortage of supply needed to keep up with rising demand from industrializing countries like China and India. With encouragement from the oil industry, Republican lawmakers are pushing to allow drilling in areas of the U.S. that have been off limits, including the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge in Alaska.
Although higher prices have meant record profits for oil producers, there was little evidence that industry executives were celebrating Friday's spike. In recent months, representatives of major oil companies have been repeatedly dragged before Congress to answer charges of price manipulation and profiteering.
The companies have consistently said they don't control oil prices -- an argument supported by most experts -- and are using their profits to find and produce more oil. At a forum in Russia on Saturday, executives from major oil companies said they are facing political challenges not just in the U.S. but around the world.
雪佛龙公司(Chevron Corp.)董事长戴维?奥莱利(David O'Reilly)指出,限制开发新的区域是在扩大生产方面遇到的最大障碍。埃克森美孚(Exxon Mobil Corp.)董事长兼首席执行长莱克斯?蒂尔森(Rex Tillerson)则表示,对难以进入新区域开发的担忧助长了油价的上涨。他说,只要有迹象表明将允许开发新区域,就会在市场上产生立竿见影的效果。
Chevron Corp. Chairman David O'Reilly called restricted access to new developments 'the biggest risk in expanding production,' while Exxon Mobil Corp. Chairman and CEO Rex Tillerson said concerns about access to new supplies are fueling the surge in prices. 'Just a signal that such access will be granted would have an immediate effect on the market,' Mr. Tillerson said.
There is some evidence that the industry's arguments are having an impact on public opinion. A recent Gallup poll showed 20% of Americans blamed oil companies for high gasoline prices -- down from 34% a year earlier.
Democrats in Congress have shown little indication that they are ready to open up large new areas for drilling, at least in the short term. They point out that drilling on federally owned lands has increased steadily during the Bush administration. Some also contend that not enough is being done to encourage development of already-leased federal lands.
'The nation simply cannot drill its way to lower prices at the pump,' the Democratic staff of the House Committee on Natural Resources said in a report last week. 'Even if increased domestic drilling activity could affect the price of gasoline, there is yet no justification to open additional federal lands because oil and gas companies have shown that they cannot keep pace with the rate of drilling permits that the federal government is handing out.'
Industry officials say a number of factors limit their ability to quickly ramp up production in those areas. 'If it's not under development, it means it's not economic, or technologically we just haven't figured out how to do it yet,' Exxon Mobil's Mr. Tillerson told The Wall Street Journal last month.
Stephen Power / Guy Chazan / Shai Oster