

GMAC's Other Headache


汽车贷款业务曾经是通用汽车金融服务公司(General Motors Acceptance Corporation, 简称GMAC)的一个亮点。现在,这块业务也黯然失色了。

The one bright spot for GMAC used to be its auto-loan business. Now, that, too, is dimming.


Declining values of gasoline-guzzling pickup trucks and sport utility vehicles are looming over the lender, adding to its existing problems with souring mortgages through its ailing home-loan unit. This leaves GMAC in worse shape than rival Ford Motor Credit.

GMAC也不太可能指望通用汽车公司(GM)帮忙。这家汽车生产商正疲于应对敞蓬小货车和SUV销量急剧下滑的状况,已于周一宣布减产。2006年,以私人资本运营集团Cerberus Capital Management LP为首的一个财团以140亿美元收购了GMAC 51%的股份,此后通用汽车拥有GMAC 49%的股份。Cerberus Capital Management LP是克莱斯勒(Chrysler LLC)的母公司。

And it is unlikely GMAC can look to General Motors Corp. for help. The auto maker, struggling to cope with a steep decline in sales of pickups and SUVs, announced production cuts Monday. The company has a 49% stake in GMAC after a consortium led by private-equity group Cerberus Capital Management LP, parent of Chrysler LLC, bought 51% of GMAC in 2006 for about $14 billion.

为了向购买通用汽车的人提供资金而于1919年建立的GMAC去年在新车及二手车贷款业务中收入508亿美元。这家曾在经济低迷时期以稳定的利润支撑了GM的贷款机构向陷入困境的抵押贷款子公司Residential Capital LLC注入数十亿美元,由此大伤元气。GMAC宣布今年第一季度净亏损5.89亿美元,而上年同期亏损3.05亿美元。

GMAC, set up in 1919 to provide financing to buyers of GM vehicles, made $50.8 billion in loans for new and used vehicles last year. The lender, which once propped up GM with steady profit during economic downturns, has been weakened by the billions of dollars it pumped into its struggling mortgage subsidiary, Residential Capital LLC. GMAC posted a net loss of $589 million in the first quarter, compared with a loss of $305 million a year earlier.


In addition, falling demand for pickup trucks and SUVs, which make up a sizable chunk of GM's production mix, amid $4-a-gallon gasoline, should further hurt GMAC. The value of gas guzzlers has dropped sharply in the used-car market. GMAC is saddled with inventories of thousands of these vehicles as they come off leases or are repossessed from owners unable to keep up with payments.


Typically, GMAC takes back vehicles at the end of leases and sells them to dealers at discounted prices based on estimated values. On average, auction prices on trucks and SUVs fell by more than 20% in May compared with year-earlier prices, according to data from Manheim, a wholesale auction company for used cars.


'GMAC is monitoring the market conditions closely,' a GMAC spokeswoman says.


A representative of Cerberus said GMAC's management is 'working hard to strengthen the balance sheet and emerge from this unprecedented economic environment better positioned for the future.'


GMAC also faces rising delinquencies in loan payments and increasing numbers of repossessions as owners of pickups and SUVs owe more on the vehicles than they are worth.

另一重忧虑是GMAC居高不下的资产负债比率。据穆迪投资者服务公司(Moody's Investors Service)计算,GMAC的借款为其净值的23倍。而竞争对手Ford Credit的借款为其净值的11倍。

Another worry is GMAC's high level of borrowings compared with its equity cushion. One measure of GMAC's leverage ratio, as calculated by Moody's Investors Service, shows that the company has 23 times its net worth in borrowings. Ford Credit has 11 times its net worth.

穆迪的债务分析师马克?威斯登(Mark Wasden)说,GMAC的杠杆规模太大,这对它的信贷状况有负面影响。

GMAC's leverage 'is an aggressive measure and has negatively impacted GMAC's credit standing,' says Mark Wasden, a debt analyst at Moody's.


GMAC has a hefty cash balance of $14.84 billion on hand, but steeper-than-expected declines in residual values mean GMAC won't ride to GM's rescue during this downturn.


History Lesson: Barclays Like Citi?

巴克莱集团(Barclays PLC)的处境有点像1991年的花旗集团(Citigroup),当时一位沙特王子和一名私人银行客户注资挽救了这家美国银行。

Barclays PLC's situation looks a bit like that of Citigroup in 1991, when a Saudi prince and a private-banking client put in capital to rescue the U.S. bank.


Barclays's shareholders need reassuring that their bank won't repeat Citigroup's subsequent mistakes.

巴克莱将筹资45亿英镑(合88.6亿美元)以充实资本金,其中很大一部分来自卡塔尔投资局(Qatar Investment Authority)。问题在于,巴克莱会拿这笔钱做什么。

Barclays is raising GBP 4.5 billion ($8.86 billion) to shore up its core equity ratios, with a large chunk coming from Qatar Investment Authority, among others. The question is what will Barclays do with the new money.


Its Tier 1 capital rises to 8.8%, and judging by its comments on current trading, it is able to generate returns on deployed capital more than its 10.5% cost of capital throughout the group. It also is gaining market share in some key areas, such as U.S. capital markets and U.K. mortgages.


Citigroup's experience is worth recalling. After the rescue, profits returned and Citi went on a buying spree. Soon after, the bank lost the plot, with precious equity thrown around without much respect for long-term returns.

有人认为花旗是为了达到某些华尔街人士不现实的短期预期而陷入困境的,对于同意这一看法的人而言,巴克莱首席执行长约翰?瓦利(John Varley)要汲取的教训就是避免同样的压力。

For those sympathetic with the view that Citigroup was undone by trying to meet the unrealistic short-term expectations of some on Wall Street, the lesson for Barclays Chief Executive John Varley is to avoid the same pressure.


Comforting for investors is Mr. Varley's success in skirting the worst subprime-related excesses of many of his contemporaries. Less so is the fact that Mr. Varley and his colleagues indicated Wednesday that Barclays has acquisitions in mind.


Rather than deal making, Barclays must focus on the potential of its new investors. Harnessing their distribution capabilities and pushing tailored financial products should be a priority.

Aparajita Saha-Bubna



A Battle Looms For Airlines' Overhead Bins



The carry-on-baggage police will soon be out in force at airports.

美利坚航空(American Airlines),联合航空(United Airlines)和US Airways准备对所有托运行李进行收费,其中第一件行李往返收费30美元,第二件行李收费50美元,同时他们还准备严格实施目前普遍受到漠视的对随身携带行李的限制,以将航班延误和登机干扰减至最低水平。航空公司与乘客之间的斗争还将继续,乘客将面临行李新规的烦扰,给他们本来就劳累的旅途增添更多不快。

As American, United and US Airways prepare to start collecting fees on every piece of checked luggage, including $30 round trip to check one bag and an additional $50 round trip to check a second, they are also getting ready to strictly enforce limits on carry-on baggage -- which are commonly flouted -- in hopes of minimizing delays and disruption as flights board. Battles with customers likely will ensue, and fliers will be peppered with baggage-rule announcements, adding more aggravation to the already trying travel experience.

AMR Corp.旗下的美利坚航空和UAL Corp.旗下的联合航空将在机场安检入口处安排员工或者雇佣合同工,负责阻挡违反有关随身携带行李规定的乘客。根据新规定,每位乘客只能携带一件能放进头顶行李箱中的箱包,以及一件诸如手袋或者公文包之类的“个人物品”。这可能会减慢乘客通过安检的速度,而在机场办理登机手续柜台收取额外费用可能会延长乘客等待的时间。登机的速度可能也会放慢,为了避免收费,乘客通常会增加手提行李的容量,提前抵达登机口,以便找到足够的摆放行李的空间,航空公司无疑将面临更大的压力。

AMR Corp.'s American and UAL Corp.'s United will station airline employees or hired contract workers at entrances to security screening lanes to intercept customers exceeding the carry-on limit of one bag small enough to fit in an overhead bin and one 'personal item' like a purse or briefcase. That could slow passengers trying to get through security, and collecting the fee at ticket counters and airport curbs could make lines longer. Boarding airplanes could be slower, too, with heightened stress as customers maximize carry-ons to avoid fees and then push to board early enough to find space in overhead cabin bins.


American plans to more aggressively pull customers aside at boarding gates if the airline thinks they have too much carry-on baggage, as well as step up announcements about size limits in gate areas and on airplanes. United says it is still formulating its plans, but may try to gate-check bags for customers in later boarding groups before boarding begins for fully booked flights.

三大航空公司均表示可能会再次引入金属模板架,在X光机前比对行李尺寸,防止超大行李通过。该政策在过去曾经引发乘客的诸多不满,2001年美国遭受恐怖袭击后,美国交通安全管理局(Transportation Security Administration,简称TSA)掌控了安检程序,该政策也就随之废止了。

All three airlines say it's possible that metal templates -- which prevent larger bags from making it through X-ray machines -- will be reintroduced. That's a tactic that angered many customers in the past and was eliminated when the Transportation Security Administration took control of screening after the 2001 terrorist attacks.

美利坚航空负责机场服务规划的高级副总裁马克?杜邦(Mark Dupont)表示,这是我们以前研究过的措施,如今可能会重新出台。

'It's something we've looked at in the past and may look at again,' says Mark Dupont, American's senior vice president of airport services planning.

联合航空的高级副总裁斯科特?杜兰(Scott Dolan)表示,该公司希望重新使用金属模板架。US Airways Group Inc.的总裁斯科特?科比(Scott Kirby)称,有些机场可能会重新使用金属模板架。虽然安检处仍由TSA控制,但是航空公司可以对联邦机构施加压力,如果某个安检处只负责安检一家航空公司、或者几家使用同样模板的航空公司的话,就应当允许行李模板的使用。

United is in favor of bringing back templates, says Senior Vice President Scott Dolan, and US Airways Group Inc. President Scott Kirby says a return of baggage templates is 'likely' at some airports. While security checkpoints are controlled by the TSA, airlines can pressure the federal agency to allow templates if a checkpoint serves a single airline, or several airlines with the same policy on templates.

TSA表示,目前正在“密切关注”事态的发展,如果出现乘客普遍从托运行李转向随手携带行李的趋势,该机构可能会重新安排员工。TSA发言人克里斯托弗?怀特(Christopher White)表示,该机构尚未接到任何有关重新设置金属模板的请求。此类请求可能很难获得批准。怀特称,严格实施行李限制属于航空公司的职能范畴,而TSA关注的是安全。

The TSA says it is 'closely monitoring' the situation and could move staff if there's a broad shift from checked bags to carry-ons. TSA spokesman Christopher White says the agency hasn't yet received any requests to reinstall templates. It could be a hard sell. 'Strictly enforcing baggage limitations is an airline function,' says Mr. White. 'TSA is focused on security.'

US Airways表示将增加员工应对办理登机手续柜台增加的工作量,但是随着乘客逐步适应新规,调整并减少托运行李,这个问题应当会得到解决。不过,航空公司还有另外一方面的顾虑:随着乘客增加随身携带行李,如果头顶行李箱在在起飞时装满,货舱已经达到最大行李装载量的航班可能没有地方容纳更多的行李。

US Airways says it will add staff to help with increased transaction time at ticket counters, but as customers adjust and check fewer bags, the problem should dissipate. One area of concern: With more carry-on bags, some flights that already have the maximum number of bags loaded in cargo holds may have nowhere to put more bags if overhead bins fill up at departure time.


'Carry-on rules will be enforced,' Mr. Kirby says. The airline does hope the new fee will result in customers packing lighter.

行李限制将在一定程度上降低航空公司的燃油成本,原因是飞机载重越大,其耗油量越大。US Airways表示,目前,该公司每位往返票乘客的平均燃油成本(包括国际航班)为299美元,而公司往返航班的平均票价不到500美元。

Less luggage will reduce airlines' fuel bills a bit since the heavier planes are, the more fuel they burn. US Airways says its fuel costs per passenger, including international flights, now average $299 on a round-trip ticket, in line with estimates compiled in last week's Middle Seat column. Its average round-trip fare is under $500, US Airways says.

US Airways首席执行长道格拉斯?帕克(Douglas Parker)表示,这种局面使航空公司别无选择,只能加收行李托运费。他说,该公司认为新政策是合适的,也是必需的。帕克表示,除非US Airways发现乘客不再选择加收首件行李托运费的航空公司,否则他们会坚持实施收费政策。更有可能出现的结果是,乘客会改变行李打包的习惯──减少托运行李,增加随身携带行李,而不是改换航空公司。

That leaves the airline little choice but to impose fees, says US Airways Chief Executive Douglas Parker. 'We think that it's a change that is appropriate and required,' he says. The fee will stick unless US Airways finds consumers won't fly an airline with a first-bag fee, Mr. Parker says. A more likely outcome is that rather than change airlines, travelers will change how they pack -- toting less on trips and stuffing as much as they can into carry-on cases.

除此之外,航空公司还有一个节约成本的举措:从8月份开始,US Airways的航班将不再提供免费苏打水。咖啡、瓶装水及软饮料将收取2美元;酒精饮料的价格将由原来的5美元提高到7美元。

Another cost-saving change: US Airways is ending free sodas on its flights beginning in August. Coffee, bottled water and soft drinks will cost $2; alcoholic drinks will be raised to $7 from $5.


For many travelers, the most odious aspect of the baggage fee is the anticipated battle for overhead-bin space. To make sure they can find room, some customers already push their way through boarding queues. Passengers struggle to stuff large bags into small bins, and flight attendants often find themselves taking bags off planes and checking them to their destinations once bins fill up. All this will likely get worse, though the airlines say that the new fee won't be collected in airplane cabins from customers who can't find space for their allowed carry-on bags.

行李箱之争会导致航班延误、让乘客不满。来自波士顿的乘客迈克尔?帕特诺德(Michael Patnode)便对新的收费政策非常不满,他说,“这只会促使乘客将他们所有能够随身携带的东西都一股脑地拖到机舱里。”他倒是愿意接受一个更加现实的票价。他说,任何收费低于成本的企业都应该会破产,很明显,航空公司已经将成本削减到了令其产品完全丧失吸引力的地步。

Bin battles can delay flights and leave customers frustrated. 'This fee will just cause many people to drag all their worldly possessions into the cabin,' says Michael Patnode, an American customer from Boston angered by the new fee. He'd prefer more-realistic fares instead. 'Any business that charges less than its costs deserves to go bankrupt, and it's clear the airlines have cut their costs to the point that the product is completely unappealing,' he says.


American's Mr. Dupont says much of the response his airline has received from customers after first announcing the fee has centered on concerns about the airport and boarding experience. American says it is prepared to deal with the changes and hopes bottlenecks won't be created.

几个月以来,美利坚航空的托运工作一直不尽人意。今年前4个月,美利坚航空的行李可靠度是各大航空公司中最差的,每141名乘客至少会有一件行李遭到不当处理,其准时可靠度也是所有美国航空公司中最低的。2007年,在美国各大航空公司的准时性指标上,只有US Airways比美利坚航空更糟糕。

The airline's baggage operation has struggled for many months. Through the first four months of this year, American has been worst among major airlines in baggage reliability, mishandling at least one bag for every 141 passengers, and worst among all U.S. airlines in on-time dependability. In 2007, only US Airways was worse than American among major carriers in the on-time category.


American's first-bag fee, which applies to travel in the U.S. and Canada, went into effect for tickets bought Sunday or later. American says it will affect more than 24 million fliers annually, or roughly one-third of domestic passengers. (About half of its customers don't check bags.) Elite-level frequent fliers or people buying full-fare coach tickets or first-class tickets are exempt, as are passengers connecting to international flights and active-duty military personnel.

新规定非常复杂,即便是杜邦自己在被问及新政策如何适用于所谓的代码共享安排时,他也需要核实一番才能回答。所谓代码共享安排是指一家航空公司将另外一家航空公司的座位当作自己的座位出售给乘客。 (新规定适用于乘客乘坐的第一个航班,无论是哪家航空公司出售的机票。)

The rules are complicated -- even Mr. Dupont had to check when asked on how the fee applied to so-called code-share arrangements, when one airline sells another's seats as its own. (The rules of the first airline you fly apply, regardless of which airline sold you the ticket.)


All told, American will increase revenue by more than $350 million annually with the fee. That's a small drop in the oil barrel, since it expects to pay $2.6 billion more for fuel this year than in 2007, but the carrier says it hasn't been able to raise fares enough to cover its costs, so it's instituting new fees.


American says it hopes to minimize the impact on check-in lines at airports by making its kiosks able to collect fees with a credit-card swipe. Skycaps, too, will be able to collect baggage fees, and the $2 fee to check bags curbside with a skycap will be dropped.

上周晚些时候,继美利坚航空之后,联合航空和US Airways双双宣布将增收行李托运费。尽管如此,至少到目前为止,其它航空公司对此还是持抵制态度。不过,这种局面随时都可能改变,尤其是如果竞争对手发现乘客按照规定支付行李托运费,而机票销售并未出现下降的话。不过,一些航空公司可能将增收行李托运费视为一个区别服务的契机,尤其在目前美国各个航空公司服务相差无几的情况下。

While United and US Airways both matched American's first-bag fee late last week, other airlines have resisted, at least so far. That could change any day, especially if competitors see customers paying the fee with no drop in ticket sales. But some carriers may see the first-bag fee as an opportunity to differentiate service at a time when it's hard to distinguish between U.S. airlines.

比如,911恐怖袭击事件后,其它航空公司纷纷开始对机上三明治和零食进行收费,只有大陆航空(Continental Airlines Inc.)继续供应免费餐食,以此树立独特的业界形像。大陆航空也宣布将针对第二件行李收费50美元的往返行李托运费,但尚未针对第一件行李收费。该公司的发言人拒绝就行李托运费发表评论。

Continental Airlines Inc., for example, tried to set itself apart from the pack by continuing to serve meals on flights after 2001 when other airlines were switching to buy-on-board sandwiches and snacks. Continental did match the $50 round-trip fee for checking a second piece of luggage, but not the first-bag fee yet. A spokesman declined to comment on baggage fees.

达美航空(Delta Air Lines Inc.)上周表示,该公司尚未有针对第一件行李收托运费的计划。达美航空发言人贝西?塔尔顿(Betsy Talton)称,此举将不利于乘客,而如果乘客试图将所有行李搬上飞机的话,也将增加航空公司的运营难度。

Delta Air Lines Inc. last week said it didn't plan on charging for the first bag. 'This would not be good for customers, and it could be operationally difficult as customers try to bring all of their luggage onto the aircraft,' says spokeswoman Betsy Talton.





2008年6月24日 06:59

为解决大型车销售下滑的问题,通用汽车公司(General Motors Corp.)周一宣布,将在下半年把皮卡和运动型多用途车(SUV)的产量削减17万辆,并推出更多促销措施以清理过高的库存。









Saudis Promise More Oil Kingdom Increases Output



Saudi Arabia moved to calm deep anxieties in the oil market by promising the world a little more oil now and potentially a lot more later.


But it is unclear whether the Saudi bid to reassert its oil muscle will be enough to slow a historic surge in crude prices that many fear could go far higher. Oil prices in New York hit a record last week of $139.89 a barrel and have since fallen back, but only marginally.


The world's largest oil producer told ministers and oil executives at an unusual summit of producers and consumers in the Red Sea city of Jeddah that it will boost its output by 200,000 barrels a day for the rest of the year if needed, adding to its current production of around 9.5 million barrels a day. The global market for oil is about 86 million barrels a day.


In addition, seeking to address rising fears that future world supplies may not match rising demand, Saudi Arabia also promised an aggressive campaign to push its overall output capability to as much as 15 million barrels a day by 2018 from around 11.4 million now.


A capacity increase of that magnitude would be extraordinary for a country that has never produced more than 11 million barrels a day. To get there, Saudi Arabia would have to squeeze greater quantities of oil primarily from huge fields that have been in production since as far back as the 1940s -- far from a simple task.

沙特应对长期供应担忧的举措出于人们意料之外。就在几个月前,沙特石油大臣纳伊米(Ali Naimi)还表示,沙特现在已经在进行巨大的投入,如果一切都按计划进行的话,将在明年之内将沙特的产能提高到日产1,250万桶,他认为没有必要进一步提高产量。沙特投资逾600亿美元增加产能,同时弥补Ghawar和Abqaiq等年代久远的大油田产出率的自然下滑。

The Saudi move to address long-term supply worries came as a surprise. The kingdom's oil minister, Ali Naimi, said just months ago that he saw no need to go beyond the huge investments now under way, which will push Saudi output ability to 12.5 million barrels a day sometime next year, if all goes according to plan. The kingdom is spending more than $60 billion to increase its production abilities while also offsetting the natural decline in output rates at huge but aging fields like Ghawar and Abqaiq.

一些石油专家对沙特将日产量增加到1,500万桶的能力表示怀疑。曾任沙特阿美(Aramco)总裁的爱德华?普莱斯(Edward Price)说,我担心现有的大油田日产量最多只能达到1,200万桶左右。他还说,就算是沙特,资源也是有限的。

Some oil experts expressed skepticism about the Saudis' ability to boost output to 15 million barrels a day. 'I am afraid that we are going to see the big fields [now in production] top off at 12 million barrels a day or so,' said Edward Price, a former president of Saudi Arabian Oil Co., or Aramco, who keeps up with developments there. 'Even in Saudi Arabia, there are resource limits.'


The promised added barrels from Saudi Arabia come as output has fallen sharply in other big producing countries. Nigeria says that because of continuing militant attacks against its oil facilities, production is now at a 25-year low, down nearly one million barrels a day from its normal output. Oil exports from Mexico, Britain and Norway -- all of which have played major roles in slaking the world's oil thirst -- also are falling.

在沙特举行的国际石油峰会气氛凝重,包括英国首相戈登?布朗(Gordon Brown)在内的36个国家的代表、近10家国际石油公司的高管,以及来自石油输出国组织(OPEC)的高层官员就如何应对高不可抑的油价展开激辩。沙特国王阿卜杜拉(Abdullah)说高油价是对全球安全的重大威胁。

The Saudi-hosted summit was a somber affair as delegates from 36 countries, including British Prime Minister Gordon Brown, the heads of nearly 10 international oil companies and top officials from the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries, debated how to address nosebleed prices, a situation that Saudi King Abdullah called a major threat to global security.


Oil prices have doubled in the past year, causing fuel prices to soar and putting huge strains on industries ranging from airlines and cargo shipping to U.S. auto manufacturers. The price rise has also stirred violent protests in Europe and economic unrest in much of the developing world.


The one-day Jeddah gathering unleashed a spate of promises as big producers like Saudi Arabia vowed to do more to calm supply fears and big consumers like the U.S. talked of heightened investments in renewable energies. Yet the conclave is likely to do little to change perceptions about the precariousness of world oil markets.


Behind the warm handshakes and the talk of cooperation rumbled a deep disagreement over what has caused the oil-price surge.


Saudi officials worked the halls, delivering the message that price volatility wasn't related to oil supplies. King Abdullah, in his speech, decried the 'selfishness' of those involved in the oil-futures market, speculators whom he derided as 'despicable.'


The king said that many in the West continue to 'point the finger of blame at OPEC alone,' despite efforts within OPEC to keep pace with demand in recent months.


Yet ministers from consuming nations like the U.S. put most of the blame on the fundamentals of supply and demand, saying more oil is needed at a time when global demand since 2003 has jumped by 1.8% a year on average -- thanks largely to surging demand from China and India. OPEC supplies nearly 40% of the world's crude oil.

美国能源部长博德曼(Samuel Bodman)说,我相信我们大多数人在有件事上都意见一致:当前的油价太高了。除非我们行动起来,否则形势就会继续令人难以忍受。

'I believe that most of us agree on one thing: Prices are too high at present,' said U.S. Energy Secretary Samuel Bodman. 'And unless we act, the situation will remain unsustainable.'


The gathering made no clear headway on whether the U.S. should take steps to tighten regulations on the oil-futures trading market, as many oil producers think it should. Nor was there any public discussion of how to get big producers like Saudi Arabia, Iran or Russia to publish more reliable data on their reserves and or the depletion rates of individual fields. Such data would offer more clarity to a market that most often operates in a deep fog.

石油消费国的监察机构国际能源署(International Energy Agency)自己在对世界最大的一些油田进行统计,试图弥补信息断层。

The International Energy Agency, a watchdog for consuming nations, is doing its own study of the world's biggest fields in a bid to bridge the information gap.


Many officials came to Jeddah under heavy political fire either at home or abroad.


British Prime Minister Brown, who has faced a rash of protests at home over high fuel costs, pitched a number of ways that producing and consuming nations could better cooperate to ease the crisis. He called for the end of restrictions to Western investment in Arab countries' energy sectors while also announcing his willingness to increase access for sovereign wealth funds to the U.K.'s market.


China's Vice President Xi Jinping defended his country's energy policies, saying China is committed to alternative energy developments and to increased energy efficiency. China's booming energy demand has helped propel world oil prices. To counter that rise, China announced last week that it plans to raise its subsidized fuel costs to consumers. Still, Mr. Xi noted that, until recently, 90% of China's domestic energy needs came from domestic supplies.


Leading up to the Jeddah meeting, the Saudis first hoped to nudge prices down by promising a big boost in output. When that left markets unfazed, the country's oil officials appeared to turn their attention to long-range plans instead.


Mr. Naimi said the country is looking to invest $129 billion in oil projects over the next five years. If needed, he said, the country could add more than two million barrels a day in extra capacity through more drilling in five huge fields.


But that is certain to be a challenge. Saudi Arabia has been hit by soaring costs and project delays, as have oil companies elsewhere. And with some projects, Mr. Naimi is making output predictions that could be hard to hit.


Aramco is spending nearly $20 billion, for example, to develop the huge Khurais field, with an aim of pushing its output to 1.2 million barrels a day -- a target that many within the company think is overambitious. But to push the country's abilities still higher, Mr. Naimi said Sunday that Khurais would over time be made to deliver 250,000 barrels a day more.

Margaret Coker / Neil King Jr.



Investors Doubt Price Rise Is Cure for China Refiners



Shares in China's top two oil refiners advanced in Asian trading Friday after Beijing increased oil-product prices, but early enthusiasm among investors waned amid doubts the move will put a significant dent in the companies' losses.

在香港证交所,中国石油化工股份有限公司(China Petroleum & Chemical Corp., 简称:中国石化)和中国石油天然气股份有限公司(PetroChina Co. Ltd., 简称:中国石油)的股价上周五开盘双双上扬5%,但股市收盘时涨幅都出现了回落。

China Petroleum & Chemical Corp., known as Sinopec, and PetroChina Co. each rose 5% at the open Friday on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange, but the gains eased by the end of the day.


China increased the base price of gasoline and diesel by 1,000 yuan (US$145.35) a metric ton and raised prices paid to refiners for jet fuel by 1,500 yuan, effective Friday. The move surprised the market, which had expected the government to hold off until after the Olympics in August. The increases were aimed largely at addressing worsening shortages, caused by refiners reducing their production to avoid losses that they incur by buying crude at soaring global prices and selling it at capped domestic prices.


But even after the increase, gasoline and diesel prices are still roughly a third below international levels, meaning Sinopec and PetroChina are likely to continue to incur losses on refining. Investors also questioned whether Beijing will persist with rebates on value-added taxes on imported crude oil and oil products that had been intended to ameliorate losses for the refiners.

DBS唯高达(DBS Vickers )的石油分析师Gideon Lo说,此次调价对弥补石油企业炼油业务的巨额亏损起不了太大作用,它也没能缓解炼油行业所面临的政策不明朗因素。

The 'actual contribution will not be significant compared to their huge refining-operation losses. It also does not ease the policy overhang that is overshadowing the sector,' said Gideon Lo, an oil analyst at DBS Vickers.


Sinopec spokesman Huang Wensheng said Beijing hasn't issued a notice that it will stop paying the rebate, which is to end this month.


In Shanghai, Sinopec's Class A shares, traded mostly by domestic investors, ended the day up 2.1% at 12.83 yuan. PetroChina's Class A shares rose 4.6% to 15.86 yuan. Gains in the companies' shares listed in Hong Kong were more muted. Sinopec rose 1.1% in Hong Kong, while PetroChina added 1.6%.

David Winning




2008年6月20日 13:56






海通证券(Haitong Securities)分析师张崎称,中国投资者不能作空,因此当股市走软时,他们获利的唯一方式就是顺势买入,然后快速卖出,因此后市股市的波动可能更大。



DBS唯高达(DBS Vickers)的分析师建议投资者逢高抛售,因为此次调价并不足以使国内炼油业务恢复盈利。

光大证券(Everbright Securities)分析师石鸿林表示,获利回吐已经出现。







华泰证券(Huatai Securites)分析师陈金仁表示,即使市场普遍认为燃油价格的上调对消费者价格指数(CPI)不会造成明显影响,但当前的通货膨胀水平仍然高企,加息担忧依然挥之不去。









中国上次调整国内成品油价格是去年11月,调价幅度为10%,而当时的原油价格约为每桶90美元。中国国家发展和改革委员会(National Development and Reform Commission)表示,此次将汽油和柴油的基准价格分别上调了17%和18%,自本周五开始生效。汽油价格将从每加仑2.80美元(1加仑=3.785升)涨至3.05美元,柴油价格将从每加仑2.45美元涨至3.05美元,这也是四年来的最大涨幅。全国销售电价平均上涨了4.7%。


随着通胀问题日益成为全球关注的焦点,对中国价格管制的政治压力甚至有可能超过对其汇率政策的长期争执,成为中国最具争议性的国际经济议题。美国财政部长亨利?鲍尔森(Henry Paulson)谈及能源的次数明显增加。他敦促中国政府放弃能源价格控制措施,称美国在上世纪70年代经过痛苦的经历后才发现,这种做法行不通。他也在本周的中美战略经济对话中再次提到了这个问题。

纽约咨询公司Rhodium Group的中国能源专家特雷弗?豪泽(Trevor Houser)说,中国即将取代沙特阿拉伯,成为美国眼中制造高油价的罪魁祸首。华盛顿抱怨中国价格管制的人同指责人民币汇率的都是同一群人。

周三,16名民主党参议员致信布什政府官员,指责中国的价格管制是油价上涨的原因,敦促他们在这个问题上给中国施加压力。署名者包括前总统参选人希拉里?克林顿(Hillary Clinton)。他们在信中写道,美国人在加油站看到的情况在某种程度上是由中国发生的事情导致的。






国际能源署(International Energy Agency)在最新一期石油市场报告中写道,自2007年以来,中国持续面临着成品油短缺的局面,这表明存在着巨大的潜在需求。IEA称,因为这些潜在的需求,如果零售价格上涨改善了供应情况,中国的石油需求增长甚至还会加速。


这次涨价能否让炼油厂完全扭亏为盈尚不清楚:一些分析师曾估计需要涨价25%才能实现这一目标。纽约股市周四,中国石油类公司的亚洲存托凭证大幅上扬。由于这一涨价消息,中国石化(China Petroleum & Chemical Corp.)上涨了9.4%,中国石油(PetroChina Co.)上涨了6%。




Rhodium Group的豪泽说,如果中国经济按10%的速度增长,即使油价上涨,石油需求还是会增加。他说,只有在石油消费者转而采用其它低能耗的手段时,高油价才能抑制需求,但目前中国并没有多少这样的手段。大多数中国城市的公共交通服务并不完善,让许多上班族别无选择。铁路运输通常都已满负荷运转,使消耗柴油的卡车运输成为企业仅有的选择之一。


美国咨询机构High Frequency Economics的卡尔?韦恩伯格(Carl Weinberg)说,中国在石油方面的消费相对较小。因此我很难理解为何要归咎于中国。中国是其他大宗商品市场的重要力量。它占全球钢铁需求的一半,铜需求的四分之一,但只占全球石油消费的不到10%。他说,将中国在钢铁或铜市场上的作用延伸到石油市场的做法是错误的。这是一种株连的做法。

Andrew Batson




World's Steelmakers Go Prospecting



Soaring raw-materials costs are forcing the world's steelmakers to shift strategy. Now, rather than seeking merger partners in their own industry in hopes of gaining market clout, they are trying to protect their access to iron ore and coal by investing in mines.


Steelmakers often owned their own mines in the industry's early days because few other companies had the capital needed to operate them. But in today's climate their goal is to lessen their dependence on big mining companies, whose steep price increases are squeezing steel-making profits. The steel industry's race for minerals, however, pits it directly against those mining giants, who are equally eager to snap up any coal or iron-ore deposits that go on the block.

据知情人士周四透露,由中国钢铁制造商和主权财富基金共同组成的一个财团正参与巴西Companhia Siderurgica Nacional SA旗下铁矿石子公司股份的首轮竞购。该财团的兴趣虽然只是初露端倪,但已显示在眼下大宗商品价格大幅上涨之际,中国对保障矿石等自然资源的供应十分重视。

A consortium made up of Chinese steelmakers and China's sovereign wealth fund is entering the initial round of bidding for a stake in the iron-ore unit of Brazil's Companhia Siderurgica Nacional SA, people familiar with the situation said Thursday. The group's interest, though preliminary, shows the importance China places on securing supplies of ore and other natural resources amid the current commodities boom.

世界最大的钢铁制造商安赛乐米塔尔(ArcelorMittal)最近进行了一系列收购,在非洲、加拿大和俄罗斯收购铁矿,又在哈萨克斯坦、印度和南美收购煤矿,现在自称是世界发展最快的矿业集团。上个月,该公司斥资6.31亿美元收购了澳大利亚Macarthur Coal Ltd. 14.9%的股份,阻碍了瑞士矿业公司Xstrata PLC对后者的收购计划。Macarthur是世界最大的粉煤生产商。粉煤是炼焦煤的一种,主要用于钢铁生产。

ArcelorMittal, the world's largest steelmaker, having recently purchased a series of iron-ore mines in Africa, Canada and Russia and coal mines in Kazakhstan, India and South America, now touts itself as the 'world's fastest-growing mining group.' Last month, it spent $631 million to buy a 14.9% stake in Australia's Macarthur Coal Ltd., the world's largest producer of pulverized coal, a type of coking coal used in steel making, thwarting Swiss miner Xstrata PLC's plans to take over Macarthur.

安赛乐米塔尔的首席执行长拉克希米?米塔尔(Lakshmi Mittal)在接受采访时说,确保原材料供应的可靠来源已变得前所未有的重要。该公司的原材料自给率达到了46%左右,并且还计划用50亿美元收购一系列矿业公司,以便至2012年时实现70%的原材料自给。

'Ensuring a reliable source of raw-material supply is more important than ever,' Lakshmi Mittal, chief executive of ArcelorMittal, said in an interview. The steelmaker, whose mines supply about 46% of its raw-material needs, has set aside $5 billion to buy enough of them to provide 70% of its needs by 2012.

自2003年以来,钢铁业刮起了并购风,钢铁生产商纷纷合并,以满足发展中国家桥梁、房地产、发电厂等基础设施项目不断增长的钢铁需求。其中就包括卢森堡的安赛乐(Arcelor SA)与印度的米塔尔(Mittal Steel Co.)实施合并,另一家印度公司Tata Steel Ltd.与英国Corus Group的合并。现在,这波并购潮正逐步减缓。

Since 2003, the industry has been swept up in a wave of consolidation, with steelmakers bulking up to feed the developing world's growing demand for bridges, buildings, power plants and other infrastructure projects. Among other deals, Arcelor SA of Luxembourg merged with Mittal Steel Co. of India and another Indian company, Tata Steel Ltd., merged with Britain's Corus Group. Now, that wave is decelerating.


Instead, steelmakers are plowing profits into reducing their vulnerability to spikes in raw-materials prices. In the past year, coal prices have more than doubled, while iron-ore prices have risen about 70%.

总部位于伦敦的钢铁研究及咨询公司MEPS International Ltd.的董事长彼得?菲什(Peter Fish)说,钢铁业的结构在发生变化;过去原材料通常占销售价格的15%,如今占了大约一半。

'The structure of the steel industry is changing,' says Peter Fish, chairman of MEPS International Ltd., a London-based steel research and consulting firm. 'It used to be that raw materials accounted for 15% of selling prices. They now account for about 50% of selling prices.'


Some analysts say steelmakers are buying at the top of the commodity cycle and overpaying as a result. But with both miners and steelmakers vying for the same limited assets, many steelmakers feel they have no choice. Moreover, they say greater self-sufficiency will pay off in the long run.


While China is a huge consumer of steel, it is largely bereft of quality iron-ore deposits, which is why several Chinese steelmakers are moving to secure their own supplies.

巴西大型钢铁和铁矿石生产商CSN已邀请各方竞购它旗下未上市铁矿石子公司Nacional Minerios SA的全部或部分股份。据知情人士透露,包括宝钢集团有限公司、首钢集团、江苏沙钢集团等大型中国生产商以及中国政府运营的资产2,000亿美元的中国投资有限责任公司都对收购表示了兴趣。不过该知情人士表示,竞购财团的组成还没有最后确定。

CSN, one of Brazil's leading producers of both steel and iron ore, has invited bids for all or part of Nacional Minerios SA, its unlisted iron-ore unit. Major Chinese producers including Baosteel Group Co., Shougang Group and Shagang Group, as well as China Investment Corp., a $200 billion investment pool run by the Chinese government, are interested in the unit, a person familiar with the matter said. But the composition of the consortium isn't final, this person said.

CSN聘请高盛集团(Goldman Sachs Group Inc.)作为该出售交易的财务顾问。

CSN has hired Goldman Sachs Group Inc. as its financial adviser for the sale.

上周五,中国国有钢铁制造商中国中钢集团公司表示,该公司小幅增持了澳大利亚铁矿石集团Midwest Corp.的股份至近44%,加大了对该公司的收购力度。

Last Friday, Sinosteel Corp., a state-owned Chinese steelmaker said it boosted its stake in Australian iron-ore group Midwest Corp. slightly to nearly 44%, boosting its efforts to take over Midwest.


Other, smaller Chinese steelmakers are also trying to line up more iron ore. Tonghua Steel, the largest steelmaker in northeast China's Jilin province, plans to buy or invest in eight mines near its mills. Company officials say Tonghua can supply only about 20% to 30% of its own iron-ore needs and has to turn to mining companies for the balance. The company hopes to increase its self-sufficiency in ore to more than 50% by the end of 2010. Taiyuan Iron & Steel, a carbon- and stainless-steel producer in northern China's Shanxi province has said it plans to raise its self-sufficiency to 80% from 50%.

在中国钢铁生产商四处寻觅资源的时候,澳大利亚矿业巨头必和必拓(BHP Billiton Ltd.)的首席执行长高瑞思(Marius Kloppers)表示,如果有中国公司收购他公司的股份,他不会感到吃惊的。必和必拓是世界最大的铁矿石生产商之一。

As Chinese steelmakers go on the prowl for resources, Marius Kloppers, chief executive of Australia-based mining giant BHP Billiton Ltd., one of the world's biggest iron-ore producers, said he wouldn't be surprised by a Chinese buy-up of his company's shares.

世界其他地区对原材料的争夺也愈演愈烈。巴西钢铁生产商Usinas Siderurgicas de Minas Gerais SA(Usiminas)表示,该公司在未来5年中将斥资7.50亿美元投资更多的矿山,将铁矿石年产量提高近4倍,至2,900万吨。Usiminas今年已斥资10美元收购了矿业公司J. Mendes及其一系列子公司。在印度,Steel Authority of India Ltd.与Tata Steel今年早些时候签署了成立煤矿合资企业的协议。

The race for raw materials is also heating up in other parts of the world. Brazilian steelmaker Usinas Siderurgicas de Minas Gerais SA, or Usiminas, said it will spend $750 million to invest in more mines over the next five years to nearly quintuple its iron-ore output to 29 million metric tons a year. Usiminas already has spent $1 billion this year to buy miner J. Mendes and its subsidiaries. In India, Steel Authority of India Ltd. and Tata Steel signed a deal earlier this year to form a coal-mining joint venture.

Robert Guy Matthews


低价耗油车 VS. 高价节油车






分析师们发现,除了Prius外,日产汽车的Altima、通用汽车的Yukon和福特的Mercury Mariner等混合动力车均能较快弥补价差。


“目前对于大多数消费者来说,比较合算的混合动力车并不多,而Prius就是其中之一,”Edmunds.com负责行业分析的执行董事杰西·特普克(Jesse Toprak)说。


即便如此,福特汽车(Ford Motor Co.)销售分析师乔治·菲亚斯(George Pipas)指出,当油价上涨到每加仑2-3美元时,从成本上考虑,混合动力车就不失为更好的选择了。



眼下,纽约州的马丁·鲍尔(Martin Ball)正琢磨着卖掉手头Jeep出品的Commander SUV,换一辆更省油的车。在他考虑的名单中包括日产的 Altima及雷克萨斯的RX400H,这两款均为混合动力车。





以Yukon为例,燃油车型的能耗为15.2英里/加仑,而混合动力型的能耗为21.5英里/加仑。这意味着,混合动力型每年能节省1,170美元的油费。因此,根据Edmunds的分析,混合动力型的价格差约在五年内就可抵消。而紧凑型SUV Mercury Mariner和凯美瑞所需的抵消期限略长于五年。


其他混合动力车不是价格太贵,就是耗油水平与普通车型相差无几。Tahoe和Highlander SUV的混合动力车型比普通型贵很多,消费者要花14年至18年的时间才能抵消价差。



-- Prius
-- Altima
-- Yukon

-- LS600H
-- Aura
-- Highlander


Josee Valcourt




When to Ditch Your Old Car For a Newer (but Not New) One



There are people who need to 'trade up' to a new car every three to five years. Some of them want the thrill of driving the latest machine. Others want to avoid the maintenance problems of an older car. And then there are those who simply crave that new-car smell.


My husband Gerry and I aren't any of those people. We live by the golden rules of car ownership: Buy late-model used cars (with cash, whenever possible), maintain them properly and drive them until they drop. By following these rules, Gerry and I have saved thousands of dollars in car-related costs over the past two decades.


Buying used cars, rather than new, helps us avoid much of the sting of depreciation -- the annual decline in the car's value over the life of its use. New cars can lose as much as 20% of their value as soon as they're driven off the lot, according to auto-industry-data provider Edmunds.com.


By using cash, we also avoid taking out a costly loan. The average monthly payment in May was $446 on a five-year car loan, according to Edmunds. Those accumulated monthly payments would grow to $30,903 if invested over the same five years at a 5% return.

格里和我住在汽车保险费用奇高的新泽西州。我们俩开的车都已有超过5年的历史,因此我们在汽车保险上的开销要比开新车的支出低很多。目前,格里1994年的本田雅阁(Honda Accord)、我的2003年的福特(Ford) F-150皮卡、还有格里的那辆“古董车”1989年福特Mustang每年的保险费加起来才不过为1,888美元。

Gerry and I live in New Jersey, where insurance costs are steep. We both drive cars that are more than five years old, so we pay less for car insurance than we would if we were driving newer models. Right now, we pay $1,888 a year to insure Gerry's 1994 Honda Accord, my 2003 Ford F-150 pickup truck and Gerry's 'antique' 1989 Ford Mustang.


We have liability coverage, which covers only damages and injuries we cause to other people and property. With a newer car, we'd pay more for so-called comprehensive coverage, which also covers damage and injury to ourselves and our cars. (Most finance companies require owners to pay for comprehensive coverage.)


We've saved a lot by buying and holding on to cars. But while we agree in principle about when it makes sense to replace one, in practice our definitions of when a car is about to 'drop' have differed.

我对汽车维修知之甚少,因此一旦出现了问题,我希望马上把它解决掉。我的第一部车是一辆破旧的Mustang,真是够破的,有时候我觉得我花在路边等待援助的时间比我开车的时间还要长。等到我换车的时候,我发誓我再也不会开一辆性能不可靠的车了。因此,当我的下一部车1994 Ford Explorer的传动装置第二次出现故障后,我立刻开始寻找替代品,尽管格里还想继续开着它上路。

I know little about car repair, and when there's a problem, I want it fixed right away. My first car, a beat-up old Mustang, was a lemon -- sometimes it felt like I spent more time awaiting roadside assistance than I spent driving it. I vowed when I replaced it that I'd never drive an unreliable car again. So when the transmission failed for a second time on my next car, a 1994 Ford Explorer, I started shopping for a replacement, despite Gerry's desire to keep it on the road.


Gerry is less likely to be bothered by repair problems. When his car begins to show signs of trouble, he'll dig into the problem and usually fix it on his own. For example, his Honda has a problem that causes it to intermittently lose some braking power. He feels he can fix the problem, though it's a relatively big job.


In years past, Gerry would probably be underneath the car in the driveway fixing the car now, and we wouldn't even broach the discussion of whether or not to replace it. But the Honda has 165,000 miles on it, and he has started reluctantly questioning whether it's worth the effort to fix it.


When he first mentioned the possibility of replacing the Honda with a newer car, I was all for it. While he assured me that the brake problem can be fixed, there's another big reason Gerry is considering it: With gas prices approaching $4 a gallon, we need to factor fuel-efficiency into our old 'repair or replace' formula.


The Honda is averaging about 26 miles to the gallon. With gas prices in our area hovering at about $3.85 a gallon, we'd save an average of $697 a year -- or $3,484 over five years -- by replacing the Honda with a newer car that averages 34 miles per gallon. (Compare how much you'd save at Fueleconomy.gov.)


With all costs considered, we both agree that it's time for the Honda to go. Gerry has started looking through classified ads to get a feel for what a replacement car might cost. He's not looking for anything flashy, but used-car values have dropped so much that he's willing to consider pricier models. We'll shop and compare, and, with a bit of luck, find a luxury car that we can actually afford.





Leaders Fumble Efforts To Temper Oil Prices



Soaring oil prices are battering businesses and consumers around the world, but political leaders from Washington to Beijing appear unwilling or unable to respond with effective new energy strategies anytime soon.


Western leaders have little ability to increase global oil supply or temper demand. Most of the rise in world demand is coming not from the rich world, where fuel consumption is in fact falling, but from emerging economies like India and China, where governments are reluctant to raise relatively low fuel prices for fear of social and economic turmoil.


Highlighting the concern about political instability in the developing world, the state-run news service of Pakistan said over the weekend that Saudi Arabia had agreed to consider deferring Pakistani oil payments as the South Asian nation's economy struggles.


Pakistan imports about 250,000 barrels a day from Saudi Arabia, the news service said. Rising oil prices have increased Pakistan's oil bill by more than 40% in some 10 months, it reported.


Friday's record one-day surge in oil prices will intensify drives by politicians in oil-consuming nations to fix blame for rising oil prices. In the U.S., politicians of both major parties feel the heat in this election year from voters frustrated as gasoline prices have nearly doubled in the past year -- albeit to levels that are still low by the standards of Western Europe. AAA, an organization for drivers, said over the weekend that average gasoline prices in the U.S. hit $4 a gallon for the first time, though consumers in many states already have been paying more since late May.

住在新泽西州Lake Hopatcong 的汽车代理经理马修?鲍尔(Matthew Power)开着一辆大型林肯城市车(Lincoln Town Car),他说,汽油价格让他不堪重负。他说,美国政府迄今提出的应对高油价的措施只是治标不治本的临时性方案。他希望政府对公众作出解释:油价为何一直上涨。

Matthew Power, a car-dealership manager who lives in Lake Hopatcong, New Jersey, and drives a large Lincoln Town Car, says gasoline prices 'are killing me.' What Washington has proposed so far to deal with the higher oil prices are Band-Aid solutions, he says. And he wants the government to explain to the public why oil prices keep rising.

在国会,民主党参议员们计划在周二对鲍尔这样的选民作出回应,他们打算通过法案,授权美国司法部(Justice Department)起诉石油输出国组织(OPEC,简称:欧佩克)成员,提高对石油交易商的担保要求以抑制投机交易,并向不投资开发可再生替代燃料的石油公司征收暴利税。

In Congress, Senate Democrats plan to respond to voters like Mr. Power on Tuesday by advancing legislation that would allow the Justice Department to bring lawsuits against members of the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries, raise collateral requirements on oil traders to discourage speculative trading, and slap a windfall-profits tax on oil companies that don't invest in renewable alternative fuels.


Such a measure is unlikely to survive Republican opposition before reaching President Bush's desk. Mr. Bush hasn't taken a formal position on the bill, but he has threatened to veto past congressional proposals singling out oil companies for higher taxes or allowing price-fixing lawsuits against OPEC.


Economists and energy industry executives disagree about the extent to which measures such as a windfall-profits tax or moves to curb speculation will rein in rising oil prices. Most energy industry experts say the fundamental problem is one of too little supply to satisfy quickly rising global demand for oil.

在欧洲,对于如何应对高油价带来的日渐高涨的抗议浪潮,有关官员也是分歧重重。由于大多数欧盟成员国经济增长减缓,加之财政预算紧张,如果削减燃油税,这些国家的领导人可能会面临财政崩溃的境地。英国首相戈登?布朗(Gordon Brown)迄今一直拒绝他所在的工党的议员提出的推迟提高老旧耗油车型的燃油税及公路税的要求。

In Europe, officials also are deeply conflicted over how to respond to a growing wave of protests over high fuel prices. With economic growth slowing and their budgets tight, most European Union leaders could face fiscal ruin if they cut fuel taxes. U.K. Prime Minister Gordon Brown has so far refused demands from lawmakers in his own Labour Party to postpone a planned increase in fuel duties and to shelve a plan to increase road taxes on older gas-guzzling cars.

与此同时,法国总统尼古拉?萨科齐(Nicolas Sarkozy)已经提出对燃油产品的增值税设定上限。但这个主意被欧元区15国的财政部长们所忽视,后者上周在法兰克福的一次会议上表示,税制变化只会扰乱竞争。

French President Nicolas Sarkozy, meanwhile, has demanded that a value-added tax -- a kind of sales tax -- on fuel products be capped. But that idea has received short shrift from finance ministers of the 15 euro-zone countries, who in a meeting in Frankfurt last week said tax changes would only distort competition.


European finance ministers seem lost for an alternative, talking vaguely of 'discouraging speculation' in oil markets and increasing transparency by following the U.S. and Japan in publishing weekly data on oil stocks.


Meanwhile, in China -- whose growing oil thirst is often cited as a major contributor to rising prices -- prospects for a radical policy shift are also dim. The country's leaders worry about inflation galloping at around 8%, and fear that raising fuel prices to control demand could worsen it at a sensitive time. Not only is the country under pressure to finish multibillion-dollar preparations for the Olympics in August, but it must also rebuild housing for five million people left homeless after the May 12 earthquake, described by some of China's leaders as the worst natural disaster since modern China was founded in 1949.


On Sunday, Zhang Guobao, vice chairman of China's National Development and Reform Commission, China's top economic policy-making body, said 'detrimental' high oil prices were caused by hedge funds and other speculators investing in oil and could spark instability.


At a meeting in Aomori, northern Japan, over the weekend, Group of Eight energy ministers plus officials from three Asian oil consumers put the spotlight on energy efficiency as the most immediate solution to record oil prices. The G-8 representatives and their counterparts from China, India and South Korea voiced their 'serious concerns' at the sharp run-up in crude to a record settlement Friday of $138.54 a barrel and agreed to set up an umbrella body to promote more widespread energy-saving initiatives and to share experience.


The ministers' statement reflects the reality that Western leaders have few short-term levers for boosting supply and bringing down price.


The U.K. government says it will try to squeeze more output out of the North Sea's oil and gas fields, tinkering with the tax regime to encourage exploration of some fields currently considered unviable. But such moves would add only a few tens of thousands of barrels of oil production a day and would fail to arrest the long-term decline of the North Sea, one of the world's biggest oil provinces.


In Washington, meanwhile, Republicans and Democrats are at odds over what is causing the spike in oil prices. Democrats, who control the U.S. Congress, blame a combination of speculative trading and what they view as price-gouging by OPEC members and oil companies.

共和党及布什政府的官员则认为,高油价是世界石油供应跟不上中国、印度等发展中国家需求的上升造成的。在石油行业的怂恿下,国会共和党议员纷纷提议应允许开发美国禁开采区的油气资源,阿拉斯加的北 国家自然保护区等就属于这类地区。

Republicans, including Bush administration officials, tend to argue that the problem is a shortage of supply needed to keep up with rising demand from industrializing countries like China and India. With encouragement from the oil industry, Republican lawmakers are pushing to allow drilling in areas of the U.S. that have been off limits, including the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge in Alaska.


Although higher prices have meant record profits for oil producers, there was little evidence that industry executives were celebrating Friday's spike. In recent months, representatives of major oil companies have been repeatedly dragged before Congress to answer charges of price manipulation and profiteering.


The companies have consistently said they don't control oil prices -- an argument supported by most experts -- and are using their profits to find and produce more oil. At a forum in Russia on Saturday, executives from major oil companies said they are facing political challenges not just in the U.S. but around the world.

雪佛龙公司(Chevron Corp.)董事长戴维?奥莱利(David O'Reilly)指出,限制开发新的区域是在扩大生产方面遇到的最大障碍。埃克森美孚(Exxon Mobil Corp.)董事长兼首席执行长莱克斯?蒂尔森(Rex Tillerson)则表示,对难以进入新区域开发的担忧助长了油价的上涨。他说,只要有迹象表明将允许开发新区域,就会在市场上产生立竿见影的效果。

Chevron Corp. Chairman David O'Reilly called restricted access to new developments 'the biggest risk in expanding production,' while Exxon Mobil Corp. Chairman and CEO Rex Tillerson said concerns about access to new supplies are fueling the surge in prices. 'Just a signal that such access will be granted would have an immediate effect on the market,' Mr. Tillerson said.


There is some evidence that the industry's arguments are having an impact on public opinion. A recent Gallup poll showed 20% of Americans blamed oil companies for high gasoline prices -- down from 34% a year earlier.


Democrats in Congress have shown little indication that they are ready to open up large new areas for drilling, at least in the short term. They point out that drilling on federally owned lands has increased steadily during the Bush administration. Some also contend that not enough is being done to encourage development of already-leased federal lands.


'The nation simply cannot drill its way to lower prices at the pump,' the Democratic staff of the House Committee on Natural Resources said in a report last week. 'Even if increased domestic drilling activity could affect the price of gasoline, there is yet no justification to open additional federal lands because oil and gas companies have shown that they cannot keep pace with the rate of drilling permits that the federal government is handing out.'


Industry officials say a number of factors limit their ability to quickly ramp up production in those areas. 'If it's not under development, it means it's not economic, or technologically we just haven't figured out how to do it yet,' Exxon Mobil's Mr. Tillerson told The Wall Street Journal last month.

Stephen Power / Guy Chazan / Shai Oster



Gasoline Hits Average Of $4 A Gallon



The average price of gasoline in the U.S. hit $4 a gallon for the first time Sunday, the latest milestone in a run-up in fuel prices that is sapping consumer confidence and threatening to nudge the nation into recession.


The record nationwide average for regular-gasoline prices, announced by auto club AAA, follows Friday's near-$11 surge in oil prices to a record $138.54 a barrel. Both are part of what, by some measures, is the worst energy-price shock Americans have faced for a generation, in terms of its toll on their pocketbooks.


In recent days, soaring fuel prices and disappointing employment data have reignited fears that the nation's economy -- which has taken a pounding over the past year from a housing downturn, credit crunch and weakening job market -- will slip into recession, or pull back further if a recession is already under way. Rising fuel prices are straining household budgets, damping the spending that drives more than two-thirds of the nation's economic activity.

Alliance Bernstein的经济学家约瑟夫?卡森(Joseph Carson)说,我们目前看到的是已经走软的消费领域正面临着许多额外压力。这是否成为一个拐点呢?看来正在临近。

'What we're seeing here is a lot of additional pressure on a consumer sector that was soft to begin with,' said Alliance Bernstein economist Joseph Carson. 'Is it a tipping point by itself? It's close.'


Gasoline prices, which have risen 29% over the past year, have been high for months, and in some markets, such as Alaska and California, consumers have been paying more than $4 a gallon at the pump for weeks. But the latest increase at the nationwide level from a previous average of nearly $3.99 a gallon seems likely to deliver at least a psychological blow to many Americans.


The current drain on consumers' income from rising fuel prices is greater than it was during most of the worst energy-price run-ups of the past. Spending on fuel as a share of wage income has shot above 6%. That exceeds the percentage seen during the 1974-75 and 1990-91 oil-price shocks and approaches the 7% to 8% seen during the 1980-81 price surge, according to Mr. Carson.


Comparing the rise in fuel spending to income growth, which has been especially weak in recent years, the current shock is far worse than any of the three prior ones, he said.

艾奥瓦州53岁的伊冯?布鲁恩(Yvonne Brune)在谈到汽油价格的上涨时称,油价已经失去了控制。布鲁恩白天在一家印刷公司做营销,而晚间和周末则从事婚礼咨询工作。由于汽油价格上涨,她现在午休时已不再往返30英里回家陪她的狗。机票的上涨也让她取消了到德州拜访亲友的计划。她说,我认为航空公司将会面临困境,因为人们都不坐飞机了。

'It's just gotten out of hand,' said 53-year-old Yvonne Brune of Des Moines, Iowa, referring to the rising cost of gasoline. Because of higher gasoline prices, Ms. Brune, who works for a printing company doing marketing on weekdays and separately as a bridal consultant on nights and weekends, no longer makes the drive home at lunchtime -- a 30-mile round trip -- to spend time with her dogs. Because of rising airfares, she has canceled plans for a trip to Texas to visit relatives. 'I think the airlines are going to see their industry implode because people are going to stop flying,' she said.


Some economists hold out hope the current oil-price surge won't be as devastating as some in the past. For one thing, consumers and businesses are far more fuel-efficient today than they were during the oil shock of the mid-1970s, requiring half as much energy to produce a unit of economic output.

利率也远远低于当时,预计美国联邦储备委员会(Federal Reserve)将在今年多数时间里维持2%的基准利率不变。与此同时,美元的走软则增加了海外对美国产品的需求,出口的增长也是美国经济在过去半年中尽管缓慢但却继续扩张的重要原因。

Interest rates also are far lower than they were then, and the Federal Reserve is expected to hold its interest-rate target steady at 2% for much of this year. The dollar's weakness, meanwhile, is raising overseas demand for American products, and growth in exports is a key reason why the U.S. economy has continued to expand -- albeit slowly -- over the past six months.

更重要的是,虽然燃料成本持续增加,但消费者在过去五年里却显示出了出乎意料的承受力。美国银行(Bank of America)的经济学家彼得?克莱兹莫尔(Peter Kretzmer)说,尽管经济显然会在今后几个季度中面临更大困难,但我仍相信消费者能够适应。

Most important, consumers have shown surprising resilience over the past five years, despite continued surges in their fuel costs. 'While it certainly makes it tougher for the economy for the next few quarters, I still believe consumers can adapt,' said Peter Kretzmer, a Bank of America economist.


Still, as gasoline prices climb, they eat up money that consumers might otherwise spend on appliances or movie tickets or vacations. That could force businesses, hit by weaker consumer demand and an increase in their own costs, to pare operations and cut more jobs in an already weak labor market. The government reported Friday that the unemployment rate jumped to 5.5% in May from 5% in April as employers shed 49,000 jobs last month -- a fifth-straight monthly decline.


The government's $168 billion economic-stimulus program, largely built around tax-rebate checks, is lessening some of the impact of the current shock. But gasoline prices have increased more than $1 a gallon since the economic-stimulus plan cleared Congress in February, suggesting consumers may have spent at least part of that money to fill their gas tanks.

与此同时,消费者还要承受食品涨价的打击。在俄勒冈州尤尼恩,78岁的丹?汤普森(Dan Thompson)开始自己种植作物,这样就可以不必自己驾车15英里到镇上去购买越来越贵的蔬菜和水果了。“在我看来,现在的油价真是一种犯罪”,他说。

At the same time, consumers are being buffeted by higher food prices. In Union, Ore., 78-year-old Dan Thompson has started to grow his own produce to avoid driving to a town 15 miles away to buy the increasingly pricey fruits and vegetables. 'The gas prices, as far as I'm concerned, are criminal,' he said.


He and his wife also have decided to skip their customary summer trek to Arizona, Utah and Oregon to visit their children. 'The kids live a day's drive away or more,' he said. 'We're probably not going to be able do that this year.'


Oil companies say they have little control over soaring crude-oil prices, which they point to as the main cause of higher gasoline prices. Over the past months, the refiners who turn oil into fuels have been unable to pass the full increase in crude-oil prices through to consumers. As a result, while profits from producing oil have skyrocketed, major oil companies and independent refiners have seen earnings from their refining operations collapse.

油价是从2003年每桶30美元左右的价格开始逐步涨上来的,当时伊拉克战争刚刚开始。但高盛首席经济学家简?海休斯(Jan Hatzius)说,开始那几年是在经济强劲增长、信贷宽松、住房价格上涨的形势下发生的。

Oil prices have been rising steadily from around $30 a barrel in 2003, at the start of the Iraq war. But the first few years of those increases occurred 'in a period of strong growth, rising credit availability and rising house prices,' said Jan Hatzius, chief U.S. economist at Goldman Sachs.


The key question now: Will oil prices go back down, or remain elevated for the long run? A swift plunge in oil prices, even back to the relatively high level of $100 a barrel, would send gasoline costs lower and, as a result, ease pressure on consumers and improve their confidence in the economy.


But if oil stays above $135 a barrel and gasoline tops $4 a gallon into the fall, that could reshape businesses and lead Americans to change their spending patterns in broader ways.

实际上,像汽车制造、航空、化工和其他一些对石油依赖很大的行业已经感受到了石油涨价之苦。大陆航空(Continental Airlines Inc.)上周表示,由于航空燃油涨价,将裁减3,000个职位,减少11%的运能,将飞机数量减少67架。在它之前,联合航空(United Airlines)和美利坚航空(American Airlines)也采取了类似措施。由于原油和天然气价格居高不下,全球最大化工企业之一陶氏化工(Dow Chemical Co.)计划将产品价格最高上调20%。

Already, auto makers, airlines, chemical companies and others that rely on oil are feeling the pain. Last week, Continental Airlines Inc. said it would cut 3,000 jobs, slash capacity by 11% and remove 67 airplanes from its fleet because of soaring jet-fuel prices. The move followed similar moves to cut capacity by UAL Corp.'s United Airlines and AMR Corp.'s American Airlines. Dow Chemical Co., one of the world's largest chemical manufacturers, is planning to raise its product prices up to 20% as a result of soaring costs for crude oil and natural gas.

百货零售业也受到影响,许多商店销售持平甚至出现下降,而仓储式零售店或折扣零售店销售却持续上涨,原因是经济形势萧条之下,消费者开始转向廉价商品。沃尔玛连锁店(Wal-Mart Stores Inc.)和其他折扣店业务走强,原因是政府的返税增加了消费者手里的可支配收入,但预计这一效应年底前将释放完毕。

Sales at many department stores are flat or declining, though warehouse clubs and discounters are reporting continued gains as shoppers seek bargains in the tough economic climate. Last week, Wal-Mart Stores Inc. and other discounters reported strong business, citing the government rebate checks, but that effect is expected to dissipate by year end.

自己经营的唐?帕斯曼(Don Passman)说,汽油涨价让他的收入被吸走了一大块。

Don Passman, a self-employed handyman, said the rising price of gas is increasingly eating into his profits.

6 年前,他的皮卡车加满一箱油只要不到30美元,现在已经超过70美元。住在得克萨斯州埃伦(离达拉斯大约25英里)的帕斯曼由于工作关系需要到达拉斯或该地区其他城镇的客户家里上门服务,减少开车基本是不可能的事。“对我来说汽油涨价简直就像刀架在脖子上,一点办法都没有。”“即使涨到每加仑10美元我还是得开车”。

Six years ago, filling the tank of his pickup truck cost Mr. Passman less than $30. Now, he is paying more than $70. Because of his job, which involves commuting from his home in Allen, Texas, about 25 miles northeast of Dallas, to clients' houses in Dallas and other towns in the area, it is nearly impossible for him to cut back on driving. 'I feel like I'm being held at knifepoint,' he said. 'If they charge $10 a gallon, I'm going to pay it.'


Mr. Passman, 43 years old, sees the higher prices of oil filtering into the prices of everything else, from eggs to bread, while wages remain steady. 'Anybody that's not scared is not paying attention,' he said.

Sudeep Reddy




Oil Prices Ready to Sink?



Is there an oil bubble that is about to burst?


Some big voices on Wall Street think so, predicting the oil market could tilt sharply south soon if the U.S. dollar strengthens and demand for crude oil weakens in some key consuming countries. Tightness on the supply side could also ease, they say, as some big refineries and new oil fields come onstream over the next few months and the outlook for the Chinese economy clouds over.


But don't count on a price plunge just yet. While oil has eased off its record of just over $133 nearly two weeks ago, there are still strong reasons to believe that the benchmark U.S. crude could hover at about $120 a barrel well past summer.


At issue are deep disagreements over what is driving the run-up in oil prices.


In the search for scapegoats, many on Capitol Hill in the U.S. and elsewhere are now blaming oil-futures speculators, noting the vast cash inflows into commodity index funds. But those skeptical of a sharp price fall point to a raft of continued gloomy news on the fundamental supply-and-demand side, arguing that an already tight market isn't likely to loosen for months.

过去一周里,看跌油价的呼声越来越高。雷曼兄弟(Lehman Brothers)上周五认为目前的上涨同互联网泡沫时期的疯狂有相似之处:随着油价上涨,华尔街分析师屡屡上调价格预期,促使不断加入的新投资者将油价推到更高的水平,进而推动油价预期也进一步抬高。雷曼兄弟认为,已出现资产泡沫的典型征兆,金融投资者受到了羊群效应的驱使,纷纷追求曾有过的业绩水平。

The bearish argument has grown increasingly loud over the past week. Lehman Brothers on Friday compared the rally to the one-upmanship of the dot-com boom: Wall Street analysts have repeatedly raised their price forecasts as oil prices have soared, driving new investor flows that have pushed prices to still-higher levels, leading to still-higher price forecasts. Lehman sees the 'classic ingredients of an asset bubble,' with financial investors driven by a 'herd' instinct and chasing past performance.

对冲基金经理人乔治?索罗斯(George Soros)也发表了看法。周二他在美国国会作证表示,目前我们正经历房产泡沫的破裂,与此同时,石油和其它大宗商品价格的上涨也出现了泡沫的迹象。不过,索罗斯谨慎认为,石油市场的暴跌一时半会儿还不会出现。

Hedge-fund manager George Soros also has chimed in. 'We are currently experiencing the bursting of a housing bubble and, at the same time, a rise in oil and other commodities which has some of the earmarks of a bubble,' he said Tuesday in prepared testimony before the U.S. Senate. Mr. Soros cautioned, though, that a crash in oil markets was 'not imminent.'

将美元下跌视为油价上涨主要因素的经济学家现在认为,这种关系即将发生逆转。他们表示,鉴于美元出现走强迹象和对通胀的担忧减轻,油价也会走低。美国联邦储备委员会(Federal Reserve)主席本?贝南克(Ben Bernanke)周二表示进一步减息的可能性不大,这也给美元注入了一些上涨动力。

Economists who have cited the dollar's fall as a key factor in the rising price of oil now argue that that linkage is set to reverse. With the dollar now showing signs of strength, and the fears of inflation ebbing, oil prices also should fall, they say. Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke's comment Tuesday that further interest-rate cuts are unlikely gave the dollar another upward jolt.


To back its dot-com analogy, Lehman Brothers cites evidence that institutional investors, including sovereign-wealth funds, have been increasing their exposure to commodities. The investment house calculates that from January 2006 to mid-April 2008, more than $90 billion of incremental investor flows was devoted to assets under management by commodity indexes. It said for every $100 million in new inflows, the price of West Texas Intermediate, the U.S. benchmark, increased by 1.6%.

不过也有人不同意投资驱动油价上涨的观点。巴克莱(Barclays Capital)驻伦敦分析师保罗?霍内尔(Paul Horsnell)称,如果供应量在五年内不能增加,而需求像前四、五年那样继续增长的话,那么石油就应该是现在这个价格。他说,油价将继续挑战高位,除非供需状况出现明显变化。

Yet others dispute the view that the run-up in crude oil is investor-driven. 'This is the price you get if supply doesn't expand for five years and demand continues to grow as it has done for the last four to five years,' says Paul Horsnell, an analyst with Barclays Capital in London. Prices will 'continue testing upward' unless the supply-and-demand picture changes substantially, he says.


Others have also disputed the evidence that investors are driving up the price of crude.

商品期货交易委员会(Commodity Futures Trading Commission)首席经济学家杰弗里?哈里斯(Jeffrey Harris)上月在给美国参议院的证词中表示,尽管西德克萨斯中质油的期货合约价格在过去14个月中上涨了一倍多,理财账户持有的头寸变化非常小。

In written testimony to the U.S. Senate last month, Jeffrey Harris, chief economist of the Commodity Futures Trading Commission, said that while futures-contract prices for WTI have more than doubled during the past 14 months, managed-money positions, as a fraction of the overall market, have changed very little.


'Speculative position changes have not amplified crude-oil futures price changes,' he wrote. 'More specifically, the recent crude-oil price increases have occurred with no significant change in net speculative positions.' He also said there was no evidence that position changes by speculators 'precede price changes' for crude-oil-futures contracts.

霍内尔等人表示,油价在急升到每桶133美元后正在寻求新的平衡。即使通常看跌油价的美国能源部也认为油价不会很快下跌。能源部下属能源情报署(Energy Information Administration)的负责人盖伊?卡鲁索(Guy Caruso)周一表示,全球石油供应依然紧张,他预计到2009年油价将保持在每桶100美元之上。

Mr. Horsnell and others contend that after their precipitous rise to $133, oil prices are now seeking a new equilibrium. Even the normally bearish U.S. Energy Department doesn't see prices falling far anytime soon. Guy Caruso, head of the department's Energy Information Administration, cited continued tight global supplies Monday when he predicted that oil will stay above $100 a barrel through 2009.

有人认为,油价居高不下的主要因素是今年以来墨西哥、俄罗斯和委内瑞拉等部分主要出口国的石油产量意外大幅减少。石油输出国组织(Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries, 简称:欧佩克)中的主要产油国自去年下半年以来基本保持了产量稳定。

The main factor cited for sustained high prices is the surprisingly steep fall so far this year in production from some of the world's key exporters, particularly Mexico, Russia and Venezuela. The big producers within the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries have largely held their output steady since late last year.


Despite declining demand in the U.S., the thirst for petroleum products -- above all diesel -- continues apace in much of the developing world.


Rocked by the recent earthquake, China is now scrounging for all available sources of diesel to power thousands of generators that have taken the place of downed power plants. Surging domestic demand among Persian Gulf countries also continues to nibble away at available oil exports.


'What will turn this around is a real change in what has pushed this up in the first place, which would be a notable shift on the supply-demand front,' said Mr. Horsnell. 'So far, we aren't seeing that.'


Lehman is in the camp that expects the supply-demand balance to change in the coming months. New Saudi oil production should come onstream soon, as well as big new refineries that will ease bottlenecks and bring greater competition in oil-products markets. Russia is enacting tax breaks that many hope will lift stagnant oil production.


Meanwhile, oil-demand growth is expected to ease in fuel-hungry China, as the economic slowdown in its Western export markets takes hold. China also has been stockpiling fuel in the run-up to the Olympics, and with the Games over, imports might slow.

雷曼兄弟分析师迈克尔?沃德隆(Michael Waldron)说,所有这些都表明,石油价格将出现大幅调整。不过他预计年底前不太可能出现这种情况。

All this could 'set the stage for a significant correction' in the oil price, says Michael Waldron, an analyst with Lehman. Yet even he predicts that may not happen before the end of the year.





2008年6月3日 22:29

通用汽车公司(General Motors Corp., GM)称,面对美国皮卡和运动型多用途车(SUV)销量大幅下滑的局面,该公司将关闭四家北美工厂并加快推出车型较小的轿车。


通用汽车还对其悍马(Hummer)品牌展开了战略评估,不排除可能出售该品牌,同时重申了生产Chevy Volt电动汽车的决心。

首席执行长瓦格纳(Rick Wagoner)表示,上述措施都是对油价快速上涨及其对美国带来的改变所作出的反应,虽然部分措施,特别是削减产能,非常艰难,但对于适应不断变化的市场和经济形势以及保持并推进美国业务重振进程,这些措施是必要的。


-By John D. Stoll, The Wall Street Journal; 248-204-5533

(Neal E. Boudette and Stephen Wisnefski contributed to this article.)


中国汽车零部件厂商──强者弥坚 弱者愈弱

China's Auto-Parts Makers May Be OK



AFTER YEARS of rapid growth, many of China's auto-parts makers seem to be hitting a speed bump as they cope with climbing wages, an appreciating local currency and rising raw-materials prices. But, analysts say, some of the industry's most established players remain good buys.

在这些企业中,面临最大挑战的是像浙江万丰奥威汽轮股份有限公司(Zhejiang Wanfeng Auto Wheel Co., 简称:万丰奥威)这样的轮胎制造商,以及汽车所需各种塑料部件的生产厂家,原因之一在于石油和铝材等商品价格的上涨推高了它们的成本。而另一方面,分析师认为,在上海证交所上市的福耀玻璃工业集团股份有限公司(Fuyao Group Glass Industries, 简称:福耀玻璃)和在香港上市的信义玻璃控股有限公司(Xinyi Glass Holdings)等汽车玻璃生产商则可能表现更好,因为它们具有稳固的市场占有率。

Among the companies facing the biggest challenges are wheel makers, such as Zhejiang Wanfeng Auto Wheel, and producers of the myriad molded plastic parts used to make cars -- in part because the soaring price of commodities like oil and aluminum are jacking up their costs. Auto-glass makers, such as Shanghai-traded Fuyao Group Glass Industries and Hong Kong-traded Xinyi Glass Holdings, on the other hand are likely to fare better because of solid market shares, analysts say.

联合证券(Lianhe Securities)驻深圳分析师姚宏光表示,今年是汽车零配件企业调整的一年。强者恒强,弱者更弱。

'This year is a correction year for auto parts,' says Yao Hongguang, a Shenzhen-based analyst for Lianhe Securities. 'The strong will be stronger, the weak, weaker.'

中国汽车零配件行业的利润增速今年开始放缓。中国国家统计局(National Statistics Bureau)的数据显示,2008年前两个月的全行业利润比上年同期增长了37%,而2007年的同期数据比2006年增长了90%以上。出口增幅也出现回落。今年第一季度,汽车零部件出口额增长了24%,低于上年同期的33%和2007年全年的35%。

Profit growth for China's auto-parts industry has slowed this year. Total industry profits grew 37% in the first two months of 2008 from the same period a year earlier, compared with more than 90% growth in January and February 2007, according to China's National Statistics Bureau. Export growth has also throttled down. In the first quarter of this year, auto-parts exports grew 24%, down from 33% in the same period a year earlier and from 35% for all of 2007.

天相投资顾问(TX Investment Consulting)驻北京分析师王明存说,总体出口形势显然不好。王明存最近将她跟踪的汽车零配件类股的评级从增持下调到了中性。她说,随着钢铁和铝等原材料成本的增加,以及劳动力成本的上升和人民币的升值,中国的出口优势已经不如以往了。

'The general situation for exports is definitely not good,' says Wang Mingcun, a Beijing-based analyst for TX Investment Consulting. Ms. Wang recently downgraded the auto-parts stocks she covers to 'neutral' from 'overweight.' 'With the booming cost of raw materials like steel and aluminium, the rising labor cost and the yuan appreciation, China won't have the same export advantages as before.'


Mr. Yao of Lianhe Securities has a neutral rating on Wanfeng Auto Wheel, which lists A shares -- denominated in Chinese yuan and available mainly for domestic investors -- in Shenzhen. The company is heavily dependent on exports in an era of rising costs and an strengthening local currency, he says. About two-thirds of Wanfeng's sales go overseas. 'I don't see any room for its share price to rise soon,' says Mr. Yao.


While Wanfeng's revenue slipped 4.6% in the first quarter from a year ago to 383.5 million yuan ($55.2 million), its net profit jumped 81% to 18.5 million yuan, which one analyst believes resulted from the company concentrating on orders with higher margins. On Thursday, shares of Wanfeng fell 3% to close at 8.20 yuan.


China's currency has appreciated more than 14% against the U.S. dollar since the government began liberalizing the exchange rate in July 2005 -- much of that in the past year. The currency hit 6.94 against the dollar on Monday, a record high. A stronger yuan makes Chinese goods relatively more expensive in foreign markets.


'Yuan appreciation has a big impact on our enterprise. We just try our best to survive,' says Xu Xiaofang, an official in the investor-relations department at Wanfeng.

不过,一些分析师认为人们对汽车零部件行业有些过于担忧了,尤其是对那些业内领头公司来说。花旗集团(Citigroup)驻香港分析师张文龙(Charles Cheung)认为,中国汽车零部件企业前景光明;同印度和墨西哥相比,中国仍占有优势。

Still, some analysts think concerns about the auto-parts sector are overblown, especially for the industry's top companies. 'I see a bright future for Chinese auto parts,' says Charles Cheung, an analyst at Citigroup in Hong Kong. 'Compared with India and Mexico, China still has advantages.'

张文龙说,劳动力成本的增加不大可能会损害优秀的汽车零部件企业。在中国,劳动力成本仅占零件生产成本的5%左右,而在美国和欧盟,这个比例是20%- 30%。他说,中国企业还能将产地从成本较高的沿海地区转移到工资水平较低的中国西部。至于原材料涨价,张文龙指出,这是影响到世界各地生产商的全球性现象,他们因而有可能将增加的成本转嫁到客户身上。

Mr. Cheung says labor-cost increases are unlikely to hurt the better auto-parts companies. In China, labor accounts for only about 5% of the cost of producing parts, compared with 20% to 30% in the U.S. or European Union. Chinese companies can also shift production away from more expensive coastal cities to lower-wage areas in western China, he says. As for rising raw-material prices, Mr. Cheung points out that it is a global phenomenon affecting producers everywhere, making it possible for manufacturers to pass along the added costs to their customers.

这位花旗集团分析师对信义玻璃(Xinyi Glass)股票的评级为买进。该公司生产汽车前挡夹层玻璃和钢化玻璃,是中国出口量最大的汽车玻璃生产商。张文龙在研究报告中写道,该公司的备件销售业务一直保持稳定增长,并一直在增加对中国国内汽车厂家的原装产品销售。他认为该股1年期的目标价格为10.30港元,比周四6.86港元(约合88美分)的收盘价高出约50%。

The Citigroup analyst has a buy on Xinyi Glass. The company, which makes laminated windshields and tempered side windows, is China's largest auto-glass exporter by volume. It has had steady growth in sales for the replacement-parts market and has been increasing original-equipment sales to Chinese domestic auto manufacturers, Mr. Cheung wrote in a report. He gave the stock a one-year target price of HK$10.30 -- 50% above Thursday's close of HK$6.86 (88 U.S. cents).

中银国际(Bank of China International)分析师王玉笙看好在深圳上市的宁波华翔电子股份有限公司(Ningbo Huaxiang Electronic, 简称:宁波华翔)。宁波华翔的主营业务是在国内市场,因此受汇率波动或欧美市场需求低迷的影响不大。此外,宁波华翔持有中国第一汽车集团公司(China FAW Group Corp.)旗下一家子公司49%的股份。第一汽车集团是中国最大的汽车生产企业之一,这就使宁波华翔具备了争取这个大客户的有利条件。王玉笙认为宁波华翔的目标股价是16元,该股周四下跌2.5%,收于13.68元。

Wang Yusheng, an analyst with Bank of China International, likes Ningbo Huaxiang Electronic, which lists A shares in Shenzhen. Huaxiang's main business is in the domestic market, so it is less susceptible to currency fluctuations or weakening demand from the U.S. and Europe. In addition, Huaxiang took a 49% stake in a subsidiary of China FAW Group Corp., one of China's biggest car makers, giving it preferred access to a big customer. Ms. Wang has a target price as 16 yuan for Huaxiang shares, which finished Thursday at 13.68 yuan, down 2.5%.

安信证券(Essence Securities)分析师孙木子说,总的来说,目前形势对汽车零部件出口商而言并非不利。在他看来,如果中国企业的整合能迫使一些严重依赖廉价劳动力成本的公司退出,那么具有技术创新能力、管理完善的企业将会做大做强。

Overall, the current situation 'is not negative for auto-parts exporters,' says Sun Muzi, an analyst for Shenzhen-based Essence Securities. In his view, if a consolidation of Chinese business forces out some companies that depend heavily on keeping labor costs low, then better-managed ones with innovative technologies will get stronger.

Bai Lin
