Oil's Surge Defies Lessening Demand
Crude-oil prices finished just above $100 a barrel for the first time yesterday despite signs the world's petroleum thirst may be subsiding.
The latest surge surprised many in the oil patch who have expected prices to head in the other direction as oil stockpiles increase and the U.S. teeters on the edge of a recession, softening demand for energy. Higher prices put more pressure on the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries to keep supplies steady despite some calls within the cartel to cut output.
If prices linger at or above $100 a barrel, energy-intensive industries like oil refiners and airlines could face higher costs, as could consumers. Oil's rise helped reverse a stock-market rally yesterday.
Analysts and traders pointed to a slew of causes for the price surge, but put the main onus on the continued flow of speculative cash into the oil market and other commodities like coal and platinum. Political instability in Nigeria and Venezuela, tightness in the light-crude market and challenges in the refining sector also contributed.
德意志银行(Deutsche Bank)首席能源经济学家亚当?谢明斯基(Adam Sieminski)说,这是许多小事情合力促成的。他认为推动油价上涨的主要力量是流入石油和其他商品市场的大量资金。
'It's a combination of lots of little things,' said Adam Sieminski, chief energy economist at Deutsche Bank, who contends the main driver is 'the huge volumes of money moving into oil and other commodities.'
U.S. benchmark crude yesterday rose $4.51, or 4.7%, to settle at $100.01 a barrel on the New York Mercantile Exchange. Oil has touched or passed the $100 mark twice before but retreated before the end of the closing day. U.S. heating-oil and gasoline-blendstock futures also finished at nominal highs. On an inflation-adjusted basis, oil is only $3.09 below its record, set in April 1980.
The latest price surge, if it holds up, will make it tough for the big producers within OPEC to support an output cut when ministers meet March 5, as some within the group have urged. At a meeting earlier this month, OPEC ministers pointed to the weakening U.S. economy to warn of a possible oversupply of oil in the second quarter.
Since then, most key indicators have served to buttress OPEC's argument. The Energy Department is forecasting a flattening of oil demand in the U.S. and a buildup in oil and gasoline stockpiles. Most big institutional forecasters, including the Energy Department and OPEC, now predict that demand growth will hover around 1% this year. Demand rose 1.4% last year from 2006.
Analysts still contend that increasing oil and gasoline stockpiles in coming weeks could spark a sharp retreat in prices. To keep supplies steady, they said, OPEC would optimally like to trim its output by around 600,000 barrels a day.
欧佩克的原油供应量在全球每天8,600万桶总供应量中占四成左右。周二,美国能源部下属的能源情报署(Energy Information Administration)重申了希望欧佩克增产的要求。
OPEC supplies around 40% of the world's daily needs, running at about 86 million barrels a day. Yesterday, the Energy Department's Energy Information Administration reiterated its call for OPEC to increase production.
华盛顿顾问公司PFC Engergy的合伙人罗杰?迪万(Roger Diwan)说,欧佩克希望减产,但在油价高达每桶100美元的时候他们不可能这样做。
OPEC 'would like to cut output, but they can't possibly do that at $100 a barrel,' said Roger Diwan, a partner at PFC Energy, a Washington consulting firm.
分析师们说,一些市场投机者似乎对炼油厂实际发生和可能发生的故障很关注。去年夏天,一场突如其来的大停产让汽油价格升至创纪录水平。石油天然气市场研究公司Schork Group的总裁斯蒂芬?舒尔克(Stephen Schork)说,投资者担心今年这种情况还会重演。他说:担惊受怕变成了贪婪,投机者将任何有关炼油厂停产的消息都放大成油价将猛涨的信号。
Some market speculators seem to be fixated on refinery snags, both actual and potential, analysts said. Last summer, a bout of unplanned outages drove gasoline prices to record levels. There are fears among investors of a repeat this year, said Stephen Schork, president of Schork Group Inc., a provider of oil- and gas-market research. 'Concern and fear translate into greed, and speculators take [any news of refinery outages] and hype it into much higher prices,' he said.
受得克萨斯一家小炼油厂失火的消息推动,周二纽约商交所再重组混调汽油(RBOB)期货涨4.4%至每加仑2.60美元。该厂是Alon USA Energy Inc.旗下公司,拥有日加工7万桶原油的产能,仅占美国1,740万桶总产能的一小部分。
Reformulated-gasoline blendstock futures yesterday on the New York Mercantile Exchange jumped 4.4% to $2.60 a gallon on news of a fire at a small Texas refinery on Monday. The refinery, owned by Alon USA Energy Inc., has the capacity to process 70,000 barrels of crude oil a day, a fraction of the total U.S. installed capacity of 17.4 million barrels of crude a day.
With many refineries in the midst of seasonal maintenance, not all of that capacity is being used. Still, refiners have been adding more gasoline supplies to storage tanks and pipelines. Since the beginning of the year, gasoline stocks rose by 16.1 million barrels, or 8%, to 229.2 million barrels, and are well above average for this time of year, according to data from the EIA.
Meanwhile, the economic slowdown and high gasoline prices have kept demand weak. Gasoline consumption has averaged 1.2% below last year's for the past four weeks, EIA data show.
Neil King Jr. / Ana Campoy