

Chrysler's Turnaround Plan: Less Is More


克莱斯勒(Chrysler LLC)提出了一个大胆的复苏计划:减少款式,关注能带来更高利润的车型。

Chrysler LLC is laying out a turnaround plan based on a radical idea: Offering a smaller number of models will lead to bigger profits.


Over the next three years or so, the closely held auto maker plans to drop as many as half of the roughly 30 models it now produces, a move likely to cut sales at least for a while. Along the way, it expects a substantial consolidation in its network of 3,600 dealers.

克莱斯勒副董事长吉姆?普利斯(Jim Press)在接受采访时表示,我们将成为美国最佳的小规模汽车公司。

'We're going to be the best little car company in America,' Chrysler Vice Chairman Jim Press said in an interview here.


The plan defies conventional wisdom in the auto industry and in Detroit. For almost a century, auto makers have been fixated on building greater economies of scale. The notion that bigger is better has driven each of Detroit's Big Three auto makers and most of their rivals for decades. It inspired several mergers and provided the foundation for just about every turnaround effort the industry has seen.

但普利斯说,克莱斯勒新的管理团队及其主要持股公司私人资本运营公司Cerberus Capital Management LP的顾问相信,该行业的旧规则已经不再适用了。

But the new management team at Chrysler and its advisers at private-equity firm Cerberus Capital Management LP, its majority owner, are convinced 'the old rules in this industry no longer apply,' Mr. Press said.


The U.S. has become a mature, slow-growth market, and competition is so fierce that no auto maker can count on rapid increases in sales, which were a key component of the previous turnaround effort at Chrysler and are still a goal of many auto makers.


'There's no huge [increase in sales] volume around the corner,' Mr. Press said. 'We need to give up that dream and face reality.'

克莱斯勒去年的轿车和卡车产量约为270万辆。在仍是前戴姆勒-克莱斯勒(DaimlerChrysler AG)的子公司时,它曾计划大大扩大车辆型号,在10年内将轿车和卡车的销量提高到400万辆左右。

Chrysler produced about 2.7 million cars and trucks last year. While it was still part of the former DaimlerChrysler AG, it planned substantial expansion of its model line and an increase in sales to around four million cars and trucks a year within 10 years.


Mr. Press said Chrysler can be profitable with sales around the current level. He acknowledged that sales volume could slip as Chrysler adjusts its product line but said the company hopes to keep production steady by increasing sales overseas, especially in developing markets like China, India and Eastern Europe.

克莱斯勒“瘦身复苏计划”在业内遇到了一些质疑。上周,前克莱斯勒管理人员杰拉姆?约克(Jerome B. York)表示,克莱斯勒作为一家独立的公司缺乏生命力,尤其是因为其90%的销量都来自于北美。

The idea that Chrysler can survive as a smaller car company has met some skepticism within the industry. Last week, former Chrysler executive Jerome B. York said Chrysler 'is not viable' as an independent company, especially because 90% of its sales come from North America.


Speaking in Chicago, Mr. York said Cerberus is 'doing the right thing' to try to fix Chrysler but said he believes the next step should be selling it to a foreign auto company.


In San Francisco, Mr. Press acknowledged that Mr. York's logic could apply to 'the old Chrysler.' But he said Cerberus is committed to creating a 'new Chrysler' that can prosper long term.


Underpinning Chrysler's thinking is the fact that it is no longer a public company. Mr. Press said the transition to a smaller product line could result in some difficult times in which sales slump. But as a private company, Chrysler doesn't report quarterly earnings or worry about the stock market. 'We don't have Wall Street looking over our shoulder,' Mr. Press said.

克莱斯勒的主要美国竞争对手通用汽车(General Motors Corp.)和福特汽车(Ford Motor Co.)都难享受到这种待遇。对北美销量的担忧令通用汽车股票不久前创出了20个月来的低点,不过此后该股收复了一些失地。

Chrysler's main U.S. rivals, General Motors Corp. and Ford Motor Co., don't have that luxury. Concerns about sales in North America helped pushed GM shares to a 20-month low recently, although the stock has regained some ground.


GM is taking a more conventional path with its restructuring effort. While slashing costs, the company has been developing more attractive vehicles in hopes they will lift sales. An increase in retail sales is supposed to push its U.S. market share a bit higher and offset declines in low-margin sales to rental fleets.


Chrysler plans to overhaul its products over the next three to four years, dropping some models, improving others and adding vehicles in new segments, Mr. Press said. In meetings with Chrysler dealers in the past week, Chrysler officials suggested the company may end up with 15 to 20 models instead of the 30 or so it offers now.


Speaking with reporters in San Francisco, Mr. Press said Chrysler will offer fewer models in the future but said it has no specific number in mind.

普利斯表示,公司认为如果将资金用于生产种类更少、品质更好的车型上将会进一步提高利润。目前的产品线包括了车型基本相同的轿车和卡车,不同的仅仅是品牌。普利斯说,公司目前生产克莱斯勒Town & Country和道奇(Dodge) Caravan两种微型客车,而它们争夺的是相同的客户。

The company believes it can be more profitable if it spends money producing fewer, but better, vehicles, Mr. Press said. The current product line includes cars and trucks that are essentially identical products, differentiated only by their brands. It makes two minivans, the Chrysler Town & Country and Dodge Caravan, that compete for the same customers, Mr. Press said.


The reduction in models is expected to force a consolidation of Chrysler's dealer network. With fewer models to sell, some Dodge, Chrysler and Jeep dealers won't have enough business to remain independent. Many will probably have to merge, something Chrysler has been encouraging. It would like to eliminate all or most 'stand-alone' stores that carry just one of its brands. The company plans to offer loans to dealers who want to buy out others.


Producing fewer vehicles could leave Chrysler room for further payroll cuts and plant closures, but Mr. Press said he hopes Chrysler won't have to expand the job cuts it has planned. The company is planning to eliminate 8,500 to 10,000 hourly jobs and 1,000 salaried positions.

Neal E. Boudette / Terry Kosdrosky

