
zz 汽车上的电



















Oil's Surge Defies Lessening Demand



Crude-oil prices finished just above $100 a barrel for the first time yesterday despite signs the world's petroleum thirst may be subsiding.


The latest surge surprised many in the oil patch who have expected prices to head in the other direction as oil stockpiles increase and the U.S. teeters on the edge of a recession, softening demand for energy. Higher prices put more pressure on the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries to keep supplies steady despite some calls within the cartel to cut output.


If prices linger at or above $100 a barrel, energy-intensive industries like oil refiners and airlines could face higher costs, as could consumers. Oil's rise helped reverse a stock-market rally yesterday.


Analysts and traders pointed to a slew of causes for the price surge, but put the main onus on the continued flow of speculative cash into the oil market and other commodities like coal and platinum. Political instability in Nigeria and Venezuela, tightness in the light-crude market and challenges in the refining sector also contributed.

德意志银行(Deutsche Bank)首席能源经济学家亚当?谢明斯基(Adam Sieminski)说,这是许多小事情合力促成的。他认为推动油价上涨的主要力量是流入石油和其他商品市场的大量资金。

'It's a combination of lots of little things,' said Adam Sieminski, chief energy economist at Deutsche Bank, who contends the main driver is 'the huge volumes of money moving into oil and other commodities.'


U.S. benchmark crude yesterday rose $4.51, or 4.7%, to settle at $100.01 a barrel on the New York Mercantile Exchange. Oil has touched or passed the $100 mark twice before but retreated before the end of the closing day. U.S. heating-oil and gasoline-blendstock futures also finished at nominal highs. On an inflation-adjusted basis, oil is only $3.09 below its record, set in April 1980.


The latest price surge, if it holds up, will make it tough for the big producers within OPEC to support an output cut when ministers meet March 5, as some within the group have urged. At a meeting earlier this month, OPEC ministers pointed to the weakening U.S. economy to warn of a possible oversupply of oil in the second quarter.


Since then, most key indicators have served to buttress OPEC's argument. The Energy Department is forecasting a flattening of oil demand in the U.S. and a buildup in oil and gasoline stockpiles. Most big institutional forecasters, including the Energy Department and OPEC, now predict that demand growth will hover around 1% this year. Demand rose 1.4% last year from 2006.


Analysts still contend that increasing oil and gasoline stockpiles in coming weeks could spark a sharp retreat in prices. To keep supplies steady, they said, OPEC would optimally like to trim its output by around 600,000 barrels a day.

欧佩克的原油供应量在全球每天8,600万桶总供应量中占四成左右。周二,美国能源部下属的能源情报署(Energy Information Administration)重申了希望欧佩克增产的要求。

OPEC supplies around 40% of the world's daily needs, running at about 86 million barrels a day. Yesterday, the Energy Department's Energy Information Administration reiterated its call for OPEC to increase production.

华盛顿顾问公司PFC Engergy的合伙人罗杰?迪万(Roger Diwan)说,欧佩克希望减产,但在油价高达每桶100美元的时候他们不可能这样做。

OPEC 'would like to cut output, but they can't possibly do that at $100 a barrel,' said Roger Diwan, a partner at PFC Energy, a Washington consulting firm.

分析师们说,一些市场投机者似乎对炼油厂实际发生和可能发生的故障很关注。去年夏天,一场突如其来的大停产让汽油价格升至创纪录水平。石油天然气市场研究公司Schork Group的总裁斯蒂芬?舒尔克(Stephen Schork)说,投资者担心今年这种情况还会重演。他说:担惊受怕变成了贪婪,投机者将任何有关炼油厂停产的消息都放大成油价将猛涨的信号。

Some market speculators seem to be fixated on refinery snags, both actual and potential, analysts said. Last summer, a bout of unplanned outages drove gasoline prices to record levels. There are fears among investors of a repeat this year, said Stephen Schork, president of Schork Group Inc., a provider of oil- and gas-market research. 'Concern and fear translate into greed, and speculators take [any news of refinery outages] and hype it into much higher prices,' he said.

受得克萨斯一家小炼油厂失火的消息推动,周二纽约商交所再重组混调汽油(RBOB)期货涨4.4%至每加仑2.60美元。该厂是Alon USA Energy Inc.旗下公司,拥有日加工7万桶原油的产能,仅占美国1,740万桶总产能的一小部分。

Reformulated-gasoline blendstock futures yesterday on the New York Mercantile Exchange jumped 4.4% to $2.60 a gallon on news of a fire at a small Texas refinery on Monday. The refinery, owned by Alon USA Energy Inc., has the capacity to process 70,000 barrels of crude oil a day, a fraction of the total U.S. installed capacity of 17.4 million barrels of crude a day.


With many refineries in the midst of seasonal maintenance, not all of that capacity is being used. Still, refiners have been adding more gasoline supplies to storage tanks and pipelines. Since the beginning of the year, gasoline stocks rose by 16.1 million barrels, or 8%, to 229.2 million barrels, and are well above average for this time of year, according to data from the EIA.


Meanwhile, the economic slowdown and high gasoline prices have kept demand weak. Gasoline consumption has averaged 1.2% below last year's for the past four weeks, EIA data show.

Neil King Jr. / Ana Campoy



Iron-Price Surge Hits Asian Firms


日本和韩国的钢铁企业与巴西矿业巨头淡水河谷公司(Companhia Vale do Rio Doce)达成协议,同意将铁矿石价格上调65%。这将推动大型矿业公司的利润增长,不过各钢铁企业及其在世界各地的客户却要为此付出代价。

Japanese and Korean steelmakers agreed to a 65% increase in the price of iron ore with Brazilian mining power Cia. Vale do Rio Doce, boosting the fortunes of big mining firms at the expense of steel producers and their customers world-wide.


The price increase, which analysts expect to be matched or even topped in deals with steelmakers in China and elsewhere in the weeks ahead, suggests that demand for raw materials like steel and iron ore is holding up well, despite fears of a U.S.-led global economic slowdown.

这也证实了必和必拓(BHP Billiton Ltd.)、力拓股份有限公司(Rio Tinto Plc)和淡水河谷等少数几家大型矿业公司的市场地位在不断增强。上述三家公司的铁矿石供应量超过了全球铁矿石出口总量的70%,而这些公司之间计划进行的并购可能会进一步增强其在大宗商品市场上的影响力。

It also confirms the growing market power of a few big mining companies, including BHP Billiton, Rio Tinto PLC and Vale. Together, those three companies supply more than 70% of the world's exported iron ore, and their efforts to consolidate could magnify their clout in commodity markets in the future.

此前,必和必拓向力拓发出了1,400亿美元的主动收购要约,分析人士认为原因在于必和必拓希望占有更多的铁矿石供应。与此同时,淡水河谷也在寻求与瑞士矿业公司Xstrata PLC进行合并。

BHP Billiton has made an unsolicited $140 billion bid for Rio Tinto, which analysts believe is driven by BHP's desire to lock up even more iron-ore supply. Vale, meanwhile, is pursuing a possible merger with Swiss miner Xstrata PLC.


That activity comes at a time of rising strategic importance for iron ore, demand for which has skyrocketed in recent years. As a basic ingredient in steel, it is needed to build the office towers, highways and factories that underpin Asia's industrialization, which is especially rapid in China.

与其他大宗商品的定价方法不同,铁矿石价格是在每年矿业公司与客户秘密进行的会议上敲定的,而不是通过国际交易所定价。2005年铁矿石价格上涨了 71.5%,2006年涨了19%,2007年涨了9.5%,由于钢铁生产商很不情愿接受这样幅度的涨价,近年来定价会议的气氛变得异常紧张。

Unlike pricing of other commodities, iron ore's price is hammered out in top-secret annual meetings between miners and their customers rather than on international exchanges. The meetings have grown unusually testy in recent years, as steelmakers reluctantly swallowed price increases of 9.5% in 2007, 19% in 2006 and 71.5% in 2005.


This year, most commodities analysts were initially expecting a price increase of about 30%. But iron-ore demand has continued to outpace supply, and more recently the market had started to expect an even more sizable jump.

日本的新日本制铁(Nippon Steel Corp.)和韩国的浦项综合制铁公司(Posco)周一表示,同意对4月1日起发货的铁矿石,以每吨78.9美元的价格支付淡水河谷,较去年上涨了 65%。日本的JFE Steel Corp.也同意将价格上调65%。淡水河谷在一份声明中证实了价格的上涨,并表示2008年的价格反映出全球铁矿石市场上供不应求的局面仍在继续。分析人士预计,这些价格协议将成为2008年全球铁矿石议价的基准,而包括中国钢铁企业在内的钢铁生产商将同意接受类似幅度、甚至更大幅度的涨价。

Yesterday, Japan's Nippon Steel Corp. and Posco of South Korea said they agreed to pay Vale $78.90 per ton, or 65% more than last year, for iron ore to be shipped from April 1. JFE Steel Corp. of Japan also agreed to a 65% increase. 'The prices for 2008 reflect the continuing excess demand in the global iron ore market,' Vale said in a statement confirming the price agreements. Analysts expect those agreements to become the benchmark for all other negotiations world-wide to set prices for 2008 and that other producers -- including steelmakers in China -- will agree to a similar or even greater increase.


Rio Tinto released a statement yesterday saying negotiations on 2008 ore prices with its customers 'are continuing' and suggesting the company intends to hold out for a higher price than that reached in the Vale agreements. BHP declined to comment.

澳洲银行(National Australia Bank)驻墨尔本的分析师杰拉德?伯格(Gerard Burg)说,毫无疑问这是一个卖方市场,考虑到近来流向中国的产量,日本钢铁公司可能会担心自己必须不计代价地争取供应商。

'There's no doubt it's a seller's market,' says Gerard Burg, an analyst at National Australia Bank in Melbourne. 'Given the volumes heading to China in recent times, there may be some concern among Japanese steelmakers that they just have to have access to supplies' no matter what the cost, he says.

日本股市投资者为这桩交易欢呼雀跃,这或许是因为他们原来担心的结果较之更糟。在东京证券交易所,新日本制铁(Nippon Steel Corp.)的股票价格周一上涨3.2%,至575日圆(合5.33美元)。JFE Steel Corp.的母公司JFE Holdings Inc.上涨6.3%,至4,410日圆。

Japanese stock market investors cheered the deal, perhaps because they feared the outcome could have been even worse. On the Tokyo stock exchange, Nippon Steel's share price rose 3.2% to 575 yen ($5.33) yesterday. JFE Holdings Inc., the parent company of JFE Steel Corp., rose 6.3% to 4,410 yen.


Rio Tinto indicated it intends to hold out in hopes of securing bigger payouts from its Asian customers. The company believes it warrants a higher price than Vale because its Australian mines are much closer to Asian customers like China and Japan, resulting in lower shipping costs compared with ore shipped from Brazil.


On Sunday, Xu Lejiang, chairman of Baosteel Group Co., China's largest steelmaker, suggested to attendees at an industry conference in Beijing that China would aim to follow the prices set by the Japanese negotiators, according to a person briefed on his remarks. In the past, Baosteel has represented the Chinese steel industry in iron-ore talks with suppliers. A Baosteel spokeswoman declined to comment.


Steelmakers will no doubt try to pass the latest price increases to their customers, making life more difficult for manufacturers globally. Posco had already raised the price of hot-rolled coil steel 11.5% to $607 a ton in January, and other steelmakers have increased prices in recent months.

中国杭州钢铁集团(Hangzhou Steel Group)的区域营销经理李济(音)说,公司绝对会受到近期涨价的影响,因为公司超过90%的原料都来自海外。

Li Ji, a regional marketing manager for Hangzhou Steel Group of China, said his company 'would be definitely affected' by the latest price increases as more than 90% of its raw material comes from overseas.


'This will bring serious cost pressure to our factory, probably resulting in an increase of 20% to 30% to selling price of our product,' Mr. Li said. 'Since our factory has no room to reduce costs, the only thing we can do is transfer the price hike to customers. I expect steel prices to be going up sharply this year.'


Whether such price increases can be sustained will depend on whether the global economy hangs together in the face of slowing U.S. growth.


Some analysts believe 2008 could wind up being a high-water mark for iron-ore prices. BHP Billiton and Rio Tinto are adding new capacity, and other, smaller companies have raised huge sums of money to launch competing mines. (Please see related article on Page 17)

澳大利亚股票经纪和金融服务公司Ord Minnett在最近的一篇研究报告中指出,澳大利亚上市公司当前所开采新矿的铁矿石供应量可达每年10亿吨。但该公司警告说,这些新的供应量大部分要到2015年才能用上,并指出其中一些开采活动可能会以失败告终。

In a recent research report, Australian stockbroking and financial-services firm Ord Minnett said there could be as many as one billion metric tons of new supply a year under development by listed Australian companies. But the broker warned it could be 2015 before much of that new supply comes online, and added that some of the ventures could fall through.

Patrick Barta / Sebastian Moffett



zz 轮胎科普知识

(一) 沿革:
(二) 标识:

[胎宽mm]/[胎厚与胎宽的百分比] R[轮毂直径(英寸)] [载重系数][速度标识]
[胎宽mm]/[胎厚与胎宽的百分比][速度标识] R[轮毂直径(英寸)] [载重系数]
例如轮胎: 195/65 R14 88H 或者 195/65H R15 88
胎厚与胎宽的百分比为-------65% 即胎厚=126.75, 126.75/195*100=65(%)
一般来说,[胎宽]/[胎厚与胎宽的百分比] R[轮毂直径(英寸)]了解对更换适合你的车的轮胎有帮助.了解轮胎的[载重系数][速度系标志]对行车安全有帮助.
 速度标识 最大时速    常用车型
---------- ---------- -------------------------------
  N    140km/h    备用胎 Spare Tires
  P    150km/h  
  Q    160km/h    雪胎,轻型卡车胎 Winter, LT Tires
  R    170km/h    轻型卡车胎 LT Tires
  S    180km/h
  T    190km/h
  U    200km/h
  H    210km/h    运动性轿车 Sport Sedans
  V    240km/h    跑车 Sports Cars
  Z    240km/h    跑车 Sports Cars (或大于240km/h)
  W    270km/h    特型跑车 Exotic Sport Cars
  Y    300km/h    特型跑车 Exotic Sport Cars
Tire Size/轮胎尺寸,Loading Rating Index/载重系数, Speed Rating Index/速度标识。
(三) 轮胎的选用:
轿车的车轮一般使用子午线轮胎。子午线轮胎的规格包括宽度,高宽比,内径和速度极限符号。以丰田CROWN3.0 轿车为例,其轮胎规格是195/65R15,表示轮胎两边侧面之间的宽度是195 毫米,65表示高宽比,“R”代表单词RADIAL,表示是子午轮胎。15是轮胎的内径,以英寸计。有些轮胎还注有速度极限符号,分别用P、R、S、T、H、V、Z 等字母代表各速度极限值。
(四) 轮胎冲气注意事项:
(五) 如何正确使用轮胎:
(六) 轮胎不正常磨损原因及解决办法:
1、 轮胎的中央部分早期磨损:
2、 轮胎两边磨损过大:
3、 轮胎的一边磨损量过大:
4、 轮胎胎面出现锯齿状磨损:
5、 个别轮胎磨损量大:
6、 轮胎出现斑秃形磨损:



Chrysler's Turnaround Plan: Less Is More


克莱斯勒(Chrysler LLC)提出了一个大胆的复苏计划:减少款式,关注能带来更高利润的车型。

Chrysler LLC is laying out a turnaround plan based on a radical idea: Offering a smaller number of models will lead to bigger profits.


Over the next three years or so, the closely held auto maker plans to drop as many as half of the roughly 30 models it now produces, a move likely to cut sales at least for a while. Along the way, it expects a substantial consolidation in its network of 3,600 dealers.

克莱斯勒副董事长吉姆?普利斯(Jim Press)在接受采访时表示,我们将成为美国最佳的小规模汽车公司。

'We're going to be the best little car company in America,' Chrysler Vice Chairman Jim Press said in an interview here.


The plan defies conventional wisdom in the auto industry and in Detroit. For almost a century, auto makers have been fixated on building greater economies of scale. The notion that bigger is better has driven each of Detroit's Big Three auto makers and most of their rivals for decades. It inspired several mergers and provided the foundation for just about every turnaround effort the industry has seen.

但普利斯说,克莱斯勒新的管理团队及其主要持股公司私人资本运营公司Cerberus Capital Management LP的顾问相信,该行业的旧规则已经不再适用了。

But the new management team at Chrysler and its advisers at private-equity firm Cerberus Capital Management LP, its majority owner, are convinced 'the old rules in this industry no longer apply,' Mr. Press said.


The U.S. has become a mature, slow-growth market, and competition is so fierce that no auto maker can count on rapid increases in sales, which were a key component of the previous turnaround effort at Chrysler and are still a goal of many auto makers.


'There's no huge [increase in sales] volume around the corner,' Mr. Press said. 'We need to give up that dream and face reality.'

克莱斯勒去年的轿车和卡车产量约为270万辆。在仍是前戴姆勒-克莱斯勒(DaimlerChrysler AG)的子公司时,它曾计划大大扩大车辆型号,在10年内将轿车和卡车的销量提高到400万辆左右。

Chrysler produced about 2.7 million cars and trucks last year. While it was still part of the former DaimlerChrysler AG, it planned substantial expansion of its model line and an increase in sales to around four million cars and trucks a year within 10 years.


Mr. Press said Chrysler can be profitable with sales around the current level. He acknowledged that sales volume could slip as Chrysler adjusts its product line but said the company hopes to keep production steady by increasing sales overseas, especially in developing markets like China, India and Eastern Europe.

克莱斯勒“瘦身复苏计划”在业内遇到了一些质疑。上周,前克莱斯勒管理人员杰拉姆?约克(Jerome B. York)表示,克莱斯勒作为一家独立的公司缺乏生命力,尤其是因为其90%的销量都来自于北美。

The idea that Chrysler can survive as a smaller car company has met some skepticism within the industry. Last week, former Chrysler executive Jerome B. York said Chrysler 'is not viable' as an independent company, especially because 90% of its sales come from North America.


Speaking in Chicago, Mr. York said Cerberus is 'doing the right thing' to try to fix Chrysler but said he believes the next step should be selling it to a foreign auto company.


In San Francisco, Mr. Press acknowledged that Mr. York's logic could apply to 'the old Chrysler.' But he said Cerberus is committed to creating a 'new Chrysler' that can prosper long term.


Underpinning Chrysler's thinking is the fact that it is no longer a public company. Mr. Press said the transition to a smaller product line could result in some difficult times in which sales slump. But as a private company, Chrysler doesn't report quarterly earnings or worry about the stock market. 'We don't have Wall Street looking over our shoulder,' Mr. Press said.

克莱斯勒的主要美国竞争对手通用汽车(General Motors Corp.)和福特汽车(Ford Motor Co.)都难享受到这种待遇。对北美销量的担忧令通用汽车股票不久前创出了20个月来的低点,不过此后该股收复了一些失地。

Chrysler's main U.S. rivals, General Motors Corp. and Ford Motor Co., don't have that luxury. Concerns about sales in North America helped pushed GM shares to a 20-month low recently, although the stock has regained some ground.


GM is taking a more conventional path with its restructuring effort. While slashing costs, the company has been developing more attractive vehicles in hopes they will lift sales. An increase in retail sales is supposed to push its U.S. market share a bit higher and offset declines in low-margin sales to rental fleets.


Chrysler plans to overhaul its products over the next three to four years, dropping some models, improving others and adding vehicles in new segments, Mr. Press said. In meetings with Chrysler dealers in the past week, Chrysler officials suggested the company may end up with 15 to 20 models instead of the 30 or so it offers now.


Speaking with reporters in San Francisco, Mr. Press said Chrysler will offer fewer models in the future but said it has no specific number in mind.

普利斯表示,公司认为如果将资金用于生产种类更少、品质更好的车型上将会进一步提高利润。目前的产品线包括了车型基本相同的轿车和卡车,不同的仅仅是品牌。普利斯说,公司目前生产克莱斯勒Town & Country和道奇(Dodge) Caravan两种微型客车,而它们争夺的是相同的客户。

The company believes it can be more profitable if it spends money producing fewer, but better, vehicles, Mr. Press said. The current product line includes cars and trucks that are essentially identical products, differentiated only by their brands. It makes two minivans, the Chrysler Town & Country and Dodge Caravan, that compete for the same customers, Mr. Press said.


The reduction in models is expected to force a consolidation of Chrysler's dealer network. With fewer models to sell, some Dodge, Chrysler and Jeep dealers won't have enough business to remain independent. Many will probably have to merge, something Chrysler has been encouraging. It would like to eliminate all or most 'stand-alone' stores that carry just one of its brands. The company plans to offer loans to dealers who want to buy out others.


Producing fewer vehicles could leave Chrysler room for further payroll cuts and plant closures, but Mr. Press said he hopes Chrysler won't have to expand the job cuts it has planned. The company is planning to eliminate 8,500 to 10,000 hourly jobs and 1,000 salaried positions.

Neal E. Boudette / Terry Kosdrosky



Mazda 3Q Net Profit Grows 7.1% On Stronger Sales


马自达(Mazda Motor Corp.)表示,小型轿车和运动型多用途车(SUV)在北美和欧洲的强劲销售推动了收入增长,公司在10月至12月的第三财季中净利润攀升了7.1%。

Mazda Motor Corp. (7261.TO) said its net profit grew 7.1% in the October-December quarter as stronger compact car and sport-utility vehicle sales in North America and Europe boosted its revenue.

这家隶属福特汽车公司(Ford Motor Co.)的日本企业周三宣布,第三财季盈利159亿日圆,高于去年同期的149亿日圆。公司表示今年没有像上一财年那样计入外汇相关亏损,这也推动了利润的增长。

The Japanese affiliate of Ford Motor Co. (F) Wednesday reported a net profit of Y15.9 billion during the three month period, up from Y14.9 billion a year earlier. The company attributed the gain partly to the absence of foreign exchange-related losses it booked last fiscal year.


At a time when Japanese auto makers and other exporters are worried about the damaging impact of a stronger yen and weaker U.S. consumption, Mazda's continued buoyancy reflects its effectiveness in sharpening its brand recognition as a sporty car maker, which has helped boost sales in Europe, the U.S. and other overseas markets.


Its alliance with the Ford group has also helped reduce costs.

马自达首席财务官大卫?E.弗莱德曼(David E. Friedman)在一个新闻发布会上表示,虽然商业环境一直不景气,但公司在朝向自己目标的前进过程中取得了稳步进展。

Despite the continued tough business environment, 'we're steadily advancing to achieve (our) targets,' Mazda Chief Financial Officer David E. Friedman said at a press conference.


During the three month period, Mazda's sales grew 11% to Y850.0 billion. Its operating profit fell 5.8% to Y35.3 billion, partly due to an increase in the proportion of low-margin vehicles in its car lineups and higher sales promotion costs in North America.


For the fiscal year ending March, the auto maker kept its net profit forecast at Y85 billion, operating profit outlook at Y160 billion and expects sales of Y3.320 trillion.

瑞士信贷(Credit Suisse)分析师Koji Endo表示,第三财季营业利润下滑5.8%的结果比他所预期的持平要显得糟糕。

Credit Suisse analyst Koji Endo said that the 5.8% fall in operating profit in the third quarter was worse than his expectations for a flat figure.


However, he added it's positive that the company left its earnings forecast unchanged for the fiscal year even as it changed its assumptions for the yen to stronger levels. The company now assumes the dollar will average Y114 for the full fiscal year, compared with its previous assumption for Y115.


Keeping its forecast unchanged 'is probably a reflection of the company's confidence' for a stronger profit this fiscal year, he said.


The Hiroshima-based company is the latest among Japanese car makers to post higher profits for the quarter ended December. On Tuesday, Toyota reported a 7.5% growth in net profit for the October-December quarter.


But based on its full fiscal year forecast minus the results for the April-December period, Mazda bucks other Japanese rivals who are somewhat cautious about the coming months.


For the fourth quarter, Mazda expects its net profit to gain 26% on year after its net profit was squeezed a year earlier by a one-time loss related to its forward exchange contract. However, it expects a more moderate 0.6% gain in operating profit. By region, North American sales rose 12.7% to 89,000 vehicles in the third quarter thanks to solid demand for the CX-7 and CX-9 sport-utility vehicles. Sales in Europe grew 10.3% to 75,000.

不过,由于中国汽车厂商一汽海南汽车(FAW Hainan Motor)停止生产马自达品牌车,中国的销量下降了16.7%,仅为3万辆。如果排除这一影响的话,中国的销量本来可以增长129%。得益于马自达2小型轿车的强劲销售表现,澳大利亚、以色列和拉美等其他海外市场销量猛增了29.6%,达到了7万辆。

But sales in China fell 16.7% to 30,000 vehicle after local car maker FAW Hainan Motor discontinued production of Mazda brand vehicles. Excluding this impact, sales there would have risen 129%. In other overseas markets including Australia, Israel, Latin America, sales soared 29.6% to 70,000 vehicles on robust sales of the Mazda2 compact.


Sales in Japan were up 2.0% at 52,000 vehicles.


The car maker, which reports earnings under Japanese accounting standards, released its results after the closing bell. On the Tokyo Stock Exchange, Mazda's shares ended Wednesday down 7.2% at Y439. The benchmark Nikkei 225 Stock Average was down 4.7% on the day.

Yoshio Takakashi / Hiroyuki Kachi




Toyota Oct-Dec Net Up 7.5% On Strong Emerging Mkt Sales


在中国、俄罗斯等新兴市场强劲销售的推动下,丰田汽车公司(Toyota Motor Corp.)在10月至12月的财政季度中净利润增长了7.5%,但该公司预计美国经济放缓将使其关键的北美市场销售出现滑坡。

Toyota Motor Corp. (7203.TO) boosted net profit by 7.5% in October-December thanks to strong sales in China, Russia and other emerging markets, but saw sales in its key North American market drop amid growing fears of a U.S. slowdown.


Toyota sold 756,000 vehicles in North America during the three months ended Dec. 31, 1% less than a year earlier. The company cut its full-year sales forecast for North America by 20,000 vehicles to 2.97 million. Sales of the hybrid Prius remain strong although the company's larger SUVs like the 4Runner are down.

眼下,在谁是全球汽车行业的老大这一问题上丰田汽车和通用汽车(General Motors Corp.)不分伯仲,而前者的业绩也表明日本汽车企业正日益受到美国市场萧条、油价节节走高以及对美国经济滑坡担忧情绪的打击。丰田上周表示美国市场1月份的销量较上年同期下降了2.3%,至171,849车。当月本田汽车(Honda Motor Co.)和日产汽车(Nissan Motor Co.)在美销量分别下滑了2.3%和7.3%。

The results for Toyota, which is tied with General Motors Corp. as the world's largest auto maker, come as Japanese car makers are increasingly hit by a slowdown in the U.S. market amid higher oil prices and rising concerns of a U.S. recession. Last week, Toyota said sales in the U.S. in January fell 2.3% to 171,849 compared to a year earlier. Honda Motor Co.'s U.S. sales fell 2.3% in January, while Nissan Motor Co.'s U.S. sales dropped 7.3%.


Toyota and other Japanese car makers have been able to offset softness in the U.S. market by posting strong results in the fast-growing emerging markets. Toyota's aggressive push into markets such as China and Russia, for example, lessened its dependence in North America. In the first three quarters of this fiscal year, North American sales accounted for 44% of Toyota's operating income outside Japan compared to 57% a year earlier.


Still, North America remains a key source of the companies' profits, and investors remain concerned about the impact of the U.S. subprime crisis and the stronger yen, which diminishes the value of its overseas earnings. Share prices in Toyota, Honda and Nissan have fallen sharply this year as investors take a wait-and-see approach until they can understand the impact of the economic uncertainties, analysts say.

瑞银证券日本有限公司(UBS Securities Japan Ltd.)的高级分析师Tatsuo Yoshida表示,大家都不知道情况究竟如何,也没人能做出预言。他认为在这些不确定因素消失前,股票的表现都难有起色,向本田或丰田这样的蓝筹股也不能幸免。

'People don't know what's going on. Nobody has a crystal ball. Until that uncertainty is gone, I don't expect the stocks to perform well, even blue chip stocks like Honda or Toyota,' said Tatsuo Yoshida, a senior analyst for UBS Securities Japan Ltd.

不过丰田汽车的董事总经理铃木武(Takeshi Suzuki)仍对美国经济的长期前景表示乐观。

Nevertheless, Toyota Managing Director Takeshi Suzuki remained optimistic about the long-term prospects of the U.S. economy.


'While there is an increase in sales in the developing countries, that doesn't mean the strength of the U.S. market has weakened,' he said. 'Over the long term we believe the American economy will grow. That is why we are expanding our capacity,' he added.


Toyota's net profit was Y458.6 billion for the quarter ended Dec. 31. Operating profit increased 4.7% to Y601.5 billion. Sales in Asia increased 37,000 vehicles to 241,000 units, lifted by strong sales in China and increased production capacity in Thailand and Indonesia.


Toyota also saw strong growth in Central and South America, Africa, and Oceania, where it sold 435,000 vehicles, up 95,000 from the previous year. In Europe, sales increased a modest 2,000 units to 308,000 vehicles. In Japan, new car sales remained flat with total sales of 541,000 vehicles for the quarter.


Toyota kept its forecast for the full year ending March 31, 2008. It said it expects sales of 8.93 million vehicles, net revenues of Y25.5 trillion, operating income of Y2.3 trillion and net profit of Y1.7 trillion.

John Murphy




GM Still Faces Tricky Curves


初看上去,通用汽车(General Motors) 2008年的开局相对不错。虽然其他汽车生产商1月份的销售普遍下挫,但该公司销量却逆市上扬。人们对通用汽车可能需出手救援GMAC Financial Services旗下按揭贷款子公司的担心也已缓解。通用目前仍持有这家公司49%的股份。

At first glance, General Motors has gotten off to a relatively good start in 2008. While other auto makers' sales slipped in January, GM bucked the trend and posted a gain. Fears have eased about a possible bailout for the mortgage arm of GMAC Financial Services, of which GM still owns 49%.


As a result, GM's stock price had jumped 27% in the past two weeks before declining nearly 5% yesterday.


Rather than hit the accelerator, however, investors would be wise to tap the brakes.

通用的核心业务汽车制造在北美地区依然面临严峻局面, 虽然采取了一些大规模的成本削减措施,但这块业务今年要想接近盈亏平衡恐怕仍非易事。

GM still has serious kinks in its core automotive business in North America, and, despite some big cost cuts, it may be challenged to come close to breaking even this year.


The rise in January sales in the U.S. came in part as a result of a surge in rebates and incentives, which erode profit margins. GM may have to keep incentive levels high through the year to lure buyers into showrooms amid the slowing U.S. economy.


Sales of its most-profitable products -- trucks and sport-utility vehicles -- are declining, while sales of cars, which generate less profit, are increasing.

通用汽车的轿车业务已出现改观,在这方面该公司重新设计并大力促销的雪佛兰美宜堡(Chevrolet Malibu)轿车堪称代表。通用提高轿车内饰豪华度等改进措施是有代价的,美宜堡等改版轿车的材料成本上升一定程度上抵消了其在节约成本方面取得的成效。

GM has a more attractive lineup of cars, led by the redesigned and heavily promoted Chevrolet Malibu sedan. The improvements that GM has made -- like more-luxurious interiors -- come with a price, and the higher cost of materials on the Malibu and some other redesigned models has offset some of the cost savings the company has achieved.

雷曼兄弟(Lehman Brothers Holdings)汽车业分析师布赖恩?约翰逊(Brian Johnson)说,通用汽车要想使自己的股票对投资者有吸引力,其北美业务不仅要实现盈亏平衡,还要实现2%以上的利润率。约翰逊对通用汽车的评级相当于“持有”。他服务的这家公司与通用汽车有投资业务往来,并持有其股票。

'To be an attractive stock, they've got to get North America above break-even and in the 2% margin range,' said Lehman Brothers Holdings automotive analyst Brian Johnson. He has the equivalent of a 'hold' rating on GM stock. Lehman has an investment-banking relationship with the auto maker and holds its shares.


He expects GM to lose $188 million in North America for the fourth quarter, bringing its three-year net loss to at least $46 billion. Minus a litany of charges and one-time items, GM's operating pretax loss in North America since 2005 would be $8.4 billion.


GM hasn't given a forecast of when it will return to profitability, although executives have indicated the Detroit company will be firmly positioned for it by next decade. Mr. Johnson estimates that GM won't hit black ink in North America until 2010, when the company starts realizing the savings from a new health-care trust it is setting up for its unionized workers.


GMAC and its Residential Capital home-mortgage unit, known as ResCap, remain a concern. GMAC reports its fourth-quarter earnings today, and while the numbers are expected to be dismal, there could be light at the end of the tunnel.

在1 月17日召开的分析师会议上,通用汽车首席执行长里克?瓦格纳(Rick Wagoner)和首席财务长弗里茨?亨德森(Fritz Henderson)表示,2008年GMAC将实现盈利,四季度它就已经不需要通用及其联合投资方Cerberus Capital Management注资了。

At an analyst meeting Jan. 17, GM Chief Executive Rick Wagoner and Chief Financial Officer Fritz Henderson made clear that GMAC will be profitable in 2008 and didn't need a capital infusion from GM and its co-investor, Cerberus Capital Management, in the fourth quarter.


Before that meeting, fears related to GMAC had dragged down GM's stock price. On Jan. 16, it traded at $21.34, a 20-month low and about half of where it was in October. Since the meeting, the stock has shot up. In 4 p.m. composite trading yesterday on the New York Stock Exchange, GM's shares were down $1.41 to $27.57.


GM reports its own fourth-quarter results next week. The auto maker, with a market value of about $16 billion, is expected to report a loss for the quarter as well as a huge shortfall for all of 2007, stemming from a $39 billion loss in the third quarter.


In his presentation, Mr. Wagoner said GM, which is sitting on a $30 billion cash pile, expects an additional $5 billion in cost savings during the next three years thanks largely to September's United Auto Workers contract and forecasts for a rebound in U.S. auto sales in 2009.


But U.S. auto sales in 2008 are expected to hit their lowest level in a decade, and to prop up sales GM has been lifting incentives. In January, it spent an average of $2,927 in incentives for each vehicle it sold, according to Autodata Corp. That is 31% more than it spent in January 2007.


GM sells nearly three million vehicles a year through its U.S. dealers, so every $500 of incentives above the industry average represents $1.5 billion in lost pretax profit. In January, GM's incentives were $365 higher per vehicle than the industry average.


GM said the discounts are primarily needed to keep demand rolling on trucks and SUVs. It points to momentum on the 'car side of the business,' where retail sales jumped 11% thanks in part to the introduction of the new Malibu.


GM sold more than 14,000 Malibus in January, a strong showing but about half the number of Camrys sold by Toyota.


Meanwhile, GM's trucks and SUVs are gasping for breath. GM is in the midst of unleashing four full-size crossover SUVs that are better on fuel economy.

John D. Stoll
