US Orders Stricter Fuel Goals For Autos
The Obama administration plans to order auto makers to increase the fuel economy of automobiles sold in the U.S. to 35.5 miles per gallon by 2016, four years faster than current federal law requires, people familiar with the matter said.
The move, part of a broader overhaul of fuel-economy rules aimed at cutting greenhouse-gas emissions, would accelerate the largest government-mandated transformation of vehicles on the American road since the late 1970s and early 1980s, when the first federal fuel-economy standards took effect.
A senior administration official said late Monday that the regulations would save 1.8 billion barrels of oil and reduce emissions of greenhouse gases by 900 million metric tons over the lifetime of the more efficient vehicles, equivalent to taking 177 million cars off the road or shutting down 194 coal-fired power plants. By 2016, if the new rules take effect as planned, new passenger cars sold in the U.S. will have to meet an average mileage requirement of 39 mpg, up from 27.5 mpg currently. Light trucks would have to deliver an average of 30 mpg, compared with about 23 mpg today.
In practice, the new mileage rules would mean that seven years from now many more cars for sale in the U.S. would be gas-electric hybrids or subcompacts, such as the Honda Motor Co. Fit, outfitted with fuel-stingy engines. A truck capable of averaging 30 miles per gallon probably would be equipped with a gas-electric hybrid or a diesel engine. Even trucks the size of today's Ford Motor Co. Escape do not deliver that fuel economy.
在实施过程中,新的能耗规定意味着,今后7年在美销售的汽车会有更多的油电混合动力车或是装配了低油耗引擎的微型汽车,比如本田汽车(Honda Motor Co.)的飞度(Fit)。每加仑平均能跑30英里的卡车很可能装配油电混合动力系统或是柴油引擎。即便是像福特汽车(Ford Motor Co.)Escape一样大小的卡车也无法实现这个标准。
The technology required to make the cars and trucks able to meet the proposed standard could add $1,300 to the average cost of making a vehicle -- a significant share of the money Detroit's auto makers are trying to save by slashing their union retiree health care costs.
Disclosure of the agreement is expected Tuesday, with executives from several large auto companies, including General Motors Corp. Chief Executive Frederick 'Fritz' Henderson, as well as United Auto Workers President Ron Gettelfinger, expected to participate, people familiar with the matter said.
预计协议将于周二公布。知情人士说,预计包括通用汽车(General Motors Corp.)首席执行长韩德胜(Frederick Henderson)在内的数家大型汽车厂商的高管和全美汽车工人联合会(United Auto Workers)总裁格蒂芬格(Ron Gettelfinger)将会到场。
Auto makers tentatively have agreed to drop litigation challenging the legality of state-level curbs on tailpipe greenhouse-gas emissions, people familiar with the matter said. They appear ready to support the more aggressive timetable in exchange for the certainty of a single national fuel-economy standard, instead of a jumble of federal and state standards. The state of California also will agree to accept the proposed federal standards.
But regulatory certainty by itself doesn't bring market acceptance or technology breakthroughs. Among the risks that auto makers and dealers face is the need to produce and maintain a highly efficient fleet of hybrids, electric cars and advanced gasoline engines at prices that customers can afford.
Auto makers on Monday said they were awaiting more information on how the new standards would be applied and what assistance they may receive to meet the tighter timeline. In the past, for instance, auto makers received credits toward meeting fuel-efficiency standards even when the average efficiency of their vehicles fell short.
The costs of meeting the new standard would be high. The Transportation Department last year estimated that requiring auto makers to achieve 31.6 mpg by 2015 would cost the industry $46.7 billion, among the most expensive rule makings in U.S. history.
Stephen Power / Christopher Conkey