

The Oil Mystery


Oil prices are sure acting strange, romping higher even as the economic news remains mostly dark. Oil prices are nearing $50 a barrel, a level not seen since the beginning of the year.


One of three things might explain the move in oil prices:


1. OPEC is succeeding in reducing output sufficiently to support prices. Given the remarkable nature of everything else in the world, maybe OPEC is succeeding where it has failed so often before. Seems hard to believe, though. Budgetmeisters in Iran and Venezuela, among other places, need lots of income from the sticky stuff to make ends meet. Lower prices mean they need to sell more oil than before. Of course, maybe the Saudis are turning off the spigot since higher prices would help Iraq's budget and economic challenges, and that's a serious neighborhood issue. So, maybe the OPEC cuts are more than talk.

1. 石油输出国组织(OPEC, 简称:欧佩克)通过减产来支撑价格的努力已经见效。不管怎样,欧佩克此次可能是在屡战屡败之后终于得偿所愿了──尽管这听起来有点难以置信。伊朗和委内瑞拉等国的预算制定官员需要很多的石油收入来实现国家收支平衡。油价走低意味着他们必须要比以往销售出更多原油。当然,沙特阿拉伯人减少产量的原因可能是因为考虑到油价走高有利于伊拉克的财政预算、并能帮助它应对经济上的调整。这是一个关系到邻国的严肃问题。所以,欧佩克这次减产或许是动真格了。

2. A weaker dollar can help dollar-based commodity prices, such as oil, rise. While the dollar has enjoyed some support as a reputed haven in times of global crisis, it has traded in a more mixed fashion lately. Could oil prices signal fear of a lower dollar as budget deficits soar? Maybe, but another dollar-sensitive commodity, gold, has been trending lower.

2. 美元走软有助于推高美元计价商品的价格,石油就是其中之一。虽然美元在全球危机时刻所体现的避险性质已让它得到了一定支撑,但是近来美元走势有涨有跌。油价走高是否意味着市场担心美国赤字的飙升会拖低美元?有这样的可能。但另一个对美元汇率十分敏感的商品──黄金则在持续走低。

3. The global economy is surreptitiously starting to bottom out and may even be putting in the seeds of a rebound, which would spell more demand for oil. Surreptitious would be the right word for this since the data are still pretty horrid in the U.S. and elsewhere.


None of these choices seem particularly obvious. Number three would be most bullish for stock markets and the global economy, at least in the near term. Number one would just represent successful cartel operations and number two would be a harbinger of more difficulty ahead.


If other commodities start to edge higher and the dollar remains OK, then the case for option three will grow. But right now a lot of these commodity prices are bouncing around very low levels, so discerning a strong signal remains challenging.


Dave Kansas


1 条评论:

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