

It's Not All Gloom in China's Car Market


Two auto makers issued news that appeared to fly in the face of last week's report of a 7.8% drop in China's passenger vehicle sales in January or at least signal that demand for cars in China isn't sinking entirely, yet.


Chery Automobile, one of China's biggest independent producers, says January sales rose, and it tips an 18% sales increase this year, while Japans' Honda Motor says January car sales in China rose nearly 17% from a year earlier. Yes, there were tax breaks and government stimulus measures, but with increasing job losses, weak domestic consumption and slowing Chinese growth, what gives?

中国最大的独立汽车制造商之一奇瑞汽车(Chery Automobile)宣布1月份汽车销量上升,预计全年销量有望增长18%。而日本本田汽车(Honda Motor)称,其1月份在华销量较上年同期增长近17%。虽然政府取消了部分相关税项并采取了刺激措施,但在失业率上升、国内消费疲软及中国经济增长放缓的背景下,中国汽车销售情况到底怎样呢?

Numbers in the first two months of the year are usually distorted by the Lunar New Year holiday. And with all the other variables, it is unclear if the relatively bright news from Chery and Honda signal a sustainable revival in domestic demand or a so-called dead-cat bounce false optimism that things are getting better.


Chery, while not the market's absolute heavyweight, is China's most successful independent maker of cars without a foreign partner, but its sales dropped last year by 6.6%, missing its own outlook. Its forecast for this year could be too optimistic again.


These are just two car makers and a further gauge of how strong passenger-vehicle demand really is will come in the next few months as the effect wears off both from the Lunar New Year and stimulus measures. The picture that then emerges is still expected to be bleak.


For what it's worth, a typical Beijing street certainly doesn't give the impression that there are fewer cars around. Almost 1,500 cars a day have been added to Beijing's streets since the start of the year, according to the official Xinhua news agency.


J.R. Wu

(“中国日志”(China Journal)关注全球第一人口大国的发展变化,《华尔街日报》获奖团队数十位记者倾情献稿,Sky Canaves主笔。欢迎读者发送邮件至chinajournal@wsj.com或在下面评论栏中发表评论和建议。)

