
丰田新总裁继承祖业 回归本源应对危机

A Scion Drives Toyota Back To Basics

丰田新总裁继承祖业 回归本源应对危机

Toyota Motor Corp.'s incoming president, Akio Toyoda, has a sobering message for the giant company founded by his grandfather: It has gotten too fancy for its own good.

对自己祖父创建的丰田汽车公司(Toyota Motor),丰田章男(Akio Toyoda)这位公司即将上任的总裁有着冷静的认识:丰田汽车太过自负了。

On Monday, three top executives who helped lead Toyota the past four years -- including Mitsuo Kinoshita, one of the primary architects of the company's global expansion -- announced their retirement. The departures clear the way for Mr. Toyoda's planned makeover of the world's biggest auto maker.

本周一,全球最大汽车厂商丰田汽车的三位高管宣布退休。他们曾在过去四年领导丰田汽车,其中包括该公司全球扩张的主要规划者之一木下光男(Mitsuo Kinoshita)。他们的离职为丰田章男按计划改造这家世界最大汽车公司铺平了道路。

He is expected to focus, most of all, on abandoning kakushin, or 'revolutionary change,' current president Katsuaki Watanabe's term for changing the way Toyota designed its cars and factories. It spawned technological advances, but led to cars that were often costlier to produce.

丰田章男可能会率先集中精力摒弃现任总裁渡边捷昭(Katsuaki Watanabe)带来的“革命性变革”,即改变丰田汽车设计汽车和工厂的方式。这一变革带来了技术进步,但却常常推高了丰田汽车的生产成本。

The 52-year-old Mr. Toyoda is also working to fix a pricing strategy that put the company at odds with some U.S. dealers, who felt its cars were getting too expensive, according to people familiar with the situation.


Auto makers world-wide are in pain, and Toyota is much stronger than rivals such as General Motors Corp., which is flirting with a bankruptcy filing. Still, Toyota is expecting its first annual net loss in 59 years.

全球汽车厂商现在的日子都不好过,丰田汽车要比通用汽车(General Motors)等竞争对手财力雄厚得多。通用汽车目前正挣扎在破产边缘。不过,丰田汽车预计当前财年将出现59年来的首个年度净亏损。

Mr. Toyoda may shutter factories in North America and Japan, where Toyota bulked up in recent years and is now stuck with too much manufacturing capacity. It might also be faced with its first layoffs in Japan since 1950, when 3,000 workers were let go.


Mr. Toyoda blames more than the recession, according to people familiar with the matter. He is sending the message that his predecessors worsened the problem by straying from core ideas of thrift and efficiency.


Among other things, there's a move away from technologically sophisticated in-car gizmos like a solar-powered cooling system designed for the new Prius. In addition, an expensive new assembly-line technique of dipping car bodies into a vat of paint and swirling them around -- nicknamed shabu shabu, after a popular Japanese hotpot dish -- is under the microscope.


Toyota said in a statement that it feels its management decisions made in the past were appropriate for their time. In a statement signed by Messrs. Watanabe, Kinoshita and Toyoda, the company declined to respond to specific questions. It said the company felt some questions didn't reflect the actual situation, but declined to be specific.


Mr. Toyoda is the first member of Toyota's founding family to take the helm in 14 years.


'I think Toyota probably over-expanded a little bit in order to compete with the American auto makers,' said his father, Shoichiro Toyoda, 83, who himself was the auto maker's president during the 1980s. 'There are a lot of things that we have to review.'

丰田章男的父亲、83岁的豊田章一郎(Shoichiro Toyoda)说,我认为丰田汽车为了与美国汽车厂商竞争可能有点过度扩张了。公司有很多方面需要进行评估。豊田章一郎曾在上世纪八十年代出任公司总裁。

The younger Mr. Toyoda's appointment as president is pending shareholder approval in June. Mr. Watanabe, whose appointment as vice chairman was announced along with Mr. Toyoda's promotion, had been president since June 2005.


The shakeup reflects the sense of crisis within Toyota as it navigates one of the toughest periods in its 70-year history. For the past decade, it expanded at breakneck pace. Under Mr. Watanabe, 67, Toyota posted record net profit 1.72 trillion yen in the ended March 2008. Last year it unseated rival GM as the world's biggest auto maker in terms of unit sales.


Now, it is forecasting a 350 billion yen net loss for the current fiscal year, ending March 31. And not only are sales plummeting, but earnings are getting further hurt by the strong yen, which means money earned abroad isn't worth as much when converted into Japan's currency.


In a recent sign of the distress, at a meeting late last year Mr. Watanabe appealed to mid-level managers to 'share the pain' -- code for a salary cut -- then made them wince by asking them to also consider buying a new car to help shore up sales, according to people who attended the meeting.


An unprecedented number of unsold cars in Japan has forced Toyota to stockpile them in the parking lots of Fuji Speedway, a company-owned track near Mount Fuji.

由于公司在日本的库存车辆达到前所未有的数量,丰田汽车不得不动用旗下富士赛车场(Fuji Speedway)的停车场来存放汽车。

Koichi Shimokawa, a professor of business administration at Tokai Gakuin University in Nagoya, says Toyota was so focused on becoming the world's largest auto maker that it failed to cut production quickly enough last year as economic crisis struck the U.S., its largest market.

名古屋东海学院大学(Tokai Gakuin University)企业管理教授Koichi Shimokawa说,丰田汽车如此专注于成为全球头号汽车厂商,以致于去年经济危机冲击美国市场的时候,丰田汽车未能及时削减产量。美国是丰田汽车最大的市场。

'Toyota was overconfident in its competitiveness and they just kept pressing the accelerator,' he says.


Until late last year, it appeared to be a horse race for the presidency between Mr. Toyoda and Mr. Kinoshita, 63, the right-hand man to Mr. Watanabe, the current president.


As recently as late last year, when Toyota's powerful elders huddled to discuss who should succeed Mr. Watanabe at the end of his two-year term, some worried Akio Toyoda was too young. Others felt that a large, publicly traded company like Toyota shouldn't pick a family member for the top job, even though Mr. Toyoda is a veteran who oversaw rapid growth in China, among other things.


A turning point came in a meeting in November at the company's global headquarters in Toyota City. Akio's father, Shoichiro Toyoda, made a subtle remark to the assembled group, according to people familiar with the matter. 'Why are all the key decisions these days made by Watanabe-kun and Kinoshita-kun?' the elder Mr. Toyoda said, using a standard honorific for the two men.


According to those people, Shoichiro Toyoda seemed annoyed that Messrs. Watanabe and Kinoshita had broken with Toyota protocol last year by singlehandedly deciding what vehicles would be built at a factory under construction in Mississippi. They had switched to the Prius, a gasoline-electric hybrid, from the Highlander, a sport-utility vehicle, without first consulting other key executives.


The language was subdued. But the comment, along with additional criticisms from other executives in other meetings, ultimately tipped the scale in Akio Toyoda's favor, the people say.


Shoichiro Toyoda says he doesn't recall the meeting. Toyota said in its statement that it decided a new management team was needed to tackle the tough situation it faces.


It's not clear if a back-to-basics approach will be enough to revive growth at the sprawling firm, particularly amid the weakening global economy.


Other auto makers have promoted founding-family members, with limited success. Ford Motor Co.'s own founding-family scion, Bill Ford, took over from Jacques Nasser in 2001. But Ford failed to launch popular models, while sales of its profitable SUVs wilted as gasoline prices rose. In 2006, Mr. Ford handed over the CEO position to a nonfamily executive, Alan Mulally, a former Boeing executive, who is still struggling to right the ship.

其他曾将创始家族成员推为掌门人的汽车制造商只取得了有限成功。例如来自福特汽车公司(Ford Motor Co.)创始家族的比尔?福特,从他2001年自雅克?纳赛尔(Jacques Nasser)手中接过大权后,福特就一直拿不出热卖车型,有利可图的SUV汽车也因为汽油价格高企而销量萎缩。2006年,比尔?福特将首席执行长一职交给非家族出身的穆拉利(Alan Mulally),此人直到现在还在收拾福特汽车的烂摊子。

Asked whether the family name influenced the choice of top executive, Shoichiro Toyoda said: 'We never know who is going to be president. The current president made the best decision about who is appropriate for the next president, and it just happened to be my son.' The family controls roughly 2% of Toyota stock.


Akio Toyoda himself, as one of five executive vice-presidents, isn't entirely free of blame for the company's recent woes. Since June 2007, he has overseen the Japanese market, where sales and market share continue to fall.


Toyota now aims to generate 'reasonable profits' even if is global sales (excluding sales of its two main affiliates, car maker Daihatsu and truck company Hino) slump to seven million, down from an all-time high of 8.4 million it sold in 2007. Toyota currently has capacity to produce about 9.7 million vehicles, according to an estimate by consulting firm CSM Worldwide.

丰田汽车眼下的目标是创造“合理利润”,即便是在其全球销量(不包括大发和日野这两家主要的关联厂商)由2007年创纪录的840万辆锐减至700万辆之际。据咨询公司CSM Worldwide的估计,丰田目前拥有年产汽车约970万辆的能力。

Akio Toyoda has long preached a traditional Toyota practice called genchi genbutsu, a leadership maxim that boils down to get out of your office and visit the source of the problem. For the past year, Mr. Toyoda has been practicing genchi genbutsu to quietly collect evidence that the company had strayed, according to people familiar with the situation.


They say he was particularly concerned that Messrs. Watanabe and Kinoshita placed strong emphasis on achieving two trillion yen in annual operating profit, a level it passed in the year ended March 2007.


Driven by that profit objective, Toyota executives reasoned American consumers would be willing to pay a premium for a Toyota -- a change from a long-held strategy of pricing cars at a value. Two years ago, Toyota started raising prices on an array of models including the redesigned Corolla, one of its most prominent vehicles, launched in early 2008.


Toyota's U.S. sales arm had tried to price the Corolla about $1,000 to $1,500 above what its U.S. dealers thought people would pay for a basic family car, according to U.S. dealers. Not surprisingly, sales were weak. Toyota sold 21,000 Corollas in February 2008 down 25% from a year earlier.


When Mr. Toyoda got wind of the slow Corolla sales, he flew to the U.S. to meet with dealers and investigate for himself.


Cliff Cummings, a veteran southern California dealer, warned Mr. Toyoda over a steak dinner with a dozen other dealers last March that premium pricing was the wrong way to go. Toyota had built an image of sturdy affordability, 'but now they were wrecking it,' Mr. Cummings says he told Mr. Toyoda.

南加州资深经销商卡明斯(Cliff Cummings)在去年3月有十几位经销商参加的一个牛排晚餐上警告丰田章男说,高定价是一条错误的道路。卡明斯说他告诉丰田章男,丰田汽车价格公道的形象已经深入人心,而它现在却在自己破坏这一形像。

Based on subsequent conversations with the younger Mr. Toyoda and other executives, Mr. Cummings says he expects the company to overhaul its pricing strategy.


The company is also reining in its engineers, who have been designing new features that occasionally appear to be out of character with the company's utilitarian roots.


For example, the new Prius, launching this year, has an option for a solar-powered ventilation system designed to keep the interior cool when parked. Gizmos like these helped lift the car's retail price to an estimated $28,000, according to analysts, compared with the $22,000 currently.


'Frankly, that does worry me,' says Earl Stewart, one of the top Prius dealers in the U.S., based in North Palm Beach, Fla., He anticipates stiff competition from Honda's new low-priced hybrid, Insight.

美国最大的普锐斯经销商之一斯图尔特(Earl Stewart)说,“坦率地讲,这的确令我头痛。他预计普锐斯将面临来自本田汽车(Honda)新款低价混合动力车Insight的激烈竞争。

'I am already drastically discounting my Priuses to maintain my sales rate,' Mr. Stewart says.


Then there's the shabu shabu paint system. Toyota's manufacturing division is one of the company's proudest operations, having developed a highly efficient 'lean manufacturing' philosophy that has been emulated over the years by everyone from GM and Hewlett-Packard to hospitals and supermarkets seeking greater efficiency.


Mr. Watanabe, the current president, had backed the new technology as he encouraged his engineers to radically shorten the painting process. To replace the traditional system of slowly dragging a car through a 115-foot-long bath of anticorrosion undercoating, Toyota engineers came up with a new process in which a car body gets picked up by a robot arm, then swished around in a pool of paint, cutting the length of the line. Engineers compare it to shabu-shabu, which involves picking up slices of meat and swishing it around in a hotpot to cook it.


However, the new system costs roughly four times as much to set up as the traditional process, while producing what Mr. Toyoda felt were minimal improvements in the quality of the paint job and its efficiency, according to people familiar with the situation


Also likely to be axed: A new 'ecological plastic' that emits less carbon dioxide over the course of its life than more traditional alternatives, but which is costlier to produce.


Another tough area Mr. Toyoda must tackle promptly is the excess manufacturing capacity in Japan. In the late 1990s, when a strong yen made Japan a costly place to make cars, Toyota slashed capacity at home and added production overseas.


But the yen reversed its direction, weakening to as low as 120 to the dollar between 2005 to 2007. Toyota decided to take advantage and do more of its manufacturing at home, since a weak yen has the effect of making exports more profitable. By 2007, it was producing 4.23 million vehicles in Japan -- a million more than it made just eight years before.


That move was directly at odds with Toyota's long-held philosophy not to make long-term decisions on where to put factories, based on short-term currency-exchange rates, which can swing rapidly.


'We are not gods, we are not infallible,' says Shoichiro Toyoda, speaking of the company's management team. 'Sometimes even Tiger Woods misses a shot.'

丰田章一郎在谈到公司的管理团队时说,我们是人而不是神,并非十全十美。有时甚至老虎伍兹(Tiger Woods)也会失手。

Matthew Karnitschnig / Liam Pleven / Serena Ng



Stalled: The Great Chinese Car Industry Merger Binge


To go by a spate of recent rumors and reports, China is on the verge of a slew of deal in the global auto industry. But beleaguered car companies in the U.S. and Europe ─ as well as their investors ─ might not want to hold their breath in anticipation of every purported deal that’s mentioned.


The latest notion to surface, and to be quickly denied, is that Beijing Automotive Industry is interested in buying vehicle and engine manufacturing facilities from Chrysler. That follows reports last week that Sichuan Auto, a tiny car-and-bus maker in China’s southwest, was in talks to buy General Motors’ Hummer line ─ a report that was also quickly denied. And earlier this month, Geely Automobile Holdings denied that it was in talks to buy Ford Motor’s Volvo brand.

最新一个传闻(但迅速遭到否认)是北汽控股(Beijing Automotive Industry Holdings)有意收购克莱斯勒的汽车和发动机生产设施。此前,上周有报导说生产轿车和客车的小厂四川汽车工业集团(Sichuan Auto)正在同通用汽车(General Motors)商谈收购旗下悍马(Hummer)品牌的事宜──这条报导也迅速遭到否认。本月初,吉利汽车(Geely Automobile Holdings)也否认,它正在与福特汽车(Ford Motor)就收购其旗下沃尔沃(Volvo)品牌进行谈判。

Some of these deals, or others, may yet happen. With its recent flurry of multi-billion-dollar natural resources investments, China Inc. has shown what it can do when it decides to make a global move in a sector. Even if Geely wasn’t in talks with Ford as of early February, Chinese car makers are thought to be among the serious candidates to take over Volvo.


At least one small deal has already happened, albeit not as expected. Chinese engine maker Weichai Power, which last week denied rumors it would acquire a GM plant in France, announced Monday that it had reached a deal (Chinese PDF) to pay 2.99 million euros for Moteurs Baudouin SA, a French diesel engine and gearbox maker.

至少一项规模较小的交易已经达成,尽管同外界的预期相比可能有所差距。中国发动机制造商潍柴动力(Weichai Power)周一宣布,已经达成以299万欧元收购法国柴油发动机和变速箱制造商Moteurs Baudouin SA的协议。上周,潍柴动力曾否认将收购通用汽车在法国一处工厂的传言。

Still, there are reasons to be skeptical of at least some of these supposed tie-ups. China’s government is pushing clean-energy technology in its auto industry, so it’s hard to see why Beijing would support the purchase of the gas-guzzling Hummer line, for instance. And China’s auto makers, though generally in better shape than their U.S. counterparts, are facing their own relatively tough times . Given the tremendous uncertainty of foreign car markets, they might prefer to focus on consolidating their positions at home.


Jason Dean



GM May Be Biggest Credit Risk Ever


General Motors Corp. (GM) owes $76 billion. If the auto maker makes a conventional bankruptcy filing, it will have to borrow another $103 billion from the cash-strapped U.S. government and a syndicate of as many as 70 struggling lenders.

通用汽车(General Motors Corp.)的欠款高达760亿美元。如果这家汽车制造商按常规提出破产申请,它还要向资金短缺的美国政府和一个可能由70家正在困境中挣扎的放贷机构组成的银团再筹措1,030亿美元资金。

Is this the biggest credit risk of all time?


It is a truism in the world of bankruptcy that, no matter how risky the loan, nearly every company has always paid back the money that carried it through the bankruptcy process. (The one exception is Winstar Communications).

破产领域的一条真谛是,不管贷款的风险有多大,几乎每家公司都能通过破产程序偿还这笔资金。(唯一的例外是Winstar Communications)。

But a bankruptcy filing from GM would the largest ever. The company's recovery plan, submitted to the U.S. government last week, estimates that a two-year bankruptcy reorganization, including asset sales and a cleaned-up balance sheet, would cost $86 billion in government financing and up to another $17 billion from already-troubled banks and lenders.


Lenders - and the U.S. - are wary that they won't get paid back. Their fears have good reason. Any good loan is based on the security of the collateral, and GM's collateral base is eroding.


The auto maker has been struggling with disappointing financial results going back nearly five years, including a $10.6 billion one in 2005, a record loss of $38.7 billion in 2007, and it was on track for an even worse 2008, after posting $3.3 billion, $15.5 billion and $4.2 billion of losses in the first three quarters of the year.


And the balance sheet isn't even GM's biggest problem. While high costs caused it to burn through $6.9 billion of cash in the third quarter alone, GM has deeper operational problems to resolve. For too long it has depended on sport-utility vehicles, trucks and other gas-guzzlers, missing or ignoring a host of signals about the necessity for fuel-efficient vehicles. Standard & Poor's quantified GM's dipping market share in a report last week: 'Chevrolet, Buick, Cadillac, Oldsmobile, Pontiac, Saturn and SAAB models accounted for 18.5% of total new U.S. car registrations (including imports) in 2008, versus 19.4% in 2007, 20.7% in 2006 and 22.6% in 2005.

资产负债表甚至不是通用汽车最大的问题。虽然高昂的成本导致通用汽车去年第三季度就消耗了69亿美元现金,但它也有更深层次的运作问题需要解决。通用汽车依赖运动型多用途车、卡车和其他高耗油车辆的时间太长,错失或无视燃油经济型车辆走红的诸多信号。标准普尔(Standard & Poor's)在上周的一份报告中提供了通用汽车市场份额不断下降的一组数据:雪佛兰、别克、凯迪拉克、奥兹莫比尔、庞蒂亚克、土星和萨博车型2008年占美国新车注册总量(包括进口车)的18.5%,而2007年、2006年和2005年的这个数字分别是19.4%、20.7%和22.6%。

Comparable figures for Chevrolet, GMC, Pontiac and Oldsmobile trucks were 26.6%, 27.6%, 27.1% and 28.5% in the respective years.'


It is a lot to ask of troubled U.S. banks that they lend to a company in such terrible shape. Consider that last week Roche Holding - which has a stellar investment-grade credit rating - raised $16 billion from investors through the sale of bonds specifically because it would have been too difficult to ask banks to provide the cash. The U.S. government has pledged more than $1 trillion of support to the U.S. banking system in order to free up credit, and even so rumors of bank nationalizations are swirling. For the government to ask that same banking industry to take on a highly questionable credit like GM would be like tying two stones together to see if they float.

要求陷入困境的美国银行业向处境如此糟糕的一家公司提供贷款并非小事。想想看,由于实在难以让银行提供资金,拥有稳定的投资级信用评级的罗氏公司(Roche Holding)上周尚且只能通过发售债券方式筹集了160亿美元资金。美国政府已承诺提供1万多亿美元支持美国的银行体系,以便释放信贷,即便如此银行国有化的传言仍甚嚣尘上。政府要求同样处境艰难的银行业向通用汽车之类的公司发放高风险贷款,就好像是将两块石头绑到一起看它们是否浮起来一样。

Then there is the capacity in the credit markets. Buyers of corporate debt have outdone themselves in the past two months, snapping up parts of a $22.5 billion bridge loan to Pfizer and that $16 billion from Roche to help finance its proposed purchase of the 44% of Genentech it doesn't already one. And bank lending has been on the rise since December, according to new numbers from the U.S. Treasury. But if GM debt is forced on the system, will that credit thaw continue? It is a question the U.S. government might want to consider?


Heidi Moore




Era Ends as GM Snubs Saturn, Other Makes


In turning its back on Saturn, Pontiac, Saab and Hummer, General Motors Corp. is abandoning a decades-old product strategy that once helped ensure its dominance.

通用汽车(General Motors Corp.)打算抛弃土星(Saturn)、庞蒂亚克(Pontiac)、萨博(Saab)和悍马(Hummer)品牌,也意味着在抛弃数十年来曾助其主导汽车市场的产品战略。

Left with just four key brands, GM will be a leaner, more focused car company. But it also risks a further slide in its already-shrunken market share as it loses customers who gravitated to the four orphaned lines. These buyers may have little interest in driving a Chevrolet, Buick, Cadillac or GMC truck.


'GM has to do what it has to do to survive,' Russell McBain, general manager of the Saturn dealership in Warren, Mich., said Wednesday. 'For years that has been to our detriment.'

密歇根州沃伦市的土星汽车经销店总经理拉塞尔?麦克白(Russell McBain)周三称,为了生存,通用汽车必须尽其所能。多年来一直受伤的是我们。

In 2008, Toyota Motor Corp. supplanted GM as the world's largest auto seller. GM now faces the possibility of another blow -- Toyota could move ahead of GM as soon as this year to become the largest auto seller in the U.S.

丰田汽车(Toyota Motor Corp.)的汽车销量在2008年超过通用汽车排名世界第一。而通用汽车有可能再经受一次打击--丰田有望最快在今年夺取全美汽车销量第一的位置。

In January, GM had market share of 19.5%. Without Saturn, Pontiac, Saab and Hummer, its share would have been 16.9% -- a point less than Toyota's.


Some Saturn dealers now hope that instead of closing the brand, GM will spin it off as a separate company. A team of Saturn dealers is spending 60 days working with GM to evaluate the possibility. These dealers would sell vehicles under the Saturn brand made by other manufacturers, possibly from overseas.


'This is going to be somebody's low-cost entry to the world's largest car market,' said David Fischer Sr., chairman and chief executive officer of Suburban Collection, which operates eight Saturn dealerships in Florida and Michigan.

Suburban Collection董事长兼首席执行长大卫?费舍(David Fischer)称,这将成为某家厂商进入全球最大汽车市场的廉价跳板。这家公司在佛罗里达和密歇根州经营着8家土星汽车销售店。

GM's move to pare brands -- disclosed in a recovery plan it filed Tuesday with the U.S. government -- represents a major shift in thinking at the company. Adding brands to appeal to different types of consumers, from college students to senior citizens, was part of the formula that enabled GM to grow and remain the world's largest auto maker for nearly 80 years.

通用汽车在周二向政府提交的 兴计划中披露了精简品牌的意图,表示该公司的思路发生了重大转变。扩大品牌队伍,以迎合从大学生到老人等不同类型消费者需要,这曾是通用汽车赖以不断发展并把持全球汽车业龙头位置将近80年的经营模式的一个组成部分。

But faced with huge losses and relying on government handouts, GM will shrink to its most successful brands.


Saturn, Hummer, Saab and Pontiac have all struggled to attract customers. That prompted GM to sell large numbers of them to car-rental concerns, corporate fleet buyers and GM's own employees. Of the 504,000 vehicles sold under the four brands in 2008, 40% went to fleets and employees. Such sales generally are less profitable than those to consumer buyers.


In its recovery plan, GM said Saturn, Hummer and Saab generated an average annual pretax loss of $1.1 billion a year between 2003 and 2007.

通用汽车在其 兴计划中称,土星、庞蒂亚克、萨博和悍马这四个品牌在2003至2007年间平均每年产生11亿美元的税前亏损。

Hummer, the maker of hulking sport-utility vehicles inspired by military models, will be sold or phased out. Saab, the Swedish niche brand, could file for bankruptcy protection within a month, GM said in its recovery plan. Pontiac will be reduced to just one or two models and essentially cease to exist as a full line.

通用汽车在 兴计划中表示,由军用车型发展而来的悍马品牌将被卖掉,或是逐步淘汰。瑞典的小众汽车品牌萨博将在一个月内申请破产保护。庞蒂亚克将把规模精减至一到两个车型,甚至有可能会全部退市。

For years, analysts have urged GM to pare its brands. But GM executives insisted it would be too expensive after spending an estimated $2 billion to wind down Oldsmobile earlier this decade. Yet cutting brands shaves operating costs because each brand requires a certain amount of spending on product development advertising, dealer support and other expenses.


In addition to trimming its main brands from eight to four by 2012, GM also plans to cut the number of individual U.S. models to 36 from 48. Among those that will disappear are the Chevrolet Cobalt and Pontiac Torrent. Eliminating models should help GM sell more of each surviving nameplate.


In 2007, Toyota sold an average of 90,000 vehicles per nameplate, such as the Camry LE, while each GM nameplate sold 54,000 on average, according to GM's submission to the federal government.

据通用汽车提交给美国政府的资料称,2007年丰田汽车每种车型的平均销量为9万辆,例如凯美瑞LE(Camry LE),相比之下通用汽车每种车型只有5.4万辆。

Kate Linebaugh / Neal E. Boudette




Obama Must Destroy Detroit So America Can Live


Dear President Obama,


Who said life was fair?


You're in office less than a month and the markets already hate your presidency, your treasury secretary and your economic stimulus plan.


Not all is lost. The great Detroit bailout debate is here again. And now you have a chance to do the right thing. Forget about throwing billions more of taxpayer money at Motown.


It's time for you to destroy Detroit, so that the rest of America can live.


Mr. President, it's time for the bankruptcy of GM and Chrysler.


Now that may seem harsh. But you really have no choice. Look around you. Everybody in America has his hand out - California and the movie industry, New York and Wall Street, homebuilders and the millions of mortgage deadbeats.


You need to send a message to all America - and fast. No more Mr. Nice Guy and no more money. Reinventing America doesn't mean bailing everyone out. It means stopping those things that just don't work anymore.


And Detroit makes a great showpiece. It hasn't worked well for decades.


Of course, you're trying to show Detroit that you mean business. Yesterday, your adviser, David Axelrod talked tough on Meet the Press.

当然,你正试图向底特律展示你要动真格了。昨天你的顾问大卫·艾索洛(David Axelrod)在电视访谈中言辞强硬。

And today, there's the predictable hoopla in the press. Detroit execs and union reps stuck battling mano-a-mano in all-night negotiating sessions. The appointment of savior du jour, Ron Bloom, the tough, but fair restructuring guru who will shake the trees.

今天,媒体如预期那样喧哗起来。底特律管理人士和工会代表彻夜谈判,锱铢必较。政府则任命了罗恩·布鲁姆(Ron Bloom)扮演汽车业救世主的角色,这个强硬的家伙但公平的重组高手将带来震撼。

And, no doubt at 5 p.m. EST, GM and Chrysler will hand thousands of pages of business plans 'proving a path to viability' to your new Presidential task force.


But no one expects these plans to prove anything. Without a detailed agreement from the bondholders and the United Auto Workers, the plans are just empty words and meaningless waterfall charts.


The reality is that GM, Chrysler, the UAW and the bondholders are just playing for time. They all want to see how much they can squeeze from you and the American taxpayer.


Now, you may think that your new task force will come up with some clever answers and give you political cover. But the big tough decisions on Detroit will come down to you anyway.


So, why not take a calculated risk and use Detroit to show taxpayers how to truly reinvent America? Here are three ways to do it.




Call Republican Senator Bob Corker and get him on board. Pair him with Ron Bloom to cook up a thoughtful bipartisan plan. The Republicans will happily put up billions for a smooth government sponsored bankruptcy.

打电话给共和党参议院考克(Bob Corker),拉他入伙。让他和罗恩·布鲁姆协作制定一个深思熟虑的两党合作计划。那帮共和党人会很乐意投入数十亿美元,用于一个政府支持的顺利破产计划。



Americans are outraged by both Wall Street fat cats and the UAW job bank. Ensure that all the egregious perks are taken from both Detroit execs and the UAW. Corporate jets are easy to pick on. But does it seem right that all UAW workers continue to receive free legal services funded by the American taxpayer?




You're always saying that people should be responsible for their actions. Prove it. GM CEO Rick Wagoner and the GM board must go. And so too, sadly, must Chrysler. Chrysler is just too small and too far gone to survive.

你总是说人应当为自己的行为负责。那就证明一次吧。通用汽车首席执行长瓦格纳(Rick Wagoner)和董事会必须走人。很不幸,克莱斯勒也一样。克莱斯勒实在太弱小,犯错太多,以致于无法生存。

Now, there is no doubt that the Midwest and an army of Congressmen and K Street lobbyists will be deeply unhappy with something as radical as GM's bankruptcy.


But such a bold gamble could mark a turning point early in your term.


It would get Republicans behind you. It would get Wall Street and America's trading partners behind you. And it would get even more Americans behind you. Americans know when something makes sense.


Remember Ronald Reagan and the air traffic controllers' strike of 1981?


That's how he reinvented America. Now, it's your turn.


Evan Newmark



It's Not All Gloom in China's Car Market


Two auto makers issued news that appeared to fly in the face of last week's report of a 7.8% drop in China's passenger vehicle sales in January or at least signal that demand for cars in China isn't sinking entirely, yet.


Chery Automobile, one of China's biggest independent producers, says January sales rose, and it tips an 18% sales increase this year, while Japans' Honda Motor says January car sales in China rose nearly 17% from a year earlier. Yes, there were tax breaks and government stimulus measures, but with increasing job losses, weak domestic consumption and slowing Chinese growth, what gives?

中国最大的独立汽车制造商之一奇瑞汽车(Chery Automobile)宣布1月份汽车销量上升,预计全年销量有望增长18%。而日本本田汽车(Honda Motor)称,其1月份在华销量较上年同期增长近17%。虽然政府取消了部分相关税项并采取了刺激措施,但在失业率上升、国内消费疲软及中国经济增长放缓的背景下,中国汽车销售情况到底怎样呢?

Numbers in the first two months of the year are usually distorted by the Lunar New Year holiday. And with all the other variables, it is unclear if the relatively bright news from Chery and Honda signal a sustainable revival in domestic demand or a so-called dead-cat bounce false optimism that things are getting better.


Chery, while not the market's absolute heavyweight, is China's most successful independent maker of cars without a foreign partner, but its sales dropped last year by 6.6%, missing its own outlook. Its forecast for this year could be too optimistic again.


These are just two car makers and a further gauge of how strong passenger-vehicle demand really is will come in the next few months as the effect wears off both from the Lunar New Year and stimulus measures. The picture that then emerges is still expected to be bleak.


For what it's worth, a typical Beijing street certainly doesn't give the impression that there are fewer cars around. Almost 1,500 cars a day have been added to Beijing's streets since the start of the year, according to the official Xinhua news agency.


J.R. Wu

(“中国日志”(China Journal)关注全球第一人口大国的发展变化,《华尔街日报》获奖团队数十位记者倾情献稿,Sky Canaves主笔。欢迎读者发送邮件至chinajournal@wsj.com或在下面评论栏中发表评论和建议。)


消费者青睐小型车 豪华车商望路兴叹

Luxury-Auto Makers Stall As Consumers Switch Gears

消费者青睐小型车 豪华车商望路兴叹

Once envied for generating the industry's highest profit margins per car, the world's top three makers of luxury cars are facing a sea change triggered by imploding demand amid a broader trend toward smaller, less-profitable vehicles.

曾几何时,世界三大豪华汽车生产商因得以享受汽车业最高的利润率而备受 慕,而在市场转向小型低利润车型的当前趋势下,它们正在经历汽车市场的沧海桑田之变。

Analysts say they don't expect the record earnings reaped in recent years by BMW AG, Daimler AG's Mercedes-Benz division and Volkswagen AG's Audi unit to return anytime soon.


Sanford Bernstein analyst Max Warburton says the vast majority of profits in recent years have come from high-powered cars bought in the U.S. and the U.K. as well as newly wealthy customers in oil-producing countries. 'One could argue these consumers -- at least the Americans and Brits -- are going to have their spending power constrained for a long time,' he says.

Sanford Bernstein的分析师沃伯顿(Max Warburton)说,这些年来,利润的绝大部分来自在美国和英国售出的大排量车以及产油国新富们购买的车。他说,人们可以推断,在相当长时期内,这些消费者──至少是其中的美国人和英国人──的开支能力将受到抑制。

Even though the three German car makers appear to have more muscle to steer through the current industry gloom than most of their rivals, thanks mainly to higher cash reserves and relatively low debt levels, coming quarters are set to be bumpy.


'All of the luxury producers are likely to cancel product-development programs, cut capital spending, cut marketing spend and ultimately cut head count. But when your top line is down 25% to 30% these measures will not restore the business to profitability,' Mr. Warburton says, 'Losses will be substantial.'


BMW, the world's biggest seller of premium cars, posted a 22% drop in global sales last month at its core brand to 60,248 vehicles. The world's No. 2 luxury-car maker, Mercedes-Benz, saw sales come in at 53,900 cars, down 35% from a year earlier. Audi reported that sales fell 29% to around 56,200 cars.


An incentive plan in Germany to pay 2,500 euros, or about $3,200, to consumers who scrap old cars and buy new ones is expected to spark demand mainly for small cars rather than for luxury vehicles. 'Examples in Spain and Italy show that these plans lead more to market distortion than sustainable stimulation,' Commerzbank analyst Daniel Schwarz says.

预计德国的旧车换新车补贴计划将主要刺激小型车需求,而不是豪华车。该计划将对主动废弃旧车、换购新车的消费者提供2,500欧元的补贴。德国商业银行 (Commerzbank)分析师施瓦茨(Daniel Schwarz)说,西班牙和意大利实行的类似计划显示,这种做法更多导致的是市场扭曲,而不是持续的市场刺激。

Spokesmen for BMW, Mercedes-Benz and Audi say their companies are seeking to preserve profit margins as far as possible as they focus on profitability rather than sales volume. All three companies are slashing production to avoid the buildup of inventory, streamlining cost structures and pushing for improved efficiency.


BMW has launched an overhaul of its U.S. strategy in order to boost the profitability of each model line by raising prices and lowering incentives. The company tries to steer consumers away from leasing into financing deals through better credit offerings.


Mercedes-Benz has just launched a new version of the E-Class, a key model, and aims to lure buyers with state-of-the-art technology, including a system alerting drivers when they are getting tired.


Audi says that in Germany it is scaling down business with car-rental companies and cutting employee vehicles in a bid to reduce the number of relatively young used cars in the residual market to stabilize values.


Analysts see the ability to create profits with smaller cars as crucial for premium auto makers. 'That suggests Audi -- with VW's [economies of scale] and the very profitable A3 -- is best positioned. Next BMW -- its Mini and 1 series are very low-margin at best but at least have a market niche,' says Sanford Bernstein's Mr. Warburton. 'Mercedes-Benz looks most exposed of all. But honestly, they're all in trouble.'

分析师预计,用小型车创造利润的能力对豪华车生产商来说非常关键。Sanford Bernstein的沃伯顿说,这意味着奥迪的处境最好,它有大众(的规模效益)和非常赚钱的A3。其次是宝马,它的Mini以及1系列车型毛利率无论怎么说都很低,但它至少有自己的细分市场。奔驰在三家公司中是受影响风险最大的。但是,坦率地说,他们都面临困境。

Christoph Rauwald



Auto Maker Bankruptcy Looms


Troubled U.S. auto makers and union representatives dug in late Monday for all-night cost-cutting negotiations as the government advanced its point person on auto restructuring, a former investment banker with a record for demanding harsh concessions from manufacturers, unions and investors alike.


General Motors Corp. and Chrysler LLC are required to submit recovery plans to the government on Tuesday as part of their agreement to receive billions of dollars in federal loans. As the government's auto-industry task force began to take shape ahead of the deadline, President Barack Obama's administration appeared to be turning up the pressure on GM and Chrysler to carry out tough restructuring measures, possibly through the use of the bankruptcy court.

按照要求,通用汽车(General Motors Corp.)和克莱斯勒(Chrysler LLC)周二要向政府提交各自的复兴计划,这是它们获得数十亿美元联邦贷款的协议的一部分。随着政府的汽车业特别工作组在截止日期前开始成型,奥巴马政府看起来正在向通用汽车和克莱斯勒施加更大的压力,迫使它们实施严苛的重组措施,或许还要通过破产法院。

The administration stepped back over the weekend from naming a 'car czar,' as it had planned, to oversee the restructuring. But according to people familiar with the task force, it named former Lazard Freres & Co. investment banker Ron Bloom a key adviser. Mr. Bloom, who made a name advising U.S. steelworkers to accept major concessions in several bankruptcy cases, is expected to take the force's lead role, a senior U.S. Treasury official says.

政府周末放弃了任命“汽车沙皇”来监督重组的计划。不过知情人士说,政府任命了Lazard Freres & Co.的投资银行家罗恩?布鲁姆(Ron Bloom)担任关键顾问。布鲁姆曾因在数起破产案中建议美国钢铁工人作出重大让步而成名。财政部的一位高级官员说,预计布鲁姆将在特别工作组中扮演主角。

People who know Mr. Bloom expect him to push for harsh concessions from the auto makers, the United Auto Workers and other parties involved in their restructuring.


'The management of the Big Three are probably not going to like what Ron Bloom has to say; the UAW is not going to like what Ron Bloom has to say; and certainly the stockholders and creditors will not like what he has to say,' said Michael Psaros, a co-founder of private-equity group KPS Capital Partners, who has worked with Mr. Bloom in and out of bankruptcy courts. Mr. Bloom, he added, has 'repeatedly shown an ability to transform struggling companies into profitable going concerns.'

私人资本公司KPS Capital Partners的联合创始人普萨洛斯(Michael Psaros)说,三巨头的管理层可能不会喜欢布鲁姆的提议,汽车工会不会喜欢,当然股东和债权人也不会喜欢。普萨洛斯与布鲁姆在破产案件以及其他领域都有合作。他还说,布鲁姆一再显示了把陷入困境的企业转变成持续盈利公司的能力。

Under the terms of their loans, GM and Chrysler are supposed to submit recovery plans to the Treasury Department on Tuesday showing how they are using taxpayer dollars to become viable. They are supposed to include agreements with the UAW on labor-cost reductions and deals with bondholders and other creditors for reducing their debt. Those talks have bogged down as all sides awaited the naming of a car czar to oversee the process.


Late Monday afternoon, talks between the UAW and GM, and separate negotiations with Chrysler, were making some progress as the parties hammered out cost-reduction details. But people familiar with the talks said that significant differences remain between the sides. The car companies must submit their proposals by 5 p.m. Tuesday to James Lambright, chief investment officer for the Troubled Asset Relief Program.

周一下午,全美汽车工人联合会与通用汽车和克莱斯勒分别进行谈判,随着参与方敲定了成本削减的细节,谈判取得了一定的进展。不过知情人士说,双方之间的重大分歧仍未消除。通用汽车和克莱斯勒必须在周二下午五点前把计划提交给问题资产救助计划(TARP)首席投资长兰布赖特(James Lambright)。

Details of the government's task force emerged over the weekend but its final composition remains unclear. It will be led jointly by U.S. Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner and Lawrence Summers, who heads the National Economic Council, and will be responsible for managing the $17.4 billion in federal loan agreements between the auto makers and the U.S. government.


Mr. Bloom, 53 years old, was named as an adviser to the Treasury and will report to Messrs. Geithner and Summers. Also named to the task force was Diana Farrell, deputy director of the National Economic Council. Ms. Farrell was formerly a director with McKinsey & Co. and did extensive work on the firm's research of global economies. Ms. Farrell did not respond to requests for comment.

现年53岁的布鲁姆被任命为财政部顾问,他将向盖特纳和萨默斯汇报工作。特别工作组中还包括国家经济委员会副主席法瑞尔(Diana Farrell)。法瑞尔曾是麦肯锡公司(McKinsey & Co., Inc.)的一位主管,任职期间在全球经济体研究方面进行了大量的工作。她没有回复记者的置评请求。

People familiar with the panel say it could also include Steven Rattner, a New York financial executive who was strongly considered for the car czar role.

知情人士说,特别工作组可能还包括瑞特纳(Steven Rattner)。此人是纽约金融高管,曾经是“汽车沙皇”的一个热门人选。

White House spokesman Robert Gibbs said naming a team brings in 'a broader array of people' who have expertise and 'can deal with the many challenges' the restructuring of the industry is going to face in the next several months.

白宫发言人吉布斯(Robert Gibbs)说,任命一个工作组,可以引入各类有专业知识、能应对未来几个月中汽车业重组面临的很多挑战的人士。

GM so far has accepted $13.4 billion in loans and Chrysler $4 billion. GM is expected to tell the government it needs several billion more or it may have to file for bankruptcy protection. Chrysler has said it hopes to get $3 billion in additional loans.


Both companies' plans are expected to include a number of plant closures. GM is likely to outline other measures such as the sale of some of its eight automotive brands. Chrysler will provide two recovery scenarios, one as a stand-alone company and one as part of its proposed alliance with Fiat SpA.

预计两家公司的计划都将包括大批工厂的关闭。通用汽车很可能还会提出其他措施,比如出售旗下八大汽车品牌中的部分品牌。克莱斯勒则将提出两种复兴方案,一种是作为独立公司运营,另一种是作为与菲亚特公司(Fiat SpA)拟议合作的一部分运营。

President Obama's administration has told GM to 'address' the possibility of the company eventually filing for bankruptcy protection, Rep. Sander Levin, a Michigan Democrat, said Monday. 'They've been asked to address the issue of bankruptcy in their plan but not to have that as an alternative plan,' Mr. Levin said in a phone interview. 'That's my understanding.'

来自密歇根州的民主党籍众议员桑德?雷文(Sander Levin)说,奥巴马政府已告知通用汽车,要其“提及”公司最终会申请破产保护的可能性。雷文在接受电话采访时说,我的理解是,通用汽车虽然被要求在其计划中提及破产问题,但并未被要求将破产作为一项替代性方案。

A GM spokesman declined to comment, but people familiar with the matter have said the auto maker has been preparing detailed bankruptcy plans and has softened its previous view that a bankruptcy filing was not an option for the company.


On Sunday, David Axelrod, a senior adviser to President Obama, declined to rule out a government-backed bankruptcy as a possibility for restructuring the industry. 'We're going to need a major restructuring of these companies,' Mr. Axelrod said on NBC's 'Meet the Press.' 'How that restructuring comes is something that has to be determined.'

奥巴马总统的高级顾问大卫?阿克希洛德(David Axelrod)周日拒绝排除通过政府支持的破产来重组汽车产业的可能性。他在接受美国全国广播公司(NBC)“与媒体会面”(Meet the Press)节目采访时说,需要对美国的汽车公司进行重大重组,但具体如何重组目前尚无定论。

Mr. Bloom, a graduate of Harvard University who spent 10 years at investment banks before joining a team advising the steelworkers union, is seen as one of the chief architects of the long-running consolidation of the steel industry, which involved about 35 bankruptcies over several decades. He's known as a blunt and straightforward communicator. The voicemail greeting on his office and cellphone is simply, 'Hi, it's Ron, you know the drill.'


Mr. Bloom did not return several phone calls for comment.


Under Mr. Bloom's guidance, the United Steelworkers gave up pay, job security and benefits in a bid to help the industry recover. In some cases, thousands of steelworker jobs were lost when union leadership agreed to large-scale work-force reductions in restructured companies.

在他的指导下,美国联合钢铁工人工会(United Steelworkers)放弃了工资、就业保障和福利等方面的诉求,为的就是帮助美国钢铁工业复苏。在某些情况下,由于工会领导层同意进行重组的钢铁企业大规模裁员,成千上万的钢铁工人失去了工作。

In other cases, workers who kept their jobs had to work more years at the new company to become eligible for pension benefits. In several cases, in exchange for concessions from the union Mr. Bloom was able to negotiate benefits for union members and retirees that kicked in once reconfigured steel companies became profitable again.


Such creative solutions could also come into play at the automakers. Wilbur Ross, a billionaire investor who worked closely with Mr. Bloom in restructuring the steel industry, credits him with being tough on corporations without being destructive.

这些富有创意的解决方案在汽车行业的重组中也有可能发挥作用。威尔伯?罗斯(Wilbur Ross)是一位在重组美国钢铁工业方面曾与布鲁姆密切合作的亿万富翁投资者,他赞扬布鲁姆说,此人既能对资方保持强硬态度,但又不会起破坏作用。

He 'probably saved the jobs of 100,000 steelworkers,' Mr. Ross said, while also saying Mr. Bloom 'negotiated a totally different contract that simplified work rules' and other union provisions.


Alan Reuther, the UAW's legislative director, said the union does not believe Mr. Bloom's appointment increases the chances the auto makers will seek bankruptcy protection. Mr. Reuther lauded the choice of Mr. Bloom, calling him a 'very bright, talented person with a lot of experience about restructuring.'

全美汽车工人联合会的立法总监艾伦?尤瑟(Alan Reuther)说,该会并不认为对布鲁姆的任命会增加汽车生产商寻求破产保护的几率。尤瑟支持对布鲁姆的任命,称他是一个非常聪明、有才能的人,在重组方面经验丰富。

Mr. Bloom had been mulling his involvement in the Obama administration's auto-industry oversight effort in recent weeks. He is expected to lean heavily on the NEC's Ms. Farrell, as well as Centerbridge Capital's Stephen Girsky, is a key adviser for United Auto Workers President Ron Gettelfinger.

布鲁姆最近几周一直在仔细考虑如何有效参与奥巴马政府挽救汽车业的努力。他预计会大力依靠国家经济委员会的法瑞尔以及Centerbridge Capital的斯蒂芬?葛斯基(Stephen Girsky),后者是全美汽车工人联合会主席罗恩?葛蒂尔芬格(Ron Gettelfinger)的重要顾问。

The Obama administration decided to name a task force after concluding that identifying and recruiting a car czar was a nearly impossible task, say administration officials and finance executives involved in the process.


'Whoever did the job would be politically assassinated,' said one administration official. 'The car czar became a political hot potato. A smart New York guy wasn't one of theirs [from the Big Three]. And a Detroit guy wasn't acceptable to environmental and energy interests. No one person would be politically acceptable.'


A leading contender to be the car czar was Mr. Rattner, a prominent New York Democrat and the founder of private-equity firm Quadrangle. His candidacy ran into conflict-of-interest questions because Quadrangle had borrowed from Chrysler's majority owner, Cerberus Capital Management LP. At the same time, Mr. Rattner had concerns about deserting his business for a politically charged assignment, said a New York executive.

纽约民主党要员瑞特纳曾被认为是出任“汽车沙皇”一职的热门人选,此人创办了私人资本运营公司Quadrangle。由于Quadrangle曾向克莱斯勒的大股东Cerberus Capital Management LP借过钱,因此有人质疑他出任此职会产生利益冲突。而据纽约的一位企业高管说,瑞特纳本人也对放弃自己的生意去担任一个颇有政治风险的公职感到犹豫不决。

John D. Stoll / Monica Langley



GM To Offer Two Choices: Bankruptcy Or More Aid


General Motors Corp., nearing a federally imposed deadline to present a restructuring plan, will offer the government two costly alternatives: commit billions more in bailout money to fund the company's operations, or provide financial backing as part of a bankruptcy filing, said people familiar with GM's thinking.

美国联邦政府要求通用汽车(General Motors Corp.)拿出重组计划的最后期限已近在眼前,据某些了解通用汽车想法的知情者透露,公司将把两个昂贵的选项摆在政府面前:要么承诺追加数十亿的援助资金以维系公司经营,要么作为破产申请内容的一部分向通用汽车提供金融支持。

The competing choices, which highlight GM's rapidly deteriorating operations, present a dilemma for Congress and the Obama administration. If they refuse to provide additional aid to GM on top of the $13.4 billion already committed they risk seeing an industrial icon fall into bankruptcy.


Some experts and members of Congress say bankruptcy reorganization is the surest way for GM to cut costs and become viable. But it could be a politically unpalatable development during a recession that already has thrown millions of workers out of jobs.


Treasury Department officials believe GM needs at least $5 billion more in U.S. loans to keep operating beyond the first quarter, said people familiar with the situation.

据知情人士称,美国财政部(Treasury Department)认为,至少还要向通用汽车提供50亿美元才能让该公司撑过第一季度。

The call for additional funds will be a key part of the revitalization plan GM is required to file with the Treasury by Tuesday, though it is unclear whether GM will furnish a dollar amount, said people familiar with the matter. The plan is supposed to describe how the company will become self-sustaining and better compete with foreign rivals.


But it's increasingly unlikely GM will have a finished plan in time. Negotiations with GM's unions and bondholders haven't yet produced commitments to concrete concessions as required by terms of the federal loans; talks are expected to continue over the holiday weekend. People involved in the talks say progress has been slowed by the fact the Obama administration has yet to appoint a 'car czar,' as envisioned by the bailout program.


GM will argue it needs the additional government funds to stay out of bankruptcy court, people familiar with the matter said. At the same time, the company -- which previously had dismissed suggestions that it might need to file for bankruptcy -- has moved closer to such a prospect.


GM believes government funds would be needed for debtor-in-possession financing should the company seek bankruptcy because such money wouldn't be available from private sources, said people familiar with the situation.


The auto maker eventually may seek permission to extend the March 31 deadline to complete certain restructuring actions by at least several months.


Rick Wagoner, GM's chairman and chief executive, once fiercely opposed a bankruptcy filing, saying it would scare off customers. But his opinion has softened, and he has been influential in shaping the plan for a possible filing, said people involved in the strategy.

通用汽车董事长兼首席执行长瓦格纳(Rick Wagoner)此前曾坚决反对破产,称此举会造成消费者的恐慌。据知情人士称,他的态度已有所软化,并已在着手推动可能的破产保护计划。

GM declined to comment.


GM's board began more seriously considering bankruptcy in November as the company's liquidity headed toward unsustainable levels. In early December, at the board's prompting, Mr. Wagoner hired bankruptcy lawyers and advisers to begin preparing a contingency plan, said people familiar with the matter.


In the months that followed, these bankruptcy experts worked alongside advisers Evercore Partners and Morgan Stanley, both of which previously worked for GM, to develop multiple options for GM's future.

随后的几个月,破产事务专家与之前曾为通用汽车服务的咨询机构Evercore Partners及摩根士丹利(Morgan Stanley)联手合作,为通用汽车的前途制定了多套方案。

One plan includes a Chapter 11 filing that would assemble all of GM's viable assets, including some U.S. brands and international operations, into a new company. The undesirable assets would be liquidated or sold under protection of a bankruptcy court. Contracts with bondholders, unions, dealers and suppliers would also be reworked.


GM received a tax break of around $3 billion as part of President Obama's economic stimulus plan. The break saves GM from having to pay taxes associated with its bailout.


Chrysler LLC is also due to file a viability plan Tuesday. The company is expected to submit two scenarios, one spelling out how it can restructure as an independent company and the other taking into account its tentative alliance with Fiat SpA, people familiar with the matter said.

克莱斯勒(Chrysler LLC)也需要在周二提交一份 兴计划。知情人士说,预计该公司将提出两种选择,一种是如何作为一家独立企业进行重组,另一种则涉及到与菲亚特公司(Fiat SpA)的暂定合作。

Chrysler was given $4 billion in U.S. loans after nearly running out of money. The company is looking to Fiat to provide technology for small and midsize cars that Chrysler would build and sell under its own brands. In exchange, the Italian company would take a 35% Chrysler stake.


Other stakes in Chrysler could be parceled out to compensate the UAW and debt holders for cost concessions, leaving majority owner Cerberus Capital Management LP with a dramatically diminished holding, people familiar with the matter said. Cerberus now owns 80.1% of Chrysler, and Daimler AG 19.9%.

知情人士说,克莱斯勒的其他股份可能会分配出去,补偿全美汽车工人联合会(UAW)和债权人在成本上作出的让步,使得多数股权持有者Cerberus Capital Management LP的持股大幅减少。Cerberus现在持有克莱斯勒80.1%的股份,戴姆勒(Daimler AG)持有克莱斯勒19.9%的股份。

But like GM, Chrysler also needs more government help to stay afloat. The company has said it intends to ask for $3 billion in additional loans.


For the past few weeks, Chrysler has been urging dealers to order more vehicles to give the company enough revenue to keep going through the end of March. On Friday, executives said in a conference call that it reached its goal of bringing in 78,000 orders for February, said a dealer who participated in the call.


Chrysler declined to comment on its revamping plan.


GM's viability plan will present a restructuring strategy allowing it to be profitable in each of the regions in which it operates globally, people who have seen the plan said. The plan will include broad restructuring targets, including more than 10 plant closures in North America.


While GM's plan will include updates on talks with unions and bondholders related to concessions, the auto maker is expected to ask for leeway on when it can provide specific details about what cuts the two parties are willing to make.


Negotiations with the United Auto Workers union and a bondholders committee have been slow for several reasons. For one, both expressed frustration over the amount of sacrifice they are being asked to take, compared to other stakeholders such as dealers and even asbestos litigants. And both argued that a car czar is needed to help expedite the talks.


UAW President Ron Gettelfinger has been asking the Obama administration for more time to negotiate with the auto makers. Mr. Gettelfinger, a strong supporter of Mr. Obama's presidential campaign, is also hopeful that the government will take responsibility for some of GM's $47 billion in retiree health care obligations, said people familiar with his thinking.

UAW主席葛蒂尔芬格(Ron Gettelfinger)一直在向奥巴马政府要求,在与汽车制造商谈判的问题上给他们更多时间。葛蒂尔芬格是奥巴马竞选阵营强有力的支持者。知情人士说,他还希望政府将担负起通用汽车470亿美元退休医疗责任的一部分。

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D., Calif.) and House Financial Services Chairman Barney Frank (D., Mass.) on Friday sent a letter to the chief executives of GM and Chrysler laying out expectations for their viability plans.

众议院议长、加州民主党议员佩洛西(Nancy Pelosi)和众议院金融服务委员会主席、马萨诸塞州民主党议员弗兰克(Barney Frank)上周五联合致函通用汽车和克莱斯勒的首席执行长,列出了对他们的具体期望。

The lawmakers asked that the plans demonstrate 'a commitment that the sacrifices necessary to turn the industry around will be shared equitably by all stakeholders' and 'a demonstrated commitment to restructure your company's debt in a manner that protects the interests of the taxpayers.'

两位议员要求, 兴计划要承诺,“为扭转行业形势作出的必要牺牲将由所有利益相关方公平分担”,且“要以保护纳税人利益的方式重组公司债务。”

John D. Stoll / Sharon Terlep
















  3、蒙牛技术总监母智深等人发表的论文确地说明IGF-1是OMP的主要成分(《中国乳品工业》2008年第2期上的论文《造骨牛奶蛋白 (OMP)主要成分功效学研究进展》、《食品工业科技》2008年第1期的《补钙、骨骼健康与造骨牛奶蛋白》)




  三、OMP不是IGF-1或主要成分不是IGF-1 ,OMP就是国际上研究和使用多年的牛奶碱性蛋白MBP



  四、OMP是蒙牛与新西兰乳品研发机构 TATUA公司共用引进和研究的,蒙牛的OMP原料均从新西兰TATUA公司进口,OMP就是国际上研究和使用多年的牛奶碱性蛋白MBP,不是蒙牛自主研发的产品








  内蒙古质监局实地考察后的报告明确指出,“能够证明OMP牛奶产品质量安全性和未添加IGF-1”。 】








Ford's Fortunes In China Depend On 'Mei'

Ford's Fortunes In China Depend On 'Mei'


MARKETING executives at Ford Motor Co. call her 'Mei,' and she is critical to the success of the U.S. auto maker's strategy in China.

福特汽车(Ford Motor Co.)的营销管理人员将她称作“美”,而她对这家美国汽车公司在华战略的成功至关重要。

To Ford, Mei, which means 'beautiful' in Chinese, represents the twenty-something, college-educated single urban females who form the bull's eye in Ford's target market here for its Fiesta model. The compact hatchback is Ford's first in a planned series of cars that the company has designed to sell, with minor variations, in markets around the world.


Connecting with Mei, who earns $880 to $1,500 a month and wants her first car, and persuading her to buy a Fiesta, have become increasingly important missions for Ford, as the company tries to offset sagging sales in North America with growth overseas. By unit sales, China is the world's second-largest vehicle market after the U.S., and Ford has struggled here recently.


While overall passenger-vehicle sales in China rose nearly 7% last year, sales of Ford brand cars fell 10%, according to J.D. Power & Associates. A Ford spokeswoman said the company's sales decline was somewhat less.

J.D. Power & Associates称,尽管中国乘用车的总销量去年增长了近7%,但福特品牌轿车的销量却下降了10%。福特发言人说,该公司销售下滑有所放缓。

Ford says it plans to roll out an ad campaign for the Fiesta next month that will be aimed at Mei and her peers. It will largely bypass television and newspapers to catch them where they spend much of their time: online and reading lifestyle magazines.


'The major communications tool will be the Internet,' says Nigel Harris, vice president of marketing and sales for Ford in China. A big focus, he says, will be social-networking sites popular with young Chinese adults. The campaign will also use cellphone text messages.

福特中国区负责营销与销售的副总裁何骏杰(Nigel Harris)说,主要的交流工具将是互联网。他说,一大重点将是深受年轻人欢迎的社交网站。这项活动还将利用手机短信。

The content of the ads, Mr. Harris says, will be 'young, bold and sexy,' aiming to be edgy 'without offending.' The idea is to attract a generation of confident, independent and optimistic women. Ads will feature attractive men and women, bright colors and hip music. A separate set of ads, focused on the Fiesta's safety features, will be aimed at Mei's parents, who would likely be involved in her car purchase, Mr. Harris says.


Ford, which is working with ad agency JWT, a unit of London ad-holding company WPP, to put the final touches on the campaign, declined to be more specific about the content.


But Ford executives say the research they did -- especially an 'immersion event,' in which senior executives spent an afternoon with a group of women representing Mei -- encouraged them to be more daring in the ads than they might have been otherwise.


Another important conclusion: that the idea of a global car model will work. That was important for Ford's global strategy, which is built on the idea of selling car models world-wide in an effort to save on development costs and reap economies of scale in manufacturing.


The Chinese market still holds many mysteries for auto makers. Many Chinese buyers are purchasing their first car, and lack the knowledge necessary to choose based on performance and technical specifications. Most have yet to develop loyalty to any one brand.


Ford's immersion event was designed to put senior Ford and JWT executives in direct contact with their desired customers. They spent an afternoon with 15 twenty-something women in Beijing, watching them shop and looking for clues about their lives, attitudes and aspirations.


The women in the group were style-conscious and outspoken. Tina Fan, who works for a Japanese conglomerate in Beijing, wore a cropped black velvet jacket, black stockings and high-heeled silk shoes. She said she believes she has 'unlimited potential,' and hopes to be running her own business in five years. 'I think I can handle all the issues in my life by myself,' she says.

这些女性注重时尚,坦率直言。Tina Fan在驻京一家日本企业工作,身穿黑色短天鹅绒外套、黑丝袜和高跟丝绸鞋。她说,她认为自己有“无限的潜力”,希望能在五年内开设自己的公司。她说,我想我能够自己处理生活中的所有问题。

The women pointed to a mix of fashion influences, some very adult, others more adolescent. Grace Ding, an accountant, brought along pictures that she said illustrated her fashion sense -- images of a Bur-berry handbag, Chanel shoes and Bathing Ape accessories.

这些女性受到了不同时尚的影响,其中有些很老成,有些则更为青春。会计师Grace Ding带着能够说明她的时尚感的照片──Burberry手袋、香奈儿鞋和Bathing Ape饰品。

All the women spoke of spending copious time on the Internet. Ms. Fan estimated that she's online 12 hours a day and says that Web sites are her 'main source of information and inspiration.' She says she is more likely to communicate with office mates through instant messenger than face-to-face.

这些女性每天都有大量时间呆在网上。Tina Fan估计她每天上网大概有12小时。她说,网站是她“信息和灵感的主要来源”。她说,她很可能与办公室同事通过即时通讯而非面对面进行沟通。

Bessie Wu, a travel agent from Yunnan in southwestern China, says, 'I like to show off, to really let my hair down and dance.' Ms. Wu, who says she is a free spirit who would one day like to live abroad, added: 'I don't have a problem wearing revealing outfits. If someone says I'm sexy, I think it's a compliment.'

来自云南省的导游Bessie Wu说,她喜欢炫耀,让一头长发倾泻下来,随风飘舞。她说自己的思想自由,希望有一天能到国外生活。她还说,我不会在意穿着暴露的衣服。如果有人说我很性感,我认为这是一种恭维。

Some of the executives who participated in the event, mostly older men, held up images from magazines that they thought would appeal to the women. A Tiffany ad for diamonds and a photo of Gucci watches won approval. A picture of a slinky purple-and-turquoise dress elicited a unanimous response: 'Too old looking.'


During the shopping trip, the women showed special interest in short shorts and an Adidas jacket with gold lame trim. But they took a dim view of a large photograph in a French Connection UK store that showed a man and a woman, hips pressed together and almost kissing. 'That doesn't look good,' one said.

在购物过程中,她们对超短裤和阿迪达斯(Adidas)一款金色金属片装饰的夹克衫表现出了特殊的兴趣。但她们对French Connection UK商店中的一幅大照片并不欣赏,这张照片中一男一女臀部贴在一起,正准备接吻。其中一人说,这并不好看。

Some conclusions from Ford's research were quite specific: Chinese consumers want more options than their European counterparts. 'It's a way to personalize the vehicle,' says Thomas Brewer, Ford's Asia regional vice president for marketing, sales and service. In China, Ford will offer four color combinations on the Fiesta, compared with two in Europe.

福特得出的一些研究结果相当具体:中国消费者比欧洲消费者需要更多的选配项。福特亚洲区的营销,销售和服务副总裁托马斯·布鲁尔(Thomas Brewer)说,这是实现车辆个性化的一种方式。在中国,福特对嘉年华将提供四种颜色的组合,而在欧洲只有两种。

Mr. Brewer says the session with the young women established a personal touchstone for the Ford executives who participated, which he says helped keep them focused in their decision-making as work on the marketing campaign has progressed. '


It's helped us zero in and make some tough decisions we might not have made otherwise' to push the envelope toward a more brash and sexy approach, he says. Some material the executives felt uncomfortable with 'was very natural' for the women, he says. 'It doesn't scare them as it might some people in other markets.'


Gordon Fairclough



中国汽车销量超过美国 行业将进入整合期

China's Auto Industry To Consolidate

中国汽车销量超过美国 行业将进入整合期

Sales in China's intensely competitive auto industry exceeded the U.S. for the first time last month. But even as the industry gains a higher global profile, it is about to get leaner -- and potentially less splintered.


Chinese consumers bought 790,000 vehicles in January, according to General Motors Corp. In the U.S., total car and light-truck sales were just under 657,000 that month, according to Autodata Corp.

通用汽车(General Motors)的数据显示,1月份中国消费者购买了79万辆车。据Autodata Corp.的数据,美国当月小型汽车和轻型卡车的总销量略低于65.7万辆。

Like the U.S. in the early 1900s, China has dozens of small but spirited car makers that grew out of the country's burgeoning sales growth last decade. They were welcomed as local engines of economic growth. Now, many are struggling amid a worsening slump. Their difficulties mean short-term pain for China's economy but consolidation could result in a more streamlined industry that is better positioned to take on bigger, foreign rivals.


A year ago, Shuanghuan Automobile Co. was a small but fast-growing car maker with plans to expand overseas. Now, after falling nearly 40% short of its unit-sales target for 2008, the company is cutting workers and worried that it might not survive. 'If we could survive, that would be the best thing we could achieve this year,' Cheng Bin, vice president of Shuanghuan, said, sipping hot tea at the company's headquarters here, with its heat turned off to save costs.


The weeding out of companies like Shuanghuan could in the short term benefit big foreign auto makers such as Toyota Motor Corp. and Volkswagen AG by reducing competition in the world's second-largest car market after the U.S. Upstart auto makers have put enormous downward pressure on retail prices for cars in China, hurting foreign players' profitability.

双环汽车这样的公司被淘汰掉,可能会减少在中国这个仅次于美国的世界第二大汽车市场上的竞争,进而可能在短期内对丰田汽车(Toyota Motor)和大众汽车(Volkswagen AG)这样的大型外国汽车制造商有利。新兴汽车企业对中国汽车市场的零售价带来了巨大的下行压力,影响了外国厂商的盈利能力。

But a consolidation also could benefit China's bigger auto makers, such as Chery Automobile Co. and BYD Co., whose advancement has been hampered by cutthroat competition in the notoriously fragmented market. China's central government has long said it wants to see consolidation in the auto industry, to create a handful of home-grown national champions. Consolidation is 'good for the industry,' said Citi Investment Research analyst Gerwin Ho in Hong Kong.

不过行业整合也可能会有利于奇瑞汽车有限公司和比亚迪股份有限公司等较大型中国汽车厂商,因为在中国这个分散度出了名的市场,这些企业的发展一直受到激烈竞争的阻碍。中国中央政府早就表示,希望看到汽车业的整合,以创建一批本国的汽车巨头。花旗投资研究(Citi Investment Research)驻香港分析师Gerwin Ho说,整合对汽车业有好处。

During the market's boom years, which ran for nearly a decade starting in the late 1990s, car makers mushroomed in China. City and provincial governments, seeing the chance to woo prestigious industries that employed large numbers, chipped in funds or policy support.


Today, more than 80 producers of all sizes vie for small slices of the market, many of them selling what foreign auto executives regard as knockoffs of their cars.


Those small companies thrived because of the high rate of growth in passenger-car sales, sometimes above 20% a year in the past decade. But sales began sliding in August. Unit sales fell 12% in December from a year earlier. For all of 2008, unit growth was just 7%, and this year will likely fall further: Some analysts are predicting no growth or even a modest contraction.


Many smaller upstarts in China are low-cost producers, but their inexpensive cars lack the quality, performance and safety of those designed by established global auto makers. A subcompact car by Great Wall Motor Co., called the Florid, for instance, sells for as little as 53,900 yuan, or about $7,880. A comparably equipped Toyota Yaris costs more than 50% more, at 84,700 yuan, although Toyota dealers recently offered discounts to boost the car's sales.


Many smaller Chinese makers achieve low prices by skipping research and development. Their planners come up with product ideas but farm out most engineering jobs. They assemble cars as if they are Lego sets, with purchased engines, transmissions and parts.


Analysts warn that the speed and scope of any consolidation may be limited because local governments that own some of these smaller companies might try to bail them out.


Still, signs of pain already are emerging. Great Wall Motor, in the city of Baoding near Beijing, increased car and light-truck sales 5% last year to 125,000 vehicles but fell far short of its goal of 200,000, despite aggressive price cuts. It has trimmed 10% of its 23,000 employees. Jiangling Auto Group Co. in the southeastern city of Nanchang, saw its sales plunge 36% last year to 10,500 vehicles.


Shuanghuan, based in Shijiazhuang, about 185 miles southwest of Beijing, has laid off 8% of its work force of 2,000. Mr. Cheng, its No. 2 executive, said the company is trying to shore up its business by cultivating demand for its cars in overseas markets that are less affected by the global economic crisis, such as Ghana and other West African countries.


China's central government, while wanting consolidation, is concerned about the damage that shrinking car sales could do to an already weakened economy. This month, it halved the sales-tax rate on smaller cars to 5% for the rest of 2009, and cut retail prices for gasoline and diesel.


Norihiko Shirouzu
