Auto Makers Resist Steel Firms' Surcharges
In an effort to curb the relentless rise in steel prices and bolster their own frail finances, some auto makers are beginning to push back on price increases, saying they won't pay surcharges on agreed-upon supply contracts.
The resistance is one of the first strong signals to steelmakers that their hardest-hit customers have reached a tipping point and may not be able to withstand higher prices.
Some auto makers are threatening to fight the additional charges in court, saying that financial terms of a contract can't be altered, according to people familiar with the matter.
目前,在美国的大多数钢铁企业,如安赛乐米塔尔(ArcelorMittal)、U.S. Steel Corp.和AK Steel Corp.等都在同福特汽车(Ford Motor Co.)、通用汽车(General Motors Corp.)、丰田汽车(Toyota Motor Corp.)等公司进行最新一轮商谈,确定合约购买钢铁的价格和条款。
The standoff comes as most steelmakers in the U.S., including ArcelorMittal, U.S Steel Corp. and AK Steel Corp., are engaged in the latest cycle of negotiations with Ford Motor Co., General Motors Corp., Toyota Motor Corp. and others to set the price and terms of steel bought on a contract.
Many contracts are negotiated this time of year. Representatives of Ford, GM and Toyota declined to comment on the current contract negotiations.
双方承认,由于铁矿石等原材料成本的上升和能源价格的上涨,下一轮的合约价格将会大大高于此前的合约。上周五,全球产量最大的矿业公司必和必拓(BHP Billiton)表示,该公司向钢铁公司出售的铁矿石的平均价格将比去年提价85%。全球产量第三大的矿业公司力拓(Rio Tinto)上月宣布,铁矿石价格平均提高85%。
Both sides concede that the price in the next cycle of negotiated contracts will be significantly higher than in previous contracts, owing to higher costs for raw materials such as iron ore and higher energy prices. On Friday, the world's largest miner by output, BHP Billiton, said it is charging steelmakers an average of 85% more for iron ore, a key ingredient in the production of steel, than charged last year. Rio Tinto, the world's third-largest miner by output, announced an average increase of 85% last month.
But the auto makers are balking at surcharges steelmakers are attempting to impose.
ArcelorMittal, by all measures the biggest steelmaker in the world, has added a surcharge of $250 on each short ton of steel. The surcharge was slated to begin May 5, according to a letter the steelmaker sent to its customers. But now, two months later, some auto makers are still resisting.
安赛乐米塔尔的首席财务长阿迪蒂亚?米塔尔(Aditya Mittal)说,一些客户接受了加价,还有一些则没有。对那些没有接受的,我们仍在进行商谈。
'There are some customers who have accepted the surcharges and some who have not,' says Aditya Mittal, chief financial officer at ArcelorMittal. 'For those who have not, we are still in negotiations.'
也有一些钢铁公司并未单边进行加价,而是分别与各个汽车厂家就此进行磋商。AK Steel发言人阿兰?迈考伊(Alan McCoy)说,公司正在根据各个公司不同的情况进行商谈。U.S. Steel对价格谈判不予置评。
Other steelmakers haven't levied unilateral surcharges, but are negotiating surcharges individually with car makers. AK Steel spokesman Alan McCoy said the company is negotiating on a case-by-case basis. U.S. Steel declined to comment on price talks.
Negotiations between steelmakers and auto makers are highly specific and often include clauses and conditions that could result in changes to the contract after the two sides sign. Auto makers aren't charging steelmakers with gouging, but some auto makers are questioning whether steelmakers have a legal right to change existing contracts. Steelmakers assert that they do have this right and that terms agreed upon within existing contracts allow for these changes.
ArcelorMittal said it is confident that auto makers will end up paying the surcharges.
As emerging countries increase their need for steel to build infrastructure, commercial buildings and automobiles in their respective countries, the demand for steel has outstripped supply. That has caused prices to shoot up, most drastically in the past year.
That has left U.S. auto makers, which had long dominated steelmakers during negotiations, in a weak bargaining position. For decades, U.S. auto makers were the steelmakers' most lucrative customers and bullied them into selling them long-term contract steel at discount rates.
Although auto makers declined to comment on current talks, they have stated that steel and other raw-material costs are burdening the industry at one of its worst times.
Robert Guy Matthews