

Auto Indus Approaches Speed Bump



A RECENT WEAKENING in China's auto sales could be signaling tougher times ahead for its booming car industry -- and for the Chinese consumer.

对于美国通用汽车(General Motors)、德国大众汽车(Volkswagen)以及日本的丰田汽车(Toyota Motor)和本田汽车(Honda Motor)来说,中国市场的颓势来得实在不是时候,因为为了保持增长、抵消本土销售不振的负面影响,这些公司都加大了在华生产投入。

It also comes at a bad time for General Motors of the U.S., Volkswagen of Germany and Toyota Motor and Honda Motor of Japan, which all have boosted production in China to sustain their growth and offset lackluster sales at home.


The global auto industry is suffering this year as worsening economic prospects lead consumers world-wide to hold off on big purchases. In the U.S., car sales in the first half of 2008 fell 10.1% from a year earlier; in Europe, they fell 2%, and in Japan, 0.9%.


China's vehicle sales, by contrast, increased 18.5% in the first half to 5.2 million units. Growth in sales of passenger vehicles alone was slightly weaker at 17.1%. Sales in April and May were sluggish, and vehicle purchases in June slowed, totaling just over 15% above the number a year earlier.


Auto sales are cyclical, and China's recent slowdown isn't yet as dramatic as some previous episodes. But with fuel prices rising and China's overall economy slowing, the automobile market is increasingly expected to cool. On Wednesday, the government said it will raise taxes on vehicles with high emissions.

联合证券(United Securities)分析师姚宏光表示,中国汽车行业的高速增长期已告结束,而且将一去不复返。

'The high-growth period for China's auto industry has already passed, and will not return,' says Yao Hongguang, an analyst for United Securities in Shenzhen.


Sales are likely to rise about 15% this year, Mr. Yao says, before moderating to 12% to 13% growth in the medium term. That is well down from the 22% growth last year and the 24% jump in 2006, and could pose a problem for businesses that had banked on the boom continuing.


Some slowing in China is probably inevitable now, given the sheer size of the market. Annual sales of vehicles have doubled in four years, reaching 8.8 million in 2007 from 4.3 million in 2003. In the process, China overtook Japan as the world's second-largest vehicle market after the U.S.

中国近期的汽车消费动向一直受到了外界的密切关注,并被视为中国消费支出放缓的一个信号。虽然中国的出口行业正在经历着阵痛,但中国今年的经济增速仍超过了 10%,其中消费支出的推动功不可没。食品价格的猛涨可能会使得低收入家庭缩减在其他方面的开支。而股市和房市的双双走软也有可能给收入较高的家庭带来冲击。2008年至今,中国的基准股指已累计下跌了46%。

The recent trend in car purchases is being watched closely as a sign of a possible weakening in consumer spending -- which has helped keep China's economy growing at more than 10% this year, even as its exports suffer. The surge in food prices is likely to leave lower-income households with less money to spend on other things. Higher-income households also could be feeling the squeeze from the drop in the local stock market -- down 46% this year -- and a softer real-estate market.


The picture for consumer spending is mixed. Even after taking account of higher inflation, retail sales are rising by 14% to 15% so far this year, picking up from the 12% to 13% pace in 2007. Yet government surveys of consumer confidence and household spending show a declining trend.

中信证券(Citic Securities)驻北京的分析师李春波表示,对今年中国经济增长放缓的预期是造成近期汽车销量下滑的原因之一;消费者预计油价将进一步上涨,这也抑制了汽车消费需求。中国政府在6月份时上调了汽油和柴油的价格;由于考虑到中国市场成品油的价格仍不及国际油价,消费者普遍预计政府日后还会再次提高价格。

'The expectation of slower growth this year is one of the reasons behind the slowing trend in car sales in China. Consumer expectations of further rises in fuel prices will also suppress the demand for cars,' says Li Chunbo, an analyst with Citic Securities in Beijing. Government-set prices for gasoline and diesel were raised in June, and are widely expected to go up again as they remain below international levels.

即便中国的汽车销售增长没有出现明显放缓,那些认定销量将出现更快增长的汽车制造商最终也可能要面对产能过剩的苦果。雷曼兄弟 (Lehman Brothers)驻香港经济学家孙明春表示,中国的汽车销量仍在以两位数增长,这无疑是非常强劲的,但产能增长甚至比需求还要迅猛,这正是令我感到担心的地方;我认为这些汽车厂家在过去几年太过乐观,产能增加过度。

Even if growth in auto purchases doesn't slow much, manufacturers who had been counting on faster growth could end up with excess capacity. 'Demand is still growing at double-digit rates, it's very strong. The reason I am concerned is that the capacity growth is even stronger,' says Sun Mingchun, an economist for Lehman Brothers in Hong Kong. 'I think the auto makers were too optimistic in the past few years, and built up too much capacity.'

投资者似乎对这一点也颇为认同,他们抛售了中国几家大型汽车企业的股票。在上海证交所上市、并分别和通用汽车以及大众汽车建有合资企业的上海汽车(SAIC Motor Co.)今年的股价已重挫了68%。和本田汽车在广州设有一家合资工厂、并拥有一半股份的骏威汽车(Denway Motors.)今年股价累计下滑了42%。宝马汽车(BMW)在华合作伙伴华晨中国汽车(Brilliance China Automotive Holdings.)的股价下跌了47%。这两家公司的股票均在香港交易所上市。

Investors appear to agree, and have punished the stocks of leading Chinese auto makers. SAIC Motor, which has joint ventures with General Motors and Volkswagen, has seen the price of its Shanghai-traded shares drop 68% this year. Hong Kong-listed Denway Motors, which owns half of a Honda plant in Guangzhou, is down 42%. Shares in the Chinese partner of BMW, Brilliance China Automotive Holdings, are off 47%, also in Hong Kong.

眼下汽车制造企业已经在为成本不断上升而挠头,产能过剩的问题则可能给车价带来更多下行压力。东方证券(Orient Securities)估算,在中国,汽车制造行业所必需的轮胎和玻璃价格分别上涨了5%及10%,而塑料和钢材的价格更是上涨了40%以上。

Excess capacity could put downward pressure on car prices just when manufacturers are facing surging costs. Car makers in China are facing a 5% increase in tire prices, a 10% increase in glass prices, and a more than 40% increase in prices for plastic and steel, according to estimates by Orient Securities.

此外,中国消费者购买倾向的变化已让汽车制造企业疲于应对。中国汽车工业协会(China Association of Automobile Manufacturers)提供的数据显示,今年上半年,主要致力于生产人民币80,000元(约合12,000美元)以下低档汽车的本土厂家奇瑞汽车 (Chery Automobile Co.)销量增幅仅为0.7%。分析师指出,低端市场在油价上涨面前最为敏感。

And manufacturers already are struggling to adjust to the evolution of Chinese consumer preferences. First-half sales by unlisted Chery Automobile, a manufacturer of domestic-brand cars that has specialized in vehicles costing less than 80,000 yuan ($12,000), increased just 0.7% from a year earlier, according to the China Association of Automobile Manufacturers. Analysts say the lower-income market is most sensitive to the rise in fuel costs.


Industry analysts report that Japanese brands such as Toyota and Honda are gaining market share this year, while the local market share of General Motors and Volkswagen appears to be declining slightly.

仍有很多分析师对去年11月才在港上市的中国重汽(香港)有限公司(Sinotruk (Hong Kong) Ltd.)青睐有加。这家公司隶属于国有企业中国重汽集团(China National Heavy Duty Truck Group Co.),今年截至目前,该股已经累计下跌了37%。

A vehicle manufacturer that many analysts still like is newly listed Sinotruk (Hong Kong), an arm of state-controlled China National Heavy Duty Truck. The stock, which was listed in Hong Kong in November, has fallen 37% this year.


One reason some brokerages are positive about Sinotruk is that its nonpassenger vehicles serve a business market and don't depend on consumer demand.

摩根大通公司(JPMorgan Chase & Co.)亚洲汽车行业研究主管Frank Li指出,中国的重型汽车需求增长与固定资产投资增长高度相关。

'There is a strong correlation between China's heavy-truck demand growth and China's fixed-asset investment growth,' says Frank Li, head of Asian auto research at J.P. Morgan Chase.


As the government can keep investment growth high with new public-works projects, it could prove more resilient than exports or consumer spending, he says.

Andrew Batson




The Holdup To Electric Cars Explained



One of the Big Ideas that has gotten a boost from the recent oil-price shock is the notion that the energy for transportation should come from the electric grid, not an oil well in the Middle East.

一些老牌大汽车厂商已经宣布计划,要生产完全或部分电力驱动的汽车。它们与Tesla Motors等一些新兴公司一道,试图通过确立新一代动力技术而实现长足发展。

A number of big, established car makers have announced plans to produce cars that will pull from the electric grid all or part of the energy needed to make them go. They join a flock of upstart companies, such as Tesla Motors, trying to prosper by defining a new generation of mobility technology.

正当人们为日常出行的电气化前景兴奋不已之际,通用汽车公司(General Motors Corp.)前董事长兼首席执行长罗伯特?施 佩尔(Robert Stempel)却对此泼了点冷水。

For everyone excited about electrifying the morning commute, Robert Stempel, the former chairman and chief executive officer of General Motors Corp., has a few sobering words.

施佩尔是电动汽车的支持者──他的“电动”概念包括了纯电动系统以及油电混合系统。在GM任职期间,他就曾为GM开发EV1电动汽车开了绿灯。在1992年 GM的上一次大规模财务危机之时,施佩尔由于董事会纷争而被排挤出GM,随后时间他继续投身电动汽车的计划。接下来,他出任美国电池生产商Energy Conversion Devices Inc.董事长十余年,直到去年离职。

Mr. Stempel believes in the idea of electric-drive cars -- he uses the term 'electric drive' to encompass both all-electric systems and plug-in hybrids. He gave the green light to development of an electric car, GM's EV1. After he was pushed out of GM by a boardroom coup during the auto maker's last big financial crisis in 1992, Mr. Stempel continued to devote himself to the electric-car idea. He spent more than a decade as chairman of U.S. battery maker Energy Conversion Devices Inc. before leaving the company last year.

无论在GM还是Energy Conversion Devices,施 佩尔推动电动汽车商业化的努力都遇到了无数难关。GM因停止EV1项目而饱受批评。当时已离职很久的施 佩尔表示,停止该项目没有任何托词。

At both GM and at Energy Conversion Devices, Mr. Stempel's efforts to make a profitable business out of electric vehicles hit numerous potholes. GM has taken flak for killing the EV1. Mr. Stempel, who was long gone when the plug was pulled, says there was no subterfuge involved.


'The business side of the case wasn't there. The EV1 was too expensive . . . We were way off the cost target,' he says.

现为底特律郊外一家事务所顾问的施 佩尔说,电动汽车实现大规模生产的障碍与当年爱迪生告诉福特一年之内就可以给他的汽车装上电池时的情况一样,薄弱之处就在于电池。

Mr. Stempel, now a consultant with an office in suburban Detroit, says the obstacle to mass production of electric vehicles is the same issue as it was 'when Mr. Edison told Mr. Ford that in a year he'd have a battery for his car. The weak link is the battery.'


Nickel metal hydride, or NiMH, batteries have proven reliable, he says. 'It doesn't do anything naughty, like burn up,' he says. But NiMH batteries don't have the range to be competitive with conventional cars.

类似笔记本电脑电池的锂电池技术能较为轻便小巧,同时提供更长的行驶里程。但锂电池确实有不稳定的特性。Tesla Roadster就使用与笔记本电脑相似的锂电池。Tesla最重要的技术并不是电池本身,而是其工程师们设计的确保电池散热及运转正常的控制系统。

Lithium-ion battery technology, similar to that used in laptop computers, offers better range from smaller, lighter packages. But lithium-ion batteries do have a propensity to be naughty. The Tesla Roadster uses lithium-ion batteries similar to those used in laptops. Tesla's important technology idea isn't the commodity batteries. It's the systems Tesla engineers designed to assure they stay cool and under control.

施 佩尔担心,将数千个笔记本电池堆到一辆车上会造成一个“控制的噩梦”。

Piling thousands of laptop batteries into a car creates 'a control nightmare,' Mr. Stempel worries.

还有就是成本的问题。施 佩尔说,看看镍的成本变动,该金属价格已经大幅飙升。他说,在最近的大宗商品涨价潮中,许多电池原材料商品的价格都出现大涨。

Then there's the issue of cost. 'Look at what happened to the cost of nickel,' says Mr. Stempel. 'The price of nickel has gone off the charts.' A lot of the commodities used in batteries have gotten expensive in the recent commodity price boom, he says.


None of this necessarily means the auto industry should once again give up on electric-drive cars. When it comes to reducing the economy's dependence on oil, the amount Americans burn up in cars isn't one issue. It is THE issue. But consumers need to take the latest flurry of press releases touting forthcoming electric-drive vehicle models with a few grains of salt.

汽油内燃机主宰汽车业上百年有一个很合理的理由:以动力的单位成本计,它比其他动力更合算。施 佩尔说,就单位马力成本而言,汽油动力汽车比电动车经济五到十倍,这取决于尾 排放标准的严格程度。

The petroleum-fueled internal combustion engine has dominated automotive transportation for a century for a good reason: On the basis of power per dollar, it's more cost effective than the competition. Depending on how strictly one controls the emissions, Mr. Stempel says, a gasoline fueled car can be five to 10 times more efficient on a dollars-per-horsepower basis than an electric car.


The challenges confronting the drive to electrify automobiles point to a big question underlying the current energy debate in America: How much faith should we have in technology to bail us out?


When it comes to the future of cars, it's Technologists vs. Skeptics. Technologists believe that innovations in battery technology, hydrogen storage, cellulosic ethanol production, water-to-hydrogen systems, and lightweight vehicle design are right around the corner.


Skeptics, though, contend that the technology to substantially displace oil-fired mobility will take years, maybe decades, to develop.

Joseph B. White




Auto Makers Resist Steel Firms' Surcharges



In an effort to curb the relentless rise in steel prices and bolster their own frail finances, some auto makers are beginning to push back on price increases, saying they won't pay surcharges on agreed-upon supply contracts.


The resistance is one of the first strong signals to steelmakers that their hardest-hit customers have reached a tipping point and may not be able to withstand higher prices.


Some auto makers are threatening to fight the additional charges in court, saying that financial terms of a contract can't be altered, according to people familiar with the matter.

目前,在美国的大多数钢铁企业,如安赛乐米塔尔(ArcelorMittal)、U.S. Steel Corp.和AK Steel Corp.等都在同福特汽车(Ford Motor Co.)、通用汽车(General Motors Corp.)、丰田汽车(Toyota Motor Corp.)等公司进行最新一轮商谈,确定合约购买钢铁的价格和条款。

The standoff comes as most steelmakers in the U.S., including ArcelorMittal, U.S Steel Corp. and AK Steel Corp., are engaged in the latest cycle of negotiations with Ford Motor Co., General Motors Corp., Toyota Motor Corp. and others to set the price and terms of steel bought on a contract.


Many contracts are negotiated this time of year. Representatives of Ford, GM and Toyota declined to comment on the current contract negotiations.

双方承认,由于铁矿石等原材料成本的上升和能源价格的上涨,下一轮的合约价格将会大大高于此前的合约。上周五,全球产量最大的矿业公司必和必拓(BHP Billiton)表示,该公司向钢铁公司出售的铁矿石的平均价格将比去年提价85%。全球产量第三大的矿业公司力拓(Rio Tinto)上月宣布,铁矿石价格平均提高85%。

Both sides concede that the price in the next cycle of negotiated contracts will be significantly higher than in previous contracts, owing to higher costs for raw materials such as iron ore and higher energy prices. On Friday, the world's largest miner by output, BHP Billiton, said it is charging steelmakers an average of 85% more for iron ore, a key ingredient in the production of steel, than charged last year. Rio Tinto, the world's third-largest miner by output, announced an average increase of 85% last month.


But the auto makers are balking at surcharges steelmakers are attempting to impose.


ArcelorMittal, by all measures the biggest steelmaker in the world, has added a surcharge of $250 on each short ton of steel. The surcharge was slated to begin May 5, according to a letter the steelmaker sent to its customers. But now, two months later, some auto makers are still resisting.

安赛乐米塔尔的首席财务长阿迪蒂亚?米塔尔(Aditya Mittal)说,一些客户接受了加价,还有一些则没有。对那些没有接受的,我们仍在进行商谈。

'There are some customers who have accepted the surcharges and some who have not,' says Aditya Mittal, chief financial officer at ArcelorMittal. 'For those who have not, we are still in negotiations.'

也有一些钢铁公司并未单边进行加价,而是分别与各个汽车厂家就此进行磋商。AK Steel发言人阿兰?迈考伊(Alan McCoy)说,公司正在根据各个公司不同的情况进行商谈。U.S. Steel对价格谈判不予置评。

Other steelmakers haven't levied unilateral surcharges, but are negotiating surcharges individually with car makers. AK Steel spokesman Alan McCoy said the company is negotiating on a case-by-case basis. U.S. Steel declined to comment on price talks.


Negotiations between steelmakers and auto makers are highly specific and often include clauses and conditions that could result in changes to the contract after the two sides sign. Auto makers aren't charging steelmakers with gouging, but some auto makers are questioning whether steelmakers have a legal right to change existing contracts. Steelmakers assert that they do have this right and that terms agreed upon within existing contracts allow for these changes.


ArcelorMittal said it is confident that auto makers will end up paying the surcharges.


As emerging countries increase their need for steel to build infrastructure, commercial buildings and automobiles in their respective countries, the demand for steel has outstripped supply. That has caused prices to shoot up, most drastically in the past year.


That has left U.S. auto makers, which had long dominated steelmakers during negotiations, in a weak bargaining position. For decades, U.S. auto makers were the steelmakers' most lucrative customers and bullied them into selling them long-term contract steel at discount rates.


Although auto makers declined to comment on current talks, they have stated that steel and other raw-material costs are burdening the industry at one of its worst times.

Robert Guy Matthews



降低油价 有计可施

We Can Lower Oil Prices Now



Although most experts agree that financial speculation was not responsible for the surge in the global prices of food and energy, many people remain puzzled about the source of these remarkable price rises. Economics offers a simple supply-and-demand explanation and reason for optimism about the future of commodity prices. In the case of oil, economics also suggests how policy changes today that affect the future could quickly lower the current price of oil.


We all know that rising incomes in China, India and the Gulf states have increased the demand for oil and many other commodities. But how could the modest, one-year rise of these demands lead to 100% increases in the prices of oil and other commodities? Let's take a look first at perishable agricultural commodities.


In the short run, there is little scope for increasing the supply of corn in response to a global increase in demand. For demand and supply to balance -- for the market to clear -- the price of corn must rise.


If the demand for corn were very price-sensitive, a relatively small increase in price would reduce global demand by enough to offset the initial rise in demand. However, since demand is actually quite insensitive to price in the short run, it takes a very large price rise to bring global demand into line with supply.


Here is a simplified picture of what happened in the past year. The quantity of corn demanded by high-growth countries rose gradually, increasing eventually by an amount equal to, say, 10% of the previous total global level of corn consumption. Since the supply of corn did not increase, the price had to increase enough to reduce corn consumption in other countries by 10%. If it takes a 10% increase in the price to reduce the quantity of corn demanded in the first year by just 1%, it would take a 100% increase in the price of corn to offset the initial 10% rise in the quantity of corn demanded.


In reality, the picture is complicated by the substitution in both supply and demand among different agricultural commodities, and by the role of the corn ethanol program. But the basic explanation holds: With a very low short-run price sensitivity of demand and little scope to raise supply in the short run, even a relatively small increase in corn demand by the high-growth economies can lead to a very large short-run rise in the price of corn.


Fortunately, the price sensitivity of both demand and supply will increase with time. This implies that the rising demand from China and other countries may eventually be accommodated with a price lower than today's level.


The situation for oil is more complex, but the outcome for prices is potentially more favorable.


Unlike perishable agricultural products, oil can be stored in the ground. So when will an owner of oil reduce production or increase inventories instead of selling his oil and converting the proceeds into investible cash? A simplified answer is that he will keep the oil in the ground if its price is expected to rise faster than the interest rate that could be earned on the money obtained from selling the oil. The actual price of oil may rise faster or slower than is expected, but the decision to sell (or hold) the oil depends on the expected price rise.


There are of course considerations of risk, and of the impact of price changes on long-term consumer behavior, that complicate the oil owner's decision -- and therefore the behavior of prices. The Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries (the OPEC cartel), with its strong pricing power, still plays a role. But the fundamental insight is that owners of oil will adjust their production and inventories until the price of oil is expected to rise at the rate of interest, appropriately adjusted for risk. If the price of oil is expected to rise faster, they'll keep the oil in the ground. In contrast, if the price of oil is not expected to rise as fast as the rate of interest, the owners will extract more and invest the proceeds.


The relationship between future and current oil prices implies that an expected change in the future price of oil will have an immediate impact on the current price of oil.


Thus, when oil producers concluded that the demand for oil in China and some other countries will grow more rapidly in future years than they had previously expected, they inferred that the future price of oil would be higher than they had previously believed. They responded by reducing supply and raising the spot price enough to bring the expected price rise back to its initial rate.


Hence, with no change in the current demand for oil, the expectation of a greater future demand and a higher future price caused the current price to rise. Similarly, credible reports about the future decline of oil production in Russia and in Mexico implied a higher future global price of oil -- and that also required an increase in the current oil price to maintain the initial expected rate of increase in the price of oil.


Once this relation is understood, it is easy to see how news stories, rumors and industry reports can cause substantial fluctuations in current prices -- all without anything happening to current demand or supply.


Of course, a rise in the spot price of oil triggered by a change in expectations about future prices will cause a decline in the current quantity of oil that consumers demand. If current supply and demand were initially in balance, the OPEC countries and other oil producers would respond by reducing sales to bring supply into line with the temporary reduction in demand. A rise in the expected future demand for oil thus causes a current decline in the amount of oil being supplied. This is what happened as the Saudis and others cut supply in 2007.


Now here is the good news. Any policy that causes the expected future oil price to fall can cause the current price to fall, or to rise less than it would otherwise do. In other words, it is possible to bring down today's price of oil with policies that will have their physical impact on oil demand or supply only in the future.


For example, increases in government subsidies to develop technology that will make future cars more efficient, or tighter standards that gradually improve the gas mileage of the stock of cars, would lower the future demand for oil and therefore the price of oil today.


Similarly, increasing the expected future supply of oil would also reduce today's price. That fall in the current price would induce an immediate rise in oil consumption that would be matched by an increase in supply from the OPEC producers and others with some current excess capacity or available inventories.


Any steps that can be taken now to increase the future supply of oil, or reduce the future demand for oil in the U.S. or elsewhere, can therefore lead both to lower prices and increased consumption today.

Martin Feldstein

(编者按:本文作者马丁?费尔德斯坦(Martin Feldstein)曾在里根(Reagan)总统执政时期担任经济顾问委员会(Council of Economic Advisers)主席,现任哈佛大学教授、《华尔街日报》投稿委员会成员。)>

(Editor's Note: Mr. Feldstein, chairman of the Council of Economic Advisers under President Reagan, is a professor at Harvard and a member of The Wall Street Journal's board of contributors.)




2008年7月2日 03:57


通用汽车月末进行的大规模促销活动很可能在一定程度上提振了其销量水平,这令该公司6月份的销售表现好于另外三家汽车业巨头。通用汽车6月份汽车销量降幅为 18%,而丰田汽车公司(Toyota Motor Corp., TM)和福特汽车公司(Ford Motor Co., F)当月的销量分别下降了21%和28%,克莱斯勒(Chrysler LLC)汽车销量减少了36%。







