

Peugeot-Citroen To Shift Focus To Emerging Mkts


PSA标致雪铁龙集团(PSA Peugeot-Citroen SA)明显改变了发展方向,宣布将重点开发新兴市场,以增加公司的盈利能力。按汽车销量和收入计,PSA标致雪铁龙是仅次于大众汽车(Volkswagen AG)的欧洲第二大汽车制造商。

PSA Peugeot-Citroen SA, in an apparent change in direction, announced a new focus on emerging markets in a bid to increase profitability at Europe's second-largest car maker after Volkswagen AG by vehicles sold and by revenue.

首席执行长克里斯蒂安.斯特雷夫(Christian Streiff)公布了公司的中期战略,目标是在2010年前将营业毛利润率从今年上半年的2.7%提高到5.5%至6%。在2010年至2015年期间将利润率提高到6%至7%。

Chief Executive Christian Streiff unveiled a medium-term strategy that targets an operating margin of 5.5% to 6% by 2010, up from 2.7% in the first half of this year. Profitability is expected to continue improving, reaching 6% to 7% between 2010 and 2015.


Mr. Streiff reaffirmed that part of the company's efforts to cut fixed costs will come from a hiring freeze that should help to reduce head count in Europe, where labor costs are highest, by as much as 8,000, chiefly through early retirement.


The company announced this year that it plans to trim head count by 4,800 through early retirement and voluntary departures.


Peugeot has suffered four years of sliding profitability, chiefly because an increase in car sales that had been expected in 2002 failed to materialize and the company found itself in a situation of chronic overcapacity.


The company intends to grow out of its problems and is targeting sales of four million vehicles a year by 2010, up from 3.37 million in 2006, fueled by a major effort to rejuvenate its model lineup.


World-wide, the company will bring out 53 new models and variants of existing models between 2006 and 2010., and will beef up its catalog of models that don't fit the traditional sedan style. It says it will offer 'competitive premium' models in each market segment, and will make low-cost, entry-level products according to the needs of local markets.


Peugeot-Citroen has consistently said in the past that it didn't believe in the concept of designing and producing low-cost cars specifically aimed at consumers in emerging markets.


However, Mr. Streiff, who took the helm at the company in February, indicated that this may be changing. Peugeot-Citroen said it intends to sell 400,000 more cars outside Europe every year by 2010, on top of the 1.7 million that it sold last year.


The company is working on entry-level models that would use a common platform and have three separate versions targeted at specific markets where it is in a hurry to boost sales: China, Russia and South America.


In Western Europe, where Peugeot-Citroeen sells the bulk of its cars, the company plans to sell 300,000 more cars annually by 2010, with 29 model launches planned through 2010 that are expected to reduce the average of its model range to three years, down from 4.5 years in 2006.


Peugeot-Citroen said it expects to improve its profitability, thanks to a sweeping program of cost cuts. It intends to halve the cost of guarantee claims, improve the productivity of its purchasing by 4% to 6% a year, reduce fixed costs and development costs by 30%, cut logistics costs by 10%, and improve capacity utilization by 0.2 percentage point.


Mr. Streiff is also putting more emphasis on improving quality, and wants Peugeot-Citroen to become one of the top five European auto makers in terms of quality of service.


He also has set a target of making Peugeot-Citroen the world's leading maker of environmentally friendly vehicles, by reducing the carbon-dioxide emissions of its cars sold in Europe.

为了实现这一目标,公司计划在2010年推出混合动力车型,并在所有车辆中安装Stop & Start系统,在临时停车时关闭发动机,以达到减少尾气排放和节约燃油的目的。

To achieve this, it plans to launch vehicles powered by hybrid diesel engines in 2010 and equip all of its products with Stop & Start systems that reduce emissions and fuel consumption by stopping a car's engine when it isn't moving.

David Pearson
